1/3 Here’s something interesting to think about. PulseBitcoinLock NFTs are supposed to help you HODL your PLSB bag. But the truth is. You could always sell your NFT on opensea. So what’s the point?
2/3 I would say the answer is that locking your coins in an NFT adds a barrier to you selling your coins.
3/3 if your coins are liquid in your wallet, it’s much more easier to sell than having to post the NFT on opensea.
Ok Im going to release the testnet version of the PulseBitcoinLock dapp for people to test. This is not for beginners so please only do this if you have some experience working with testnets and are "crypto savvy"
The dapp is deployed on the Goerli Testnet. When you visit the dapp it will prompt you to switch to the goerli testnet. Or you can just switch to that testnet yourself in m*tam*sk like this:
In order to do any transactions on the goerli network you need to get some GoerliETH. Just Google "Goerli Faucet".