5 Backend web development you can learn as a beginner.
1. Django
- Model-View-Template framework
- Simpler to optimize and create SEO-friendly websites using Django.
2. ExpressJS
- Minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework.
- You can use the same programming language (JavaScript) for both frontend and backend web development.
3. Spring Boot
- Open-source and lightweight Java-based framework.
Based on MVC architecture.
- Makes dependency management simpler using annotations.
4. Ruby on Rails
- Open-source and backend framework written in Ruby which also follows MVC architecture.
- Follows Convention over configuration using which you can avoid writing multiple configurations.
5. Laravel
- PHP web application framework making authentication, routing, sessions, and caching a lot more easier.
- Advanced security features which will protect your website from external attacks.
More frameworks you can explore:
- ASP[dot]net Core
- Flask
- Phoenix
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Pros and cons of each framework:
Beginners guide to DSA.
What to learn and in which order🧵
1. Learn one primary programming language(suggesting to choose OOP based language like C++ or java) 2. Learn programming fundamentals.
3. Write down all Data structures and algorithms to be learn in sequence:
a. Arrays
b. Strings
c. Structure and Class
d. Pointer
e. Linked list
f. Stack
g. Queues
h. Sorting algorithms
i. Searching algorithms
j. Greedy algorithms
If you work on a screen for more than 10 hours a day, here are some tips to keep your eyes healthy👇🏻
1. When working on a computer screen, sit up straight and make sure the screen is at eye level. 2. Avoid dry eyes- Remember to blink your eyes while working, as we often forget to do so, and sit so that the fan does not make your eyes even more dry.
3. Follow 20-20-20 Rule: Give your eyes a break after every 20 mins by looking at an object 20 feet away for 20 secs. This helps your eyes to unwind. 4. Your environment's lights, such as light bulbs, should be at your backside. 5. Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly.