Ready to audio record, all set from the prior meeting, #scbs0104
Meeting starting, called to order at 6:04 PM. Minutes for prior meeting voted, moved, second, passes 2-0-1 (1 absent) #scbs0104
Capital budget requests for discussion. Miriam Goodman walks thru the requests gathered, for preview before SchCom next week
1 Literacy materials proposed, approx 2,000 licenses, approx $400K
2 replace laptops, approx $87k, 4 year old units, TV studio equipment upgrade at $282k, 9 yr old units
3 Wheel chair van requested, increase in students driving need #scbs0104
4 food request (details not captured)
5 - Facility request for entrance traps Keller/Sullivan & Remington/Jefferson approx $80k for these
Beginning to pare back request due to meet targeted allocation by the Town, $996k. More likely to receive $400k or so; adjusting #scbs0104
Miriam recommends bringing the full amount forward to the SchCom but adjusting accordingly to account for the amount received ($400k) #scbs0104
Callaghan thanks Miriam for work and background on this,
(M Whitmore arrives at 6:17 PM)
Literacy materials still in pilot to determine which of the 2 they would choose, term for licenses also drives the pricing #scbs0104 van would replace an older unit and provide additional capacity (3 vs 2 wheelchairs)
Curriculum purchase does include licensing, training materials for teachers as well as student materials; the full package, haven't purchased ELA for 15 years. #scbs0104 this for K-5 grade and materials. Laptops come with the software so they are ready to go
Next up, ECDC enrollment. #boh0104 obligation starts at age 3, seeing greater enrollment of students turning 3, COVID related? Maybe or being evaluated as such, 17 students potential for enrollment, more staff, office space required etc. Increase would require a new classroom ..
Teacher, etc. Could be funded from the revolving fund. #scbs0104 teachers at ECDC do require certification and paraprofessionals for the classroom, at threshold for existing space, students. Looking to create a preschool requirement for a middle school classroom
Moving on the FY24 budget timeline, new governor starting, hence new timeline for the first release is beginning of March (hereafter Gov Healey will be required to do the 3rd week of Jan) #scbs0104 local and chap 70 is important but not anticipating major increases
No delay in our Town budget timeline given Gov first time delay, adjustments made later in the budget cycle anyway. #scbs0104
Motion to adjourn, second, passes via roll call 3-0 #scbs0104
Meeting called to order, Chair Mercer reads protocol statement #tc0104 the Chambers are full with members of the Franklin Chargers here to acknowledge their championship (and family)
Citizen comments, Rachel Plukas welcomes all to 2023, chair of Democratic Town Committee, responsive group, thank you for your hard work ! #tc0104
Motion to approve mins, second, passes 9-0 via voice vote, Dec 14 minutes motion to approve, second, passes 9-0
Franklin Panthers 4th grade football team won the state championship #tc0104
Chair Sweet opens meeting and then public hearing on the reflexology regulations proposal #boh0104 this had come up from 2 instances where the employees of said firms were living on premises. The proposal is to provide some regulations around controlling via permits
Meeting called to order a few mins past 7, Chair Mercer reads protocol statement on remote participation, etc. Also available via live stream and cable (Comcast/Verizon) #tc1214
Citizen comments, none in Chambers, none in Zoom land.
Approval of mins for Nov 2, second passes via voice vote 9-0. Motion to approve mins for Nov 16, second, passes also 9-0 #tc1214
Getting ready for the Economic development subcommittee meeting at 5:45 PM The full agenda doc also contains remote participation info ->…#edc1214
Chair Hamblen opens meeting at 5:47, all 7 members present for the full steering committee (that's the 4 council members plus 2 plng board and ZBA member) #edc1213
40r presentation, came out of the blue a few years ago, took time for DHCD to develop the regs 4 it
40r doesn't work as a prescriptive tool, takes 2 to tango to make the development works for both sides. #edc1214 (note if I tagged 1213 before that's a mistake, oops!)
Chair D McNeill opens meeting, 4 members present, 3 absent due to school concert scheduled for tonight. The agenda doc and remote participation info ->…#schcom1213
Student updates from FHS
Check video link for details Weds AM when the replay for this meeting is available via YouTube #schcom1213
Superintendent's report is posted on Weds AM after the meeting, redistricting update, working with AppGeo on data elements, website updated with info asked for this far, updates will continue, next meeting for the Advisory Cmte 12/20. 12/14 anniversary of Sandy Hook #schcom1213