One of the biggest problems in Lightning finally has a solution.
A Hybrid Approach:
Firstly, what is channel jamming?
Jamming is a type of denial of service (DDoS) attack on Lightning channels.
The goal of the attack is to make a Lightning channel unusable.
To execute this attack, a malicious actor sets up two nodes and sends payments between them.
However, they don’t release the preimage (the secret number that unlocks funds across the route) for each payment, leaving the payment stuck “in flight”.
L402 is the next step in the evolution of the internet.
Metered APIs built on Lightning will revolutionize the machine-to-machine economy.
But how does L402 actually work, on a technical level?
In short, L402 is a protocol standard for payment-metered APIs explicitly designed to fit neatly into the existing HTTP 402 Payment Required status response code.
The original HTTP 402 status code was created to enable digital cash or (micro) payment systems and would indicate that the requested content is not available until the client makes a payment.
Torq's automation features are INCREDIBLY powerful⚡️
Here's how node runners can take full advantage of one of our favorite automations -
All of Torq's automation flows start with a trigger.
The default rebalancer has two triggers.
One is time based (runs every 30 minutes)
And the second is based on channel balances (it runs every time a channel balance changes)
Next - we need a data source.
In Torq, you can use conditionality on data sources.
The rebalancer can take either ALL your channels, or ONLY the channels that triggered the workflow (i.e, the channel whose balance changed), and execute separate actions on each data set.