1. The DHS censorship scandal, which is far more shocking than the #TwitterFiles, is a tale of "Censorship Blackwater."
Just as DOD outsources "dirty work" overseas to private military contractors, DHS began outsourcing censorship "dirty work" to private mercenaries at home.
2. To help bring this DHS censorship scandal to life, it's instructive to see how DHS's "Blackwater" group, Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), sicced out and censored individual influential voices to take them out of the political influence equation for the 2020 election.
3. EIP and insiders at CISA (DHS's cyber agency) were freaking out in summer 2020 that Trump's social media megaphone was going to derail the political viability of using mass mail-in ballots for the election 5 months away.
June 22, 2020, this Trump tweet sent them into a tizzy:
4. On June 23, 2020, the very next day after Trump's tweet calling mass mail-in ballots "the scandal of our times," CISA & EIP had what they said was their "First discussion" of the censorship outsourcing operation EIP would do, mass flagging all criticism of mail-in ballots:
5. Again, I've played this clip a million times, but for those new here, CISA & EIP were explicit in confessing they knew CISA didn't have the legal authority to do the censorship directly, so EIP would be deputized to "fill the gaps" of things unconstitutional for DHS to do:
6. Now this part is EXTREMELY important:
EIP, DHS's "Blackwater" mercenary censorship group, didn't just mass flag posts. They did that. A ton. But it was way worse.
They COERCED (and bragged about it!) social media companies to EXPAND THEIR CENSORSHIP POLICIES:
7. I really can't emphasize this point enough.
DHS's "Censorship Blackwater" group didn't simply flag posts violating existing TOS.
They STRONG-ARMED the platforms into changing their TOS, and then mass flagged posts under the new policies they pressured them to adopt:
8. The man you heard confessing the whole plan above is Alex Stamos.
Thanks to EIP's status as DHS's formally deputized disinformation-flagger, Alex Stamos's censorship requests were given special priority, on par with the FBI and DHS itself. The latest TwitterFiles reveals:
9. There's so much more to this scandal but I started this thread bc I'll be talking about it on the Charlie Kirk Show & wanted to show examples of EIP targeting @charliekirk11 personally.
This is how DHS's "Blackwater" group justified censorship requests to Twitter censors:
10. DHS's deputized attack dog EIP further targeted @charliekirk11 as a "repeat misinformation spreader" for "asking questions" about the Sharpiegate narrative, which EIP bragged about pressuring Twitter/Facebook/Insta/YouTube/TikTok to all jointly censor at the narrative level:
Bad Kitty has published a very important series here, with a lot of details that I think need to be cleanly organized and sense-made for a wider audience so what she’s uncovered really hits home. I’ll be going over these on tonight’s sub stream at 10pm ET
2/ Remittances are when a migrant or refugee has money or makes money here in the US, and then sends money back to friends and relatives in their home country.
So, for example, Ukraine refugees who flee then have their lives paid for here by aid programs will send cash back home
3/ And indeed, this is one of the main reasons we import masses of refugees from conflict zones or war zones as part of a Pentagon effort to fund one side of a war or paramilitary struggle. The refugees’ network back home is one we want to financially capacity-build
If it weren’t for USAID’s censorship funding and NED’s censorship operational network, there would still be a free Internet in Brazil. And Jair Bolsonaro would still be its rightfully elected President.
The “Benz breaks news that seems too crazy to be true” to “Bombshell Congressional report showing everything is true” 2 years later pipeline remains undefeated 👑
The link for the original FFO report on all this (25 pages long, 250 hyperlinks, 15 embedded videos with confessions from all key actors involved) migrated to this new link since we first posted the above thread: foundationforfreedomonline.com/dhs-censorship…
2 weeks after Tucker interviewed Pavel, the CIA-founded Radio Free Europe (run directly by the CIA for its first 20 years), ran a long piece insinuating Russia was secretly controlling Telegram & Ukraine must seize control of it instead as a military intelligence imperative.
Straight out of a Benzpill lecture, the piece begins by lauding how wonderful Telegram is for (CIA-backed) rent-a-riots in Belarus, Iran, & in Russia itself. It applauded Telegram’s 2014-2020 era bc Pavel never gave in to the foreign gov’ts the CIA was using Telegram to topple.
72% of Ukraine uses Telegram. It was only 20% 2 years ago. So now everyone, including Ukraine’s military & high-level politicians, are all there using it for war & business. If Russia has a Telegram backdoor, the CIA-founded media org argued, Ukraine is totally, totally screwed.
pop star mega-hottie Dua Lipa was given a formal award by the Atlantic Council (Pentagon-funded, State Dept-funded, CIA cut-out funded) for using her activist voice & reach to promote NATO’s political objectives in the Balkans
I do feel, for science, I need to drop this in the thread for fellas to appreciate how effective this… NATO soft power technique… can be
The Atlantic Council has 7 CIA directors on its board, is funded by the Pentagon, the State Dept & cut-outs like the National Endowment for Democracy, and had a formal partnership to kick deal flow to Burisma