@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone I watched "Revealing Ukraine" from beginning to end and and it was monumentally stupid. The nuclear montage at the end was particularly heavy-handed, and trying to tell the rest of the world we shouldn't care when Russia invades was absurdly tone deaf.
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 2. There is "no peace" and "control over parts of the territories has been lost" because Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. #RevealingUkraine star Viktor Medvedchuk supported Russia's invasion.
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 5. #RevealingUkraine keeps mentioning the "bloody war in Donbas" without mentioning that Russia started the bloody war in 2014 and was obliged to withdraw all Russian troops under Minsk II.
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 6. Phobias are irrational. Ukraine's "radical hysterical Russophobes" were speaking truthfully and rationally about Putin's 2014 invasion and were vindicated by Putin's 2022 escalation. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 8. According to OHCHR, Ukrainian protestors were killed by "commanders and servicemen of the Berkut special police regiment". Russian mercenaries also "took part in the events in Ukraine (Maidan)". #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 10. "Many Ukranians hate Russia so much" because Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 while denying involvement in the war they started. Russia's 2022 escalation internationalised and justified this hatred. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 12. It's "easy" to think of Russia as the aggressor because Russia invaded Ukrainian cities in 2014. The Ukrainian army is bombing and shelling Ukrainian cities occupied by Russian Federation soldiers. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 14. Ukraine's eagerness to join the EU and NATO is not "aggression". Putin's decision to invade Ukraine was Putin's choice. There was no "aggression against Russia" before Putin's 2014 invasion. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 15. "Every Russian accusation is a confession." @TheOliverStone should been worrying that Russia would use Russia's already-hot 2014 war in Donbas to push Russia toward an even hotter 2022 war with Ukraine backed by the EU and NATO. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 16. It's true that Ukraine fared poorly compared to Belarus and Russia. But Ukraine's EU neighbours are even more successful. Putin is trying to take Ukraine at gunpoint because Ukraine chose to follow Poland, Hungary, and Romania into the EU. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 22. The US also interfered in Ukraine. Manafort helped Yanukovych beat Tymoshenko in 2004, then failed to register as a foreign agent but #RevealingUkraine doesn't want to get into the details for some reason.
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 23. It's fine to visit foreign contries to investigate opponents if a candidate has significant dealings with those countries.
GRU hacked the DNC twice. Timed the release of documents to encourage Trump to lift sanctions in place for annexing Crimea. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 23a. I get that plenty of Ukrainian nationalists didn't want Trump to win because Trump was seen as pro-Russian. But "Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022 to save the integrity of American elections" is going to be a difficult argument nonetheless.#RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 25. Putin commands the Russian army. Russia "stirred up aggression against Russia right at Russia's border". Russia is to blame for what's happened. Russia's 2014 invasion of Ukraine and the 2022 escalation are Russia's fault. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 26. Russian tanks invaded Ukrainian cities. Russia is to blame, and now the world is united in sanctions against Russia. It matters who starts first. Russia started first. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 27. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are NATO members on Russia's borders. These countries are not "hostile". Ukraine is not "hostile". Ukraine just wants Russia to leave it alone and let Ukraine make their own decisions. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 29. Here's the money shot. Tone-deaf as the rest of the film. Everyone in Ukraine is fighting for their survival against Russian aggression because Russia is seeking to erase Ukrainian the people, culture, and identity not just their President. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 30. Medvedchuck was never "in favor of an independent Ukraine". Medvedchuck was paid generously to be Russia's quisling in Ukraine. "Ties with Russia" are impossible after Russia's 2014 invasion and 2022 escalation. #RevealingUkraine
@lopatonok@ZelenskyyUa@TheOliverStone 31. And that's the film. To be honest I'm disappointed that they didn't start talking about Nazis. Still no rationale for Russia invading Ukraine. #RevealingUkraine keeps talking about how Ukraine will make a provocation and Russia will be forced to invade. Eat shit @lopatonok.
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@Kuperman2020 Your new article is deeply flawed. Please consider these corrections. 1. This conflict started in 2013. Yanukovych was elected by russian-speaking Ukrainians promising to sign a trade agreement with the EU. Russia imposed Budapest-breaking trade restrictions to break the deal.
@Kuperman2020 2. The "Ukrainian right-wing militants who started the violence in 2014" were Yanukovych's right-wing "Titushky" militants who started beating journalists in May 2013. kp.ua/summary/394666…
@Kuperman2020 3. Yanukovych's "decision" to pursue Russian rather than European cooperation was coerced by trade restrictions and threats of war. Sergei Glazyev threatened Russia would void the border treaty, start "separatists movements", and intervene to protect them.
Let's turn a critical eye to all the things Tucker Carlson alludes to. Putin is bad. Tucker's list shows why. 🧵 1. Putin murders his political opponents. His dictatorship is supported sham elections. Putin hasn't defeated a serious opponent in decades.
2. Ukraine banned the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for collaborating with soldiers invade Ukraine. The Orthodox Church of Ukraine teaches the same religion without reporting to Moscow and operates normally. unherd.com/2022/12/the-uk… x.com/JayinKyiv/stat…
3. No language is banned in Ukraine. russian was removed as a state language. Ukrainians can speak russian if they want. They can't demand government services in russian. Crimeans are punished for speaking Ukrainian.
Not breaking news. Common knowledge: Russia's economy is _really_ fucked and it's all because of Putin's disastrous war.🧵
1. Every month the "market rate" for new russian recruits rises exponentially. Cheap, gullible soldiers are already dead. Remaining men understand how few of them will return alive to spend their money.
2. Unemployment is very, very low. No free labour means companies have to poach other companies' workers by promising higher wages. It's a bidding contest for workers. Higher wages are good, right? tradingeconomics.com/russia/unemplo…
"Victoria Nuland and Geoffery Pyatt planned regime change" is 100% russian propaganda. 🧵
Late January: Maidan protests began late November after russia forced Yanukovych out of the EU Association Agreement. Yanukovych was looking for a compromise... reuters.com/article/world/…
26 January: Yanukovych publicly suggested Arseniy Yatsenyuk could become PM. Yatsenyuk didn't want to work with Yanukovych and publicly refused the offer. web.archive.org/web/2014020217…
28 January: Yanukovych already had a prime minister. Mykola Azarov didn't appreciate the public humiliation and resigned, leaving Ukraine with no prime minister. reuters.com/article/world/…
On 25 June 2024 @Bloomberg reported a unanimous European Court of Human Rights ruling that Russia committed 16 violations in #Crimea of the European Convention on Human Rights. Bloomberg skeptics should read the court's decision. 🧵
1. ECHR judges found russia was responsible for human rights abuses because abuses were repeatedly committed and officially tolerated, even after the case was filed. hudoc.echr.coe.int/%7B%22language…
2. ECHR judges unanimously found russia denied Crimeans the right to fair trial due to "the application of russian law" throughout Crimea by courts not considered "established by law". hudoc.echr.coe.int/%7B%22language…
The dumbest people on Twitter say "NATO" justifies russia's 2014 invasion & 2022 escalation. A multidimensionally, fractally wrong argument.🧵 1. Putin spent the 2000s declaring Ukraine a sovereign state with the inherent right to join or leave military alliances including NATO.
2. In late 2010 @MedvedevRussiaE and Yanukovych signed the Astana Declaration, recognising all countries including Ukraine had the right to choose or change their security arrangements, including treaties of alliance. osce.org/mc/74985 osce.org/mc/87214
3. In 1990 US secretary James Baker suggested that Final Settlement discussions "could" achieve an outcome where NATO would not expand "one inch to the East", but they "did not have German agreement". Baker's proffer was never negotiated or finalised. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_on…