The PUBLIC #VAERS system was set up so independent researchers could use the data for, well, research. What would those researchers do with the full understanding of how manipulated their data is? 1/
@aravindmc has noticed that if there are two reports on the same event the one deleted is the worse one, generally speaking. What is actually happening is that they delete subsequent reports from the PUBLIC data. Only the first remains. 2/
If updates are made to any given report, these are not updated in the original report. So dr Michael who died of ITP early in the launch, remains not died in the PUBLIC data. 3/
@CDCgov claims that they maintain the reports and updates and combine them all. They don’t provide this data to anyone but the few select @CDCgov priests who ‘interpret’ the actual data for the masses while handing us a fiction they attempt to pass off as #VAERS.4/
Thus there are really two sets of books. The actual database of harm and the one given to the rest of us. Imagine how bad true data must look if this is what they release. 5/
Then of course there are the missing fields we don’t see on pregnancy, race, reporting party. 6/