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Jan 23, 2023 105 tweets 20 min read Read on X
#xicheng royalty

Jiang Cheng wonders how he got himself into this situation.

An orphaned beggar like him has no reason to be face to face with the Son of the Heavens, tyrant King of the Gusu Empire.

He only wanted to find something he could sell in an abandoned palaquin he saw
Poor Jiang Cgeng thought he found a treasure chest when he found the red carriage abandoned on the side road, bordering on the forest where he and his toddler nephew resides in one of the hidden caves inside.

Inside he found a few chest of glittering jewelries and a red dress.
His eyes sparkles like the gold and precious stones littered. His rumbling tummy gurgling as if he could already taste the foods he could buy with these.

He fisted the gems and coins. His heart thundering, thinking how he could hide his treasures.

He put them neatly in the box.
The red dress grabbed his eyes, draping it on in fantasy. His thought nowhere near why such a precious carriage was left alone and what kind of carriage it was.

All he could think of was how he could turn his life around. Not knowing that this would turn it upside down.
Adding an a/b/o tag.

He was packing it neatly, unaware of the sound of hooves creeping nearer and nearer. As well as the gaze of gold that's set on the red palaquin.

He was startled when hands suddenly grabbed him, his form thrown out and into the hard ground, losing his breath
He gasped, trying his best to sit up and look at the people that suddenly attacked him when his eyes met with the tips of a dozen sharp swords pointed at him.

His whole body trembled in fear. Throat bobbing as his mouth felt dry. He doesn't want to die. A-Ling still needs him.
Jiang Cheng closed his eyes, arms going up in surrender. Maybe they are the owner of the palaquin and he's being treated as a thief.

He was ready to beg for his life. Tell them he hadn't taken anything yet but before he could open his mouth, a deep velvet voice reached his ears.
"Are you the bride promised to me?" A strong gaze rove over Jiang Cheng's form and without a doubt, the aura the man exuded was that of an Alpha. A prime one at that.

Jiang Cheng had the urge to bend down and present his gland as a show of submission.

His omega trembling in awe
Jiang Cheng knows nothing about a bride, certainly not his. He shakes, his head still down as the pressure felt heavier and heavier the louder he could hear the crunching of boots.

He gritted his teeth, trying very hard to make words come out.

"Please don't kill me." He pleads.
He could see the shoes of the man as he stopped in front of him. Could see him crouching down through his limited vision and he felt even more terrified.

His limbs quivered, coldness spreading throughout his body, his unpatched glands sending out a distressed and sour scent.
A bluish intricate handle of a sword tilted his chin up. The cold silver on the tip spreads to Jiang Cheng skin and he whimpered as the master of all these people pointing their swords to him, is likely to kill him off.

He didn't want to cry, he prided himself of being tough.
He's done his best, despite being an omega, despite only being barely an adult, to survive in the harsh world. Caring for his little nephew.

The only one left with him after unfortunate series of events that came down their humble family leaving them alone in this world.
Still he can't help the tears blurring his eyes, flowing down from his cheeks to the ground as he thought about leaving his poor baby alone just like how his parents and siblings left them.

He closed his eyes, just hoping he'll do it quick. And he hope Jin Ling could survive.
His head is fully tilted up, his eyes screwed shut as the tears kept on falling.

He hears a deep rumble from the alpha before him. It made his body shiver, from his spine down to his hole which slicked up.

He cursed at his body that heats up for a man who would kill him.
"Open your eyes." He commanded, his voice so full of authority, Jiang Cheng just wanted to obey it but fear overwhelms his body.

He wanted to fight back but knows it is a losing battle. He hated begging, but he didn't want to die yet.

"P-Please..." he cries, lips trembling.
"Open your eyes." He said again, this time with an alpha command behind his voice that the omega couldn't disobey.

His eyes opened up, the lingering tears making things blurry. He heard a deep growl, the handle was replaced by a rough hand causing an electricity to shock him.
His eyes clear and what he saw was the most beautiful being in his entire life.

This alpha was truly a prime. With a strong jaws and a high cheekbone. His long hair adds to his charm but most of all his golden eyes captures anyone with its intensity.

His breath was caught.
Jiang Cheng saw how the man's pupils dilate as he saw his vibrant silver eyes.

His earlier slick entwring his nose causing a pleased rumbke to erupt from his throat.

Jiang Cheng was so mesmerized he forgot that he was pleading for his life.

All he could see and feel was him.
And that tingly zest of electricity coming from his fingers that travels down his whole body. Paralizing him from his spot.

Unable to do anything but gawk and gaze at the alpha.

The man suddenly smiled, a smile that makes your skin crawl and goosebumps to appear.

It was dark.
He seemed pleased with himself. Eyeing Jiang Cheng as if he's someone he's been waiting for.

He caressed the omega's face who unknowingly nuzzled on his hands. Still confused of what's happening.

He wiped the tears that wet his cheeks, tasting it as if it's an ambrosia.
He gave out a dark chuckle after sampling his prey.

His eyes felt like it's peircing right down Jiang Cheng's core. The omega yelped, arms winding to the man's chest to grab his clothes for support when he suddenly picked him up.

His eyes large as he looked up at the alpha.
"You are my bride. You're coming with me my omega." The alpha declared and Jiang Cheng was once again panicking.

He wasn't his bride. He's just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He tried to wiggle out of the man's hold but it was futile. His grip only tightens on his waist.
"I'm sorry but there's been a mistake. I'm sorry sir but I'm not your bride. I didn't mean to look into her things! I just thought the palaquin was abandoned. Please spare me!" He gripped the alpha's front clothes, his words had an apologetic tone to try and get out of this.
Jiang Cheng confessed to trying to take the jewels inside but he just really thought someone left it there. He begged the man to let him go and even promised to find his bride for him.

But instead of hearing him out, he was silence by a mouth on his own. His brain shell shocked.
His head was trapped by the alpha's strong hand while his mouth was being devoured by the man's dexterous tongue. Eating him and swallowing his moans.

He thought he'll pass out from lack of oxygen but was suddenly let go, a thin line of saliva connecting their lips.
He panted out, eyes dazed and his body singed from the heat that spreads to his body. He slumped down to the man, his body feeling boneless.

Hs couldn't believe that he was made to come by a single kiss. It's his first but it's only a kiss and he was undone.
His chin was trapped again in sturdy fingers as the alpha made him stare at his blazing golden eyes.

"I do not repeat myself omega. You are my bride. You are mine, your body, your soul and your everything. It belongs to me." He declared with an authority even heaven won't deny.
The conviction left the omega speechless.

Their moment was interrupted by a soldier running up to them and bowing to the alpha.

"Your highness, we found tracks where they ran away. And a cave that seemed to house a person and where we found a toddler." The man reports.
Two things stunned Jiang Cheng. First was remembering his poor nephew out in their cave alone. And second that the soldier called the alpha 'Your Highness.' Only one person could be called that and Jiang Cheng's heart plummeted once again.

The man saw his recognition. The fear.
Jiang Cheng trembled once again. He bowed his head down until his chin met his chest.

"F-forgive my insolence your majesty. I- I didn't know. Forgive this lowly one." He stuttered out, remembering the gruesome tales of the man holding him.

How cruel he was, merciless and swift.
The King clicked his tongue, flipping Jiang Cheng's chin for the third time.

"My bride seems to bring out the first in me. I do not appreciate you hiding your beautiful face from me. It is for me to gaze at. Don't apologize for meeting your fated husband, it is your destiny."
The omega was a sputtering mess from his words. The audacity and shamelessness paired with his confidence and arrogance made Jiang Cheng blush and confused.

Lan Xichen only smirked at his flustered bride, turning to the soldier he leveled him with a cold gaze.
"Find the people who dared to deceive me. Their corpses must greet me. And for the toddler, put him in an orphanage, unless this woods will kill him." Lan Xichen commanded.

The omega jolted out of his stupor, ignoring the first eerie command over the safety of his nephew.
He gripped Lan Xichen's collar, getting all over the alpha's face as he stopped the soldier.

"No please, that's my nephew. I need to be with him. Don't put him in the orphanage." He begged, his maternal instinct overriding his fear of the King and roaring to protect Jin Ling.
Lan Xichen nodded to the soldier.

"Retrieve my bride's nephew. We will wait in the carriage." He instructed, then he began to move once the soldier bowed and executed his words.

Jiang Cheng was still apprehensive, his neck stretching as he looked towards the vanishing soldier.
"Calm down my bride. Your nephew will be safe." The alpha comforted the fretting omega.

Jiang Cheng glared at him, teeth gnashing. "If something happens to him I'll bite you to death. And for the love of guanyin, I have name!" He shouted. Frustration, fear and anxiety bursting.
Instead of being insulted, Lan Xichen enjoyed his braveness.

"Then may I know my lovely bride's name so I could whisper it to you in our bed later." He smugly said.

Jiang Cheng was both flustered and horrified by his teasing words, that he doesn't want to give his name to him.
Lan Xichen waits for it but the omega clamed up in embarassment.

He wanted to laugh at his stubborness.

"Well if you won't give it to me. I don't mind calling you in every second of the day as my wife. My lovely lotus flower. My beloved desire. Mine." He growled the last one.
Jiang Cheng's face resembled a potato due to his shamelessness. Now he's aware and could feel the way the alpha was groping his thigh and waist.

He felt mortified. Is this really the tyrant king he's heard about? He's just a shameless perverted alpha.

He covered his mouth.
"Stop it! Shameless bastard! My name is Jiang Cheng so stop calling me that!" He shouted, face and neck red when he teasingly smiled at him.

He didn't know but he's the first person to call Xichen names and lived.

He only got a lick and a nip on his finger for his impertinence.
Truly Jiang Cheng was only able to remain sane due to waiting for Jin Ling's safety.

But after reuniting with his beloved nephew, the stress and absurdity of everything finally caught up to him and he collapsed in Lan Xichen's arms.
The child whined at his jiujiu, the kid highly perceptive of his uncle's emotions, but Xichen sushed him.

"Let him sleep, he's tired. Sleep too, when you both open your eyes, you'll be hailed higher than anyone." The King promised and as if the child understood, he nodded.
Jin Ling curled into Jiang Cheng's arms and Lan Xichen watched in interest how close the two are.

He hummed, a tingling sensation tickling at his unbeating heart. Waking it up and proving that he's human as he gazed at the most beautiful creature he's ever laid his eyes on.
And just like everything on this land, the omega was his. The fates giving him the true bride he deserves.

He placed a lasting kiss on his omega's forehead. The lectricty that flows between them, made his blood roar to life.

"Sleep my A-Cheng. Soon we'll be home."
-Hoo boy, Another idea with no plot in my head whatsoever. Ahahaha.

Well I like it. I'll marinate on it and who knows maybe more will come?

It would be a shame if there's no nsfw in this. Sooo. 👀👀👀
The ride back to the palace took longer since Lan Xichen told them that his bride must not be distrubed by the shaking of the carriage.

He held the omega closely to his. Carrying both him and the toddler who was sleeping as soundly. Cute little snores coming from them.
Xichen took it as a chance to observe Jiang Cheng closer. His bride looked to be poor yet his appearance looks clean save for the clearly tattered clothes on his body.

Even his nephew's clothes looks cheap with a few holes and stitches in them.

Their body was also thin.
If he'll have to guess his mate's age, then he would say he's a teen with how lanky and small he was.

His brows furrow in rage knowing that his A-Cheng was suffering under his rule. Alone, vulnerable and uncared for.

His golden eyes narrowed, teeth grinding at his incompetence.
He kissed Jiang Cheng's temple, then his nose and finally his lips in a silent apology. His bride's face scrunching, nose wiggling and mouth pouting at the sudden touch.

He chuckled at his cuteness. Thankful that at least he has him in his arms now.

He can care for him now.

Lan Xichen's eyes fluttered open. His neck cramping at the uncomfortable position he fell asleep on.

He blinked his eyes twice before he remembered where he was, he looked down at his still sleeping bride. The earlier events must have stressed him too much.
Add that to how soft the carriage's seat compared to the rocky caves they've reside in -guanyin knows how long- it was not weird to see them sleep comfortably.

What's shocking is him being able to close his eyes without a care. He usually never let his guard down even in sleep.
He gave out a hum at his self discovery.

His normally aloof eyes now warming whenever he's looking at his precious omega.

It didn't take long until they're finally being announced that they've arrived at the palace.

They're silently assisted inside, big gates opening for them.
He carried the two with ease. Jiang Cheng stirred a bit at the movement but was sushed back to sleep by his Alpha's command.

Going back into a deep sleep, dead to the world as his King carry him to their new home.

Xichen walked forward, a brute looking warrior greeted them.
Nie Mingjue, the empire's great general bowed his head to his Emperor. If he was curious of the two bodies being held delicately and gently by him, he did not let one of those emotions slip.

"Welcome back Your Majesty. We have done what you have ordered." He reported immediately
Lan Xichen nodded his head but noticed the hesitation in his general's face.

"Speak, what is it." He says not even giving him a glance as trembling servants ducked their head to open the doors of the grand hall for him.

Mingjue spoke with dismay on his voice.
"Forgive me, if I knew you will be bringing someone precious, I would have urged the servants to speed up the cleaning."

Lan Xichen's eyes narrowed, he didn't respond when the doors opened and revealed a gruesome sight of red and dead bodies littering the floor.
He would have been delighted by the scene if it was a normal day. And he couldn't fault his dear friend since he recognized some men from higher positions that he killed himself, before he set out to find his wayward bride.

He understood that it was left like this to please him.
Still his friend and servants' heads were only attached because Jiang Cheng is asleep right now.

He didn't want to taint his bride's eyes with such disdainful picture.

His cold stare left the servants wanting to beg for their lives as they prostrated before him in silence.
"Clean this up quickly. You should be thanking my bride for your lives right now. When he awakes, I wany this palace to be as beautiful as the heavens. Don't disappoint me." He commanded as he walked towards his quarters.

His boots squeaked from the red that clung to the floor.
Mingjue simply bowed his head and observed his King. His eyes not lingering for a second to the person he holds.

He simply remained to watch over the servants to ensure that the command was executed.

Lan Xichen instructed the head eunuch to prepare the toddler's room near his.
Jin Ling squirmed for a bit when he was taken from Jiang Cheng's hold, the omega also unconciously reached out for the babe but Xichen held his hand, covering them with his scent as security.

Both settled back and Xichen made sure to drill the child's comfort over their lives.
The alpha declined any of the lady in waiting's attempt to help him. Only allowing them to toe off his stained shoes and preparing a warm bath for when Jiang Cheng awaken.

He placed his bride on his canopied bed. Carefully depositing him on the soft mattress, letting him rest.
He took of his outer garments, only a white piece of underwear left as he climbed his bed to join his omega.

He resumed his earlier observations of him. Mapping his soft and blemish free cheeks with his finger. His long eyelashes fanning across it.

His bride is so mesmerizing.
It was hard to think that someone like him is destitute. He bet that once his mate is cleaned up and donned with the most luxurious of dresses that it wouldn't be absurd to mistake him as a noble.

But he knew every high officials in his land and he doubts that he'll miss him.
Whatever it was, he's going to know about him more. His mood brightening the more he thinks about seeing Jiang Cheng's face everyday.

He'll pour all the love and the luxuries he deserves.

He placed another kiss on his temple, gathering his bride as he waited for him to wake.
Jiang Cheng woke up with a satisfied groan. His body feeling the most rested ever since he was forced to sleep in roadsides, abandoned houses and rocky caves.

His eyes flutters slowly, body stretching like a cat. It took a while for the velvet bed and silk blankets to register.
He was reveling in the glorious feeling of expensive bedding leaving his head to be stuck in a dreamy fog until the arm around him flexes and one of his hand hit a sturdy chest.

His eyes opened widely in sync with the tightening of the hand on his waist, then he's pulled closer.
He turned sideways, the force making him support himself on a naked chest. He squeaked, his face too close to a porcelain yet scarred chest.

His long and leaner leg landing on top the other's more muscled leg and he's caged by all of his limbs.

He looked up to find the King.
He was staring down at him. His golden irises just watching him.

His heart beat rapidly in his chest at the shame that the Emperor just watched him sleep.

Also why is he topless? Jiang Cheng could feel all the hard ridges pressing to his softer body. Thankfully he has pants.
But even with that he could feel something beastly sleeping there, growing hotter and harder.

Or maybe, he's just dreaming of being in the Emperor's arms, being stared at like a meal he couldn't wait to eat. And his body is responding to it.

Yes, this could only be a dream.
"Did you have a nice rest my dear bride?" The alpha said, one of his long finger traced down his cheeks making him shiver from the electricity that exist between them.

He shuddered when his thumb pressed on his lips, opening them up a little, eyes narrowing and licking his own.
His face burned at the hunger he could see swirling on those eyes, his hole starting to slick up.

The fingers on his hips dug a bit deeper, bordering on painful after the Alpha had a whiff of his budding scent.

Nope, he felt that pain. He's really in the arms of the Emperor!
Jiang Cheng opened his mouth but was too speechless, the earlier event replaying in his head.

He was mortified of his own brashness against the well known Tyrant King, who he even threatened for his nephew.

Wait! He looked around, body jolting in panic.

"A-Ling, where is he?!"
He struggled on the Emperors hold, managing to free himself after surprising him of his outburst.

He sat up and looked around, not finding his nephew. His irises narrowed as he whipped his head to the Alpha, omegan fangs on display.

He pounced on him, hands circling his neck.
"Where is he? What did you do to Jin Ling? I'll kill you if he is harmed in anyway." He promised, eyes glowing, heart pumping at the fear of his remaining family leaving him.

The Alpha simply laid underneath him, despite putting pressure, he wasn't even struggling in his hold.
He just asserted his aura, pheromones leaking out to confuse and subdue the feral omega above him.

His own hand cupping the other's neck, but instead it wound around and put a gentle pressure behind so he would lock eyes with him.

"Calm down my love, he's safe. Breathe."
The omega's breathing started to slow down as comforting scents was being pumped out by Xichen.

Jiang Cheng plopped down the man's chest after the fight left him. Eyes drowsy and body left boneless.

Lan Xichen carded his fingers on his locks. Purring at the softness of it.
"Your nephew is currently resting in the pavilion next to ours. I made sure that the servants know that his safety is foremost." He reassured him and Jiang Cheng wonders why he was so caring for him. For them, so much.

He just whined, his omega still worried yet also secured.
Lan Xichen burried his face on top of Jiang Cheng's hair, smelling his bride, the scent of lotuses, clean and heady.

He smells so good that he wanted to eat him. But he must wait.

"Do you want to freshen up? I will have the food ready if you're feeling hungry." He asks gently.
The word food made Jiang Cheng's stomach churn loudly. The Alpha stared at him and he is flushed up to his neck in embarrassment, he had to hide in the other's chest.

Xichen tried to hold his chuckle in, his bride was being too adorable.

He raised his chin to make him look up.
His face was dusted red and his eyes were glossy with unshed tears.

Xichen cooed at him, nuzzling his cheeks. "Let's freshen you up while we wait for the food to be done. I'll also have Jin Ling awakened and cleaned up so we can all eat together." He placated his blushing bride.
Jiang has never in his life ever thought there will come a day that he'll be waited on by the highest authority in the lands.

He had tried to tell him that he could clean himself up, he's used to it and despite being poor he's washed himself and A-Ling regularly by the creek.
Even use plant and flower sap as soaps. So he's always smelling good and clean. He learned it from his sister.

And he explained that, Lan Xichen just nodding at the new tidbits he's getting. But he still remained at the washroom just lathering Jiang Cheng up.
The warm water was truly glorious. The steaming bath a stark relaxation to the freezing bites of the creak.

But he was as tight as a clam as the alpha took it as an opportunity to carress and grope him all over.

He missed all the explicit parts but it just made his body hotter.
Jiang Cheng was just glad it was all over. He was hugging the fluffy towel around his body protectively.

Eyes untrusting of the perverted alpha before him who just smirks and took off his pants in front of him to washen up too.

Jiang Cheng doesn't know where to look but down.
He was a sputtering mess before he turned around and ran out to the bedroom where he hid himself under the silk covers.

Doing his best to forget the beast he saw. /oh it was so big/ Jiang Cheng's face warms up and he rubs his legs together, feeling his slick running down.
Lan Xichen was snickering when he saw his omega curled up. He lifted the fabric up, his fangs growing and his pants tightening seeing his mate's ass up in the sky. His bussy out in the open, glistening.

Ah he wanted to plant his head on thos globes and lick the slick clean.
Jiang Chen jumped when he was uncovered. Then he was trembling again when it was replaced by a sturdy body. His unprotected regions brushing up against a hard tent.

He gulped down. Eyes swirling in both confusion and lust.

He felt Xichen's face beside his.

"You little vixen,"
His large hand grip his small waist, almost covering half of it.

The air felt hot and heavy and Jiang Cheng's body was melting.

There was a kiss on his neck, just below where his neck meet his shoulders, the gland where an alpha will bite to mark and bond with an omega.
Jiang Cheng felt the shiver from his neck up to his toes. Making it curl and stretch.

He felt him nuzzling, purring and groaning in approval while the alpha grind down his back. Or maybe he's the one moving his hips down? He doesn't know anymore!

Xichen moves his head again.
He placed a kiss on his ears and whispered huskily. "You make me loose control my love. Hurry and dress up or else I'll eat you instead for dinner. I'll be waiting."

And just like that the weight on top of him was gone and he was left with only an expensive clothes on the bed.
Jiang Cheng was left bereft. He chastised himself for feeling lost, his inside clenching, wanting something that it should not be wanting.

He grinded his teeth and glared at the closed door. He can't even let out his ire but to pound on the bed.

He step out to a waiting Xichen.
The alpha took his hand and guiding him even when he tried to ignore or glare at his way.

The man just had a self satisfied smile on his lips. It made the omega bristle as if he's been defeated.

All of that was thrown to the back of his mind though when he saw his nephew.
He disengaged with the alpha, running towards the sniffling toddler who just bawled when he saw him.

"Joo!" He cried hands out and he almost dived for the baby. He hugged his nephew tight, eyes watering at seeing him safe and sound.

He scented him, comforting the crying babe.
Jiang Cheng and little Jin Ling drooled at the spread of food before them.

Lan Xichen didn't spare a single dime as he instructed the palace cooks to prepare a banquet for his bride and his nephew.

Everyone moved quickly and was out of sight before they even arrived.
The omega's stomach grumbled loudly and he blushed, his eyes shifting to look beside him, to see the emperor snickering at him.

Pose laidback as he propped his head on one arm, veins bulging from his muscle as he lazily watched the two.

Jiang Cheng became self conscious.
If not for Jin Ling baiscally having a waterfall in his mouth did he have the conciousness to shyly glancing at the alpha for approval to eat.

Lan Xichen frowned, his free hand grabbing the man's tiny waist. Pulling him down to his lap.

Jiang Cheng wanted to protest.
But the other's hold is tight and he didn't want to manhandle Jin Ling.

The emperor plopped his head to hus shoulder next. His large hands flattened over his stomach, groping a bit.

His other hand skimming over his waist, up his ribs were the signs of malnutrition shows.
Xichen's frown deepened. Not liking the way his mate's ribs poked. How skinny he was clearly from lack of food.

He clicked his tongue, the omega jolting from his ire, unconsciously whimpering from his simmered rage.

He reined in his escaping pheromones as he picked up a fork.
Stabbing one of the thick slab of meat, cooked to perfection to satiate his expensive taste, he brings up the dripping steak up to the omega's mouth

"Eat." He commanded and while Jiang Cheng would have shut his mouth in stubborness, the smell was making him hungrier.
There was also a bit of a command in his alpha's voice that he couldn't disobey and inwardly, something he deeply did not want to acknowledge was his omega purring in his head at the display of their alpha's ability to provide.

He opened his mouth and Xichen purred in approval.
Xichen gingerly fed him the steak and it was the most delicious thing Jiang Cheng has ever tasted. It was tender and moist. The flavor just bursting in his mouth.

Manners and shyness thrown aside, he moaned from the juices that coated his mouth. Head rolling back from the taste.
He was broken from his mouthgasm when a low rumble reverberated from his back and the hand on his waist tightened.

"Hmm, did you like that my love? Come, I'll feed you more." Xichen's voice gets deeper and he felt so drawn to it he didn't even realize his mouth was already open.
Xichen's alpha gave a satisfied rumble from his head as he watched Jiang Cheng just melts from what he's provided.

It's chest puffing up and its lust rearing as the omega opened his mouth to receive more from him.

He would have eaten him instead if not for the pup's fussing.
Remembering Jin Ling in his arms, the spell that bound him broke and Jiang Cheng was left embarrased and red.

Scrambling out of Lan Xichen's hold, he decided to ignore the big alpha and mother the hungry pup.

Feeding him a lot of nutritious and filling food from the array.

• • •

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May 17, 2023
#Xicheng A/B/O AU Age Gap, Older O!JC, Younger A!LXC

"So when are you even going to start mingling?" Jiang Cheng heard his bestfriend of many years, Nie Huiasang, casually say over his cocktail.

The mellow sound and quiet bustle of the bar not masking his fed-up tone.
The omega looked incredulously at his friend before taking a sip on his own cup.

"And what made you think I would?" He asked, grimacing at the thought.

Huiasang almost slumped at the table, his eyes wide. "Because!" He said as if it explained anything.

Wanyin rolled his eyes.
"Jin Ling's been in college for almost 2 years now. Your nest is finally empty after 20 years and baby you are hot in the market and you're not selling!" He threw his hands up, shaking his head at the wasted specimen that is his friend.

Alphas were throwing themselves at him!
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Feb 28, 2023
#Xicheng 🔞

It was all too sudden, his back hits one of the high walls, a strangled gasp leaving his lips as his breath was stolen from him.

But before he could even utter a small painful yelp, his mouth was covered by something. Aggresively plundering the inside.
He gave out a choked answer, his tongue swirling with another as his mouth fills with their shared saliva, some even escaping, rolling down his chin as the man above him move their lips together.

One hand on his chin tilting it up, the other gripping his waist tightly.
His arms lay limp on his side due to the sudden attack of it but as the other continued with his assault on his lips, his mind turns to mush and his legs becomes as soft as jelly, he could only raise his arms and wound it over thick shoulders to support himself.
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Jan 26, 2023
#HappyJiangFam A/B/O

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Starting at earliest of 6 years old, little A-Cheng has been making his little nest as if he knew that he'd need one.

Taking various items from his family.
JFM is still proud that his scent heavy work suit was the first to enter the nest and became it's foundation.

Little feet scurrying to bring the big fabric down from his Baba and Mama's room. His family was confused at first before realizing what's happening.
JFM hurriedly took his camera as they sneakily (not really) followed JC on his own room and watch him put it on a thin matress, little fingers smoithing it down before plopping on top and nuzzling his face on it.

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Dec 4, 2022
#Xicheng Modern AU Reincarnation

Jiang Cheng huffs as he threw away the garbage for the night, with the back of his hand he wiped the trickle of sweat from his brows.

He bent his back and sighed at the refreshing crack of his spine.

The day was starting to bleed into darkness.
Another busy day finished. He stretched some more, trying to get the kinks out of his body.

Helping out with his sister's restaurant was hard work but it gave him something to do during vacation and allow him to get more money.

He's been wanting to buy a gaming console since.
Sure his parents or even his sister could buy it for him but he felt too spoiled by them and this time he really wanted to try being independent.

Maybe too young for a high school student but something in him felt too constricted with the pampering he recieves.
Read 15 tweets
Oct 24, 2022
#Xicheng Angst is where O!JC and A!LXC had been in love since they were teenagers, mated and wedded by their 20s.

They were happy, JC truly love LXC and vice versa. But after years, he still can't bear a child. He was frustrated until that test finally showed positive.
He was eager to show his mate, finally their wishes were answered but when his Alpha came home, he immediately smelled another omega with him.

Opening the door, JC was face to face with his Alpha holding an Omega who was clearly pregnant.

"A-Cheng, I found my soulmate."
JC was too stunned to speak or react. He could only turn to the side as his Alpha brought the Omega inside their home.

He followed them to the living room where LXC fixed thier guest water and a few crackers.

LXC looked at him, pain clear in his eyes.
Read 300 tweets
Sep 19, 2022
#Xicheng #MingCheng A/B/O MPreg

It was supposed to be one time only.

Having lost their parents early, JYL and JC had a deep bond between them.

So when YL asked JC for that favor he couldn't say no.

A Beta and Alpha pairing made it hard for JYL and JZX to conceive.
He on the other hand found out - from annual physical exams done for omegas- that he has unsually high fertility as a male omega.

He had even gotten a lot of propositions before from Alphas but his disdain with them stopped any advances.

But now this "gift" of him could help.
He and his sister talked one day, a few years after her marriage with the Jin.

JC was happy to see YL. And happier to see her utterly loved and content even if it was due to that prick.

And he looked humble when together with YL, they asked if he could surrogate for them.
Read 110 tweets

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