Whistleblower: They, meaning Team XXXXX IMd me to say 'You and the Scotty character are real pieces of work.' That means we are right ;). They are PISSED. So keep digging and exposing those freaks
Me: Over the target! Drop more bombs
Whistleblower: They've been cyberstalking me
Seems like XXXX boy was playin' possum instead of chicken, He's giving them trouble now. Disney is stepping up the threats to Team XXXXXX [Good]
But they've know who I am for YEARS
Screw 'em
I'm not scared, their backers are cutting them loose
They are trying to save their own asses
No time for peons
As posted on my blog: tidbitsbyscotty.blogspot.com/2022/12/have-y… Below is the exact copy of the suggested letter to the Supreme Court Letter about the Election Fraud of the 2020 election and how we can lend our voice about this Election Fraud that has
I despise corruption and gutless Political Hacks that don't stand up for the People they Represent. This is directly aimed at the 384 Senate Members who did not stand up when needed. This is TREASON.
image source i have to keep anon: I was part of a research link/thing when I was young in the late 1950s, thru my dad. I've spent the rest of my life on this. It's pretty straight line stuff actuall