Thread of the most cringey, embarrassing establishment perception management being done around Zelensky and Ukraine, in no particular order. Suggestions welcome.
Westerners are so brainwashed by propaganda that more and more of them are starting to believe that China wants to invade them. Why would Beijing want to rule over a bunch of white foreigners, idiots? Do you think China has a desperate shortage of cheese knives and mayonnaise?
I'm not exaggerating. This is an actual propaganda narrative that is taking root in western consciousness.
This sleaze is tweeting blatant lies about me from behind a block; I've never once made any claim about crisis actors in Syria. Bio says "Lecturer of international politics and human rights; researcher on conflicts and misinformation; @Columbia postgrad; words in @washingtonpost"
To substantiate her "crisis actors" claim @florida_sophia lists my article about a brazenly propagandistic "interview" CNN did with Bana Alabed in which the child is plainly reading from a script. That's not what "crisis actors" are.
@florida_sophia The interview was plainly scripted; the eight year-old child is not making up complex analysis on the fly, she is very obviously either reading or reciting words that were given to her by adults. Anyone watching with intellectual honesty will admit this.
If the logic that "there are no innocent Russians" because the Russian people have a moral obligation to overthrow their warmongering government were evenly applied, it would also apply to Americans. Even more so, really, since their government is vastly more warlike than Moscow.
Per the "there are no innocent Russians" argument, Americans should be banned from participating in international events. Americans should be kicked out of foreign universities. People should stop playing Hollywood movies. Mark Twain should be banned from schools.
Putin would have to work very, very hard to catch up to these numbers. If Russians have a moral obligation to overthrow their government, then so do Americans. Topple the US empire, tear down the military-industrial complex, and create a peaceful system.
One of the main differences between myself and other commentators who talk about an elite conspiracy to implement an authoritarian dystopia is that the others warn that we are being pushed toward this dystopia while I insist that we're already there and have been for generations.
When I say we're in an authoritarian dystopia a lot of people assume I mean things like vaccine mandates or gun laws or paying taxes, but I actually mean something far, FAR bigger than that. I mean we're all in a psychological prison built by the powerful to control how we are.
The Orwellian dystopia isn't some danger that exists in the future; it's here presently. It just doesn't look like what Orwell imagined. Our rulers are getting everything they want out of the current dystopia, just as they would in societies envisioned by dystopian novelists.