Investor Problem: Many desire cash pay structures, avoid equity, willing to go lower in return for higher certainty cash
Solution: 'cash pay preferred equity'
I want your thoughts / critiques! I may try to do this on an upcoming deal β¬
Issues with self-funded SBA deals:
-rarely pay out cash on schedule (first 3 yrs it's either tight or reinvesting in growth)
-risky for equity...sit behind SBA debt, a variable rate
-Many investors avoid equity. Increase pool of investors with certainty + cash pay (ex: my dad)
$5M purchase price
-$4.5M of pref equity, $500K seller note
-Pref equity has a CASH PAY of 10% annually
-Pref paid monthly just like debt
-possibly amortized over 10 years
At exit investor gets unpaid pref back + ~20% equity kicker
Returns: 14-19%
MoM: 2.4-3.7x
10 yr hold