Let's talk about Volhynia since Ukrainians never want to.... a 🧵
Volhynia is a historic region with undefined borders, located at the nexus of Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine. After the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939 it was divided into two oblasts. The Soviets occupied Volyn.
Prior to this, the region was well integrated, but Polish-Ukrainian relations had begun to deteriorate. You can recall in one of our previous threads that the OUN assassinated the Interior Minister of Poland, understandably the Poles didn't really like that.
On 22 June 1941, the Soviet area was attacked by German, Slovak, and Hungarian forces, and were forced to withdraw after 8 days. The OUN used the first year of Nazi occupation to learn the methods of mass killing, weapons, and integrate themselves into German police units.
The OUN-B (B for Bandera) were the only group of Ukrainian nationalist that were actively engaged in the planning for ethnic cleansing of Volhynia at that time. As tensions rose, Poles in the region, seeing that Ukrainians were willing to collaborate with Nazis,
Thought the Ukrs should be deported which they formally recommended in July 1942. The OUN, because the Nazis were taking care of the Jews, took it upon themselves to eliminate the Poles. Due to active resistance, the OUN-B created its military units in the fall of 1942.
In 1943, the formal policy of ethnic cleansing was enacted, and the OUN-B began calling themselves the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). In March, 5,000 Ukrainian policeman and their weapons defected to the UPA.
More groups of nationalists were absorbed into the OUN through force or cooperation, creating a very large, well trained, guerrilla army. On 9 Feb, UPA fighters disguised as Soviets attacked the settlement of Parosle killing 149-173 Poles.
This is commonly considered the beginning. In spring of 1943, the terror began. The UPA, marched through the countryside, killing all Poles they encountered, mostly women and children. The UPA, appalling even the Nazis, reveled in the most savage and sadistic violence..
Their favorite weapon was the hatchet with other employed methods of rape, torture, mutilation, burning, alive, skinning, crucifixion, and disembowelment. Babies and children were wrapped in hay bales and lit on fire, impaled on bayonets, or simply bludgeoned.
Women often had their breasts sliced off and those pregnant were sliced open. An OUN order: "Liquidate all Polish traces. Destroy all walls in the Catholic Church and other Polish prayer houses....
"Destroy orchards and trees in the courtyards, so that there will be no trace that someone lived there... pay attention to the fact that when something remains that is Polish, then the Poles will have pretensions to our land."
On "Bloody Sunday", 11 July 1943, UPA attacked over 100 villages and killed at least 8,000 Poles including hospital patients and workers. In the end, the UPA massacred at least 10% of ethnic Poles in Volhynia roughly 40,000 to 60,000, the remainder mostly fled.
Modern Ukrainians refused to call this genocide, instead preferring "Volhynia Tragedy" and claim that placing the blame on the UPA is Russian propaganda attempting to hurt their relations with Poland. This opinion was made into a government resolution by the Rada in Sept 2016.
They say it was a bilateral genocide and that Poles killed just as many Ukrainians. Exhumations of mass graves in 1992 physically prove this impossible, but since when do Ukrainians dwell in reality?
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we remember all victims of Nazi brutality, even if the perpetrators do not want to. Fin.
I hope I did alright by my Polish brethren, if I haven't, please correct me and I sincerely apologize. Love to you all.
This weekend, if you have time, please watch this movie. It's banned in Ukraine.
🇬🇪 Foreign agents and Soros slaves are gathering to protest in Tblisi, Georgia after the government passed the "foreign agents" bill on its second reading.
They are protesting a bill that will make any independent NGO and media organisation receiving more than 20 percent of its funding from abroad to register as an "organisation pursuing the interests of a foreign power".
They don't want to reveal their funding..... Georgia is NGO heaven.
🇺🇦 "Slava Ukraïni!" is a fascist slogan first uttered in the court house in Warsaw after 12 members of the OUN (including Stepan Bandera) conspired to assassinate Polish Interior Minister Branislaw Pieracki.
As one of the female defendants, Svientsits'ka was passing by the dock, she went towards the defendants, raised her right hand, and shouted, "Slava Ukraïni!"
The defendant Karpynets' stood up, raised his arm, and answered, "Slava Ukraïni!" This is apparently the first recorded fascist salute that OUN members performed in public.
After the defendants were all found guilty, Bandera shouted, "Iron and Blood will decide between us."
"Slava Ukraïni!" They responded in unison.
And wouldn't you know...... they popped up in Gaza
NATO was formed in 1949, after World War II under the auspice that it would promote peace in Europe and protect the world from the threat of the Soviet Union (communism). This is not only ironic because the war would have had a very different outcome if the Soviets hadn’t done their own peacekeeping mission on the eastern front by decimating the Nazi army. Additionally, the Soviets posed much less of a threat than the United States and its Western allies ever did.
United States Senator Robert Taft voted against the creation of NATO citing his country’s already unmatched nuclear arsenal. That stockpile should have been enough of a deterrent alone. He also vocalized his concerns that entering entangling alliances like those present in NATO would go against the best interests of the country and its people. Even after its formation NATO members denied that it was created as a buffer against communism and the Soviet Union, yet when the USSR requested membership in the 1950’s they were denied.
After the Cold War ended, it was accepted that the United States had won as the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. Why then was it necessary for NATO to continue its existence if the Soviet threat was eliminated?
As we can see, from its formation up to the present time, NATO has not existed as a peacekeeping entity, but a military alliance that is consistently in search of monster abroad, often those of its own creation, and it behaves as such. Today, NATO's stated purpose is "to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means." The goal of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization used to be, as its first secretary general, Lord Ismay, phrased it, "to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down."
Today, the sole reason to keep NATO going seems to be to give Americans a reason to be “in” Europe when there is no longer any need for American military involvement in European affairs. NATO should have gotten this involved and should not become further involved in current conflicts or any future conflict because the reasons for NATO’s creation no longer exist, NATO has become a mechanism used by the United States to stay involved in world affairs and serve their own interests, in recent history, NATO has acted more as aggressor than peacemaker or defensive alliance, and when NATO is not welcome in a country they use propaganda to manufacture consent amongst the population.
Over the decades it has become increasingly apparent that NATO is not a military alliance, but a force driven by western, namely, American interests. Shortly after the breakup of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, another communist bloc began its descent into chaos and war.
What is now known as the Yugoslavia Wars, began in 1991 and lasted until 2001 and included a series of uprisings and conflicts. During the Kosovo war 1999, NATO carried out an all-out aerial assault on Serbia. In 2020, Samuel Moyn, a Yale professor, admitted that while working as a White House intern he “planted” stories that were later published in the Washington Post that convinced the public that NATO bombing Serbia was virtuous and necessary.
Strobe Talbott, the Deputy Secretary of State under President Clinton and the leading US negotiator during the war, had written that "It was Yugoslavia's resistance to the broader trends of political and economic reform—not the plight of Kosovar Albanians—that best explains NATO's war." Once again, a member of the political elite admitting that manufactured consent was necessary to convince people that NATO involvement was a righteous cause. Later, in 2011, NATO would once again become involved in promoting US interests, this time in Libya, overthrowing the government and collapsing the country’s infrastructure. Both countries are still recovering from NATO intervention and now foster extreme animosity for the USA.
After the fall of the two communist unions, in 1999 NATO wasted no time reaping the spoils. In 1999 Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland joined NATO. In that same year, NATO created individualized "Membership Action Plans" aka MAP for Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia to fast-track these countries into membership. These members would be part of the NATO expansion in 2004. Former French ambassador Gerard Araud tweeted on May 9,2022 “I was the French negotiator of the first enlargement of NATO. I remember my colleague saying it was not an ant-Russian move. Of course, it was. The candidates didn’t look for a military guarantee against China!”
Shifting focus to the Ukraine, in April of 2006 it was announced that NATO would be seeking to incorporate the Ukraine and Georgia into the fold. Russia had had enough; they had tolerated 2 prior NATO expansions, and this would be crossing a line. Russia rightfully sees NATO as an existential threat and an excuse to place American satellite bases on its borders.
The Georgian War of 2008 was a direct result of NATO’s determination to expand further east. Georgia thought that because the west had offered a NATO membership, they would come to their aid, but they couldn’t be more wrong and Georgia is still reeling from that conflict and is still not a member of the alliance.
A 2006 poll of Ukrainian citizens revealed that only 25-30% were in favor of joining NATO. Documents published by WikiLeaks reveal that Assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs Daniel Fried, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Anna Fotyga discussed incentivizing Ukrainian government officials to maintain good relationships with the West by offering them a NATO MAP.
In 2007, DPM for Euro-Atlantic integration issues Oleh Rybachuk aimed to engage Ukrainian oligarchs to finance a pro-NATO information campaign featuring notable pop stars and creating a brand presence surrounding NATO. In 2008, NATO began dumping money into a public information campaign in Ukraine to the tune of $8.5 million US dollars which included pamphlets, TV debates, regional conferences, NATO visit for Ukrainian press and NGOs, NATO centers at Ukrainian universities, and polling.
These campaigns aimed at shifting public opinion to more favorable stance, but one must ask why does a peacekeeping entity need to use propaganda? Why has the west continuously asserted that NATO members asked to join and were in no way coerced?
According to John Mearsheimer, the United States provoked Euromaidan and the resulting coup, the US and its NATO allies began pushing the narrative that it was Putin who was responsible and that NATO expansion into the Ukraine was necessary for protection. This was only to deflect the blame for their direct involvement in the rebellion, unrest, and ultimate overthrow of the Ukrainian government. In the current conflict, without getting into the events leading up to it or the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back, Ukraine felt confident that NATO countries would protect them because they had offered Ukraine membership.
While they have helped in the form of monetary and military aid weapons, training, and so on, much like Georgia, Ukraine has been hung out to dry by the west and much like the previous countries where NATO has been involved, it will be recovering from this conflict for decades to come.
Look no further than the states of Libya, Serbia, and Georgia at the tragedy and destruction, that NATO leaves in its path and understand that this is the same fate that awaits Ukraine no matter what weapons are given as well as any other state that places their life in the hands of this beast.
🇵🇸🇮🇱 Videos from an alleged attack against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas car had surfaced recently. The videos are from the incident with drug dealers in Jalazon just from a different angle, the Palestinian President hasn't even left his home today
◾A campaign of fakes orchestrated by Israeli intelligence is trying to provoke a civil war between Palestinian factions.
◾The Palestinian National Authority has debunked these Mossad fakes with a statement this morning. (Next reply)
◾Two days ago, a fake group by the name of Abu Jandal allegedly released a joint statement of Palestinian Authority officials declaring mutiny against President Abbas within 24 hours.
◾The post was shared by a newly created telegram channel, and only 3 minutes later was reposted by a famous virtual opposition page called "Msh Hek"; the page's IP address is in fact in Tel Aviv, according to a PA intelligence officer.
◾The statement, which shares names of actual officials in the Palestinian Authority debunked the fake statement right after it was published, exposing the attempt as a work of Mossad aiming to destabilise the West Bank and create social divisions and security conflicts.
Video is confirmed inauthentic by local sources. MORE ISRAELI FAKES.
The posters are doing what they're intended to do..... it's a propaganda campaign meant to sow division and give people a reason to scream antisemitism. These people aren't being held hostage in America or Europe, there's literally NO REASON to hang them outside of Israel. If Israel cared an iota about those hostages they wouldn't be carpet bombing Gaza, they're just more propaganda devices.
Israel WANTS you to tear these posters down so they can do this.....
Israel doesn't care about the hostages.... they want to turn Gaza into a "slaughterhouse" if the captives aren't returned.... wouldn't that result in MORE dead captives?