"Since the passage of FNFMA, 335 First Nations have chosen optional path of participation in the FNFMA — more than half of all Indian Act First Nations...The FNFMA framework & institutions have enabled First Nations to collectively secure" 1/12
"an intern'l, investment-grade credit rating & access $2 billion in private capital through FNFA, creating over 14,000 new jobs in the process. This platform has further empowered First Nations gov't's 2 generate over $1 billion in tax revenues, empowered by FNTC." 2/12
"Stronger gov't's, flourishing economies & secure revenues have supported capacity of First Nations 4 self-determination & lead 2 improved socio-economic outcomes, including community services & infrastructure." 3/12
Let's recall in 1995, based on 1969 White Paper, PM Jean Chretien imposed an "Inherent Right" 2 self-gov't policy that recognized "Inherent Right" in abstract not 2 any group & w/ pre-conditions 2 negotiations that convert legal status of FN's into ethnic municipalities. 4/12
To support his 1969 White Paper "self-gov't" objectives PM Chretien tried to pass an Indian Act Amendment package (Bill C-79) in line w/ "Inherent Right Policy" to convert Band Councils into legal [white] persons (corporations) in Canadian law. the Chiefs killed the bill. 5/12
From 2000-2003 PM Chretien tried to revive Bill C-79 again with First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7), but with help of NDP & BQ the Chief's stalled the Bill until Chretien left politics & it died! 6/12
But to support his 1969 White Paper model of municipal self-gov't, PM Chretien got Parliament to pass First Nations Land Management Act & First Nations Fiscal Management Act to assimilate First Nations into Canada's property & tax systems as the White Paper intended! 7/12
Harper killed the First Nations Statistics Institute, but supported the 3 Fiscal Institutions: First Nations Financial Management Board, First Nations Finance Authority (Loan Fund & Bonds), First Nations Tax Commission. 8/12
The Financial Management Act Institutions were set up by PM Chretien to help support municipal self-gov't. That's why the Indian Act Bands and Reserves are the basis for the "Roadmap" from "poverty to prosperity" of the FMA Institutions. 9/12
The FMA Institutions "Roadmap" says their plan is the way to implement section 35 & UNDRIP & Member Bands have borrowed & raised money through bonds & taxation, but it's based on Crown delegated Indian Act By-Laws or alternatively self-gov't municipal "jurisdiction". 10/12
RCAP recognized 60-80 Indigenous Nations in what's now known as Canada & recommended Nationhood 4 self-determination NOT Band self-gov't! Indigenous Nations are best suited 2 take on federal provincial & territorial gov't's NOT Bands-Organizing needs 2 start from ground up! 11/12
In June 2023, feds are issuing an action-plan to implement Canada's domestic version of UNDRIP (Bill C-15) what many of us call CANDRIP! That action-plan will be based on the status quo (land codes, taxation, land claims & municipal self-gov't)! 12/12 #WiseUp#RiseUp#Sovereignty
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As I’ve been warning Grassroots First Nations Peoples the writing is on the wall!
Canada’s National Plan is to replace the Indian Act Bands/Reserves with Municipal Self-Government Agreements and Self-Government Legislation. 1/6
Ontario Regional Chief Benedict, as Grand Chief of Akwesasne, was leading the Akwesasne Self-Government process. 2/6
There r 5 Robinson Huron Bands that have already chosen 2 become Indigenous Municipal Gov't's through Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement Legislation & more Bands like Whitefish River First Nation Peoples are scheduled to vote on entering self-gov't Agreement legislation. 3/6
In my opinion, the "Collaborative Process on the Second-Generation Cut-off and Section 10 Voting Thresholds" is part of Feds implementation of their interpretation of UNDRIP, which I call CANDRIP, the Bill C-15 National Action-Plan Measures," 1/11
"from the First Nation Priorities Chapter provides that:
“Civil and political rights (UNDRIP articles 6, 7, 9, 17, 33, 35, 36)
“The Government of Canada will take the following actions in consultation and cooperation with First Nations:” 2/11
“Support the adoption of Bill C-38, which seeks to address discrimination in the registration and membership provisions of the Indian Act. (Indigenous Services Canada)” 3/11
55 years ago Liberal gov't of PM Pierre Trudeau & his Min. of Indian Affairs Jean Chretien issued a 1969 White Paper on Indian Policy 2 eliminate legal status of "Indians" via various measures-See Sally Weaver's book "Making Canadian Indian Policy-The Hidden Agenda 1968–1970" 1/6
In 1971, in response to wide First Nations opposition, PM Pierre Trudeau publicly withdrew 1969 Termination Plan. Here is the evidence the federal bureaucracy continued to implement the Termination goals up to current Trudeau gov't's "Reconciliation"! 2/6
In 1971, in response to wide First Nations opposition, PM Pierre Trudeau publicly withdrew 1969 Termination Plan. Here is the evidence the federal bureaucracy continued to implement the Termination goals up to current Trudeau gov't's "Reconciliation"! 3/6
A Manitoba Chief recently asked me at a meeting "where's your red cape"? I was confused at first then I got it. It was a shot at my strong advocacy for First Nations rights. I've heard other Chiefs say I'm too critical of government "you can't bite the hand that feeds you"! 1/9
I've worked as an advisor & policy analyst for Indian Act Chiefs & Councils and establishment Chiefs' orgs-like AFN-for decades now. I started working at NIB in 1981, just as Canada's new constitution was being negotiated & sent to England for ratification & signing by QEII. 2/9
As an experiment-in 1990-I helped create Liberal Party of Canada's, Aboriginal Peoples Commission & served as VP-Policy from 1990-1994, during time of death of Meech Lake Accord & Quebec & Canada attack on Kanehsatake & Kahnawake & 1993 Liberal Redbook & majority gov't! 3/9
CANDRIP (Bill C-15) Nat'l Action-Plan includes Measure #23 for Trudeau gov't to unilaterally issue a "public statement" to "withdraw the Comprehensive Land Claims & Inherent Right Policies...public statement will include the extinguishment of rights is not a policy objective" 1/8
In 2019, Trudeau & Horgan gov't's got their partner the BC First Nations Summit to jointly issue "Recognition and Reconciliation of Rights Policy for treaty negotiations in British Columbia" renewing the BCTC process w/ its flaws. 2/8…
UBCIC Member First Nations were excluded from development of 2019 BC Treaty Negotiation Policy, likely becuz they opposed BCTC Treaty Extinguishment Process from its beginning in 1992. 3/8
By June 21, 2023 Trudeau gov't will give Parliament it's CANDRIP (Bill C-15) Nat'l Action-Plan 2 continue its 4 Termination Policies (self-gov't, comprehensive claims, specific claims & additions-to-reserve (until reserve is eliminated) & assimilation land & tax legislation! 1/5
Authentic self-determination (not feds municipal self-gov't policy) is antidote to colonialism--because of SCC burden of proof in Canada, this requires research, mapping & planning! 2/5
Federal plan is well underway to transition Bands & Reserves (First Nations) into 4th Level Indigenous Municipal Corporations, this includes phased elimination of reserves into private property (fee simple) 3/5