2 years ago, I was out of shape and started a biz

Today we have 1000s of customers, $Ms in revenue, and I got into the best shape of my life despite working 60+ hrs/wk


Here are 60 practical tips on how I got a 6-pack working 60+ hrs/wk (#1 & #60 are the most important):
1. Workout first thing in the morning

I've tried every other time of day. The only sustainable time is first thing in the AM.

Ex morning routine below, it looks long, but truth is, it boils down to 3 things I do every morning:

1. Make my bed
2. Hydrate
3. Some form of exercise
2. Stick to a routine for 1 yr

I used to be obsessed with finding the "optimal" routine

But I started seeing the best results when I... just stuck with something

If you don't have a routine, try the below for a year, it's impossible not to see results.

3. Drink less alcohol

Alcohol is not ideal for muscle gain and fat loss

When I cut back on alcohol, the progress I saw in the gym was astounding

Listen to this podcast by @hubermanlab

4. Change your passwords to align with your goals

I thought this was voodoo magic at first but it works.

My password is a variation of a reminder to drink more water...

And I know drink COPIOUS amounts of water every day

Try it, it actually works

5. Know your why

I used to think this was kumbaya talk but on days when motivation runs low, your why will power you

Here are mine:
- Look good w/ my shirt off and Feel good
- See what my body is capable of
- World's fittest 100 yo + play with my grandkids (h/t @PeterAttiaMD)
6. Go to a gym you actually enjoy going to

Is @Equinox more expensive vs other gyms? Yup

But it's really nice and I enjoy going there every single morning

Will I go there forever? no. but it works really well for me for now

7. Stop trying to out train a bad diet.

For years, I'd bust my ass in the gym but I'd still be spinning my wheels because of a diet that wasn't dialed in, and crappy health choices on the weekend.

I'll say it again:

You Cannot Out-Exercise a Bad Diet

8. Buy blackout curtains for your room

Getting a good nights sleep is so crucial.

You can buy these on Amazon for <$100 and they make a massive difference.
9. Carry a sleep mask + ear plugs with you

In my backpack I carry ear plugs + a sleep mask

That way if I'm traveling, in a hotel, on a plane, or need to take a nap somewhere not in my house, I can get high quality sleep.

I recommend these brands (you can get them on Amzn):
10. Use smaller plates to reduce caloric intake

If you eat with a smaller spoon/fork + use a smaller plate, you actually trick your mind in to thinking you ate less.

Try it, it works.

This is known as the delbouf illusion
11. Don't sleep with your phone in your room

Once I started sleeping with my phone outside of my room, I would fall asleep faster, and in the morning get out of bed faster.

Why? Because if your phone isn't right next to you, you wont use it...

This works like a charm
12. Move every single day

Too many people equate rest day with "be completely sedentary day."

There is no need for this. Every single day, I move.

For me, even on my "rest days" = non weight lifting days, you can bet I'm going on a walk.
13. Focus on building muscle

While cardio & lifting weights are both important lifting weights is more important for body composition.

Check out the below thread for 10 tips on how to add muscle while staying lean

14. Keep your body sharp to keep your mind sharp

I don't naturally have ridiculous amount of energy and I am definitely not blessed with godlike genetics

Don't just think of exercise as a way to get in shape

Think of it as a way to "sharpen your mind"

15. You don't need more time, you need more focus

If you're busy now, you will only be busier in the future

You need to find a way to carve out some time *today* for your health

16. Work-life balance is a myth

Balance implies strict tradeoffs

Once I reframed this to *work-life flywheel* everything clicked into place

Reframe this in your head: you don't need to tradeoff work with health.

@JeffBezos on this below (h/t @Suhail)
17. Stay hydrated by leaving massive water jugs everywhere

I made it impossible for myself to not be incredibly hydrated.

How? I bought three massive water bottles and I leave two on each of desks in the office + one at home.

I now am the most hydrated person in NYC 😄
18. To lose fat you need to be in a caloric deficit

To see your abs you need to lose body fat.

And to lose body fat you need to be in a caloric deficit.

If the scale isn't moving, that means you are not in a deficit.

More on this below:

19. Eat .7 to 1g of protein per lb of body weight per day

You need to eat enough protein.

For me, to keep this simple I target 20 to 40g of protein per meal

If you aren't sure you're eating enough protein, track for a few days and adjust accordingly.
20. If you don't enjoy doing cardio, you haven't found a form of cardio you enjoy.

Pic another form of cardio until you do.

2 years ago, that was jumprope for me

Today, incline walking on the treadmill (12:3:30) is what I like

21. Do a dynamic warmup before you workout.

I got sick and tired of getting injured so I started warming up before workouts.

An ounce of mobility/stretching is worth a pound of injury prevention.

Rule #1 of longevity + fitness is don't get injured.
22. Constant cheat meals will ruin weeks of progress

If you need constant cheat meals then 1 of 2 things is true:

1. Your diet "sucks" meaning your diet isn't satisfying enough.

2. You aren't eating enough. This means you are in too aggressive of a caloric deficit.

See below:
23. You don't rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems

Everyone has the same combo of fitness goals: get in shape, get abs, feel fantastic etc

But not everyone achieves it.

Those who do focus on the system/process, not the goal.

h/t @jameclear
24. Abs are Made in the Gym But Revealed in the Kitchen

While you do need to lose body fat to show your abs, you also need to have abdominal muscles

I train my abs ~3x a week

Try the following routine (you'll likely have to build up to the 15 toe to bar leg raises, they're 🥵)
25. Lifting weights will NOT magically make you look like a bodybuilder

People: I DoN't liFT weiGHts bc I dON’t wAnt to lOOk bULky/liKE a bODybuiIdeR

The truth: You won't. Looking like a bodybuilder is HARD. It takes YEARS of effort in the gym.

Again: there are no shortcuts
26. Consistency > Intensity

Intensity makes a good story. Consistency makes progress.

- Training to failure every single time you lift

- Don't miss a workout for a year

Great tip from @DrCamRx below on how to not miss workouts

27. Sleep is a miracle drug. If you don't prioritize it, you will not lose body fat.

You're literally going head to head against Leptin and Ghrelin.

It's hard enough to lose body fat. Why go head to head against Leptin and Ghrelin as well?

h/t @sleepdiplomat
28. Walking is a cheat code for increasing your calorie expenditure

I try to walk as much as I can throughout the day

To clear my mind, to catch-up with a friend or colleague, to commute somewhere vs taking the train

29. Take creatine

Creatine != steroids

It's one of the most studied supplements out there with numerous benefits on physical and mental health

Listen to @drandygalpin and @hubermanlab below on this

30. There is no magic pill for fat loss (literally, fat burners don't work)

That's the tweet. There is no magic pill to burn fat.
31. You usually lose weight top down, bottoms up.

Ie you you might see it in your face and arms first.

The stomach is often the last to go. Don't give up early.

It's easy to give up in the valley of disappointment, but if you persist you will see results

h/t @JamesClear
32. Do the boring things consistently

Have a recipe repertoire, a go to set of meals you can reliably count on

80%+ of the time, I'm eating:
- Protein Shakes
- Cream of Rice
- Oatmeal
- French Toast
- Chipotle
- Sandwiches
- Greek Yoghurt + Fruit

33. Protein is a target, fat is a minimum, carbs are a lever

- If you don't eat enough protein you won't build / retain muscle, especially in a caloric deficit
- Without enough fat, your hormones + libido will get out of whack
- Carbs don't make you fat, too many calories do
34. Take progress pictures. You need "non-scale" victories.

Take a pic today. And then take one every few weeks on your journey.

There will be weeks where the scale doesn't move, but you will see visual improvement.

Stak the deck with "non-scale" victories
35. Never break the chain. And if you do, don't miss twice.

Many people let their diet or exercise regiment go off the rails as soon as they miss one day

Instead, focus on never missing twice.

Don't let a cheat meal turn in to a cheat weekend

36. Hunger is often times confused with dehydration. Try drinking a glass of water first.

not only will you be more hydrated throughout the day, but often times, you'll find that you were simply just thirsty
37. To avoid eating unhealthy food, don't keep it in your house or office.

The easiest way to break a habit is to remove the cue.

In this case, don't have the food in your house or office.

The easiest way to destroy bad habits is to "make them invisible."

38. Stop snacking.

If you have trouble feeling full, instead of snacking throughout the day, try eating 2-3 larger meals.

For me my main meals are typically a pre-workout meal, post-workout shake, lunch + dinner
39. Train harder than last time.

You need to progressive overload to build muscle. That means adding weight, reps, or time under tension.

Every time you lift try to do one of these things^
40. The gym can eventually become fun.

Our bodies are very special

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

- Socrates
41. Fight your sweet tooth with protein bars, not snickers

I have a sweet tooth as well. So when that craving comes, I will reach for a protein bar. It satisfies the craving, but gives me 20g+ of protein

(the french toast I make in 32. above is also 🔥 )
42. Pack your gym bag + gym clothes the night before

The hardest part about going to the gym is getting there

If you have your gym clothes ready to go and your pre-workout meal set, it's almost impossible to not go

Prime your environment to make habits easy.

Unbend the hose.
43. Getting started isn't hard. Consistency is.

It takes ~66 days to build a new habit.

If you can make it through 66 days consistently, you'll see results and then you won't want to stop.

Find a routine you can stick with for 66 days.

44. Take PEDs

And by PEDs I mean:
- Prioritize
- Execute
- Dominate

^ okay this was a joke. my serious point is:

you do not need to take steroids to get a 6-pack.

You can do it 100% naturally.
45. Build a sleep routine to fall asleep quickly

This. can be whatever works for you (reading, mediating etc)

If you have trouble with this try The Military Method (works for 96% of people)
46. Placebo yourself

If you do something that works for you, don't change it! Even if it's a placebo it doesn't matter.

This could be your pre-workout routine, the shake you make etc...


47. If you don't like cardio, try incline walking on the treadmill

12% incline, 3-3.5mph, for 30 min aka 12:3:30

It's brisk enough where you can text, email, scroll on Twitter, watch YouTube videos etc, but it still burns 300+ calories. This is also known as "habit stacking"
48. You can get an effective workout in from anywhere, without any weights. All you need is your body weight

There is no excuse not to get exercise in, even if you're traveling

Follow @jerryteixeira who has a ton of bw exercises you can do

49. Become CEO of yourself.

Love this tip from @DrCamRx

Treat your health like a business and build your foundation first.

50. Stop drinking your calories.

Outside of a pre-workout smoothie, I will rarely drink my calories.

It is nowhere near as satiating as eating and chewing your food.
51. You can easily undo 5 days of work with 2 days.

Focus on improving your diet on the weekends and you'll find that maintaining consistency is so much easier.

Most people have great diets on weekdays but slip on weekends.

Try focusing on improving the weekends instead.
52. Hack to stop eating at night: once you eat dinner, go brush your teeth.

Chewing mint gum also helps.

Get the food particles out of your mouth and it helps stop trigger your appetite.

For best quality sleep try to have your last meal 2-3 hours before sleeping as well
53. If you're not exercising because you are tired, I bet you are actually tired because you're not exercising.

Stick with your routine for a few weeks and you'll experience energy levels you never felt before.
54. Eat your fruit, don't drink it.

As much as I can, I will have my fruit raw vs blending it in a smoothie.

The main exception to this is if I'm making a pre-workout smoothie in the AM with a frozen banana.

Other than that, eating fruit is much more satiating.
55. Reduce your calories by 15% by eating without your phone

When you first do this, you'll feel weird and not know what to do with your hands (like Ricky Bobby)

But it works bc distracted eating is real

When you are on your phone your mind doesn't process it's full.
56. Make the gym a non-negotiable part of your daily routine.

You shower, you drink water, you brush your teeth, you eat.

You exercise.

That is the secret to showing up consistently day. after. day.
57. You don't "have to" you "get to"

This is another subtle, yet incredibly effective mental reframing for exercise.

I know there will come a time when due to old age, I won't be able to do half of what I can do now.

So I try to remind myself I "get to" as much as possible
58. Read "Why We Sleep" by @sleepdiplomat

You know you should sleep more, so why don't you?

Sometimes you really need to reframe the way you think about something to understand it.

Why We Sleep did this for me.
59. Buy an @ouraring

In addition to being a wearable that I think looks cool (I love the form factor) it serves as a daily cue/reminder to me to priotizize my sleep

I don't view thee things as expenses, I view them as an investment into my health

60. Ignore the crabs

You making a change & acting upon it is like a crab trying to crawl out of a bucket of crabs

People are reminded of their failure to take action and try to "pull you back down"

They will critique your diet, your exercise, and your focus, but ignore them.
annd that's a wrap. I hope at least one tip here provides tactical value

There are so many "non-exercise" reasons to prioritize your health

Getting in the best shape of your life can serve as an amazing catalyst, and the truth is, getting a 6-pack is the most trivial:
You'll gain unstoppable confidence

You'll believe in yourself more than you ever have before

You'll be a better teammate, friend, family member, and partner

You'll have more stamina in all aspects of life and work
And the best part is? Anyone can do it.

It will serve as a catalyst for achieving seemingly anything in front of you.

Just. start. today

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.

The second best time is today.

The hardest part about working out is getting started.

Once you've gotten started the hardest part is stopping.

I dislike new years resolutions.

because if you really want to change something, you can start today.

There's no need to wait until 1/1.

So get a head start on 2023 and make this the year you get in the best shape of your life

My favorite thing about fitness is that there is a never ending pursuit of improvement. So by definition, you have to fall in love with the process.

So what's the next challenge? Well, when you serendipitously meet former Mr. Australia on the sidewalk in NYC...

Stay tuned 👀
DMs open if you have any q’s about any of the tips above and you can also check out this thread in blog post form + other misc health and fitness tidbits I’ve written about on my blog below

And if you found something of value in this thread, please like/retweet the original tweet below to pass along the #gainz to others 😄💪 🙏

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