Finally finished watching Uncut Gems. It was as good as everyone says! Amazing performances from the entire cast, and good lord it builds up so much TENSION & PRESSURE without ever feeling cheap! A 🧵... #UncutGems
Uncut Gems also does one of my favorite things you can do in storytelling. The plot is super engaging at face value, but it sets up a central metaphor that ties everything together beautifully. This is a film that truly works on multiple levels.
The key theme of Uncut Gems is pressure and how people react to it. There are so many cringe-inducing moments in this film! And the key motif is the coveted black opal, a precious gemstone formed by contents packed tightly under pressure over time.…
The opal is the perfect metaphor for how the protagonist of Uncut Gems, Howard Ratner, lives. Unlike most precious gemstones, opals are not crystalline (highly organized) in structure, they are amorphous (random and chaotic). But that's what gives them their unique beauty.…
Howard Ratner's chaotic lifestyle chokes everyone around him and puts them under extreme pressure too. For instance there's a scene where his wife, Dinah, squeezes herself into her old prom dress and gives him the evil eye.
To drive that metaphor home (literally!) on the car ride home following that scene, Dinah sparkles like a gem under the glow of passing lights.
Uncut Gems has a very consistent motif of sparkling lights and characters being lit up like the titular, highly coveted (or is it??) black opal. Not only is it pretty to look it, it adds a beautiful extra layer of meaning to these scenes!…
Uncut Gems also has a motif of people being packed into tight uncomfortable spaces. The most obvious being the armored liminal space leading in and out of Howard's gem shop.
There are so many other scenes with this motif. For instance the protagonist's youngest son tucked into bed as his father lays on the floor and ignores him for the dazzling lights of the big game.
Also the scene where the protagonist keeps knocking on his neighbor's doors looking for a bathroom (smallest room in the house) for his son. And then his son emerges, aware of his father's infidelity.
There's also the scene where Howard is voyeuristically eavesdropping on his girlfriend from the closet (another highly closed space) while examining her like a gem under a loupe.…
The climax of Uncut Gems has Howard trapping his enemies in the previously mentioned tiny armored glass entrance to his shop and they are FUMING. There is so much TENSION here!
There's so many scenes that fit these precious gemstone related motifs. It's tempting to conclude "you're just reading too much into it. These are just coincidences!" But I think that actually speaks to the power and flexibility of the central metaphor of the film.
And there are so many assurances from the film itself that yes this symbolism is intentional. Uncut Gems opens with miners digging for opals, zooming into the chaotic structure of the opal then seamlessly transitioning to Howard's colonoscapy!
What an amazing parallel between workers struggling in the mines, digging for precious stones and the doctor digging through Howard's colon looking for polyps and the film mostly consisting of Howard groping for a way out of his ordeal (but always digging himself a deeper hole!)
The film ends with a similar outro zooming into Howard and transitioning to the opal (and then THE UNIVERSE). It's so direct: Opal = Precious stone with amorphous structure created under extreme conditions = Howard/The Human Condition!
There's probably a lot of meaning in how the opals were discreetly sent to him, hidden in the bellies of fish, but I don't know enough about Jewish culture to speak with any confidence here (will try to educate myself tho!)…
I suspect the central metaphor of people being shaped by pressure like precious stones is also a commentary on the history of the Jewish people. There are so many layers to this movie, so many angles ... Just like an opal!
Really enjoyed this movie. Definitely one of those very literary kinda movies that you can watch over and over and keep catching new angles. I wanna say so much more, but I gotta get to bed. But one more thing, Kevin Garnett was really good! (This was his first time in a movie!)
Couple more thoughts: if Howard is an uncut gem, KG is a finely cut gemstone. As an elite among elite athletes, he has honed his mind and body under extreme pressure. And because of that he's just about the only character that comes out on top in the film.
The opal/formed-under-pressure motif also applies to the miners at the beginning of the film. They have to work under extreme conditions to dig up precious stones for others to get wealthy off of.
Early on there's a shot of an injured miner in the midst of a super tense crowd. He has a huge bloody gash in his leg, with his broken bones protruding out. Someone pours water on his wound. This parallels how opals are formed by rain and have a high water content.
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It's interesting how Nujabes ended up being unquestionably one of the most beloved and influential musicians of the 21st century. He wasn't necessarily revolutionary at any particular thing, but he hit on the PERFECT VIBE that everyone has been chasing.
Let's say that Samurai Champloo was where he was launched to international fame. It's been 2 decades since then. And every year since then, new music only sounds more and more like Nujabes.
You know the "Thing Japan" meme? How people often say "you only like that cos it's Japanese!" I'm so glad that basically NO ONE says that about Nujabes. Everyone I know that loves hip hop (and I mean REAL TRUE LOVE) loves Nujabes.
🧵The Western take on Yoshitoshi is that he was a tragic figure waging a lone war against industrialization and modernization. A war that he lost and thus the traditions he championed died with him. It's a romantic notion that also satisfies tons of biases.
🧵But it's so far from the truth. Yes Ukyo-e fell out of favor for more modern methods of reproduction like photography. But it never died out. For instance there was the Shin-hanga (新版画) movement of the early 20th Century, whose purpose was to keep Ukyo-e alive and evolve it.
1. Manga has been more popular than Marvel or DC comics in the west for decades now
2. Marvel & DC =/= All American comics. Dog Man is one of the best selling books (not just comics) in the US. Americans definitely still enjoy reading American comics!
In fact, there have been times where Dog Man has been the #1 best selling book in the US overall!
Dog-Man is the most popular comic in America, outselling any manga. But for some reason it's not really considered a comic by most, i guess cos it's for kids? Where are the articles about how Dav Pilkey is a threat to Superhero comics lol
Listening to this nice piece on the film "Living" and how the author, British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro was inspired by the Akira Kurosawa film "Ikiru," an internationally beloved classic whose title means "To Live."…
The piece drops the ball at the end tho, when the narrator says that the film "is not just a remake" and they have a Brit critic that goes "'Ikiru,' by Kurosawa, seems to be a film about Japan, 'Living,' by Ishiguro and his colleagues. seems to me a film about humanity"
Like WTF
What does that mean? Ikiru has been widely regarded as one of the "great films" internationally for decades. It's obviously very universal in its appeal. How is it that "Ikiru" being set in Japan makes it "about Japan" but "Living", being set in the UK, makes it "about humanity"?
Sometimes I think about when Hail To The Thief dropped & this one music critic called it pretentious pap saying Thom Yorke simply screams the words "PENETRATION" over and over in 2+2=5. But the actual lyrics are "we are not even PAYING ATTENTION" lol
Oh man this album rules. It brings back so many TERRIBLE MEMORIES lol. But in a good way!
I think There There is one of Radiohead's best singles. Such a rich, downbeat, groovy, anxious sound. And what a perfect message for the times. "Just cos you feel it, doesn't mean it's there." Tough pill to swallow. But sometimes you really need to hear it