So I've covered Asheville city hall for most of 20 years. They are already scrambling to try to make sure they change *nothing* in the face of the massive public outrage about the water. 🧵 about their tactics and some ways to stop them... #avlgov#avlnews
Asheville city gov, like many others, has three main tactics to tamp down public outrage: deflect/delay, co-opt and outright repression.
They've already started deflect/delay, blaming the water crisis on the weather... #avlgov#avlnews
...when the crisis was caused by Asheville gov incompetence, arrogance and nearly 20 years of letting the system crumble by charging big business ridiculously low water fees.
In addition to excuses, they're deflecting/delaying by promising to form a committee... #avlgov#avlnews
City gov committees are a joke. Their purpose isn't actually to change anything, it's to bury change and delay/deflect public outrage by promising that a "committee's working on it." If the committee proposes any actual changes #avlgov will ignore them. #avlnews
Ironically the far-right's helping them in this by putting the blame for the water crisis on #avlgov supposedly pouring millions into reparations and removing the vance monument. This is racist garbage, and false. #avlnews
Asheville's government didn't even want to remove the vance monument until public forced their hand, and they have spent a minimal amount on "reparations," mostly on outside consultants, and have already said Black communities will not get land or direct cash #avlgov#avlnews
All the things Asheville's government is actually pouring cash into to the detriment of the water system, like cops and handouts to the wealthy, are all things the far-right likes and wants even more of... #avlgov#avlnews
The way around Asheville gov's delay/deflect tactics is just to refuse to play along with them. Ignore the committee idea. If you're going to meetings make them miserable, laugh when the mayor says some bs. Prevent them from pretending everything's moving along #avlgov#avlnews
One of the things that really scares Asheville gov about the water crisis is that people aren't buying their spin, are directly talking about their own experiences and are not holding back their anger. Keep doing that. If they don't like it they can always quit #avlgov#avlnews
Speaking of, if anyone in charge at @CityofAsheville was actually sorry about the water crisis the mayor, city manager, water director and literally every p.r. hack would have quit. They haven't? Keep making staying in office miserable for them as #avlgov has made you... #avlnews
Same with the water rates. Bring up that Raytheon pays less than half what a school teacher does for a gallon ofcity water.
Since deflect/delay isn't exactly working for Asheville gov, expect them to shift to co-option... #avlgov#avlnews
When Asheville city gov does co-option they lean hard on their friends in the non-profit complex. So expect more establishment orgs to put together moderated forums focused on "solutions" (i.e. keeping everything the same) #avlgov#avlnews
They will try to split off some of an enraged public into long processes that #avlgov controls and that accomplish absolutely nothing. Ignore them. If Asheville's non-profit complex solved anything this wouldn't be one of the least livable places in the u.s. #avlnews
Yet again, you and your neighbors' justified anger at what was done to your communities is a surer guide to what to do. Insist on organizing and deciding on action yourselves, outside of #avlgov and non-profit complex. #avlnews
Lastly, Asheville government will turn to repression. When people get angry at tomorrow's council meeting, for example, expect the mayor to invoke some made-up rules of decorum ("no clapping" is her favorite, only ever applied to critics of #avlgov) and demand compliance #avlnews
Locals will then be threatened with arrest for not following the bs rules the mayor made up.
Do the opposite of what they say. If they say don't clap, do. If they say silence, be loud. They don't have the cops to arrest a crowd and they don't want the headlines #avlnews#avlgov
Outside of Asheville city meetings, expect #avlgov to threaten any independent organizing around the water crisis. They've done it with those helping defend the unhoused (and even the journalists who covered them). #avlnews
Remember when Asheville city hall wanted to ban food aid? That stopped because people refused to play their games, got angry and didn't back down.
The nice way always fails. Rage and relentlessness work. #avlgov#avlnews
P.S. If demands are something you want to organize around, they need to be things that will do actual disruption to these systems, like mass firings/resignations, ending water shutoffs, major hikes to water fees on big business (and lowering them on residents) #avlgov#avlnews
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Said this a lot before, but the wider prevalence of at-home tests (which don't make official tallied) means that case counts aren't a reliable indicator of a covid surge and haven't been for a long time. Pay attention to test positivity and wastewater.
Every dot represents a whole house/apartment where people actually lived until they were kicked out to bring in more asshole tourists. There are over 2,700 in Asheville. This is a fundamentally evil industry #avlgov#avlnews
Since I first visited the site in late April, 90 whole home/apartment airbnbs added near Asheville. That means 90 households kicked out or denied housing in just a few months. #avlgov#avlnews
#avlgov willingness to ignore/make exceptions to the airbnb ban is a huge part of the problem. In december they relaxed the rules to be even friendlier to airbnbs. Passed 6-1, with both mayor Manheimer and "progressive" challenger @KimboRoney supporting airbnb landlords #avlnews
So @CityofAsheville just canceled public meetings about an unpopular land swap they'd planned to do with Duke Energy. Would destroy one of the last dense patches of trees in downtown and one of the last parking lots locals can easily access... #avlgov#avlnews
Wide backlash to project in recent weeks, from locals and some biz owners. Sizable city hall parking lot is right next to the current substation and could easily be used to expand it, but that would mean #avlgov bureaucrats would lose their special job perk parking spots #avlnews
There's also the role that Asheville city government's rubber-stamping of rampant hotel growth has played in straining downtown's infrastructure. When #avlgov says "critical to power reliability" they mean "we must feed the hotels" #avlnews
Yankee gentry don't get the shit kicked out of them nearly enough.
1) Queer leftists warned for years that a particular brand of coddled bigot, especially prominent in the jacobin "left," were just going to end up outright reactionaries
2) Spoiled aristocrats embracing rabidly far-right views ain't a new fad, including in nyc
Addendum: Despite the marketing, fascism isn't a populist phenomenon. Based in swaths of upper-middle and upper class just like these chucklefucks.
Also if bigotry stays unchecked long enough doesn't matter what "left" views someone starts out with, they end up on the far-right.
Asheville city council meeting's started. Council unanimously votes to allow council member Antanette Mosley to attend remotely.
Meanwhile locals are required to attend in-person to speak. Covid rates here are currently sky high... #avlgov
This is grotesque, mayor Esther Manheimer, who personally sanctioned a crackdown on anti-raxiat demonstrations and targeting of queer and trans mutual aid activists, is currently lauding Stonewall, a riot against the cops... #avlgov
Allison Scott, council candidate and management at the gentry gay org Campaign for Southern Equality, is accepting the pride proclamation after Youth OUTright refused due to @CityofAsheville crackdowns and queer and trans mutual aid #avlgov
Yeah, maybe a hierarchical non-profit complex primarily devoted to internal control and setting up a class of gatekeeping "leaders" isn't a solid vehicle for social change.
Maybe that was never the point of it and now even their rank-and-file are realizing that.
The most vicious internal attacks I've seen on the left, hands down, have been leaders/orgs in a position of influence trying to hold on to power and cover up corruption, bigotry and abuse. But it's always grassroots call-outs that get the lion's share of the blame.
The piece has an assumed deference to leadership, a glossing over of specific grievances (including rampant corruption in at least one case) and an unwillingness to seriously look at exactly how awful the record of the non-profit complex has been, for decades.