#aitodo dub-con to con sort of, teacher/student, blowjobs, a little degradation, aizawa is a little mean

this is different than what i originally wrote but i might edit that and post it at a later date since i did like it a lot. it was just too long for a birthday fic
this starts off fast. i tried writing a smut fic without 2k words of buildup

start ⬇️
“class dismissed. todoroki, a moment,” aizawa’s stern voice announces. his classmate’s rejoice and hurry to pack away their belongings.

shouto watches them file out the room, talking and laughing. he gives izuku a reassuring nod when his friend gives him a concerned look.
katsuki glares at him and shouto rolls his eyes at him, unfazed by the blond’s show of concern. he’ll be fine, he thinks. it’s just aizawa

his two best friends leave together, casting him a final glance, and then it’s him and aizawa alone in the classroom.
shouto watches, blank-faced and rigid, as aizawa saunters up to him. he doesn’t recall doing anything out of conduct, but maybe he did and just didn’t realize.

yet, instead of standing over shouto and glaring at him, aizawa gets on his knees right next to his desk.
“sensei?” he asks, confused at the action.

aizawa stares at him, face blank much like shouto’s own. “happy birthday, todoroki,” his teacher states.

before shouto can open his mouth to thank him, aizawa’s mouth is on his neck, licking and kissing him. it’s light, but a lot.
“wh-what?” shouto gasps, melting at the feeling of aizawa’s soft, so soft, lips and scratchy stubble against his sensitive neck. prickly and smooth at the same time.

“happy birthday,” aizawa murmurs against his neck. “let me take care of you,” he whispers.
shouto’s head is dizzy with confusion and arousal, not sure if he wants it to stop or if he should let this continue. aizawa has never done something like to this and it’s a little alarming. should he be worried?

“se-sensei,” he breathes out.
“hmmm yes?” the man murmurs, letting his hands trail down shouto’s sides, setting each nerve ending aflame.

“what— a-are you feeling okay?” he asks, voice tight and brow glistening with sweat.

aizawa pulls back, his hands still on shouto’s sides but his eyes serious.
“i’m fine, todoroki,” he responds. shouto wants to cry. then why is this happening?

“why are you doing this?” he asks, letting his neutral facade bleed away into something a little more frazzled.

“it’s your 18th birthday. i’m giving you a gift,” he answers simply.
and then aizawa is sinking lower, his hands finding shouto’s zipper. “you can stop me if you want. no hard feelings. but i do give great head,” his teacher boasts, barely casting a glance upwards.

shouto whimpers, wordlessly lifting his hips to help aizawa pull his pants down.
is he really doing this? fuck, he is. he really is.

aizawa hums thoughtfully, eyeing shouto’s cock and balls critically. “not too bad, kid. smaller than i imagined,” he states, like he’s grading shouto. it makes him squirm in place and his dick jerk a little.
“oh you liked that?” aizawa smirks, wrapping his hand around the head, palming it and running his thumb over the slit. “how about an in-depth review?”

shouto whines, bucking his hips into the hand on his cock. he wants it.

“ah, ah, ah. take what i give you. don’t be greedy.”
aizawa is soft but stern, still critically eyeing shouto’s cock, his hand slower and his thumb rubbing languidly. it’s not enough, it’s too much.

“a nice 5 and a 1/2 inches, cut, curves to the left, not too veiny, slender,” aizawa lists, meticulous and scruntizing.
he feels like a show dog. he thinks he shouldn’t like the feeling as much as he does but still, his dick jumps again and he makes an embarrassed noise at the back of his throat. aizawa grins at him. devilish and a little crazed.
the hand on his cock speeds up just a little and shouto starts panting a little, so worked up from such a little touch.

aizawa is so observant of his reactions, knows how to make his body tick and his brain melt and he’s never even touched shouto before. is he that obvious?
“a perfect cock for a perfect little hero. it fits you kid,” aizawa praises, but it doesn’t sound proud. it’s got an undercurrent of something a little bitter tasting, a little rubbery. shouto can’t put his finger on it when aizawa has /his fingers/ all over his dick.
“please, sir,” shouto gasps, watching as aizawa’s thumb digs down into his slit. not too hard, but enough to have shouto’s toes flexing in his shoes.

“oh, begging already? so easy, todoroki,” aizawa laughs, switching from palming his cock to slowly jerking him off.
those fingers, those tough and rough callouses, take their time going up and down his shaft, dizzying shouto’s head even more.

“relax, kid. i’ll take good care of you,” aizawa insists, bring his lips to mouth at the tip of shouto’s cock.
“hnng,” shouto jolts, lurching forward at the sensation. aizawa, in turn, sets his hands on shouto’s thighs, pushes them out, and leans forward to swallow his cock in one good.

shouto, instinctively, tries to bring his knees together, but aizawa’s strong hands stop him.
he’s left to writhe and wither at the mercy of such a skilled, experienced mouth. he whines and gasps and bucks his hips, but aizawa keeps sucking. bobbing his head his hair falling like a curtain over his face.

“o-oh sensei,” shouto breathes, hands going to aizawa’s hair.
the friction slows with the speed of aizawa’s mouth, going from a furiously bobbing to a gentle springing motion. up..and down, up..and down. shouto breathes with the speed of aizawa’s ministrations, easing his breathing into something that sounds more human and less bulldog.
when he’s calmed, aizawa pulls off, nuzzling the space between shouto’s groin and thigh, kissing gently.

“oh was that too much? we can go slower, i’ll take my time with you if you want,” aizawa murmurs, his eyes hooded and dark as his lips dance over shouto’s pale skin.
how can aizawa look so hot and take up so much space, even from his knees? even as he looks /up/ at shouto and wraps his mouth around shouto’s cock. even with shouto’s fingers digging into aizawa’s hair, clutching the strands, aizawa still holds so much power over shouto.
it’s suffocating in the best way, like shouto could drown in aizawa’s presence. let himself be swallowed by aizawa’s dark gaze and consumed by his rugged hands.

shouto can only whine in response to aizawa’s taunt. because it was too much, but it was absolutely not enough either.
“sweetheart, give me an answer,” aizawa provokes, gently squeezing shouto’s thighs.

“m-more, please,” shouto hiccups, turning to wipe his eyes with his shoulder. aizawa gives him a smile, something between soft and vicious. shouto didn’t know aizawa could be so expressive.
“good boy,” his teacher whispers right before taking shouto’s cock in his mouth again, this time focusing on the tip. he sucks and hollows his cheeks around the head, his tongue playing with the slit and scooping up the pre-cum that leaks.
shouto is paralyzed, frozen by the pleasure. he feels aizawa’s tongue swirling around the head, getting his saliva and shouto’s own pre-cum everywhere.

“oh god,” shouto gasps, tugging on aizawa’s hair when the man hollows his cheeks and /pulls/ on shouto’s tip with his mouth.
“sensei, o-oh,” shouto keens, lifting his hips from the seat, wanting to push his cock further down aizawa’s throat. however, instead of giving him his wish, he pulls off.

“tsk, tsk, todoroki,” he teases, shaking his head in faux disappointment.
“i told you to take what your given,“ he growls, moving one hand from shouto’s thigh to his hip, pushing down to keep him in place.

“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” he repeats, his voice cracking. he’s never needed something as much as he needs aizawa’s mouth on his cock.
“shh shh shh,” aizawa soothes, dragging his thumb up and down shouto’s thigh. “you’re okay. i bet this is all new for you,” he coos.

shouto shakes his head. no, he’s had blow jobs before. aizawa only chuckles and shouto gives him a weak glare.

“oh what?” he taunts.
“i’m /sure/ you and your friends play around and touch each other, but i bet none of them know how to touch and play with you as well as i do,” he purred, sickeningly sweet.

shouto breathes, trying to steady himself, as he says, “they’re, ah, not that bad.”
“a glowing endorsement,” aizawa snorts softly, bringing his hand from shouto’s hip to grab his balls instead.

shouto’s breath hitches in his throat. every time he gets his breathing under control, aizawa is back to fluster him again. he’d be annoyed if he didn’t like it so much.
“so sweet,” he whispers. “so soft, not that much hair on these little things.” aizawa tilts his head to the side as he inspects shouto’s balls further, just like he did with his cock.

shouto lets his head fall back, his chest heaving from the slightest touch of aizawa’s fingers.
“cute little walnuts,” he praises, using his fingers to give a little pinch to the skin on his sac. shouto jolts, full body, as he groans and his cock leaks more pre.

“oh, that was a good reaction. didn’t think you’d be into something like that,” aizawa teases, rubbing his sac.
“pl-please sir,” shouto cries, wanting so badly to come. this is best and worst blow job of his life. he feels so good, so so fucking good, but aizawa won’t let him finish and it hurts and shouto is ready to beg all night. he just needs to come.
“you wanna come?” aizawa asks, his hand fondle his balls as he leans closer to shouto’s cock.

shouto lets out a sob. “pl-please,” he pleads, his voice not loud or grating, but filled with desperation on the same. aizawa looks at shouto with something that feels like triumph.
“alright. i’ll help you cum, todoroki,” he murmurs, and then he back on shouto’s cock, his hand still playing with shouto’s testes, rolling them lightly.

aizawa’s tongue laves against the bottom of shouto’s cock, focusing on the vein that runs underneath.
“thank you, thank you, thank you,” shouto chants with tears in his eyes, pulling on aizawa’s hair to keep him on his cock.

aizawa hums as his mouth teases the tip again, twirling his tongue and sending vibrations up his shaft and straight to shouto’s brain.
shouto inhales sharply, grinding his hips up in hopes of shoving his dick down his teacher’s throat. but aizawa has too strong of a hold on his thigh and doesn’t even react when shouto pulls on his hair.

it’s infuriating and really fucking hot.
instead of whining and fussing like he so desperately wants to do, shouto takes a shaky breath and tries to release the tension held in his hips.

it only serves to make the sensations more pronounced and thus, turning shouto’s head into a fuzzy, water-logged mess of feelings.
shouto knows it doesn’t take long until he groaning and grunting with tears in his eyes, the heat in his belly coiling so tightly it almost hurts.

“m’ g-gonna cum!” he warns through gritted teeth.
he forces himself to watch aizawa suck and pinch and lick him until he’s shooting ropes of seed into aizawa’s mouth, moaning and rutting his hips the entire time.

“th-thank you,” he squeaks out. but otherwise, he doesn’t say much, just makes pathetic little whimpering noises.
shouto lets his eyes fall shut when he starts riding the lows of his orgasm. he’s spent. who knew being on the receiving end of a blow job would be so exhausting.

shouto doesn’t react beyond parting his lips when he feels aizawa press against him for a kiss.
aizawa kisses his, running his wet, warm tongue around shouto’s lips and coating them with his saliva. shouto goes to deepen the kiss instinctively, remember parts of what he learned from playing around with katsuki and izuku.
aizawa lets this happen, going as far as to push his tongue into shouto’s mouth and transferring his spit with it. except, there’s a lot more spit than shouto would have expected.
aizawa pulls away from the kiss. shouto opens his eyes, ready to ask what happened when aizawa’s hand covers his mouth.

“taste yourself, todoroki,” he orders in a quiet, rumbling tone.

shouto looks up at his teacher in shock. taste /himself/?
he put shouto’s own cum in his mouth?

“swallow it,” aizawa grounds out, staring down at shouto with heavy, dark eyes that make something in shouto’s spent cock stir in excitement.

shouto, being the good student he is, swallows the load in his mouth. he tastes bitter.
aizawa takes his hand away and without being asked, shouto opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue to prove that he did swallow all of it. he did follow orders.

“oh, good boy,” aizawa praises, grabbing shouto’s chin with his hand and squeezing his cheeks.
“happy birthday, todoroki,” aizawa says, leaning closer until he’s right next to shouto’s ear. “i hope you enjoyed your gift.”

and then, he’s gone, leaving behind a lingering touch on shouto’s jaw.

he sits there for a few minutes, legs splayed open still and cock hanging free.
shouto licks his lips and taste the remainders of himself and aizawa on his skin. he wants to savor it.

after a few minutes, shouto is able to tuck himself away and pull his pants up. he stands on shaky legs and swings his backpack over his shoulder, ready for a nice nap.
on his way out of the classroom, shouto thinks about maybe returning the favor on aizawa’s birthday. that’d be a nice gift right?
~~~~~ END ~~~~~

not my favorite thing but it was fun writing shouto. i think it might’ve been a little awkward but shouto is a little awkward so i don’t care. happy birthday shouto

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