Some antivaxers are so thick, channelling all that middle aged divorced rage into maximum stupidity. I interviewed the great Matt Le Tissier on GB News yesterday to give him a platform for his legitimate questioning of the vaccine. Ofcom regulations mean I have to provide (1/2)
(2/2) balance & play devil's (govt's?) advocate, so I queried Matt's stance (also questioning & justifying a point makes it stronger). It was great to have Matt on.
The response from antivaxers? "WAH YOU'RE A GOVT SHILL"
They're literally furious that their views got airtime.
So anyway now I'm 100% in favour of lockdowns, masks, vaccines and daily boosters, but only for angry antivaxers who are still fighting lockdown like a Japanese soldier in the jungle in 1974 who still thinks the war is going on.
A Live Comedy Association rep defamed me as racist on Twitter (purely because I've voted Tory). It cost me work. Instead of deleting the tweet, the LCA sent me this letter confirming I'm not racist. It's as much use as a babysitter having a letter confirming they're not a paedo
Full story: A couple of weeks ago, I appeared on the Today show on BBC Radio 4 to talk about the lack of working class and right wing representation in BBC comedy, which draws a disproportionate amount of its talent from a small pool of privately educated Russell group graduates
(Russell is a category of university as well as comedian; ironically the Russell comedians had more plebian educations).
As a live comedian, my industry representation is the Live Comedy Association (LCA). Their Representation and Inclusion rep, Saima Ferdows, might reasonably be
Scotland's new Hate Crime Bill could criminalise comedians. Any "insulting communications liable to stir up hatred" - whatever that means, and however it's interpreted - will be illegal. It's so hazily worded, it's a pick-your-own law for politicians.
2/4 There doesn't need to be a victim, anyone can be offended by proxy on behalf of vaguely defined groups, and the Govt can add to the list of groups as they wish. No jokes that mention women, Catholic priests, French people - everything is potentially prosecutable.
3/4 And it's not just the comedian making the joke who'll be at risk - promoters, venues, directors can all be prosecuted over what the comedian says, piling on layers of self-censorship. Even me criticising this bill could be interpreted as an insulting communication designed
This might be a controversial opinion and I know a lot of people in comedy have distanced themselves because I don't stick to the liberal scripture, but I think woke white people trying to make things better just make things worse. Tearing down statues, vandalising war (1/3)
memorials, posting photos of books about colonialism they'll never read, cancelling much-loved TV shows, ostentatiously self flagellating in self promotional Instagram posts, renouncing their white privilege (as if it can be renounced) attacking people for the most minor (2/4)
misspeak. Half of it alienates middle England, half of it patronisingly others BAME people, and all of it is a self congratulatory pat on the back to themselves for being so noble and woke. None of it helps.
The guy in this photo, Patrick Hutchinson, is a genuine hero (3/4)