Crimes imputed to the Patriots: 1) 2nd 3rd 5th 6th Terrorist acts including those preparatory to the law; 2) 13,260 Art 288 Criminal Association; 4) Art 359 1 Violent Abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law; 5) Art 359 Coup d'Etat; 6) Art 147 Threat;🧶⤵️
7) 147 Persecution and Incitement to Crime 8) Depredation of Public Property.
No individualization. As if the 800 people had performed the same acts, even for people who didn't even leave the HQ.São #MaisDe800PoliticosNoBrasil, under the new Communist Government, in just 9 days!
Child “terrorist” being scanned by metal detector. This is the picture of the new democracy installed in Brazil. This photo has to travel the world! #MaisDe1400PresosPoliticosNoBrasil
@tvglobo organizes profile con-tra & gol-pe & bra-sil and they are denouncing brazilians social media profiles on the internet. Very serious this 🚨 #MaisDe1400PresosPoliticosNoBrasil
UPDATE HELD IN THE DF: ⚠️ Custody hearings continue in virtual modality. ❌ NO ONE is being released. 🖊️ Magistrates only reinforce the questionnaire made by the PF and send it to Min's office. Moraes. 🔏 Analysis of requests for freedom will only be decided by the STF.
Former minister Raul Jungmann, who commanded Public Security in the @LulaOficial and @MichelTemer Defense governments, silenced the CNN bench, which was interviewing him on William Waack's program. He bluntly said that an invasion of the Planalto, Alvorada and Jaburu Palaces🧶⤵️
was impossible.
In the basement of the three palaces,there is a permanent guard with 40 men trained and armed to the teeth.
They have permanent communication with HQ, and the authority to call for reinforcement even for battalions.
The headquarters of the Army HQ is 5.0 km🧶⤵️
from Praça dos Três Poderes.
A few warning shots, rubber bullets, tear gas, had dispersed the few invaders of the Planalto Palace. The majority were in Congress and the STF.
Brazilian woman, white, who participated in the acts of January 8, cowardly assaulted by a police officer. Was she dangerous? #MaisDe1400PresosPoliticosNoBrasil
In chaos, learn to listen and observe “the adversaries”…
Dirceu's "analysis" of what happened in Brasilia on 01/08/2023 is curious. He claims that there is responsibility of the Minister of Justice, that is, of the current Government. #MaisDe1400PresosPoliticosNoBrasil