US, 2021: Court awarded over $ 860,000 in lump sum payments, and several thousand dollars in recurring annual payments, after a woman suffered neurological injury and/or transverse myelitis following HPV v@xnation.
One Mother’s Experience with #HPV Vaccine Damage - After HPV vaccination, Paige was diagnosed with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, a newly identified autoimmune disorder causing severe neurological symptoms.
A judicial panel had issued an order consolidating more than 31 lawsuits brought against Merck & Co. for injuries allegedly caused by its #Gardasil human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
“ As of February of 2020, 441 Gardasil claims have been filed in the VICP for 15 deaths and 426 injuries that occurred after HPV vaccination. Of those, 134 resulted in compensation for the victims”…
Young child died from autoimmune epilepsy, a condition she suffered following administration of the HPV v@x, per the parent’s testimony.…
Person suffered GBS and/or acute disseminating encephalomyclitis ("ADEM") as aresult of receiving the Tdap, hep. B, IPV, MMR, hep. A, and HPV v@xines.
Court has directed over $1 million lumpsum & thousands of $s recurring annually as compensation
US: Child suffered from autoimmune limbic encephalitis, intractable epilepsy & developmental delays following HPV 💉.
Court ordered damages: $1.5 million lump sum & over 120,000 in recurring annual payments…
A woman suffered significant aggravation of pre-existing acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (“ADEM”) and/or multiple sclerosis (“MS”), following HPV 💉.
Court ordered $350,000 in compensation…
Minor child developed optic neuritis as a result of receiving the HPV, Hepatitis A, Meningococcal, and Tdap v@xnations.
Court ordered over $206,000 in compensation.…
Minor child suffered from transverse myelitis (“TM”), encephalomyelitis (“ADEM”), neurogenic bladder, and subsequent conditions following receipt of flu, HPV & Hepatitis A 💉s.
Court ordered $185,000 in compensation.…
Woman suffered from chronic neutrophilic urticaria following HPV v@x.
Court ordered $210,000 in compensation.…
Person suffered chronic joint pain & fatigue following receipt of the HPV 💉.
Court ordered $28,500 in compensation.…
Person suffered pancreatitis and blood clots following receipt of HPV, TDaP & meningococcal 💉s.
Court ordered $25,000 in compensation.…
Person suffered from headaches, dizziness, photophobia,
vomiting, subarachnoid * hemorrhage after receiving HPV 💉.
Court ordered $10,000 in compensation.…
Female suffered macrophagic myofasciitis (“MFF”) after HPV 💉.
Court ordered $350,000 in compensation.…
Female dveloped a reactivated Epstein Barr virus infection and aplastic anemia after HPV 💉.
Court ordered $70,000 in compensation.…
Female suffered GBS after HPV 💉.
Court ruled that condition was caused by the 💉 and petitioner was entitled to compensation.…
Female suffered from polyarthritis, polyarthralgia pain syndrome, seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, hip impingement syndrome, acetabular labrum tear, and snapping hip syndrome after HPV 💉.
Female suffered from GBS after HPV 💉.
Court concluded v@x caused the condition and ordered $1.4 million in compensation .…
These are the list of other post vaccination injuries for which compensation was affirmed by court in US (tracked individually in this thread, scroll to the top to read)
Of those receiving at least one dose, 192 reported one or more AEFI events. Of the women who received HPV vaccine 958 were hospitalized and 19,351 had an ED visit within 42 days of immunization.…
Hundreds of lawsuits filed in NC against HPV vaccine maker Merck - Since 2022, Merck has faced nearly 200 lawsuits nationwide from plaintiffs, who say they have suffered from serious autoimmune and neurological issues after getting the vaccine
#Australia Three young women developed premature ovarian insufficiency following quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination The unrelated girls were aged 16, 16, and 18 years at diagnosis…
Unilateral Cervical and Supraclavicular Lymphadenopathy After Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination the appearance of the lymphadenopathy post receipt of the vaccine
15-year-old girl who developed rapid progressive muscle weakness soon after the third injection of a bivalent human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine died of respiratory failure 14 months after the onset of the disease.…
DTP, and DTP with OPV were both associated with increase in infant all cause mortality.
(Mogensen et al.)
Another study that observed that DTP only vaccines were associated with increased mortality in children 9-35 months of age,
There is a widespread disagreement within the medical ranks as to the value and safety of the #BCG #vaccine . Controlled trials have found extremely variable immunity in #vaccine recipients
Study from India: “BCG-Russia with or without OPV had no effect on neonatal mortality” . A study of 2 randomized trials found BCG vaccine had no positive impact on neonatal mortality. (Jayaraman et al.)
1.5 months old child died 12 hrs after being administered with the #polio vaccine in #Cachar #Dholai, #Assam on 21st Dec
@MoHFW_INDIA @himantabiswa @PMOIndia