1/ I shared this tweet yesterday- and highlight keywords in it - but the whole thing continued to bother me. The complete manipulation of the wording of the entire tweet.
So I took a minute to break it down, piece by piece, into a thread.
2/ So let’s start with the first line-
"The way we are handling it in NYC" - It’s false appeal to authority.
@aoc has no jurisdiction to handle anything there, she is a rep to the federal gov for her district.
She can speak on their behave, but has no state or local authority.
3/ Next up- "Not Force people"
This gives the impression “we could do this, we have the power to do this but we aren't going to utilize that power.”
It is not true, but it plants the seed of power - hers over you.
4/ Now the part I highlighted yesterday- "Folks can keep..."
As if she is granting permission. Allowing you to keep what you have, and not send the appliance SWAT Team after you.
Also, pushes the idea of her being generous in doing so.
5/ "New buildings in NYC"
There are no (or very min) "new buildings in NYC.”
There are old buildings that are restored, or demolished & rebuilt, but the resources (water, electric, gas) already exist.
So this line shows false growth and forward progress, "building new”
6/ Last part of the tweet-
"As for federally..." again her authority, this one she does somewhat have.
No confirmation CPSC is even doing this (they aren’t & she knows that). If they do she will really look at it & it's going to be strenuous on her, but she will be thorough.
7/ That's one tweet.
We intake so much information daily and have no idea how much of it is intentionally structured; made to have this type of manipulative effect.
I always think of this specific rebranding when I notice these things, “public servant” to “public official”
8/ It is not only politicians, the media or all that ilk, that do this.
You can see it one here with grifters, and even some “regular” accounts.
The use of innuendos, click bait, coy wording - plants a seed.
Take from all this what you will. Thanks for reading.
2/ In 1942, Lt. Bob Prause was the Executive Officer on the legendary CGC Escanaba. During a convoy escort in the North Atlantic, the cutter depth charged 2 German U-boats—one confirmed kill, one likely.
3/ Hours later, a U-boat attacked the convoy northeast of Cape Cod, sending nearly 170 men from the USS Cherokee into the icy sea. Lt. Prause, determined to save as many as he could, had shipmates hold his legs while he was lowered over the side.
On a frigid night in February 1943, a German torpedo slammed into the side of troopship, Dorchester. While the heroism of the Four Chaplains is well-known, another hero that night was a Coast Guardsman - who made the ultimate sacrifice - so others may live.
2/ Charles Walter David Jr., Steward’s Mate First-Class, was aboard the CGC Comanche, one of three Coast Guard cutters escorting a convoy that included the Dorchester and other vessels through the perilous waters of "Torpedo Alley” in the North Atlantic,
3/ when at 0055 hours on February 3, 1943, the Dorchester was hit by a torpedo in her engine room. The explosion disabled the ship's power, preventing it from sending a distress signal or sounding the abandon ship alarm.
1/ The story of a young Coast Guard staff officer that volunteered to lead troops in support of WWII’s Operation Overlord through the German controlled city of Cherbourg, secured the port on a gambler’s bluff and freed the captured American paratroopers held there.
2/ The Coast Guard, renowned for its maritime service, saw its members called to action beyond their usual roles during WWII. One notable instance is Coast Guard Commander Quienten Walsh.
3/ While assigned to the Logistics and Planning Division, Walsh crafted a strategy to secure the Port of Cherbourg. Walsh's innovative but risky plan involved a specialized reconnaissance team, which he would train with and lead, to land on Utah Beach, on 9 Jun 1944.
1/ Fight or flight? A question facing Americans today - to recoil from the cities, from institutions, from society or to fight. It is a question the Boers also faced when the British gained control of South Africa in 1806.
2/ For half a century the ununified, individualistic Boers, who just wished to just be left alone, fled. That is until the First Boer War in 1880 when for the first time, the Boers decided not to run from British oppression but to fight.
3/ The Boers who had been fleeing the British Empire across the frontier, from Natal to the Orange Free State to Transvaal decided they would flee no more.
In 1652 the Dutch East India Company established a victualling in Cape of Good Hope, South Africa to provide safe harbor and provisions for their ships conducting trade around Africa.
2/ For the next century and a half the Dutch colonists, Boers, developed the land, that is until 1815 when the British took over control of the colony through the Treaty of Paris after the Napoleonic War.
3/ As the British moved in, the Boers started The Great Trek towards the East to escape British oppression, being forced into the lands of the Zulus by their European brothers.
A short shorty on how the Revenue Cutter Service herded reindeer across Alaska to save over 200 trapped whalers:
1/ During the harsh winter of 1897, eight whaling vessels,comprised of 265 crewmen, were unexpectedly trapped in the Arctic ice near Port Barrow, AK. The whaling companies, fearing their men would perish from starvation due to their limited supply of food,
2/ pled with President McKinley to render assistance. President McKinley, aware of past Arctic expeditions performed by the Revenue Cutter Service, awarded them the opportunity to render assistance to the distressed whalers.