The FBI is getting a new, $375 million HQ - final location TBD. Look for that to be a fight next Congress.
Retiring Senator Shelby already has several buildings named after him - this adds an FBI training center to the list.
In addition to a federal building, Nancy Pelosi also gets a fellowship program for foreign service.
The bill creates a pandemic czar, adding to our already bloated bureaucracy and giving the gov't even more avenues to stifle civil liberties in the name of "public health."
The EPA gets $10.1 billion, an increase of $576 million above FY22.
It includes $108 million for "Environmental Justice" activities.
The bill also allocates $900 million for land acquisition and related programs.
Doesn't the federal government own enough land already?
$166 million for neighborhood reinvestment activities.
@No_1Imp0rtant 1. Nope. 2. Nope. "Enforceable" 1% cap 2 yrs (of the kind Congress agreed to ignore every yr 2014-21). Yrs 3-6 just targets w/ no teeth. 3. Nope. Just expands existing work requirements for recipients aged 18-49 to ages 50-54 & creates 4 new exemption categories. Might REDUCE./1
@No_1Imp0rtant 4. Apparently true. 5. Nope. Only a $1.4B partial rescission of $80B Dems gave IRS last year. That's 1.75% of total and NO CONCEIVABLE EFFECT for 10 yrs to come. 6. Nope. Biden can waive the restriction and bill is explicit that waiver decision cannot be challenged in court./2
@No_1Imp0rtant 7. Maybe a little. For Joe Manchin's pet project. 8. Nope. Sorry, Newt, but this is just a false leadership claim. See #5 above. 1.75% cut is not "slash." Has NO IMPACT on FY2023 staffing spending by IRS. 9. Misleading. Suggests falsely a reversal of Biden forgiveness./3
@chiproytx And some descriptions are loose. "Minor 'work requirements' for SNAP & TANF" sound like at least something. But this only "gradually" broadens requirements for recipients aged 18-49 to extend up to age 54, and adds four new categories of exemptions. Might REDUCE scope.
Here are the Administrative PAYGO waiver provisions. The OMB Director can unilaterally waive the requirement that costly new administrative actions be paid for if the action “is necessary for effective program delivery.”
This program is toothless and will be waived perpetually.
Using state prosecutorial authority, especially in an unusual way, for political retaliation against a former president and/or to intimidate or manipulate his presidential candidacy violates the United States Constitution.
Everyone recognizes this is happening in New York. Some whose political spite for President Trump is boundless — and who may not appreciate the dangers of this precedent — are gleeful, but the fact that political motivations are operating no one really doubts.
For Americans who live in or frequent overwhelmingly Democrat urban areas, this is a cautionary tale. As the Left becomes more openly authoritarian, something of an Iron Curtain is descending on parts of the US in which Democrat power is unchecked. Wrong-thinkers are persecuted…
.@kielinstitute just updated its comparison of military, economic and humanitarian commitments to the Ukraine war through Jan. 15, 2023. Four charts tell the tale: This European conflict is being charged to Uncle Sam’s credit card (and Biden wants the limit increased).
The appearance that European central institutions have an edge in even one category — financial support for the Ukrainian government — is misleading. Europe makes loans; America makes grants.
Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently visited Congress to tell us that the United States should continue for as long as it takes. You don’t say.