Getting ready to live report on the Town Council meeting today at 7, follow along with the docs shared as part of the agenda…
Two key items on the agenda; an update on the first year of the new Senior Ctr leadership team, accomplishments and an outlook for the next 7 years. Then on the storm water mitigation and credits available for business and residential accounts #tc0118
I stood to give a friendly reminder on proper microphone usage to ensure good quality recordings are made of these meetings #tc0118
Citizen on Nason St raising issue with parking on both sides of Nason St, some being used by outside parties, but the real issue is with the space left would prohibit safety vehicles to turn or transit the street #tc0118
Motion to approve minutes of prior meeting, second, passes 9-0 #tc0118
License Modification - Change of Manager: NEP OPS-T, LLC d/b/a Residence Inn Boston Franklin, Located at 4 Forge Parkway, Franklin, MA 02038 #tc0118 motion to approve, s cond, passes 9-0
FYI report of a loud buzz on the sound through YouTube broadcast is being worked. If you can try the live stream or cable channels if not Zoom that is an alternative #tc0118
Next up on the agenda, an update on the storm water utility fee coming up in July 2023, #tc0118
Storm water map based on images from 2019, so there may be errors. Call, email act now, better to do so before the first billing in July. #tc0118
Question on credit per the situation at Cook's Farm need a better understanding of the process to ensure it is fair. #tc0118 Per Jamie , this will take time to work out all the details. Please get started, and be patient it won't go away but we can make it work
Request by Chair Mercer to put together a presentation with Franklin TV for summary info on storm water to be available for replay, etc and help spread the word. #tc0118 yes, we can coordinate and do that!
Resolution 23-11: Home Rule Petition on Newspaper Legal Ads,
Item would save the Town approx $40k per year ($204k over 5 years as actual spend) use some of the savings to make the announcement on the Town online option
moved, second, passes 9-0 #tc0118
Resolution 23-12: Acceptance of New (Re-located) Sewer Easement and Abandonment of Active Use of Existing Sewer Easement at 259 Cottage St. moved, second, discussion: Brutus's short expression takes the cake, no questions approved 9-0 #tc0118
Zoning Bylaw Amendment 23-891: Zoning Map Changes from Rural Residential II and Single Family Residential III to Rural Residential II or Single Family Residential III an Area On or Near Lincoln, motion to waive reading, second, passes 9-0, motion to move to planning board ...
Moved, second, approved to refer to Planning Board passes 9-0 #tc0118
Resolution 23-13: Gift Acceptance - Veterans’ Services Dept. ($2,350) & Fire Dept. ($100), motion to approve, second, passes 9-0, thank you! #tc0118
a.OPEB Actuarial…#tc0118
Capital budget subcmte processed 5 departments this evening, will schedule another session to cover the remaining
EDC meeting Jan 25 for a longer discussion
New subcommittee assignments
Arts Council, Frongillo, Cormier-Ledger, Hamblen
Master plan (?) (Missed will add later)
Davis Thayer, Pellegri, Sheridan, Cormier-Ledger
Police station, Mercer, Chandler, Dellorco #tc0118
Future agenda items; complaint on Nason St.
Comments: thanks for the presentations; office hour at Senior Ctr, Cultural district committee art challenge for utility boxes. #tc0118 Train Town display at Historical Museum, intentional parking to slow down traffic speed
#tc0118 Jones chair of the Master Plan Cmte, one of the missing from earlier,
Thanks for Senior Ctr presentation, the energy is good, it is hopping, putting together the presentation will be something everyone will want to see. Condolences to Jamie on his grandmother passing
Motion to adjourn, second, passes 9-0 #tc0118
That's all for tonight, catch you next time!
Live reporting for the redistricting advisory committee meeting underway from the FHS media center, a hybrid meeting with a bunch of folks also virtually participating #rac0117
Superintendent Lucas Giguere opens the meeting with some logistics and a review of the timeline for the process #rac0117
Four scenarios (actually 5, but the 5th is currently off the table) will share the photos of the slides via Google album #rac0117
First up the presentation on the salary\compensation study, first time done for Franklin. Docs in the agenda shared just before #fincom0111 and repeated here ->…
FHS student updates on sports, music district performances this weekend, cookie sale completed fund raising for the prom #schcom0110 calendar raffle winners being drawn during month. Math academic honors providing tutoring help, DECA over 260+ students participate, 85 advanced
Meeting called to order, Chair Mercer reads protocol statement #tc0104 the Chambers are full with members of the Franklin Chargers here to acknowledge their championship (and family)
Citizen comments, Rachel Plukas welcomes all to 2023, chair of Democratic Town Committee, responsive group, thank you for your hard work ! #tc0104
Motion to approve mins, second, passes 9-0 via voice vote, Dec 14 minutes motion to approve, second, passes 9-0
Franklin Panthers 4th grade football team won the state championship #tc0104
Ready to audio record, all set from the prior meeting, #scbs0104
Meeting starting, called to order at 6:04 PM. Minutes for prior meeting voted, moved, second, passes 2-0-1 (1 absent) #scbs0104
Capital budget requests for discussion. Miriam Goodman walks thru the requests gathered, for preview before SchCom next week
Chair Sweet opens meeting and then public hearing on the reflexology regulations proposal #boh0104 this had come up from 2 instances where the employees of said firms were living on premises. The proposal is to provide some regulations around controlling via permits