OK, what's going on in this photograph, when and where?
Answer: President Nixon and Pat visit apartment of son-in-law David and daughter Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Northampton, Massachusetts, January 1970. David was at Amherst, Julie at Smith.
Two years earlier, when LBJ said he would not accept another Presidential term, David Eisenhower was talking with his grandfather on phone and held the receiver in the air so that Ike could hear sound of the college students cheering.
General Eisenhower in Berlin, 1945--any other historical figures in the picture?
At age 28, JFK (in sunglasses) was accompanying Navy Secretary James Forrestal (in bowtie) through conquered Berlin.
In 1949, under psychological pressures of being first U.S. Secretary of Defense, Forrestal killed himself by jumping from tower of Bethesda Naval Hospital. Six months before his own death, in May 1963, JFK visited Forrestal's grave at Arlington:
The ex-White House Chief of Staff doing his thing:
During Nixon’s last days as President in early August 1974, some people noted the smell of smoke from West Wing fireplaces, where they suspected that incriminating documents were being burned.
Now in force, Presidential Records Act of 1978 was passed after rumors of Nixon White House burning of documents and Nixon's partly-covert effort to take his Presidential tapes and papers with him to California, where they were in danger of being destroyed.
Some U.S. Senators of 1960s and 1970s looked pretty similar--can anyone identify these?
So far, no one has correctly identified any of these U.S. Senators from the 1960s and 1970s.
Reflecting the insularity of American electoral politics for most of our history, Alben Barkley (Democratic Vice President, 1949-1953) and Adlai Stevenson (Democratic nominee, 1952, 1956) were cousins: