And imagine if you revealed the FACT that one chief complaint about the Twitter Files -- the only one implicating Joe Biden -- is that #mattydickpics is angry that he can't see Hunter Biden's dick on Twitter.
Even better, point out that the dick pics #MattyDickPics is outraged he can't see were sent as part of a coordinated campaign by Guo Wengui.
The reason Jeremy Bertino said he didn't want anything to do with Joe Biggs' attorney Daniel Hull was not the seeming tie to a deposition about his own stabbing, but what happened in fellow Proud Boy Jay Thaxton's deposition before J6C.
One thing Hull did repeatedly was to try to ascribe Thaxton's knowledge of things like the Proud Boy Ministry of Self Defense thread to @RawStory's @jordangreennc. Just good journalism.
Nature recently found that, "exposure to the Russian [internet troll] influence campaign was eclipsed by content from domestic news media and politicians."
In September 2017, I wrote that the RU campaign was, "the equivalent of throwing a few matches on top of the raging bonfire that is the well established, vicious, American-funded inferno of far right media."
ABC's @KFaulders probably owes taxpayers more context about what @JamesComer is doing with his gavel--he's holding a hearing on why Twitter took down revenge porn.
It is a fact that James Comer has made, as his top priority, a hearing on why he wasn't able to see Hunter Biden's dick pics before Biden was elected.
@KFaulders@JamesComer I mean, at least ask Comer to go on the record about why Hunter Biden's dick pics are his top priority before you give him a headline.
Of group 1, the classified docs were mixed in with personal items and clippings. That might just suggest that Trump had returned entire boxes.
Except he reportedly curated those boxes (and told NARA they were getting 12 but sent 15).
Still, it was intermingled.
We don't know about group 4, the two docs found in November, but it is most equivalent to this -- forgotten in a storage closet not being accessed every day.