#tdih 1848 "Our nation seems resolved to rush on in her wicked career, though the road be ditched with human blood, and paved with human skulls. Well, be it so." -- Frederick Douglass on U.S. war with Mexico, in North Star editorial
1/4🧵 zinnedproject.org/materials/nort…
"The taste of human blood and the smell of powder seem to have extinguished the senses, seared the conscience, and subverted the reason of the people." -- Frederick Douglass on U.S. war with Mexico 2/4
"Let the press, the pulpit, the church, the people at large, unite at once; & let petitions flood the halls of Congress . . ., asking for the instant recall of our forces from Mexico. This may not save us, but it's our only hope." --Frederick Douglass 3/4 zinnedproject.org/materials/sold…
Free lesson ⬇️to #TeachTruth about U.S. war with Mexico. Highlights voices of opposition, e.g. Frederick Douglass. Includes text by Howard Zinn.
In a white supremacist attempt to prevent Revels from assuming his elected position, his opponents said that despite having lived in U.S. all his life, he could not be seated because Senate required nine years of citizenship. The 14th Amendment had passed only two years earlier.
Attack on Revels, & rights of people of Miss. to representation: part of history of white supremacist voter suppression & attempts to delegitimize elected Black leaders: not seating Julian Bond, Trump's (media fueled) birther campaigns, & more. Lessons ⬇️ zinnedproject.org/materials/teac…
"Thousands of largely female workers engaged in a successful walkout, standing firm against mill owners, militia, & police. Meetings were translated into nearly 30 languages." -- Robert Forrant on Lawrence, Mass. Bread and Roses Strike, began #tdih 1912 ⬇️ zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/brea…
Contrary to standard narrative, Bread & Roses Strike was not a spontaneous walkout. The pay cut was flashpoint, but block-by-block neighborhood organizing had taken place for months in advance of the New Year. Workers were fed up & they were ready. @iww zinnedproject.org/materials/brea…
"To suggest that 1912 strike started in a flash over a wage cut diminishes purposeful behavior of immigrant laborers who built unity out of diversity. It also diminishes the importance of organized labor and other org. efforts to challenge injustices today. . ." -- Robert Forrant
#tdih 1966: Vernon Dahmer killed when home (family inside) was firebombed by KKK.
Day before he'd offered to pay poll tax for anyone who could not afford to register to vote. #Terrorism (Year AFTER '65 VRA, still poll tax in local Miss. elections.) 🧵 zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/vern…
Four of Dahmer's sons served in U.S. military to "defend democracy," only to have their father murdered in fight for right to vote in US. They came home for funeral. Dahmer active in @NAACP & SNCC ally.
📷 in tweet ⬆️ by Chris McNair (Denise McNair's father) via @JMitchellNews.
"For Mr. Dahmer, voting was only way to move from second class to full citizenship. [As a teenager], I was spellbound as [he talked] about a subject that was so verboten that one could be killed for it." -- SNCC veteran Dr. Joyce Ladner
#tdih 1967, Julian Bond was finally sworn in as a member of Georgia House of Reps -- after 2 yr battle to claim his elected seat.
In 1965, House had refused to seat Bond because of his statements (on behalf of SNCC) in opposition to Vietnam War. ⬇️ 🧵 zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/juli…
Julian Bond had been elected after a grassroots campaign in Atlanta in 1965.
However, he was not seated in Jan. 1966 when he refused Georgia State Legislature demand to disassociate himself from SNCC.
While fighting for the right to hold his elected position in the Georgia House of Reps, Julian Bond wrote comic book (graphic novel) below with history and critical analysis of Vietnam War in an easy to read format. Still relevant. #teachoutsidetextbook zinnedproject.org/materials/viet…
#tdih 1811: 500+ Africans, from 50 nations & speaking dozens of languages, waged a strategic battle for their freedom & to end slavery & white supremacy.
Which side did U.S. troops and territorial militias take?
#1 Haitian Independence #tdih 1804 "We owe much to Walker for his appeal; to John Brown. . . but we owe incomparably more to Haiti . . . I regard her as original pioneer emancipator of 19th cent. — Frederick Douglass ⬇️ Art @rlmartstudio zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/hait…
Check out the new book "Fear of a Black Republic: Haiti and the Birth of Black Internationalism in the U.S." by @lesliemalex
"The imperative role Haiti and the Haitian Revolution played in the growth of Black internationalism, sovereignty and freedom." bookshop.org/a/7256/9780252…
#2 The Emancipation Proclamation took effect #tdih 1863.