I see the hashtag #TrudeauMustGoToJail is trending right now. That's why I like to make my point very clear here. Justin Trudeau needs to resign from office and be investigated! Guys, prepare the cell already!
But joking aside, politicians and influential people must also be held responsible for their actions! Trudeau is not a case of his own, there are many famous people and politicians who should be brought to justice.
What makes me think this way about Trudeau? In Canada, you can simply have yourself killed as an adult since 2016. The killing of babies by abortion has already become normal anyway, but with March 2023 (That is already in three months) the killing of children
(EVEN WITHOUT CONSENT OF THE PARENTS) is gonna be legal. So you can kill babies, children and adults in Canada as of march 2023 and it is supported by the Canadian health system. This is an ideolgy like the Nazis had back then!
The Twitter exec writes she explicitly asked if there were "impediments" to the sharing of classified information "with industry." The answer? "FBI was adamant no impediments to sharing exist."
This passage underscores the unique one-big-happy-family vibe between Twitter and the FBI. With what other firm would the FBI blithely agree to "no impediments" to classified information?
At the bottom of that letter, she lists a series of "escalations" apparently raised at the meeting, which were already "handled."
BREAKING: A ruling has been made in @KariLake lawsuit against Maricopa County in regards to ballot inspection. The judge has granted (in part) Lake's request to analyze ballots as follows:
The rest of the order is linked in the next tweet. It prohibits the inspection of ballot envelopes. There is a hearing 12/19 on motion to dismiss, with evidentiary hearing already scheduled in the event that motion isn't granted.
Former VP of Global Comms Brandon Borrman asks, "Can we truthfully claim that this is part of the policy?"
To which former Deputy General Counsel Jim Baker again seems to advise staying the non-course, because "caution is warranted":
A fundamental problem with tech companies and content moderation: Many people in charge of speech know/care little about speech, and have to be told the basics by outsiders. To wit:
"Twitter Files" - Twitter's active intervention in politics and elections. (Part One)
What you're about to read is the first installment in a series, based upon thousands of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter.
The "Twitter Files" tell an incredible story from inside one of the world's largest and most influential social media platforms. It is a Frankensteinian tale of a human-built mechanism grown out the control of its designer.
(This is the second thread) This thread was not created by me. This is an archive of @curioslight's thread (I just want to save it here to avoid losing all this important information) Balenciaga & co must be unmasked! If the thread says "I" then it refers to @curioslight
Weird random stuff I found - Chris Maggio:
This is really disturbing, Cannibal Corpse is a metal band but still this is about the same subject. She also likes an artist named Claudia Mate, more about this artist: