i think many still don’t get it: no Ukrainian or any other indigenous survivor of russian colonialism gives any shit about navalny per se (nor the majority of russians do tbh). your uncritical support for imperialist and racist russian opposition is what is triggering
the serial pattern of foreign attitude always allowing russian imperial elites to swap regime names without ever critically examining the cultural, historical and societal roots of russian colonialism is what helped them to keep millions of us colonized and enslaved for centuries
the world betrayed us in paris 1918 when dozens of nations begged you to help them to liberate themselves from #RussianColonialism and you brush us off and saying “but it is a new better russia, just try it”
the world betrayed us in 1939 when russians and germans made a slaughter fest out of our region but you looked away pretending that eastern european lives is a fair price to pay for not “provoking” red and brown fascists
you left us enslaved after yalta 1945 as a “gift” to #RussianColonialism even though russians didn’t pay the highest price for Europe free of nazism - Ukrainians, Belarusians and other indigenous nations did while russians hid behind the backs of our grandparents
and if after hearing Ukrainians and other folks suffering from russian colonialism for years explaining you all of this and you still be like “i am not convinced” or “show me the facts” then maybe stop pretending you are not a fan of imperialism, colonialism and fascism
partitioned, disarmed and decolonized russia is the only peace plan that will work.
how #RussianColonialism copied european colonial tactics of “liberating indigenous women” to cement colonization of Central Asia in 1920-30s and hijack indigenous cultural codes. from brilliant “veiled empire” by douglas northrop:
“many european colonial regimes of late 19-mid-20 century attempted to govern vast numbers of subjects with a comparative handful of officials, soldiers, and settlers. since direct physical force and coercion alone could not guarantee imperial power.
these regimes needed other means to control indigenous populations. laws and legal norms often served this purpose, creating codes of behavior against which colonized individuals could be measured. If all went well, from the standpoint of colonial authorities, these norms
леопардів нам не дають не через те скільки українських біженців та мігрантів не прийшли на мітинги, а через мільярди які кацапщина десятиліттями витрачала на політичну та економічну корупцію на заході
колоніалізм базується на міфології закладеній у свідомості поневолених. ця міфологія породжує комплекс меншовартості: нас не цікавить власна історія, ми не хочемо розмовляти власною мовою, ми спрощуємо свою культуру
але водночас частиною цього комплексу є і звинувачування у всіх бідах своїх співвітчизників. ця неповноцінність заважає нам побачити, хто справді отримує вигоду від такого культурного та політичного контролю
russians seriously damaged several apartment buildings in downtown zaporizhzhia — many are left without windows or doors. russian rockets injured several people too, including two kids @suspilne_news
the fallout from a night of great russian culture in my home city Zaporizhzhia. russian rockets injure 9 people who were peacefully sleeping in their beds, including 3 kids.
despite overwhelming support for Ukraine following yesterday’s russian terrorist attack on Dnipro, there’s still lots of victim-blaming language foreign mainstream media use to cover the genocide. our remastered episode with @uaexplainers explains why it happens and how to fix it
seven months later it still remains one of the most powerful @ukrainianspaces episodes we made. i am so proud to see @Boochelnikova and @TheStanislawski making so much impact with their Ukrainian resistance through storytelling and education
this @ukrainianspaces episode is also available on 8+ podcast platforms
hitting a big apartment building on saturday evening to slaughter as many as possible - this is great russian culture
dnipro. many people reportedly remain under the rubble following russian terrorist attack. it is a holiday evening of orthodox new year — some ukrainians gathered with whole families