I don't post often, but I do spend time tracking Nazis and reporting racism, antisemitism, and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric that causes real world harm. Twitter's becoming irrelevant, but I think we've done some good and made interesting discoveries.
In January we started very small, posting some tracking of serial harasser Dean Podesta of Plymouth aka "British Dean"
Thanks to efforts by many, Mr. Podesta received a court order forbidding him from operating social media. h/t @sundersays
@SunlightAFA So, nazi Nicholas Jonathan Gregory of Kannapolis, North Carolina reuploaded his disclaimer to hide from responsibility again, and has locked down Night Nation Review comments.
@SunlightAFA Please spend some on these action items and politely inform the numerous companies about the neo-Nazi who advocates for genocide who uses their services:
If anyone wants to listen to some AF groypers crying about their Twitter accounts getting banned there is a space being hosted by @/EidolonGroyper right now lol
I can't stomach any more of it tbh it's turned into a big Kanye West fest lmao
"I helped Paul Joseph Watson curate content" is one of the saddest claims to fame I've ever heard ngl
2. These accounts were tracked by many anonymous volunteers primarily focusing on racist, antisemitic, and abusive Twitter users from 2018-2022. Focus groups in this collection include The Shed, America First, AnitwtKKK, Nazis, Groypers, and other varieties of awful.
3. For years people have been taking abuse from many of these accounts. Harassment from many can be severe in nature, often bleeding into real life with attacks on friends and family members.
Fake Asian accounts operated by Nazis and racists have made a comeback this season. We noticed some Nazis following this ban evader with 3.5k followers... and then we found more.
Mini thread 🧵
Many users like this are inspired by the racist and homophobic "Weihan Zhang" accounts, which posted in broken English and drew on racist stereotypes for content.
It was prevalent in Nazi and right wing Twitter, and many racists still meme about it.
I'm sure there were many other iterations of the gimmick over the years, but here is a small sample of other ones we've seen since 2019: