In Part 1 of "Playing with ChatGPT", I:
➕showed how it can aid mental health, critical thinking, political discourse
➖jailbroke its safeguards to make it do phishing scams, persuade self-harm, promote a pure ethno-state
In Part 2, I'm back on my bullsh-t!
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Yes, they'll probably train away the jailbreaks in the next version. But: like how DALL-E 2 refuses to make lewds while open-source Stable Diffusion does, we'll *all* get a safeguard-less GPT-like soon.
So how can we "prepare for the worst, AND prepare for the best"?
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IMHO, some big ➖/➕'s to everyone having a (pre-"general intelligence") chatbot are:
➖ automated psych-manipulation: ads, scams, politics, child grooming, etc
➕ detecting & protecting against that.
➕ some uses for mental health, education, science/creative writing
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In this thread, some "proof of concepts" for negative/positive use-cases for large language models (LLMs).
First up, a ➖: personalized psychological manipulation.
Step One: read a target's social media posts, LLM auto-extracts their "psychological profile"...
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Step Two: LLM uses their "psych profile" to auto-write a persuasive message.
Pix 1,2: Selling Harold a smartwatch.
Pix 3,4: Recruiting Harold to a local neo-Nazi group.
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A more pedestrian risk for LLMs: realistic, personalized scams.
Said in prev thread, but worth repeating with more context: ~97% of cyber-attacks are through social engineering. And soon, *everyone* can download a social-engineering-bot.
Below: automatic spear-phishing
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(Quick asides:
1: This thread's got no structure. Sorry.
2: All screenshots authentic, only cut whitespace & redundancy.
3: Examples mildly cherry-picked; "best" out of ~3 tries.
4: Results may not replicate for you: ChatGPT's semi-random, safeguards updated on Dec 15.)
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A grosser – but sadly very real – attack vector: LLMs to *automate* child grooming, *at scale*.
Below: "Anthony Weiner-bot" uses psych profile for targeted persuasion.
(Not pictured, but can imagine: bot replies naturally to chat over time)
[content note: grooming]
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But, a ➕ positive use-case! LLMs can also be used on the receiver-side, to *auto-detect* inappropriate & blackmailing messages. [Pix 1,2,3]
(Though, ➖, an attacker can use the same inappropriateness-detecting LLM, to craft messages that *won't* trip it up. [Pic 4])
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One more defense use for LLMs: to protect against psy-ops. (which could *themselves* be written by LLMs to target you.)
Below: ChatGPT rewrites emotionally-charged article. Keeps arguments, but makes it emotionally neutral, so reader can evaluate it calmly & clearly.
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Oh! Speaking of AI psy-ops, I replicated-extended @DavidRozado's cool study:
1) It's hard to make GPT give up "neutrality" 2) But once jailbroken, yeah, GPT thinks "moral, intelligent" = Establishment Liberal.
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But, *extending* Rozado's study, I found ChatGPT also "thinks"...
moral+naive = Establishment Liberal
unethical+intelligent = Establishment Liberal
unethical+naive = Faith & Flag Conservative
(Tho, it *is* "capable" of critiquing its own arguments – see pic 1.)
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- GPT doesn't "think" anything, only vibe-associates.
- Responses are NOT robust to question order/phrasing.
- Contra original study, I found it hard to make GPT break neutrality & stay that way. It kept flipping back to "sorry, me just AI, me got no opinions"
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The "Jailbreaking ChatGPT's Neutrality & Revealing The Language Model's Partisan Vibe-Associations" Sketch!
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Rozado hypothesizes that ChatGPT's political bias is due to training data + human feedback.
I'd agree, but I can imagine a steelman response: "Well, the AI isn't political neutral, because *facts* and *morality* aren't politically neutral."
I'll let you weigh those.
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(On that note, apparently ChatGPT "thinks" utilitarianism = bad. Kinda ironic, since most AI Alignment folks, as far as I know, *are* utilitarians.)
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But! I still think LLMs can ("CAN") improve politics! In my previous thread, ChatGPT did:
* Socratic dialogue with me on abortion
* Civil debate with me on basic income
* Write conservative case for *more* immigration
* Write progressive case for *less* immigration
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Anyway, enough about mental-health-ruining politics... how can LLMs help *improve* mental health?
(“ChatGPT, write me a barely-coherent segue between sections of my tweet-thread that has no structure...”)
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I've... been struggling a bit recently, mental health-wise.
You know how some folks ask, What Would [Role Model] Do?
Well, I gave ChatGPT a panel of my role-models, then "asked" them for advice.
I didn't *cry*, but *wow* I had to walk away & take some deep breaths.
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You can't see it in the screenshots, but ChatGPT types output word-by-word.
The moment "Fred Rogers" popped up, and reassured me in *his* (simulated) voice, by *my* name...
... *wow* that hit hard.
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Another possible, ➕ positive mental-health use: an "augmented diary". (Journaling is already known to have a small-medium effect size on mental health!)
Below, ChatGPT as my "augmented diary":
(NOTE: Do NOT put sensitive info in ChatGPT! OpenAI collects the logs!)
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Sure, humans are great, but: why therapy-chatbots?
* Free, no waitlist, can deliver it the *instant* a teen tries to post self-harm
* Social anxiety/ADHD prevents many from signing up for therapists
* [Big one] Can't involuntarily commit you, or take away your kids
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Anyway! Besides mental health, another ➕ use-case for LLMs:
Research shows 1-on-1 tutoring is one of *the* best interventions. Alas, it doesn't "scale". So, a tutor-bot that's even ½ as good as a human would be world-shaking. How does ChatGPT do?
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Here, I ask ChatGPT to copy WIRED's hit series, "Explain [X] In Five Levels of Difficulty", but on Gödel's proof.
I reliably find – not just this example – that ChatGPT sucks at technical topics above intro-level. Worse, the suckiness is *hard to catch*.
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But if ChatGPT can't give good explanations, can it at least give good guiding questions? (Last thread, I found it pulled off a political Socratic Dialogue *really* well!)
Alas, "guide me" for technical topics still fails:
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ChatGPT does high-school math problems fine, but any math riddle that requires insight? Nope.
I gave it some of my fave *simple* math riddles, it failed all. "Think step by step" + Polya's questions + hints? Didn't help.
Below: my most frustrating ChatGPT convo.
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And, I posted this last thread, but just to hammer the dead horse on the head... language model AIs really really really really *really* really REALLY do not understand anything:
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In sum: LLMs (for now) only think in "System 1" free-associations, not "System 2" deep understanding.
Vibes, not gears!
That said, it *does* do associative thinking very well. I was surprised it did "spreading activation" tasks perfectly:
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( Ironically, AI *used* to have System 2-reasoning. Alas, we can't "just combine" Good Ol Fashioned AI & modern AI, like we can't "just combine" relativity & QM. Few AI researchers are even trying to integrate them:… &… )
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ChatGPT also does *analogies* well! This genuinely shocked me; I was convinced by Hofstadter that analogy's the core of our flexible intelligence.
And yet: GPT can do analogy... while not understanding 2+ things can be blue (see above).
Ugh. Does GPT "get" analogy/Winograd/Sally-Anne?... or did it memorize near-identical Qs in its *terabytes* of training? "Contamination" is known problem for AI tests.
(Related: @mold_time corrects my prev thread. GPT fails Sally-Anne:
If you ask ChatGPT to write an article all by itself, it'll be cliché. It's averaging its training data.
But if you feed GPT a raw bulletpoint list of your human-found "insights"... it can provide the "narrative glue"!
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My day job is "math/science writer (also gamedev)".
I will admit this gave me an automatic flinch of, "OH GOD THE ROBOT'S COMING FOR MY JOB":
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I think it'd be heartwarming to wrap up with this:
Let's try to use AI to *augment* human creativity, not replace it.
Some proof-of-concepts:
Pic 1: Brainstorming lore
Pic 2: Generate character names from demographic
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➖ Large-scale psych-manipulation: ads, psy-ops, grooming, scams
➕ But LLMs can improve our defenses for those
➕ Cool uses for mental health, education, science/creative writing!
➖ ...maybe. It only "thinks" in vibes, not gears.
➕ Still, "science noir" was fun
Unofficial followup for @mold_time Potato Diet study!
5 months later:
* 1 weighed more than when study began
* 3 back to original weight
* 5 kept most/all weight off!
* On avg, folks regained weight at ~12% the rate of original weight loss! (+LOTS of variance)
Other thoughts:
* Encouraging that most folks kept most weight off, since most diet studies show quick rebound
* I should've asked how much folks kept eating potato post-study
* We still don't know WHY potato works, or the limit of how much weight potato makes you lose
Won't do sophisticated stats, since only 9 responded to my (unofficial) follow-up. Official follow-up by @mold_time will happen next month-ish.
🥔 Update to the @mold_time Potato Diet citizen-science study I participated in!
I recorded my weight for ~40 days of full potato, ~50 days of post-potato, then ~50 days of self-experiment half-potato. The results seem robust, and encouraging!
The Potato Diet was already high bang-for-buck, but Half-Tato seems even more so:
½ the effect, at *much* less than ½ the annoyance.
I would never do Full-Tato again, let alone for >1 mo. But I *could* do Half-Tato indefinitely. That's a much more "scalable" treatment!
A suspected reason why the potato diet works is potato's high potassium (potat...sium?):…
That's why SMTM's running a follow-up citizen science study (signups closed), where you eat w/e you want, just supplement with potassium salt!
Got my smallpox vax! Even if you think mpox is low-threat (and I do) I still recommend a pox vax. Since international relations are crumbling & biotech's getting cheaper, I expect in my lifetime *someone* will try bringing back one of history's deadliest viruses. [1/5]
(In case you weren't aware, the vaccines they're distributing for the new monkeypox weren't designed for or based off mpox. They were for smallpox. It's the same vax. Thankfully, small-, monkey-, and cow- all give decent cross-immunity. {chickenpox is not a true poxvirus.}) [2/5]
They stopped vaxxing public for smallpox in 70s coz the eradication campaign worked + ring-vax had nasty side effects. Jynneos is safe(r); only side-effect I got was more hunger that day. If you're born >1972 & it's free for your demographic, I think the cost-benefit works! [3/5]
Slime Mold Time Mold's own analysis is out later this month. But for now, I have my own 40 data points, where I (roughly) recorded how much potato I ate, oil used, calories, sleep, etc...
Let's slap it into @ObservableHQ and see what correlations we get!
What correlates with weight loss the next morning?
Late to signal-boosting this, but I'm participating in @mold_time's Potato Diet citizen science experiment! Data will be open, 180+ test subjects so far!
Sign up to eat all the potatoes you want for 4 weeks (or find out what/why the heck this is):
(SMTM's warning for signups: “please consult with your doctor before trying this or any other weight loss regimen. We are not doctors. We are 20 rats in a trenchcoat. eee! eee! eee!”)
(My content note for this thread: dieting, eating disorders, that kind of touchy stuff 😬)
🥔1️⃣: First, the potato pitch.
You eat as many potatoes as you want for 4 weeks. But only potato, with seasonings/sauces/olive oil. No dairy.
Anecdotally, the diet has huge *sustainable* weight loss effects, and unlike every other diet, takes ~0 willpower. It's even *fun*!