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Jan 30, 2023 781 tweets >60 min read Read on X
What if #shuangshui AU where, after He Xuan takes Shi Wudu's life, he keeps the body to claim even the god's death. He Xuan restores Shi Wudu's body, hiding away from everyone, and then finds a way to bring back Shi Wudu's soul against his will.
Shi Wudu waking up in a dark room, a soft robe draped over his otherwise naked body. He remembers dying, remembers Black Water finally claiming his revenge.

Only, now Shi Wudu is awake. He's breathing. His first thought isn't "how" or "why", but utter terror.

Not for himself.
Never for himself. His fear is for his brother, and his fate.

He scrambles to his feet, the robe falling about his willowy frame in a cascade of midnight blues. He takes it, wrapping himself in it then darts for the only door in the room.

Only to crash into another body.
He reels back, glaring, but when his gaze rises to meet a set of pale gold- characteristically cold- dread pools in his belly.

"You're awake."

Shi Wudu took a step back, not taking his eyes off the calamity before him.

"Don't bother with running."

Each step taken is matched.
Shi Wudu finds he is quickly being crowded to the nearest wall. When he starts to take side steps, the ghost adjusts to continue corralling him deeper into the room.

"You won't get far, /Water Tyrant/."

He won't. He /isn't/. His breaths are quicker with- not /fear/- but panic.
His back hits the wall, then too pale hands slam into the wall on either side of Shi Wudu.

"Where did you think you would go?"

"Away from /you/."

A smile curls on thin lips, cold and cruel. "You can't run from me. I made sure of that."

"Watch me-"

"Then /try/."
Shi Wudu falters when the calamity steps away, gesturing wide to the door. Something about his calm smile, gaze dark, screams of danger.

Of a predator.

He can't /stay/, though. So he runs. He sprints out of the room and into the hall. He scrambles to gain his bearings, lost.
His bare feet scream in protest as the rough stone digs into his skin, his lungs ache in protest as he races down the passageway, skirting the corner-

Only to come face to face with the calamity he's running from to step out from the around the corner down the way.

The grin that breaks out on that face makes the hair on the back of Shi Wudu's neck stand tall.

"That an offer, my tyrant?"

The water master refrains from rising to the taunt, spinning on his heel and darting back the way he came.

A low rumbling laugh chases him.
"I told you, my tyrant, don't bother with running."

Shi Wudu passes the room he woke up in, heart hammering in his chest, and skirts around the next corner-

Only to stumble back, tripping over the hem of the too long robe draped over his form. Pale hands wrap around his wrists.
Shi Wudu stares up at the ghost who took his life from him, who ruined his didi's life, in /terror/.

He Xuan pulls him close, lips grazing across the water master's cheek. "Have you figured it out yet, my tyrant?"

He can only stare in horror at what gleams on the ghost's ear.


A silver setting hosts a single gleaming sapphire, so drastically different from the shades of black and gold the ghost dons.

"It can't..."

"It is." He Xuan hums, pulling back before Shi Wudu can think to tear the item out of his ear. "Now, you're /mine/."
When the calamity lets him go, Shi Wudu collapses to the floor, eyes wide.

"That... that's not /possible/."

"Isn't it?"

"I don't want to be here!" The once god screams. "What did you do to me!?"

He Xuan raises his chin, staring down at the man before him. His /prize/.
"Nothing less than what you deserve, my tyrant."

"Stop calling me that!"

He Xuan smiles. "But it's so fitting."

"I don't /care/!"

"Fine." Shi Wudu's blood runs cold when He Xuan couches, leaning into his space until his breath fans over his ear. "Wudu-ge."
The once god recoils, shoving the ghost away with a snarl. "Do not call me so familiarly!"

He Xuan rocks on his feet, grinning. "Very well, little tyrant."

Shi Wudu watches the ghost rise to his feet and straighten himself out- flicks his hair back over his shoulder, smiling.
"You can roam my domain as you like, but should you try to leave..." He Xuan's grin is cruel- delighting in the thought of his misery. "It will be /agony/, until you return back to my side."

Then, just like that, he leaves.
Shi Wudu is left on the floor, exposed and /alone/.

Always alone.

He sits there for a long while, head bowed. He contemplates his options, working this problem over and over in his head until-

Until there's nothing left to do but get up, and go find something proper to wear.
He slinks back to that bedroom- he sees it for what it is now- and moves to the wardrobe. He pulls the door open only to find robes of dark blue, shades that are almost black- all with gold embroidery.

With a snarl, the once god slams the damned thing closed.
"I am not some- some-" Shi Wudu isn't even sure the calamity can hear him, too angry to care, and whirls around while tugging the robe he dons closed. "Some /plaything/ for you to toy with! I won't play this game!"

He refuses to sit on the bed, pacing the room anxiously.
This goes on for more than two weeks. Eighteen days are spent with the man pacing the room until his feet are raw and bloody, and his body is about ready for him to give out.

"Are you ready to begin your new life, little tyrant?"

"Fuck you."

He Xuan smiles. "Still stormy."
The calamity crosses the space, easily pulling Shi Wudu into the circle of his arms with little resistance. Not because he went willingly, but because Shi Wudu was weakened from exhaustion.

"Let go of me..."

"Then you'll fall, and you'll ruin more of what belongs to me."
"I don't belong to you."

He Xuan chuckles. "This is a circular argument you cannot win, my tyrant."

"I'm not yours."

"Let's go and get you all fixed up, hm?"

Shi Wudu says nothing when he's gathered into He Xuan's arms, and when the ghost looks to see why-

He's asleep.
This is a face he's seen many times now. Sharp features softened with rest.

He's beautiful like this, delicate yet strong and without his many harsh edges meant to cut.

He Xuan walks to the bed, laying his prize out on the soft sheets so he can address the weeping wounds.
Blood sluggishly pours down the gentle arcs of the water master's feet, staining the sheets beneath. He Xuan wastes little time to heal the injuries, trailing his fingers from heel to toes and watching as muscle reconnects and skin seals like it had never been torn open.
"Whatever shall I do with you, little tyrant?"

Shi Wudu says nothing in response, his body still aside from his steady breaths. Proof that all the calamity has worked for paid off.

"You will learn there's no point in resisting soon enough." he Xuan murmurs. "You'll come to me."
He Xuan rises from the bedside, leaning over Shi Wudu's slumbering form. He hovers there for a long while, contemplating something before simply running his knuckles along Shi Wudu's jaw before he turns to the door.

"You will come to me, little tyrant. You don't have a choice."
When Shi Wudu wakes once again, he finds himself fully dressed, shades of sapphire waters and shoreline surf cascading down his form. His hair has been combed, oils worked through the strands, and- most importantly- there are creatures swimming about the room.

/Bone/ creatures.
They're namely varieties of small fish, but there's a decently sized eel skeleton that swims through the air towards him, curling about his legs harmlessly before darting towards the door.

With little else to do here, he trails after the eel into the hallway.
He pauses at intersecting halls, but the eel idles nervously until he moves to follow again, and despite his better judgement- he can't find a reason not to.

Then he hears voices. He recognizes one- his captor- but the other is unfamiliar.

"Black water."

"Crimson Rain."

The eel continues to lead him towards the voices, but Shi Wudu slows to prolong his arrival, listening to the two ghosts speak.

"What now?"

"I need food."

"You still /owe me/. For a lot of things. Like leaving you the fuck alone."

"I'm aware."

"What for?"

"To eat, clearly."
"You got what you wanted He Xuan." Hua Cheng snarls. "Why did you ask for me to come here, really?"

There's a pause, a heavy silence that results in a snarl from the red-clad calamity.

"What do you want with him?"


"A comfort."

"For who?"

"Who else?"

Shi Wudu frowns.
He Xuan isn't one to seek comforts. From what little Shi Wudu knows of the ghost, he gorges himself until there is nothing left to devour- until only bones remain.

The calamities are silent for a moment, then Hua Cheng chuckles darkly. "You're one sick bastard, y'know that?"
"Says the one who obsessed over a man who barely even remembered him."

There's a crackle of energy, then Shi Wudu finds himself falling to his knees in pain as pressure descends upon him. He feels as though his head will explode.

Hands land on him the moment the pressure goes.
He's dizzy, leaning heavily into the form supporting him -despite hating the display of weakness.

"You're up earlier than I planned for."

"Is that the fucking /water master/?"

Shi Wudu wants to protest that just "water master" will do, but his head continues to swim.
"So what if it is?"

Hua Cheng scoffs. "And people call me the insane one."

There's a biting retort from He Xuan, but Shi Wudu tunes them out as he focuses on regaining himself. The moment the dizziness passes, he realizes just /who/ he is leaning into and shoves the ghost away.
"Don't touch me."

He Xuan sighs, hands raised. "Fine fine, as the tyrant demands."

Hua Cheng raises his chin, a thoughtful look in his eye.

"Back to the important matters."

"You want Dianxia to visit for the Water Master."


"Wouldn't Ming Guang be better?"
He Xuan's expression darkens.

"Perhaps his own brother?" Hua Cheng shrugs. "Why someone that he's not even close to?"

Shi Wudu ignores He Xuan's growing irritation to take a step towards the red ghost. "Shi Qingxuan is alive?"

Hua Cheng smiles, a wicked thing.
The two calamities don't break eye contact, He Xuan growing progressively angrier and Hua Cheng more and more smug.

"Yes. The Wind Master is alive, though stripped of his godhood."

Shi Wudu takes a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly.

He's alive. He's /alive/.
Shi Wudu takes a moment before he turns to look at He Xuan.

The calamity is across the room, defensive.

"When were you planning on telling me he's alive?"

"He wasn't." Hua Cheng shakes his head, gaze never leaving the other ghost. "And why would he? He has what he wants."
He Xuan snarls, teeth bared, "Get out."

"Happily." The red clad calamity turned, striding for the door.

Shi Wudu turned to follow him, ignoring the dark gaze that settled upon him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"None of you business!"

"It /is/ my business-"

"Shut up!"
That seems to finally cross the line. He Xuan crossed the room in a flurry of dark robes only to snatch Shi Wudu’s wrist in a vice grip.

“Do not forget that /I/ brought you back. You’re /mine/, little tyrant.”

“I’ll /never/ be yours.”

He Xuan’s face twists with anger.
He pulls the once god back, his grip bruising.

“I am all that you have left! Shi Qingxuan doesn’t even know you’re back! And even if he did, he’d be /powerless/ to take you from me!”

Fear, Shi Wudu learned a long time ago, is like a wave. Fight it, and you’ll drown.
“I don’t need him to save me.” Shi Wudu doesn’t yell, he doesn’t scream. He’s calm like the sea on a clear day. His eyes, however, they rage. Like thunderstorms crushing merchant ships. “I’m not helpless.”

Ride the wave, and you’ll survive it.
He Xuan doesn’t let go so much as Shi Wudu rips his arm free while the ghost reels. Then he’s watching his prize march after his fellow ghost king.

He glares, then calls after the once god. “You cannot leave this place, Shi Wudu. You’ll die before you can take more than a step.”
He Xuan isn’t sure what he was expecting when Shi Wudu stopped.

The once god turns, his expression too calm. “I’ve died once already. What’s once more?”

And He Xuan-

He Xuan cannot fathom how he could simply accept that- dismiss it even- when he clearly wishes to see his didi.
Shi Wudu is anything but calm. He’s wracked with fear, but he won’t let it control him. He won’t be a puppet to be played with like a child. He is his own person, not a plaything for a ghost.

Hua Cheng stands outside the manor at the waters edge, hands clasped behind his back.
“You know what he’s done to you.”

Not a question. A fact.

“In theory.”

Hua Cheng says nothing for a long moment. “Gege wants me to help you.”

“How generous of him.”

Neither are surprised that Xie Liam was told.

“It won’t be easy for you.”

“Nothing is easy, Crimson Rain.”
The ghost king turns, as if to speak, when his mouth snaps shut and a resigned sigh escapes through gritted teeth.


“Nothing that concerns you.” Hua Cheng waves a hand. From his vambrace, a single butterfly peels away from the cold silver and lands on the ghost’s finger.

“A measure to ensure you survive.” Hua Cheng snaps. “If you refuse it, I won’t find an alternative.”

Shi Wudu frowns but doesn’t protest when the butterfly settles onto his shoulder harmlessly.

“Be grateful that gege is so kind.”

“You wouldn’t have helped otherwise.”
Shi Wudu isn’t foolish enough to believe that anyone would help him without gaining something in return. He’ll inquire what Xie Lian wants when the chance arrives.

For now, he wants out of this hell hole.
Escaping was perhaps the easy part. He Xuan didn't chase after him, other than that brief moment in the manor, and Shi Wudu passes through the lake harmlessly. He even drags himself out of the water without issue.

But his good fortune ends there.
Hua Cheng tosses a set of dice, and in turn a door appears. It swings open, and the calamity strides forward. Shi Wudu, of course, moves to follow.

His first step past the door is fine, but as he crosses the threshold completely, there's a feeling at the back of his head.
It's a small thing at first, easily dismissed as unease.

Then, with each step he takes, it gets worse. It becomes something more. It becomes a relentless throbbing, a headache that seems to only get worse.

Once they reach the other side, the pain seems to plateau.
"Don't fall behind." Hua Cheng hisses, taking long strides through a maze of hallways.

It takes all of Shi Wudu's focus to keep up while his mind swims through a haze of pain. His steps falter a moment- the water absolutely /does not/ stumble- as he trails after the ghost.
"Gege, I'm back."

"San Lang!"

Shi Wudu forces his mind to focus, blinking through the haze of his migraine to let his gaze make sense of the shapes and colors before him.

Hua Cheng is standing beside a figure in white.

"Lord Water Master-" Xie Lian moves to support him.
A sharp pain shoots through Shi Wudu like a knife, stealing his breath as he falls to his knees, setting a hand against his temple.

/You're mine./

He knows that Xie Lian is moving around him, likely asking Hua Cheng to help, but he can't /hear/ them anymore.

Just He Xuan.
/You can't run from me./

He can. He will. He /has/.

/You will come to me./

No. Never!

/You don't have a choice./
Shi Wudu's head swims when the pain seeps out of him, leaving him bereft and dizzy. He sways, caught by strong hands which hold him steady and a warm gaze that looks him over worriedly.

"Lord Water Master?"

"What... what was that?"

Xie Lian frowns. "I was hoping you knew..."
Hua Cheng shifts, drawing the attention of both his beloved and the once god he just helped leave Black Water Manor.

"Gege..." The ghost murmurs when Xie Lian gives him a beseeching look.

"San Lang if you know, please tell me."

That seems to get Hua Cheng to relent, sighing.
"Black Water has done a great deal of research on how to take his revenge." He began, moving to take a seat. "He most likely dug up forbidden scriptures and rituals, one of which being what he's done to you."

"What did he do."

"He restored your body, dragged your soul back..."
Hua Cheng's expression twists with his distaste. "And he bound you to him."

"Meaning...?" Xie Lian prompts gently.

"For all intents and purposes, Black Water created a living human without the soul existing in the body."

Shi Wudu recoils.

"It's similar to a ghost's ashes."
Xie Lian's hand shoots for the ring hanging from his neck, eyes wide. "Then he..."

"Yes, Gege..." Hua Cheng can't meet the god's gaze. "Black Water could."

Shi Wudu shakes his head. "No."

The ghost doesn't bother with arguing, turning away from the look in his beloved's eyes.
"San Lang... is there anyway to help him?"

Shi Wudu pulls from Xie Lian's grip, moving to stand.

"I can't, Gege. I've already done too much as it stands."

"Black Water can kill me and prevent me from entering the cycle." Shi Wudu mutters. "So I just have to take my soul back."
"He won't give it up easily." Hua Cheng sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "He likely won't even tell you where it is."

Shi Wudu raises his chin. "You overestimate his caution."

Xie Lian turns to the once god. "Do you want help?"

"I've nothing to offer you in return."
"Lord Water Master... I wasn't asking because I wanted something... I asked because you're the older brother of a friend of mine." Xie Lian smiles warmly.

Shi Wudu stares at the god as he rising to his feet and brushes a stray strand behind his ear.

"And, I want to help you."
When Shi Wudu's brows knit together, Hua Cheng makes a small resigned sound. "Gege, if you become mixed up in Black Water's affairs..."

Xie Lian chuckles, turning to look at him. "I'm not worried, San Lang, and you shouldn't be either."

The ghost didn't appear convinced.
Shi Wudu took a moment to take in the god's appearance, his eyes falling to Xie Lian's throat.

Bare, free of even the black scrawl that stuck to his skin.

"You don't have shackles any longer..."

Xie Lian turned back, nodding. "San Lang broke them."

An impressive feat.
"How is that even possible?"

The god's expression softens, fond. "It takes only one."

"Gege... perhaps it's best if you inform him about all that's happened since his death."

Xie Lian's brows knit together. "Black Water didn't...?"

"No." Shi Wudu frowns. "He told me nothing."
"Well then..." Xie Lian turns. "San Lang, could you ask for some tea to be brought for us? This is will take a while."

"Of course."

Shi Wudu learns a great many things over the course of that discussion, and inevitably stays in a guest room of paradise manor. He stays within the room mostly, settled near the window, and he thinks.

About Ling Wen's betrayal. About Jun Wu. About Shi Qingxuan.
About all of it. How could everything fall apart so spectacularly?

Jun Wu being Bai Wuxiang all along, using the court for years...

Everything Shi Wudu worked for, worked his hands to the bone for, gone with the tide.

And now, his legacy is being-

/Come to me./
Shi Wudu ignores the ache, sipping at the tea that was delivered to him a short while ago. The throbbing will subside when He Xuan gives up for the day.

"You're a tricky one."

Shi Wudu pauses, his cup brought to his lips. For a moment, he swears he imagined things.
He doesn't have to turn around. He doesn't have to look. He lets out a small, shaky breath when a pale hands settle on the windowsill to either side of him.

"You got help." He Xuan murmurs into his ear. "Very clever, my little tyrant, but there's no where to run."
Shi Wudu carefully set his tea down, staring out the window.

"Oh? What happened to your fight?" He Xuan hums. The water master can swear he feels them brush against his skin, cold as ever. "Have you lost your fight?"

Shi Wudu turns his face away, first balling in his lap.
There's a pause, a moment where neither move.

Shi Wudu gasps when a bruising grip takes hold of his jaw, wrenching his face around to meet He Xuan's.

"Do you really think you can escape? That Crimson Rain's little helpers will save you? That /anyone/ can save you?"

Save? No.
Shi Wudu has never been saved in his life. If a problem is presented to him, he deals with it without complaint. He struggles through in silence, letting no one see how many scars he's earned. How often he's gone without food or rest- sustaining himself off prayer.
He's never needed to be saved. That's for people who can't save themselves- who are so dependent on others that being saved is their only solution.

Shi Wudu doesn't ask for help, and he certainly doesn't need to be /saved/.

"Unhand me." He snarls.

He Xuan grins. "No."
The grip on his jaw is strong, there'll be marks later, but Shi Wudu cares only about proving he is not some toy for this ghost to do with as he pleases.

"Let me go, or I'll make you."

"And how do you plan to do that, hm?"

Shi Wudu smiles, a cold and heartless thing.
"I told you before, didn't I?"

He Xuan falters a moment, brows knitting together.

"I've already died once." Shi Wudu hums. "What's once more?"

The ghost shakes his head slowly. "You didn't."

"You don't know /anything/ about what I'm capable of doing, Black Water."
He Xuan glances to the tea cup. "He wouldn't have given it to you, not when he knows it comes into direct conflict with me."

"He didn't have to." Shi Wudu chuckles. "Funny how simple curtesy will get you anywhere."

"If you die, Shi Wudu, I can simply bring you back."

The ghost growls. "I won't let you pass on. You don't get to have that choice."

"It doesn't matter how many times you bring me back. I'll never be yours." Shi Wudu picks up his cup again, his hands steady. "I'm not a toy for you to pick up and discard at your leisure."
He Xuan slaps the cup from Shi Wudu's grip, the ceramic hitting the floor and shattering. He doesn't care, grabbing the once god by the back of the neck and pushing him down.

"You took /everything/ from me. It's my due to take /everything/ from you."

"There's nothing to take."
"There's plenty to take, from you, little tyrant." He Xuan crowds him now, enveloping him with his frame. "I could take you apart in a thousand different ways, and that would taking from you."

Shi Wudu suppresses his urge to shiver.

"I could take your heart from you."
"You'd have to rip it out of me."

He Xuan chuckles. "That defeats the point of bringing you back."

"There's no other way for you to possess it."

"You underestimate me, Wudu-ge." The ghost purrs. "I had your little brother all over me once."

His stomach churns. "Through lies."
"There was plenty of truth in the things I told him." He Xuan presses closer, their bodies slotting together. "When he asked me whether he was pretty, I told him the truth."

Shi Wudu gasps when lips graze over his throat, his pulse thundering in his veins.
"Of course, I didn't tell him everything." He Xuan sighs, letting his breath fan over Shi Wudu's ear. He relishes in the way he gasps, trying to pull away.

"Get off me-"

"Did you know He once asked me what sex was like?"

Shi Wudu bit his lip when He Xuan rolled his hips.
"Do you want to know what I did? What I /said/?"


He Xuan chuckles darkly, rocking into him again. "I told him I could /show/ him."

Shi Wudu shakes his head, white knuckling the windowsill.

"I told him that it can be soft and gentle, or fast and rough."

"Stop, I-"
He Xuan brings a hand to Shi Wudu's hip, grinding against the curve of his ass. "I told him I could make him come, and you wouldn't have to know."

"Why are you telling me this?" Shi Wudu hissed through gritted teeth, clawing at the wood.

"Guess." The ghost orders.
Shi Wudu shakes his head, gnawing on his lip to stop himself from saying anything more. An act of defiance.

He Xuan doesn't make it easy, rocking into him until he can feel the growing arousal pressing into-

Then He Xuan chuckles, voice lower than Shi Wudu has ever heard it.
"Still so much fight..." He purrs. "Even like this."

Shi Wudu gasps when the ghost brings a hand between his legs, palming at-

"Let me go..."

He Xuan hums thoughtfully. "I'll let you go... on one condition."


"No... I'll tell you after you agree."

He Xuan rocks into him again, groaning into his ear. "What do you say, little tyrant?"

Shi Wudu is shaking, and his breaths are coming in heavy pants. The hand working over him through his robes is giving him friction- heavens it feels so /good/-

"Let me go..."

"Good boy."
He Xuan pulls away easily, chin raised in victory. Shi Wudu, however, leans heavily into the windowsill, recoiling from the ghost.

"What... What's the condition?"

"We'll get to that." He Xuan hums, admiring his palm.

Or rather, what's /in/ it.
It takes Shi Wudu far too long to realize, his mind still swimming after the whole ordeal, that what He Xuan is looking at came from /him/.

But before he can demand that He Xuan clean his hand, the ghost turns his attention back to him, dragging his tongue through the mess.
Shi Wudu, with growing mortification, feels his face heat.

Then He Xuan- the asshole that he is- lets out that /noise/.

Like he's /enjoying/ it.

Shi Wudu can't catch his breath, trembling. "You..."

"My condition," He Xuan cuts in, leaning into the once gods space.
"Is you cannot come unless it's because of /me/."

She Wudu stares at him, eyes growing wide. "You can't-"

"Would you rather I fuck you here and now?" He Xuan purrs. "Get my hands on your skin and /make/ you come because of me?"


"That isn't-"

"Fair?" He taunts.
"There's no such thing as 'fair', little tyrant."

Shi Wudu sinks his teeth into his tongue to stop himself from making a biting retort.

He Xuan cages him them, grinning. A cat who caught the mouse. "You have your choices, Wudu-ge. I have take you, or you can't come without me."
"I would rather wait this out," Shi Wudu grits out, "than let you touch me."

He Xuan chuckles darkly, leaning closer until they're breathes mingle in the space between them. "Very well, my little tyrant. Let's see how long you last before you /beg/ me to fuck you."
Shi Wudu doesn't get a chance to react before He Xuan is gone, like he'd never been there to begin with.

Shi Wudu sags with relief, settling against the window and taking measured breathes. It wasn't /real/. He Xuan is just making him see things, clearly.

Then he shifts.

Mortified, the once god glances down to his lap to find a very real stain forming at the front of his robes.


He hides himself from the door, gnawing on his lip while he waits for it to /go away/.

But it doesn't matter how long he waits. His arousal remains.
He has his meals in his room, brought to him by a weary Yin Yu, and he keeps his back to the door.

It's not until he's laying down that he gives in.

He sighs in relief when his hand wraps around his cock. A few strokes and he's panting once again.

Close, but not enough.
He finds himself desperate, and it's so /frustrating/. His hips will stutter, the cusp of /something/ right there, only to bite back a pitiful noise and collapse back onto the bed.

It /hurts/. Heavens it hurts. He just wants to come.

"You... asshole."

/You're mine./

He can feel the shift. The way his pleasure coils in his belly.

"You... you really..."

/My tyrant./

"You... you did this to me..." He growls quietly, chasing the high. "Fuck, I need to-"

/Let's see how long you last before you beg me to fuck you./

"I'll never..."
/Get my hands on your skin and make you come because of me?/

Shi Wudu gasps, a soundless thing, as the dam within him breaks. The pleasure washes over him, leaving him with his shaky body in the wake of it. He slings an arm over his face.

"Happy now, you depraved bastard?"
There's no answer. There never is.


He Xuan stalked the halls of his manor. His presence lingering for no longer than a breath.

He always come back to this /one/ place, however.

Staring at an empty bed from the doorway, as if the body he'd laid there would appear.
He never did. No matter how many times He Xuan left and came back, the bed remained empty.

He Xuan slipped into the room soundlessly, drifting towards the bedside only to stop beside the nightstand. He pulls open the drawer, peering inside.

"You will come back to me..."
An innocent looking fan rests within, harmless and left alone.

"and if you don't, I will hunt you to the ends of this world and into the next."

He knows Shi Wudu cannot hear him, but by speaking them aloud-

He wonders if it's possible to manifest something by words alone.
He knows that, if he really wanted to, he could simply /will/ Shi Wudu back into his embrace.

That he could make the man come back with just a few simple thoughts, but that defeats the purpose.

Then it's not a victory. That's losing the war.

"When you come back," He murmurs,
"I'm going to make you want me."

He remembers how Shi Wudu looked, how he felt, under him. Desperately trying not to give into pleasure beneath his hand. The aborted sounds he made-

"And then I'm going to fuck you." He smiles, shutting the drawer. "And you'll beg me for it."
When He Xuan leaves that bedroom, he does so with a smile.

His prize may not be in his arms /now/, but he will be.

He simply needs to be patient and let him learn. Let him grow desperate to make the discomfort end. Wait until his little tyrant sees the solution is him.
And when that day arrives, He Xuan will be waiting for him. He has all the time in the world to wait.

His little tyrant, however, will have to learn one way or another.


Shi Wudu blinked his eyes open, feeling wrung out and exhausted despite his full night's sleep.
He's on his side, relaxed into the sheets.

His jaw aches in places, and when he reaches up to check they pain grows sharper.

"Fucking hell..."

Bruises. From where Black Water held him. He likely has bruises on his hip too then. Lifting the sheets and peeling away his robes-
A dark mottled mark mars his skin, a reminder of how easily He Xuan held him in place. The feeling of his grip digging into his flesh- not enough to hurt unpleasantly-

He shifts on the bed, and the shock of arousal that shoots up his spine has the once god going stock still.

He curses, cheeks going dark. He wraps his hand around his cock, giving a few short strokes before he buries his face in his pillow.

"I hate you, Black Water. So fucking much."

His movements falter once again when he remembers-

/You can't come without me./

He doesn't want to do this. He doesn't want to, but the coiling need in his belly urges him to rut into his hand, biting back whimpers into the pillow.

"I won't..."

He Xuan's hand had held him still with such ease. It would have been a simple thing for him to have taken him.
He could have argued all he liked, could have struggled to pull away but He Xuan had the strength to keep him still. He could have ripped his robes to get at his skin. Could have buried himself in Shi Wudu before he could come close to escape and-

"I hate you so much, asshole."
The coil in his belly tightens when he remembers how He Xuan had groaned into his ear, low and-

"No... No, please..."

The way he had rolled his hips, his arousal slotting against his ass so perfectly-

/You're mine./

"Fuck...!" Shi Wudu gasped, shivering with pleasure.
He bit his lip, pushing himself out of the bed to look at the mess.

This fucker has made it so fucking impossible. Even just /remembering/ that moment-

Shi Wudu shakes his head, composing himself as he dresses for the day. He absolutely /refuses/ to let /that/ happen again!
Once he's put together, he moves back to the window, frustrated.

How is he supposed to /deal/ with all of this? It's not like he will go back to that hell hole! He won't put himself at the mercy of that depraved ghost!

There's a knock at the door, "Lord Water Master?"

"What is it?"

"Are you alright?" Xie Lian calls. He hasn't opened the door, waiting for permission. "You haven't left your room, and I worried you were feeling unwell."

"I am fine, thank you." Shi Wudu sighs.

"Alright." He doesn't hear the soft patter of feet leaving though.
"Was there something else?" He turns around then, only to freeze.

By the bed is a figure he absolutely /does not/ want to see, lifting the sheets and grinning.

"Well..." Xie Lian says from beyond the door. "Do you want to have your meals in your room?"

Shi Wudu's lips thin.
What does He Xuan want /now/? He's already ruined Shi Wudu's mood and now he's here to- what? Fuck with him some more?

The ghost levels a knowing look his way, then nods his head to the door.

Shi Wudu grits his teeth. "Yes. Thank you."

"Of course..."

Then the god left.
He Xuan chuckled. "Didn't want anyone to see how easy you bruise, Wudu-ge?"

"Don't call me that."

"Well why not?" He Xuan gestured to the bed. "You're already come with my name on your lips."

"Leave me /alone/."

"Why would I do that?"

"This is Crimson Rain's territory."
"And?" He Xuan purred.

"Aren't you two meant to... fight-"

Shi Wudu falls silent when the ghost king cages him against the window. Just like the night before. "Would you like that? Would you enjoy watching him and I fighting over where you should stay? Over /you/?"

He Xuan leaned in, a grin curling on his lips. "Yes?"

"That wasn't..." Shi Wudu leaned away, his heart thundering in his chest. "I didn't mean..."

"Use your words, little tyrant..."

"You shouldn't /be here/."

"Ah, but /you're/ here."

He must be joking. "You need to /leave/."
"No," He Xuan chuckled, ducking his head to nose as Shi Wudu's throat. "I don't. Hua Cheng knows I'm here."

"What? Then-"

"He won't interfere." The ghost speaks the words against his skin, making the once god shiver.

Shi Wudu bites his lip, looking away. "Why...?"

"A deal."
A deal. The-


He Xuan's amusement comes in a pleased hum against Shi Wudu's pulse. The once god jolts when a tongue presses against his neck, licking a stripe up the column of his throat.

"Stop, I-"

"Stop?" He Xuan murmurs, "Why would I stop?"

"Because I- ah!"
"Why would I stop when you're body is telling me something else?"

Shi Wudu writhed, pushing at the ghost even as a hand presses against his arousal. "S-Stop!"

"If I stop, I won't let you come at all." He Xuan purred.


"You heard me, my little tyrant."
Shi Wudu gasped when nimble fingers slipped into his robes, cold fingers dancing across his skin. They push his robes apart, revealing more his heated flesh to the cool air. He Xuan sucks a mark into the once god's throat, teeth nibbling at the skin until Shi Wudu shudders.
"I want to fuck you," He Xuan hums, his lips trailing down the expanse of exposed skin. "I want to make you scream my name."

"Let me go..."

He Xuan ignores him, mouthing at Shi Wudu's chest.

"Fuck! Just... Mnh! Let me go, /please/!"

"I think I like you begging." He groans.
"He Xuan-"

"Don't call me that." The ghost snaps, digging his teeth into Shi Wudu's shoulder in warning. "That name isn't for you."


"You will call me He Sheng, or nothing at all."

When Shi Wudu makes to protest, a gasp leaves him instead. "He Sheng-"

Fuck, he hadn't meant to give into him like that, but-

"W-Wait, I-"

He Xuan's other hand has settled over his hip, thumb pressing into the bruise he left the night before.

"Ngh! S-Stop, that- ah! That /hurts/."

"Mm, but you /like/ it that way." He Xuan chuckles, leaning back.
Shi Wudu can do little in way of resistance when He Xuan digs his fingers into the bruises along his jaw and makes him look down at where they're now pressing against each other.

He sees his own cock twitch as He Xuan rolls his thumb over the mark on his hip, and he keens.
"S-Stop... I don't want this..."

He Xuan hums thoughtfully. "You really want me to stop?"

"Yes!" Shi Wudu can't pull away, his body wracked with tremors. He feels weak, hazy.

"Then beg."

His eyes widen, staring in shock at the ghost. "W-What...?"

"Beg. Beg me to let you go."
Shi Wudu couldn't look away, even when He Xuan let go of his jaw to drag his hand over Shi Wudu's chest- to play with him until he's biting back a moan.

"If you really want this to stop, then be a good boy and beg me to."

He digs his teeth into his lip, biting back-

"He X-" His throat constricts, his breaths strained little things and-

"Oh?" He Xuan grins, "What's this?"

No, Shi Wudu thinks. No, /please/.

The ghost leans in, his lips brushing against the once god's own. "Do you like it when you can barely breathe? Does that get you off?"
Shi Wudu turns away, trembling.

"You know how to fix it, Wudu-ge..." He Xuan purrs. "C'mon... /Say it/."

He shakes his head, defiant.

"Oh... You think I'll let you win this little game? No, I'll let you pass out first, and when you do... I'll work you open on my fingers."
Shi Wudu shudders, his face burning with his shame because-

"Oh..." He Xuan grins. "Oh you're going to be /so/ much fun."

He's so /dizzy/, and when the ghost rolls their hips together-

"He Sheng!" Shi Wudu moans, clawing at his shoulders to ground himself.

"Yes, Wudu-ge?"
"You..." He tries to think, but his mind continues to swim as the ghost rocks into him again, dragging more pleasure out of him. "S-Stop..."

"If you want it to stop, you have to beg." He Xuan hums. " 'He Sheng, please stop! I can't take it anymore!' "

"I wouldn't..."

He Xuan chuckles. "Well then it sounds like I'm going to fuck you then, take you apart until you come on my fingers."

He shakes his head, pushing against his chest weakly.

"Once I've got you nice and loose, only then will I bend you over and fuck you until you /scream/."
"No, I won't let you-"

"I'll fuck you," He Xuan purrs, "and you'll beg me to let you rest before I'm through with you. You'll feel so good you'll never want me to stop."


"Oh /yes/." Shi Wudu shivers when He Xuan bites playfully at his jaw. "I'll make you want it always."
Shi Wudu gasps when a hand rests over his as, kneading the flesh until he arcs into the ghost's form.

"I'll make you want to be taken again and again. You'll want to be split open on my cock, moaning as I fill you up again and again and /again/."


"And I'll do it too."
Shi Wudu trembles when He Xuan meets his gaze.

"I'll fuck you every time you ask. I won't bother leaving bed if you want to ride me all day, if you want me to fuck you until you pass out."


"I'd let you sit on my cock, taking your pleasure from me. You just have to ask."
His tongue feels heavy in mouth, his words dying before he can think them into existence. He's left staring at He Xuan as the ghost brings his other hand to his ass, squeezing so he can swallow the moan.

Shi Wudu sinks into the current of pleasure when their lips meet.
He feels He Xuan push of his robes, moans when a tongue licks into his mouth and teeth sink into his lip.

He can't find the fight in him when he's lifted, carried to the bed and laid down upon the sheets, too distracted by how He Xuan's hands sink into the meat of his thighs.
He keens when He Xuan blazes a trail of wet kisses down his throat to his chest, tongue swirling around his nipple before taking it into his mouth with a pleased sound.

"He Sheng..." Shi Wudu whimpers, fingers curling into dark locks. "I'm-"

"Not yet." The ghost orders.
He writhes, biting back the sob that threatens to leave him. Closing his eyes is a mistake, because the sensations of He Xuan's ministrations become that much more intense.

He gasps when a hand holds him tight enough to bruise. Another to match the one on his hip.

"He Sheng..."
"Wudu-ge." He Xuan answers, his lips never leaving the once god's skin. "What do you want?"

"I..." He shudders, hands gliding over him slowly. Just letting him /feel/. "I..."

"Do you want me to fuck you?" He Xuan murmurs into his ear. "Do you want me to make you come?"
Shi Wudu blinks his eyes open, turning to look at the ghost, a small noise leaving him when a kiss is placed at the corner of his mouth.

He Xuan chuckles. "Do you want a kiss, hm?"

Yes. Heavens, a kiss sounds so /good/. He needs-

"Gods you're beautiful like this..."
"He Sheng..."


"He Sheng." Shi Wudu tugs at him, his eyes burning with unshed tears. "He Sheng."

"Poor thing..." He Xuan murmurs, "I'm right here."

Then there's lips against his own. Shi Wudu greedily nips at He Xuan, demanding in his own right.

"Such a tyrant..."
Yes, Shi Wudu thinks with a sigh, I'm a tyrant.

He Xuan licks into his mouth, his grip bruising where he hikes up a pale thigh to hook it over his shoulder.

I'm a tyrant, so give me what I want.

"Fuck, look at you." He Xuan pants, pulling back to admire him. "Such a whore."
Shi Wudu makes a small noise of protest, his arms falling to either side of him. He arcs his back, hoping it would convince the man looming over him to-

"My little tyrant," He Xuan purrs, "Do you want it that badly?"

The ghost chuckles at the weak glare he's given in response.
"Say it."

Shi Wudu keens, shifting on the bed. He tugs at the sheets, going so far as to hook his free leg around He Xuan's hip to pull him forward to no avail.

It's not until Shi Wudu makes a small angry sound and makes to move away does He Xuan finally move.
"Tell me what you want." He Xuan squeezes his thigh, turning to press a kiss to his knee. "I want you to say it. Use your words."

Shi Wudu whines, tugging for his leg. He doesn't /know/, he just /wants/! Why is that so hard to understand!

"Tell me, and I'll do it."
He makes a small aborted sound, refusing to sob even as he's denied.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" He Xuan smiles. "Tell me... I want to hear you say you want it."

That pleasant feeling in his belly is fading, and drifting away as He Xuan does /nothing/.

"Fuck me..."
He Xuan smiles, pressing another kiss to Shi Wudu's knee, then another just a little higher. "Ask me nicely. I'll do it if you ask me."

"Fuck me," Shi Wudu whines, "please..."

"So close to perfect. You can do it, Beautiful. C'mon. Say it. Ask me to fuck you. Say my name."
"He Sheng..." The water master whimpers, fighting off tears. "Please /fuck me/."

It's a marvelous thing seeing the ghost's eyes darken. He descends upon him like a tidal wave, swallowing a moan when their arousals grind together in a heady friction.

It feels so /good/.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good." He Xuan groans. "You'll be ruined for anyone else. Only I can make you feel like this, do you understand?"

Shi Wudu moans. /Yes/, please. This feels so good. No one can touch him this way, just him.

"Say it, Beautiful. Do you understand?"

Shi Wudu shudders as He Xuan rolls their hips together, clawing at the ghost to ground himself.

"C'mon beautiful. You were saying?"

"Mnh! Y-Ye- hah! Mngh!" He gnaws on his lip as the ghost rocks into him again and again, bringing him closer to that edge. "Y-Yes!"
"Good boy," He Xuan purrs. "I'm gonna open you up now."

"Mmn! P-Please..."

"Shh, I've got you beautiful. Be good and lay here yeah?"

Shi Wudu turns catching the ghost's attention.

"Hm? What's wrong beautiful?"


"Oh? You want a kiss?"

"He Sheng..."
"Fuck, yeah okay." He Xuan groans, capturing Shi Wudu's lips with his own. "You could get anything you want looking like that... saying my name. Fuck, I want to make you scream..."

"He Sheng..."

"I'm here, Beautiful. What d'you need?"

"He Sheng..."


"He Sheng..."
"Are you close?" He Xuan murmurs, mouthing at his pulse. "Is that what you're trying to tell me?"

"Mnh!" His nails scrap against the ghost's scalp as another mark is sucked into his skin. "He Sheng!"

"Not yet... Don't come yet..." He Xuan growls. "Hold on for me, beautiful."

"I know..." He Xuan works down the length of Shi Wudu's body, glancing up to meet Shi Wudu's beseeching gaze. "It won't soon."

"He Sheng..." He whimpers, tugging at his hair. "Please...?"

"Hold on until I get my cock in you, then you can come. How's that sound?"

"Don't be greedy now, Beautiful." He Xuan frowns. "Don't you want to be a good boy?"

"He Sheng..."

"Ohh I see what you're trying to do."

Shi Wudu whimpers when a hand settles over his cock, nimbly wrapping around him and /squeezing/.

"No! Wait! Please! He Sheng!"
"Shh, breathe." He Xuan soothes, "It'll be okay."

"Please!" Shi Wudu's blunt nails carve swaths over his shoulders, "Please! It hurts! He /Sheng/!"

"Breathe, Beautiful. You're doing so well." He Xuan murmurs. "Almost over."

The moment that cruel hand lets him go, he whimpers.
He Xuan presses kisses into his knee, soothingly running his hands over his things. "Good boy, you did so well."


"This was the less painful way, Wudu-ge." He Xuan chuckles. "Soon, I'll get to open you open you up and /fuck you/."


"I'll make it up to you."
When He Xuan leans in, moving to kiss him, Shi Wudu turns his face away.

"Oh? No kisses?"

"He Sheng," He huffs, "you're awful."

The ghost stills. "Oh?"

Shi Wudu doesn't say more, refusing to look at him.

"Does my tyrant no wont any kisses?"

The bitten lip betrays him.
"Fine." He Xuan sighs dramatically. "No more kisses."

Shi Wudu glances up at him, feeling horribly betrayed.

"It's been long enough, little tyrant. I think it's about time you scream for me."

"He Sheng..."

"Don't get cute with me now, little tyrant. This is what you wanted."
Shi Wudu shivers when a finger circles his rim, suspiciously slick.

"He Sheng, wai-!"

He body arcs off the bed, his lips falling open in a silent scream.

"I can't fuck into you dry now, Beautiful. I've got to work you open first." He Xuan growls. "Don't want to hurt you more."
Shi Wudu can barely think beyond the sensation of that finger working into him, the sensation of it slipping in and out- brushing against something that makes his entire body shudder.

"H-He Sheng..."

"Be good and let me open you up."



"F-Feels good."

Shi Wudu gasps when another finger slips in with the first, moaning when stars burst behind his eyes.

"That's it..."

He rides the tide of pleasure, pulled along the current of He Xuan's intentions for him. He doesn't have to think, or move or /do/ anything. Just feel.
And it feels /good/. So good.

He's drowning in it, reveling in the way He Xuan eyes him hungrily. He pulls at the sheets, shivers with each new drop of pleasure wrung out of him, keens when the ghost slows and bites back his moans when He Xuan decides to get rough with him.
That feeling is building again before long, the building of a tidal wave that has Shi Wudu panting, clawing at He Xuan's arm with one hand while the other fists the sheets.

"He Sheng, I'm-"


It's like the water pulling back from shore, a gradual build into a tsunami.
"He Sheng, I'm gonna-" His sense of self is slipping away, lost in the shifting tides of roiling pleasure as those fingers work him open.

"Hold on just a bit longer, Beautiful..."

He can feel when it begins to crest, his breaths quickening.

Then everything stops.
"No!" Shi Wudu sobs, looking up at He Xuan as the ghost pulls away with a grin. "Why?"

"What's wrong?" He hums, acting innocent, "Didn't I say you could come, but only on my cock?"


"Not today, Beautiful. You're not ready for that just yet."


Shi Wudu takes hold of himself, ignoring the amusement that dances across He Xuan's eyes as he gives himself a few desperate strokes.

"No... No! Please!"

"It won't work, little tyrant." The ghost king purrs. "If you want that, you'll come to me on your own, and you'll beg."
"He Sheng," Shi Wudu pleads, rising to cling to him with trembling limbs. "Please, don't leave me like this."

He Xuan looks to where he holds onto him, smiling. "Leave you? Isn't that what you wanted at the start of all this? For me to 'let you go'?"

Dread churns in his gut.



He Xuan's hand grabs onto Shi Wudu's hair, pulling until he's whimpering beneath his touch. "I said /no/. You left first, little tyrant. If you want to come, you're going to have to /beg/ me for it. You better give me an offer I can't refuse."
Shi Wudu sits there, stunned to silence, even as He Xuan pulls away. All signs of gentleness have left him. He's cold and...

"You're angry..."

"Why wouldn't I be?" He snaps.

"You dragged me back from /death/!" Shi Wudu hisses, finding the well of fury in his chest.
"If /anyone/ gets to be angry, it's /me/."

"Oh, don't you even fucking start." He Xuan snarls. "You /ruined/ my life first."

"And you should have been happy when I /died/! When you /murdered/ me!" Shi Wudu roars. "You're the one who brought this upon us /both/! Not me!"
He Xuan chuckles, turning away.

"You don't know how to take responsibility for /anything/ do you?"

"Do not speak as if you know me."

"Don't act like a spoiled fucking /brat/ then!" He counters, grabbing he nearest robe and throwing around himself to follow after the ghost.
"You don't get to be the victim anymore, He X-"

Shi Wudu stills, clutching at his throat as it seizes.

"Did you forget?" He Xuan hums, turning to look at him. "You don't get to call me that anymore."


"Go on. Say it, Shi Wudu. Say my name."

This fucking asshole.
Out of defiance, Shi Wudu keeps his lips resolutely shut.

"Got nothing to say? All done?" the ghost mocks. "Then listen to me when I say this."

He flinches when fingers dig into his jaw, nails surely going to leave crescents.

"I won't stop until I have /every/ part of you."
The once god stills, a shuddering breath of shock escaping him.

"I will torment you, day in and day out, until I possess /all/ of you. Until every inch of your skin has been marked by my hands, until you cannot be with anyone else without thinking of me." He Xuan hisses.
"Until your every thought, your every breath, every beat of your /heart/ is mine. I want to take your /everything/. I want you to want to stay. I want you to crave my presence like it'll /save you/. I want you to /need me/."


"So I can /leave you/."
Shi Wudu's face twists with anger, but He Xuan hold him still, snarling.

"I want you to know what it's like. To love someone, to want to spend the rest of your life trying to be their /everything/, only for them to be torn from you. I want you to know what I /went through/."
What is he supposed to say to that? How is he meant to /feel/ about that?

"He Sheng..."

"What? What Shi Wudu?" The ghost growls. "Let's hear what you have to say now."

"I'm not going to love you, He Sheng. I don't even /know/ you."

The ghost huffs. "Then learn."
"Give me one good reason to, and I might." Shi Wudu bites back, ignoring the pain of He Xuan's fingers all but crushing his jaw.

"You didn't just kill me, little tyrant." He Xuan murmurs, gaze cold. "Your hands are stained with the blood of everyone I have ever loved."
And that-

"My mother, father." He Xuan continues, eerily quiet. /Shaking/. "My fiancée, my little /sister/."

That stings. Because if Shi Wudu had been He Xuan, that would mean it would have been /Shi Qingxuan/ who died.

"Every unborn child I would have ever had. You took."
Shi Wudu has to meet his gaze when He Xuan tightens his grip a fraction.

"And you don't even know their /names/."

His voice is barely above a whisper, a tortured breath.

"They were human too. They lived and they breathed, and they /loved/. And you killed them."

"He Sheng-"
"Shut up." He Xuan snaps, pulling away from him. "Don't fucking bother. Nothing you do will /ever/ bring them back. They're /gone/ because of you. Because you couldn't be bothered to give a shit."

It stings because it's /true/. He didn't care. Why would he? He didn't know them.
He can't look at He Xuan, can't meet his gaze.

He didn't /know/. He still doesn't. The only one he ever had an inkling about was He Xuan himself. But he took more than just one life- one ascension. He took a family.

"He Sheng, please-"

"You will return to Black Water Manor."
Shi Wudu snaps his head up, looking at the ghost's back.

"You best be prepared when you do."

Then he's gone.

Shi Wudu stares at where he stood, shaking his head. "You..."

He brings a hand to his neck, feeling at the bruises there.

"You don't get to just /say/ that and run."
The next few days find Shi Wudu alone.

He doesn't eat, doesn't leave his room. He sits in contemplation, his hands often hovering over bruises. He doesn't answer with more than a few words, distant.

Then, rather unexpectedly, he emerges from his room as if nothing was amiss.
He offers Xie Lian nothing more then a subtle incline of his head when greeted, and Yin Yu gets even less, but at least there's no scathing looks.

Hua Cheng finds himself with the returned water master's attention, however.

"Tell me about him."
"You'll have to be more specific than that." The ghost king rolls his dice along his knuckles idly, waiting.

Shi Wudu grits his teeth. "He Sheng..."

That has the calamity's brows shooting skyward. "Someone's done some research."

"Don't. I'm in no mood for games."
Hua Cheng raises his chin. "And in exchange?"

"I get out of your home and leave you alone."

Not a bad deal, all things considered.

"Gege would simply find you and bring you back, assuming you just leave without a word."

"He wouldn't."

Hua Cheng looks the once god over.
"What has he told you?"

"He... He had a sister. A betrothed, too."


Shi Wudu sighs, annoyed. "What else? He obviously had parents, Crimson Rain. I would expect the ghost king who took on thirty-three gods, both martial and civil, would put that much together."
Hua Cheng huffs, barely a laugh. "Sounds like you know quite a bit, 'Lord Water Master'."

"Don't patronize me."

"San Lang."

Both men turn to look at the door, where Xie Lian strides in. In his hands brushes and a stack of papers. He must be carrying an ink stone with him too.
"If you know something, you should help him." Xie Lian sets the items down before the ghost king, who looks like a child reprimanded for taking one too many sweets.

"I don't know much more than you do," Hua Cheng sighs, "other than what he tried to tell your brother."
"Which is?"

Xie Lian's eyes light up, turning to the ghost. "You mean the story we heard during the bloody fire social?"

"Yes, Gege."

Shi Wudu glanced between the two, waiting.

"Ah, apologies." Xie Lian offered a small guilty smile. "The bloody fire social was..."
"It told the story of how Black Water, before he died, went mad and killed his tormentors before succumbing to his injuries. How, no matter how brilliant his mind, his luck was so rotten everything good was taken from him. His sister and fiancée where made into concubines."
Hua Cheng watched the emotions flickering through Shi Wudu's eyes as he continued. "This 'He Sheng' went to argue, only to be falsely accused and arrested. Of course, by then both his sister and fiancée were dead, one beaten to death and the other by her own choice."
Shi Wudu doesn't flinch, but he knows Hua Cheng sees the pain in his eyes.

"During his imprisonment, his mother died of her illness, and his father worked himself to death. He arrived just in time to witness his father's last moments."

Xie Lian turns to his husband.
Before the god can speak, however, Shi Wudu hold up his hand. "Don't. I would hear it plainly."

Hua Cheng raises his chin. "You want it plain? Fine. After burying the last living relative he had, he threw himself into the family business, giving up his scholarly pursuits."
"San Lang..." Xie Lian murmured, knowing his husband was telling the story in a way to inflict pain.

The calamity didn't stop, however. "He was smart though, and that made his competitors scheme against him. The ruined him, taking everything and leaving him in debt."
Shi Wudu refused to let Hua Cheng see him break. "Then he went mad with rage, and slaughtered his tormentors. Is that it?"

"Something like that. Of course, he then fell into the sea- your dominion if I recall- and died. Some time later, I presume he showed up at mount Tonglu."
"... And after that?"

Hua Cheng shrugs, reclining. "He fought his way out. Like all those who came before him."

"I see..."

"Ah, let me amend that statement." Hua Cheng gives a cold smile. "He /ate/ his way out. He didn't slaughter, he consumed."

Shi Wudu's frown deepens.
"An important distinction, I take it."

"It is." The calamity tilts his head. "When a ghost consumes another ghost, they take on their strength, and in some cases their abilities."

Shi Wudu stiffens.

"He more than likely ate your old friend, the venerable of empty words."
"And used it's abilities to torment Shi Qingxuan..."

"To get to /you/." Hua Cheng snaps. "That's what he wanted. Shi Qingxuan was more than likely just collateral to him. The cost to get to you. Admirable that he tried to find a reason not to hurt him though."

Yes, it was.
Shi Wudu's lips thin. "And what about the deal you two have?"

"I don't interfere with him, he doesn't interfere with me. If he hurts Gege, I'll kill him. I take away his vengeance, he can try to do the same."

"San Lang, enough." Xie Lian reprimands. "He needs /help/."
"He has helped." Shi Wudu takes a deep breath, turning to Xie Lian. "Unfortunately, he cannot help me with my next query."

The god straightens, nodding.

"Might you ask Ling Wen to... to look into it?"

Xie Lian paused. "Do you.. want me to tell her you're..."

Shi Wudu can only /imagine/ what she would think. How she might react. Who she would tell.

"No. Ling Wen doesn't need to know."

"If that's what you want..."

"I presume that'll take some time, so in the meantime I mean to go and see Shi Qingxuan. Where might I find him?"
"That... That may be difficult..."


Hua Cheng sets a hand on Xie Lian's shoulder. "Not in finding him, but for you to /see/ him."


"He... Lord Wind Master..." Xie Lian tries, face twisting.

"Has a lame arm and leg."

Shi Wudu goes stock still. "What...?"
"Ah, San Lang!" Xie Lian chides, brows knitting together. He turns back to Shi Wudu, an apology in his honey eyes. "He told us he did it to himself... He refuses to let anyone help him, choosing to live as a beggar."

Ah, so that's how it is. "Did he... did he say why?"
"Atonement." Hua Cheng says simply, sparing Xie Lian from answering further. "If you're sure you want to see him, he comes to visit when his travels bring him through."

Shi Wudu steels himself. "And... when is that, exactly?"

"Last we heard, he was just a few days out."
A few days...

"Hua Chengzhu."

"What is it?" The ghost leans into Xie Lian to peer around Shi Wudu.

"There's a guest."

Xie Lian lifts his head. "Is it...?"

"Yes, Dianxia."

Shi Wudu turns. "Where?"

Both Xie Lian and Shi Wudu lead the way, Hua Cheng trailing after them.
When they enter the main hall, Xie Lian all but sprints across the room towards the figure stumbling to his feet.

Shi Wudu stands at the door, heart /pounding/.

"Lord Wind Master!"

"Your Highness! You look well!"

"As do you." Xie Lian smiled, "Please, sit! Yin Yu-"
"Right away, Dianxia."

"Thank you!" Xie Lian offered a quick smile, then turned back to help Shi Qingxuan settle.

"I'm okay, I'm okay!" He laughs, warm and bright. Shi Wudu's heart /aches/. "You don't need to fuss!"

/They were human too./

He shuts his eyes, takes a breath.
/They lived and they breathed, and they loved./

His next breath shudders in his chest, and his hands shake.

/And you killed them./


He opens his eyes, meeting that wid-eyed gaze. "Hello, didi."

"Your highness..." Shi Qingxuan murmurs, not once looking away. "is...?"
"Yes, it's him..." Xie Lian murmurs.


Shi Wudu clicks his tongue, crossing the room. "What are those for?"

Shi Qingxuan shakes his head. "But-! I saw-! You were-!"

He kneels beside his brother, catching a tear on his hand. "I know."


"Ge's right here."
Shi Qingxuan moves into the circle of his arms so easily, a broken sob leaving him.

"I've got you," Shi Wudu murmurs into his hair. "I'm here, and I've got you."

A hand bunches his robes where his brother clings to him.

I'm going to fix things, he thinks. All of my mistakes.
Xie Lian settles with Hua Cheng only after Shi Qingxuan has stopped crying and assured him that he's alright.

("It's just a big surprise to see Ge again, is all. Last I knew he was... y'know.")

Shi Wudu cannot help but be grateful that his didi insists they sit side by side.
The last time they were this close- and not in mortal danger- things had been...

Shi Wudu lets out a small breath when he feels Shi Qingxuan nudge a cup of tea into his hands. It brings a faint smile, affection softening his edges.

/And you don't even know their names./
Shi Wudu bring the tea to his lips, gaze lowered.

He can learn.

/I want you to know what I went through./

He'll learn everything he can, if only to understand. To make sense of the fragments his tormentor has given him.

If only to know the man behind the ghost.
Shi Qingxuan talks animatedly, waving his one good arm about with his dramatic flair when he's not holding his cup.

It feels...

Xie Lian chuckles at a joke Shi Qingxuan makes, and Shi Wudu sees the way Hua Cheng smiles.

It feels /good/. Normal in a way his life hasn't been.
/Nothing you do will ever bring them back./

Shi Wudu sets his tea down, staring into the cup in silence as his didi rambles on.

/They're gone because of you./

He took this from him. Every quiet moment, every meal, his entire /future/. He took it all.

He never considered...
/Because you couldn't be bothered to give a shit./

He never considered how much it would weigh on him to know even just this much.

That's the thing, isn't it? He didn't just /take/. He /exchanged/. He gave He Xuan the fate that would have been Shi Qingxuan's, and it killed him.
Shi Qingxuan's fate /killed/ He Xuan and every person he loved. It drove him to madness, made him murder who knows how many before he died, only to return with a blackened heart.

Hellbent on revenge.

Shi Wudu smiles at Shi Qingxuan when their gazes meet, hiding his grief.
Grief because that could have been Shi Qingxuan /so/ easily. If he had done /nothing/, it could have been his precious didi.

In a lot of ways, his choice was a double edged sword.

If he hadn't changed their fates, if he done all he could with the hand he'd been given...
If he hadn't taken forces he knew nothing about into his own hands-

Would things be different? Would they have been spared to worst of the world's cruelty?

Shi Wudu departs from the meeting early, taking long strides to the room he's been allowed to stay in. His stomach churns.
It roils like stormy seas, and he stumbles to the nearest chair, collapsing into it. His fingers curl into his hair, nails scraping at his scalp until it leaves a stinging trail in their wake.

Shi Qingxuan could have died, but innocents would have been spared.

He feels sick.
He doesn't even /know/ them, so why? /Why/ does the mere thought of their deaths make him want to curl into a ball and hide?

An image of his brother, beaten and bloody. Eyes lifelessly staring forward.

Shi Wudu makes a small, broken sound, burying his face in his hands.
It could have been his /brother/.

He can only /imagine/ the agony He Xuan felt over a little /sister/. Can barely fathom the pain of that loss and what it must have done to him.

And a fiancée too.

Heavens he took every chance of happiness from him. Every drop of it.

Shi Wudu jolts upright, eyes wide.

Immediately he's stumbling over, worry in his bright eyes. "Ge! What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Qingxuan..." The elder brother murmurs, leaning into the gentle hand.

The mortal frowns, worriedly looking his brother over.
"Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm alright," He sighs, smiling when a thumb swipes away a tear. "I'm okay, I promise."

"Ge, you're /crying/." Shi Qingxuan counters, trying to catch his gaze. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing you should worry about, Didi."

"Please, don't do that..."
Shi Wudu frowns when Shi Qingxuan pulls away. "Didi?"

"Don't... don't do that anymore." His brows knit together with weariness. "You can't protect me forever, Ge."

"I can try."

"Ge, you /died/."

He turns away, his gaze drifting around the room. "Please, let me have this."
"Tell me what happened to you." Shi Qingxuan insists. "Let me /help you/."

"You can't." Shi Wudu breathes the words out, the sound so soft and broken it stuns his brother. "You can't help me now, didi."

"Why not?"

He shuts his eyes, ducking his head. "It's too late."
"Too late? Too late for /what/?"

"Didi," Shi Wudu pleads, lifting his head. "/Listen/ to me. If you help me, you could get hurt. I won't let you get hurt again, I /can't/."

"What's going /on/?"

He wants to scream. To tear the curtains off the wall and shred the bedsheets.
He wants to storm and rage and /be/ the tempest he is known to be.

"Qingxuan," He all but whispers instead. "This is all my fault..."

"What? What you saying?"

Shi Wudu rises from his chair, dragging a hand through his long locks. "I'm /sorry/."

He looks beyond Shi Qingxuan.
There, in the darkest corner, his tormentor waits. As he knew he would be. A monster in the dark, a figure ready to take from him until he's nothing more than what He Xuan /wants/ him to be.

His for the taking, his to consume. The prey he hunts.

"Ge, what are you saying?!"
"I'm going to Black Water Manor." Shi Wudu doesn't tear his gaze from a piercing gold.

"/No/!" Qingxuan shrieks, shaking his brother until finally he meets his gaze. "He /killed/ you!"

He smiles, a small resigned thing. "If it means you'll be safe, it's a worthy sacrifice."
The figure in the darkness moves, slipping out of the shadows to drift through the room like a phantom. Silent.

Shi Wudu lets Shi Qingxuan hug him, if only so he can look up at He Xuan unafraid. "There's nothing I wouldn't give up for you, Didi."

He Xuan scowls at him.
"Don't go, I only /just/ got you back! This isn't fair!"

Shi Wudu chuckles, looking down at his little brother. "Many things in life aren't fair, but you have friends who will help you if you ask."

"I won't let you go!"

"Didi, I don't have a choice."

"Yes you do!"
"No," He Xuan growls. "He doesn't. Not anymore."

Shi Wudu doesn't struggle when He Xuan grabs him by his hair, waiting for the pain. Then he sees the ghost king reach for Shi Qingxuan, and his thoughts come to a halt.

"Don't touch him, He Sheng!"

He Xuan snarls. "Tyrant-"
Shi Qingxuan stumbles, tugging at his brother's robes. "Get away from him!"

"Qingxuan!" Shi Wudu tries, but the ghost tightens his grip and /pulls/. "He Sheng, enough!"

"Get him to let. You. /Go/." He Xuan growls, his gaze never leaving the mortal. "Or I will."
"Lay a hand on him, He Sheng, and I'll /never/ be what you want."

The ghost king finally turns his gaze to the water master, teeth bared. "I can /make/ you do whatever I want."

"Then why haven't you?" Shi Wudu counters, a knowing glint in his eyes. "It would have been so easy."
He Xuan smiles, his anger reaching a boiling point. "Watch it, little tyrant-"

Shi Qingxuan pulls at Shi Wudu's robes again, looking between the two fearfully. "Ge!"

"Qingxuan," The water master doesn't look away from the ghost. "Go. He won't kill me."


Shi Qingxuan, in a act of defiance that appears to be his new normal, moves to the ghost and grabs his collar.

When He Xuan turns to the mortal, Shi Qingxuan holds his gaze.

"Let. Go."

"If he dies again," Shi Qingxuan snaps, "I'll never forgive you."

"His fate is /mine/."
"His fate?" Shi Qingxuan howls, raging like a tempest. "His fate is his own! It's /mine/ that became yours! You want to torment someone, torment /me/!"

He Xuan huffs. "No."

Shi Wudu drags He Xuan's attention back to him by a hand on his cheek, setting a hand on Shi Qingxuan's.
"You have what you came for, He Sheng." Shi Wudu insists. "I'm /right here/."


Shi Wudu blindly fights to pry his brother's hand from the ghost king's collar, holding the cold golden gaze. "You've /won/, so let him go."

Something shifts in the air, in He Xuan's gaze.
He Xuan's grip on his hair eases, but that hand doesn't leave him. It drifts lower. Shi Wudu feels those fingers settle at the back of his neck, and when He Xuan lifts his head to look down his nose-

Shi Wudu /knows/ what he's doing.

"You want me to let him go, then /beg/."
"He Sheng!"

"He'll never beg, you-"

He Xuan's free hand snaps to Shi Qingxuan's throat. "One more word, and I'll rip your precious 'ge' limb from limb."

"He Sheng, let him go!" Shi Wudu's hands curl into the dark silk robes, a plea in his eyes. "Don't hurt him."
"I told you to beg, little tyrant." He Xuan sneers.

Shi Wudu glances to his little brother, sees the ghost's hand tighten around Shi Qingxuan's throat.

He shuts his eyes, knowing what will follow. "Please... Let him go."

"Go on." He Xuan orders through a grin. "Say it."
It's mortifying. Knowing that, the one who's always seen you as a pillar of resilience, of /strength/, bares witness to you bending a knee. He Xuan knows it, and he's relishing in Shi Wudu's heartbreak.

"I'm begging you..." He murmurs, "Let my brother go."

"Good boy."
Shi Wudu grunts when he's tossed to the floor.

"You're going to walk through that door, and when you get to the other side, you're going to go to your room and wait."

"You bastard!" Shi Qingxuan wheezes, clawing that the hand on his throat.

Shi Wudu rises to his feet, shaking.
"And Shi Qingxuan...?" Shi Wudu asks, feeling so utterly small.

"Will be fine. This is merely to ensure you aren't stopped, my little tyrant."

Shi Qingxuan tries to protest when he sees his brother move to the door, thrashing uselessly.

He Xuan tilts his head, grinning.
"Go on."

Shi Wudu takes a shuddering breath when he reaches the door, seeing a travel array spark to life. He would have never known...

"I'm getting impatient, /Wudu-ge/."


Shi Wudu bites his lip when he swings the door open, the array activating. Just one step.
Just one step and this game of defiance is all but finished. He Xuan /knows/ how to get to him, how to bend him until he's about to break. Until there's nothing left but for him to give in.

Just one step.

He turns to look at Shi Qingxuan, smiling sadly. "It'll be okay, Didi."
"Ge... don't!"

Shi Wudu levels his gaze with He Xuan. "Promise me you won't hurt him."

He Xuan inclines his head. "Go on."

That's perhaps the best he'll get. He gives one last small smile to his brother before stepping through the array soundlessly, his exit chased by screams.
The manor is cold, the halls are empty. He walks with purpose, all poise and grace he doesn't feel. There's no point, but the habit keeps his back straight and chin high.

When he stops before the door to his bedroom, he turns his head a fraction. "What took so long?"
Hands slip beneath his arms, pulling him back into an embrace. He keeps his face turned away, staring at the floor as lips mouth at his pulse.

"Your little brother threw a fit." He Xuan huffs. "It took longer than expected to leave."

"Did you hurt him?"

"He's /fine/."
He Xuan's hands roam, slipping beneath layers. "A little pissy, but unharmed."

Relief floods his system, and Shi Wudu takes a moment to revel in that feeling before reality sinks in again.

The ghost tugs at the ties of his robes, pressing them together. "And my reward?"
"What reward?" Shi Wudu mutters, standing in the circle of He Xuan's arms.

He's so /tired/. He just wants to lay down and sleep.

"My reward for doing as you asked, even when I had no reason to."

Shi Wudu huffs out a laugh, the sound falling flat. "Right, yes of course."
He waits until He Xuan has pulled the last tie free before he turns around to face him. The calamity is looking at him curiously, searching his face even as Shi Wudu backs against the door, pushing it open to retreat slowly into the bedroom.

He Xuan doesn't follow at first.
He watches as Shi Wudu turns back around to take in the room. Watches as the once god peels the first layer of his robes off, letting it fall to the floor as he continues forward.

He steps into the doorway when the second falls way.

The third falls, and Shi Wudu turns his head.
It's not much. Just enough to know he's /waiting/.

That's when the ghost descends upon him, pawing at him through the final layer- thin silk that soft to the touch. Even that is peeled off his willowy frame, exposing him so completely it makes He Xuan's head spin.
His hands settle on Shi Wudu's waist, a safe beginning as he noses at the pale expanse of his throat.

The water master does nothing to stop him, simply shifting his weight and letting the ghost take. He's responsive, but not an /active/ player.

That seems to piss He Xuan off.
He all but throws Shi Wudu onto the nearby bed, moving to stand over him.

He doesn't have to say anything before the /mighty/ water tyrant begins to work at the ties of his clothes, peeling off his belts and then his robes. When their gazes meet, it's only for a second.
A brief sight of sapphire blue looking up at him through long lashes, but it's /enough/.

He Xuan swats Shi Wudu's hands away, earning a frown. "What are you doing, Shi Wudu?"

"Rewarding you, like you wanted."

"If I let you continue, what's your plan?"
"Plan?" Shi Wudu shakes his head, a mirthless laugh bubbling out of him. "There is no 'plan', He Sheng. You got what you /wanted/."

He Xuan's expression twists.

"You've /won/, and here's your prize. Waiting and willing to let you have your way with him, so you can /leave/."
He Xuan watches Shi Wudu slump in defeat, his poise drained out of him. "That's what you want, isn't it? To fuck me, to make me /want/ you. Just so you can leave. That's all this has ever been about to you."

He Xuan doesn't react, even when Shi Wudu rises and pushes him away.
"You want to /fuck/ me, make me desperate enough for it that I'll bend over backwards for it, only so you can- what? Run away?" Shi Wudu jabs a finger against the ghost's chest. "You want me to take responsibility for what I did, for making you suffer unknowingly."
He Xuan takes a step back, only to be followed.

"Own up to your own fuck ups then!" Shi Wudu's voice is getting progressively louder. "You don't get to just /run away/ whenever it suits you! You're actions have /consequences/. You were Shi Qingxuan's friend, he /loved/ you!"
There's no room to speak, and the pressure of Shi Wudu's finger against his chest is beginning to hurt.

"He told me about the trips to the market! About how you called him beautiful as a woman, or handsome as a man. How you saved him time and time again. He loved you /so much/!
"You were practically /all/ he ever told me about! 'Ge, Ming-xiong took me here today' or 'Ming-xiong showed me this'!" Shi Wudu shoved the ghost back, fury written on his face. "And you treat it like it was nothing! Because, what, he was just 'collateral'? It was /real/ to him!"
He Xuan steadied himself, stemming the tide of his anger at being pushed around- literally.

"It was real and all you do is /use him/ to get to me!" Shi Wudu's hands finally fall to his sides, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. "I used to think you were good for him."

"No!" Shi Wudu snarls. "Don't you fucking start. Don't you /dare/ say a fucking word."

He Xuan snaps his mouth shut.

"Let me make this /abundantly/ clear to you, asshole. You can fuck me all you like, but don't you /dare/ think that this is anything more than just sex.
"This is you taking all that's left of me. This is you /using me/." Shi Wudu turns away, throwing his hands up. "So get on with it! C'mon! Fuck me already, you coward! Give me a reason to scream your name!"

He Xuan doesn't move.

"What are you waiting for?! I'm /right/ here!"
"You'd let me fuck you... just like that."

Shi Wudu lets out a scoff. "That's what you want, isn't it? Why do you sound disappointed?"

He Xuan pitches forward, his steps leisurely. "You don't care what happens to you, do you? So long as Shi Qingxuan is safe, fuck the rest."
Shi Wudu doesn't back down, even when the ghost king looms over him. They hold each other's gaze, both searching answers to questions they can't voice.

"You don't have a stake in this. You don't care, because the only person who matters to you isn't here."

"You don't know me."
"Funny how we seem to think we do."

"Funny? You think this is /funny/?" Shi Wudu hisses. "This is the /life/ you are making. The life you are /forcing/ me into. I was /happy/ being dead. I could /move on/ without regret- that is until you dragged me back."

"Yes, all my fault."
He Xuan glances to the floor, leaning down to pick up a robe and run the fabric between his fingers. He turns, thinking.

Shi Wudu still glares at him, silently fuming.

He's like the ocean, He Xuan thinks. Calm one moment, then a raging vortex the next.


"You're beautiful."

Shi Wudu shakes his head, turning away. "I don't know why I even bothered. Fine, yes, you find me attractive. Now /get on/ with it!"

He Xuan smiles, a faint thing, before he steps up behind Shi Wudu.

"Rest. You've had a long day."
When the ghost pulls way, he leaves behind a robe. It hangs from Shi Wudu's frame like a waterfall, and when he turns He Xuan is already walking towards the door.

He's left standing there, pulling the robe closed over his frame.

"Just who are you, He Sheng...?"

The next several days are strange, as if from a fever dream.

Shi Wudu doesn't see He Xuan at all at first. Then, he seeks him out, distrusting of the distance. Only, upon finding the ghost king, he's a loss.

The calamity is crouched by the lake, playing with the bone fish.
He Xuan glides his fingers across the surface, sending ripples dancing across the lake, and chuckles as the skeletal beings swim after them, snapping at the water until it's too disrupted to make sense of.

Then they swim back to him, moving to press against his face lovingly.
Shi Wudu doesn't approach. He waits and watches, bares witness to He Xuan's chuckle when a particularly affectionate eel nuzzles his cheek.

He gets to see He Xuan's face when he sets a hand down to his side, only to look and find no one.

Shi Wudu leaves before he's noticed.
The next day is much the same, with Shi Wudu wandering the manor in bewilderment before he finds He Xuan walking around the lake, running a finger over the skulls of the bone fish like an owner might let their cat nuzzle their hand.

Then the next, and the one after that.
Eventually, Shi Wudu finds himself standing in the doorway to Black Water Manor first thing after he wakes and eats a solemn meal.

He just watches, eventually not bothering to leave early, even if he knows He Xuan has noticed him.

The ghost doesn't do anything about it.
Days turn to weeks.

A measured distance. He Xuan drifting away. Sometimes, /frustratingly/, he'll pass through the lake.

He'll slip through and Shi Wudu has a split second to decide whether to follow or wait.

He always stays. He waits because-

Well, he's not really sure why.
He doesn't stay long enough for He Xuan to fully reemerge, only to see him break the surface and begin to walk towards the shore.

Then He Xuan will announce himself to the manor, swarmed by the fish he cares so deeply for-

Only to nod to Shi Wudu, then leave him alone.
Shi Wudu isn't /blind/, he can see the heated gaze He Xuan casts his way, even if he keeps his distance and only greets him with a small smile and a nod.

He Xuan looks at him like he wants to devour him, to sunder and drink from him. As if Shi Wudu was his ambrosia.
It's like He Xuan is hunting him anew, but instead of taking his chance to strike he's letting Shi Wudu slip away like water through his fingers. It's so vexing, not knowing what He Xuan is getting at, so Shi Wudu finds a routine without him.

Then things shift again.
At first, Shi Wudu thought He Xuan had finally had enough of this game of his. The water master had simply sighed, lounging on the chaise within the study he'd found.

(He Xuan had a terrible collection, Shi Wudu can only find one or two decent things to read.)

"Yes, He Sheng?"
"You have a guest, Wudu-ge." The calamity doesn't enter the room, simply standing in the doorway. Even with Shi Wudu laid out for the taking he-

What is going on with this stupid ghost king!?

With a huff, the once god gets to his feet and flicks his hair over his shoulder.
Shi Wudu doesn't bother fixing his robes, letting them fall open to expose his collarbones. If He Xuan has decided he no longer wants Shi Wudu, then /fine/. That just means Shi Wudu doesn't have to bother with making himself presentable for the ghost.

He feels the heated gaze.
With the grace he's mastered over centuries, Shi Wudu strides over to He Xuan. He meets the ghost's gaze, seeing those pale gold eyes blown wide and dark.

It's so clear how badly he wants him, but still he refuses it.

With a hand on the ghost's chest, Shi Wudu tilts his head.
"And where might me guest be?"

Something flickers through He Xuan's eyes, then the ghost gestures to the hall. "He's waiting for you in the sitting room. He came with gifts."

Shi Wudu hums. "How sweet of you to come fetch me yourself."

The ghost gives a shaky exhale.
"Something wrong, He Sheng?" Shi Wudu plays innocent, watching as He Xuan's gaze drifts to his collar.

"No." The calamity's voice is strained, like he's fighting a losing inner battle. His hands move to fix the robes- to cover him- only for Shi Wudu to shrug and move away.
"If you say so."

He hears the quite noise of frustration from the ghost king, and he doesn't feel an once of remorse.

He makes his way through the manor, and when he finds his guest his amusement fades. "Your Highness."

"Lord Water Master." Xie Lian greets with a smile.
They settle across from each other, and the prince sets a small stack of scrolls down before him.

"Ling Wen wasn't willing to part with them at first." Xie Lian informs, an apology on his features. "She wanted to know why I had a sudden interest."

"You told her?"

"I'm sorry."
Shi Wudu shakes his head. "I'm not surprised. If anything, I almost expected such a reaction."

"She..." Xie Lian bites his lip, brows knitting together. "She wanted me to tell you that your belongings from the your palace were saved."

Shi Wudu chuckles, a mirthless thing.
"How kind of her." Shi Wudu leans forward, taking the topmost scroll. "Would you return my thanks for informing me, and for keeping my return quiet?"

Xie Lian nods. "She asked if she could tell Pei Ming."

Shi Wudu stills.

From the shadows, He Xuan's nails dig into his palm.
"She asked for permission?" Shi Wudu lifts his gaze to Xie Lian. "Or was it a formality before she did so anyway?"

"I asked her to not say anything at all, as it was your request, then..."

He Xuan lifts his chin, watching Shi Wudu sit back into the couch.

"My answer is no."
Shi Wudu doesn't react to the expression on the prince's face, the picture of calm seas. "Knowing would only lead to needless problems. The heavens have enough issues with the mess Jun Wu left in his wake."

Xie Lian winces. "Yes, well... Things are going smoothly..."
"Of course." Shi Wudu shrugs. "There's powerful figures ensuring it does, yourself included."

The prince shakes his head, "Oh no, I'm not-"

"Don't deny your contributions. The heavens were in shambles."

He Xuan watches Shi Wudu give the prince a stern look. Such a tyrant.
"You're perhaps one of the only gods who's passed their third heavenly calamity, and that makes you the strongest of-" Shi Wudu stops, then clears his throat. "of /them/."

"Lord Water Master..."

"I'm fine." He sighs.

He Xuan watches Shi Wudu bring a hand to his sleeve.
He catches how that slender hand curls when it finds nothing. A comfort taken from him.

Or rather, not yet found.

Shi Wudu turns his attention back to the scrolls. "Regardless, you are instrumental to the heavens' stability. Do not dismiss it so easily."

"I... I will try."
"Good. Someone of your status and power needs to have the confidence to match." Shi Wudu lifts his chin, perusing the scroll before setting aside to lift the next- just a quick skim to ensure they are what he asked for. "You are a prince, remember that."

"Of a fallen kingdom."
Shi Wudu sighs, pushing the scrolls aside. "Kingdoms come and go. You didn't ascend to be the patron of the buildings and culture."

Xie Lian frowns, brows knitting together.

"You are a prince, and there are people who remember you as that prince- whether you know it or not."
The god brings a hand to the ring hanging from his neck, a small smile on his face.

"Your kingdom was the people, Your Highness. Not the building they lived in." Shi Wudu's voice is soft, gentle like the surf against fine sand. "Your kingdom isn't /gone/."

He Xuan turns away.
When he returns to the sitting room, he doesn't bother with lingering in the shadows. He steps into sight, striding forward wordlessly. Xie Lian turns to acknowledge him, but Shi Wudu barely offers him a glance, gathering the scrolls together to take with him.
"All done?" He Xuan inquires, watching Shi Wudu move to stand. "No tea?"

Shi Wudu finally levels He Xuan with a look, a plain and unamused one. "Tea would be lovely. You can have it brought to the study. Unfortunately, His Highness has to return lest he's missed."
Xie Lian makes his quiet escape while ghost and once god turn to each other.

"What did he bring you from Ling Wen?"

"Reading materials. Your selection is /dreadful/."

"Oh?" He Xuan moves to take one, only for his hand to be slapped away.

"They aren't for you. Hands off."
The ghost trails after Shi Wudu when the man stalks off, returning to the study. He leans over Shi Wudu's shoulder, peering down to see which of the scrolls he'll pick up.

"What happened to getting me tea, He Sheng?"

Such a tyrant.

"I'll get your tea soon, but I'm curious."
Shi Wudu presses a finger against his forehead, leveling him with a withering look. "Go fetch me tea, and you can stay. Just don't be a nuisance."

He Xuan blinks, drawing back. Then he smiles.

"I have something for you first, my tyrant."

Shi Wudu's glare is worth it. "What."
He Xuan leans against the back of the chaise, taking Shi Wudu's hand in his.

He's so small, his skin sun-kissed and warm, compared to him. Shi Wudu is willowy, lithe, but He Xuan didn't realize his hand can wrap completely around his wrist. It would be so easy to-

"He Sheng."
The ghost hums, meeting the endless sea in the water master's eyes. His thumb glides across his pulse, feeling it /thrum/ beneath his touch. "Yes, I know."

He takes his time, relishing in the sensation of Shi Wudu's hand in his own, feeling at each knuckle.

Almost reverent.
He lifts the once god's hand higher, placing them palm to palm and marveling at the difference.

Pressing it down into sheets, it would be hidden unless-

Slotting their fingers together is easy, Shi Wudu gives no resistance, and when their gazes meet He Xuan hums.
Shi Wudu is looking up at him, patiently waiting for him to change his tune.

"What's the deal with Pei...?"

The object of his roiling desire tenses, pulling away. "What are you talking about."

He Xuan's expression darkens. "Answer me."

"I don't have to."

"Tell me."

"Tell me, or I'll go and find out for myself."

Shi Wudu glares. "There is nothing to find out!"

"This sure doesn't look like nothing." He Xuan snarls, "Why so defensive? What are you hiding from me, Shi Wudu?"

"Nothing happened between him and I! We were /just/ friends!"
He pulls away from the ghost, creating a distance. "Why are you so hellbent over it?"

He Xuan doesn't let the distance last, crowding him against the nearby desk until he's practically sitting on it. He settles his hands on Shi Wudu's thighs, squeezing them through his clothes.
Like all the times before, Shi Wudu tries to bite back the surprised gasp, the knowledge of what follows making his cheeks darken so beautifully. His resistance begins to dwindle away as he succumbs to He Xuan's touch- his desires- so perfectly.

"Did he fuck you?"
Shi Wudu stills, then he pushes against He Xuan. The bruising grip on his thighs holds him in place, drags him closer to the calamity so their hips slot together.

"Did he make you feel good?" He Xuan growls, watching Shi Wudu's face flush further. "Did he make you moan?"
"He Sheng-"

"Did he?" The ghost hisses, his patience wearing thin. "Did you say his name when his cock was in you? Did you like it?"

"We were-"

"Did you crawl into his bed and let him have his way with you?" He grinds their arousals together, his anger burning through him.
"Would you let him touch you as I have? Do you welcome him between your legs?"

"He Sheng, he-"

"Did he fuck you like a whore?" He whispers against the man's lips, feeling the way Shi Wudu shudders. "Were you his perfect little cock slut?"

"He Sheng!"

"Answer me, beautiful."
And /oh/ how easy Shi Wudu becomes when you make him feel-

"Beautiful..." He Xuan purrs, relishing in how the water master shudders. "I'll make you feel so much better than he ever could."

"He..." Shi Wudu's brows knit together, his eyes dazed. "He Sheng..."


"Please /what/, gorgeous?"

Shi Wudu bites back a moan as the calamity drags his hands up his body, how he tugs robes open so easily- not bothering to take them off completely.

"Stop talking..."

"Why?" He Xuan kisses at his exposed chest, grinning at each jolt he earns.
"Can't a-ah!"

He Xuan revels at how /easy/ it is to get a reaction from him. How it only takes putting his mouth on him, rolling his tongue over his nipple, to get Shi Wudu to writhe in his hold and cling to him like a lifeline.

"/Fuck/, please- I'm-!"

Oh, no. Can't have that.
"He Sheng...?"

Shi Wudu looks so perfectly ruined like this, on the brink of something he can't even name.

"Did he fuck you?"

The noise of frustration he earns in answer seals his fate. With ease, He Xuan wraps his hand around his tyrant's cock, a featherlight touch.

Shi Wudu stills, breath hitched. "He Sheng..."

"Did. He. Fuck. You."

He Xuan's grip begins to tighten, a soon to be strangle hold that is all too familiar to his little tyrant. The reaction is immediate.

Hands claw at him, drawing him closer with desperation, a /distraction/.
He lets himself be pulled in, enjoys the desperate little kisses Shi Wudu sighs into his mouth, but his grip doesn't lighten.

Tears begin to fall down Shi Wudu's face as he begins to tug at the calamity's robes. "He Sheng, please! Don't, I'm-"

He smiles when Shi Wudu whimpers.
"Answer me, and I'll let you come."

It takes a little while for Shi Wudu to find his words again, clinging to He Xuan with a death grip. "We... We didn't..."

"Look at me when you say it."

Beautiful blue eyes meet his again. "W-We..."

"Go on."

"He Sheng, we..."

A sob wrenches itself out of Shi Wudu, shaking his head. "It didn't /mean/ anything!"

"Did he fuck you, beautiful, yes or no?"

"It didn't mean anything..." He whimpers. "We just.. we were both /drunk/, we didn't-"

"Answer me, gorgeous. Yes or no."

Shi Wudu's tears stream down his face like rivers. "/Yes/ he and I slept together, but it didn't mean anything! He Sheng, it didn't /mean/ anything!"

"I heard." He Xuan soothes, kissing his cheek.


Oh how sweet he sounds like this, so soft and vulnerable.
So /hopeful/.

That feeling in his chest, the coiling viper, finally strikes.

Shi Wudu shrieks, clawing at him, only to try and push him away with a sob. He Xuan doesn't budge, pressing tender kisses into his temple.

"I told you the /truth/!"

"You did, and I'm so proud."
Shi Wudu's teary gaze meets He Xuan's. He finds something dangerous there, something wild and angry and /hungry/. Something that wants to devour him whole.

"I'm so proud of you for tell me the truth, beautiful, I really am." He Xuan kisses his cheek. "But you're /mine/."
Finally, that cruel hand releases him, soothingly running up his flank.

"Answer me this, and I'll let you rest." He Xuan hums. "Did you like sleeping with him?"

Shi Wudu sinks back against the desk, digging the heels of his hands into his eyes. "Which part do you mean?"
He Xuan pauses, tilting his head. "Care to clarify?"

"Which part of sleeping with him do you me to talk about?" Shi Wudu hisses, "Him actually sticking his dick in me or actually sleeping beside him?"

"Does it matter?"

"You already hate that I shared his bed, so yes."
"Tell me about both. Why is it important that I make the distinction?"

Shi Wudu lets his hands fall to either side of his head, fingers tangling into his hair. "The sex was /fine/, but I..."

He Xuan waits, lets him find his words.

"It didn't make me feel like... like this."
He Xuan bites back his amusement, but he's quietly smug.

"It wasn't /bad/, I just... I wasn't there." Shi Wudu sighs, shutting his eyes. "We were drunk, it was just to vent out frustration. It didn't mean anything."

He Xuan hears the silent "but" anyway.

"He held me, after..."
Shi Wudu turns his face away, resting a hand over his eyes to hide from the ghost's seeking gaze.

"He held me, and even though the sex was nothing to write home about, it felt /so nice/. He was /warm/, and no matter what he just... he let me stay. No questions, no favors..."
"Did you do it again? Just for that?"

"I didn't have to." Shi Wudu sighs. "Pei, he... He knew I didn't enjoy it. He knew that I didn't /want/ the sex, that wasn't why I kept going to him. He just... He held me through the night. Come morning... I was relaxed and... and /warm/."
He Xuan doesn't know what to say to that. He's a ghost, cold to the touch. His warmth would be artificial. /Fake/.

"Forget it." Shi Wudu pushes himself up from the desk, "It doesn't matter now. Whatever unspoken agreement Pei and I had, it ended when I died."
He Xuan says nothing as he gently tugs the once god's robes closed. Shi Wudu doesn't even get to ask before he pulls away, turning to the door.

"I'll go get your tea..."

It's then that Shi Wudu realizes his cock has long since softened. An unexpected mercy, for now at least.
He moves back to the chaise, eyeing the door in bewilderment. He plops himself into the cushions, all thoughts of grace gone.

After the first few minutes, Shi Wudu decides to stop wasting time wondering over something he'll never get the answer to and do something productive.
The first scroll he picks up tells the story of the bloody fire social, glorifying He Xuan while making every person who wronged him into monsters. Demons with human faces.

When the story at least brings up his sister and fiancée, Shi Wudu's stomach roils uncomfortably.
He reads how it happened. How that poor man /saw/ their ends. How he /mourned/ then and there.

By the end of the scroll, Shi Wudu feels sick. He sets it aside, lifting the next.

It's a list of dates.

Shi Wudu's eyes widen, as realization dawns.
The first date on the list coincides perfectly with the day Shi Wudu's decision ruined him.

The description, hand written, tells him what he already knows.

The next, is the day of the national exam. "Failed."

The third reads the same. Then the next, and the one after that.
For /years/, He Xuan failed the national exam. Not because he wasn't intelligent- he's too clever for that- he failed because he didn't bring any gifts. He was /sabotaged/.

Then there's the date for his engagement.

Days later she's dead.

/And you don't even know their names./
He moves to the last scroll, opening it only to choke back a sob.

It's his family tree.

He finds He Sheng easily, and an outlying branch shows what /would/ have been a loving marriage.

"You called her Miao'er..." He whispered, his heart aching as he gazed down at the scroll.
By the time his tea arrives, Shi Wudu has shut the scrolls and curled into himself on the chaise, staring at them in silence.

He Xuan, strangely, isn't there. Shi Wudu almost wishes he was, if only to seek comfort in the circle of his arms- whatever it may entail.
Eventually, Shi Wudu goes looking.

He checks the main hall, outside by the lake, his own bedroom. When He Xuan still isn't found, Shi Wudu keeps /looking/. He calls for him, wandering the halls like a phantom.

Shi Wudu only gives up when, after hours, he finds himself in tears.
He returns to his room, solemn. He sheds the heavy robes, changing into much lighter night clothes. He sits at the dresser, combing his hair mindlessly.

How is it, he wonders, that he always ends up here?


Alone and /wishing/ he had someone- anyone- that would listen.
Once the comb glides through his hair, he tosses the comb onto the dresser, finally letting his gaze focus on the man staring at him in the mirror.

The tear tracks catch the light, his eyes are red rimmed from sobbing on the floor some time ago.

He looks like hell.

He laughs, the sound hollow. "How fitting."

Fresh tears threaten to fall, but instead of letting them fall, Shi Wudu digs the heels of his palms into his eyes again.

"What are you doing, Wudu?" He mutters.

He pushes his hair back from his face, looking back at the mirror.
He looks no better than before- if anything he looks /worse/- and it leads him to push away from the dresser, snuffing the light and storming over to bed.

He settles into the cold sheets on his side, facing the wall.

He just... lays there, sleep evading him like a punishment.
He doesn't know how long he stays there, unmoving, but eventually he isn't alone.

He doesn't know /when/ he entered the room, but he announces himself by gently taking Shi Wudu's hair into his hands and-

And he braids it.

He's /so/ careful, as if afraid of disturbing him.
His motions are slow, rhythmic in a way that makes Shi Wudu's eyes heavy. When he's done, he lays the braid close to the once god's back, never making a sound.

The first sound He Xuan makes, it's him making a small sound of surprise.

"Did I wake you?"

"Where were you?"
"I went out." He Xuan murmurs, staring at where Shi Wudu holds his sleeve.


"I thought you'd rather... be left alone."

Shi Wudu frowns, then tugs. "You've been acting strange."

He Xuan obediently sits, still staring at Shi Wudu's hand. "What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb, it doesn't suit you." Shi Wudu sighs. "You're distance one moment, then acting like a jealous lover the next."

He Xuan chuckles, a soft thing. Intimate.

Would Miao'er have gotten him to laugh this way?

"I seem to recall you begging me not to be mad."
"I did /not/." Shi Wudu huffs.

He Xuan hums, the sound- gods Shi Wudu must be crazy- the sound is almost /fond/.

"You did."

"You're imagining it."

"You wanted to /lie/ to me, Wudu-ge." He Xuan is smiling, but still he doesn't look beyond the once god's hand.
"Because you acting like you were my jealous lover!"

"I was." He Xuan agrees.

Something about his admission makes Shi Wudu sit up, reaching out to him. His fingers lift his chin, tearing that pale golden gaze from his hand so he would /look/ at him.

He Xuan's breath shakes.
The ghost looks almost lost, seeking something unnamed. His eyes flicker down, his brows knitting together.

"You've been crying..."

Shi Wudu /sees/ the emotion that churns in that gaze. The same gaze that, mere weeks ago, he would fear. He's in /pain/, just from-

He Xuan's eyes widen, meeting his once again. The sorrow is chased away by something Shi Wudu doesn't dare name. "What?"

"Stay." He murmurs again, moving his hand to cup the jaw of the ghost before him. "Stay with me tonight."

"I don't think-"

"Then don't. Just stay."
"You don't /understand/." He Xuan murmurs, turning his face to press a kiss to Shi Wudu's palm. "I don't know if I would be able to stop myself."

"From touching me...?"

"...Yes..." They haven't torn their gazes apart, as if transfixed. "Among so much else."

"Stay with me."
"Wudu-ge, I don't want to have you if I can't /have/ you."

He smiles. "Then you won't do more than what I ask."

He Xuan shuts his eyes, leaning heavily into Shi Wudu's palm.

"Stay with me tonight, He Sheng."

"I'm not warm."

"I still want you to stay."


"I just do."
"That doesn't make any /sense/, Wudu-ge."

"Does it have to?"

Pale honey eyes flutter open, peering at him through long lashes. "Easier to rationalize if it does."

"You want to rationalize my requests?" Shi Wudu feels the amusement bubbling up from within him. "What for?"
"To know you."

And /oh/ how Shi Wudu's heart aches, leaving him breathless. "You want to know me..."

"Yes." He sounds so /small/, like admitting to having stolen an extra bean cake.

"Stay with me tonight," Shi Wudu begins to draw away, and He Xuan follows. "and I'll tell you."
Shi Wudu reclines into the pillows, He Xuan chasing his touch like a man starved. He stops only once he looms over the once god, his hair a curtain of black as it falls over his shoulders.


"It's okay." He murmurs. "It's okay, He Sheng. You can stay."
"I /shouldn't/."


When it takes him longer than a few breaths to answer, Shi Wudu reaches for him again.

"Hold me, He Sheng. Please."

He Xuan sinks to his elbows, and is rewarded with Shi Wudu's arms wrapping about his shoulders.

"Stay, and know me."

He cards his fingers through dark locks, marveling at how soft it is, and waits.

He Xuan settles into his embrace further, the tense line of his body relaxing as he rests against Shi Wudu's chest, his waist bracketed by the same thighs he held until they bruised.
He doesn't touch them now, and the once god smiles faintly.

Shi Wudu frees one of his hands to push aside the ghost's bangs, his fingertips gliding across cool skin. Then he traces the planes of his face, idling.

"Ask your questions," He whispers, "I'm listening."
He Xuan hums, his eyes falling shut.



"Would you rather we just go to bed?"

"No..." He Xuan mumbles.

"Need a moment?"


Shi Wudu chuckles, biting back a much fuller laugh when the ghost /pouts/.

Finally, the calamity mumbles a "Favorite color?"
And really, who can blame him when his head falls back into the pillows from the laugh that erupts from his chest. "Of all the questions to ask, that's the one you choose?"

He Xuan has lifted his head from the water master's chest, and he looks up at him in awe. Lost in him.
When Shi Wudu finally stops laughing, a few small amused sounds escaping him still, he raises his head to reveal a smile.

He Xuan doesn't want to forget how he looks in this moment. Open and soft, so /warm/, that He Xuan can do little more than stare.

He's beautiful.
"Okay," Shi Wudu giggles, "sorry. This is an /important/ question. I should take it more seriously..."

The calamity doesn't want to forget this sound.

He's still chuckling, utterly amused. "Don't tell anyone, but I don't have one."

"Why not?" He Xuan murmurs.
"I don't see the point." Shi Wudu hums, his smiling softening. "It's just a color. What makes that one better than all the others?"

"Weren't you the one saying not everything has to make sense?"

Shi Wudu laughs again.

He Xuan would give anything to hear it forever.
"I was indeed!"

"If wanting me to stay doesn't have to make sense, then why does having a favorite color? Can't you just like it?"

"I do. I like colors, He Sheng. I just don't like any one over the rest."

Sometimes, it's just that simple. Sometimes, it doesn't have to be more.
He Xuan hums thoughtfully. "Do you want to know mine?"

"Sure." Shi Wudu hums, beside himself. He feels a bit like a child, sharing something so small like it might change the world around him.

"I like blue." It's such a simple thing, but coming from him...

Coming from him, it doesn't feel simple.

"It's the color of the sea," He begins, gazing at Shi Wudu with a soft smile of his own. "It's the color of sapphires..."

The words unsaid hang in the air, and Shi Wudu can barely breathe.

"It's the color I see when I look at you."


"Why would you like a color you associate with me?"

"Why does it have to make sense?"

It doesn't. It doesn't have to make sense, and yet.

He Xuan tilts his head, his smile growing a fraction.

And yet, he can't seem to let it go.

Why? Why me, your tormentor?
"What's your favorite flower?"

Shi Wudu chuckles shaking his head. "What's with this line of questioning? Are you planning on buying me a bouquet?"

"Would you want one?"

How is he supposed to respond to that? "I like lotuses..."


"I just do..."

"Do you want some?"
Shi Wudu lets out a breath of a laugh, shaking his head a little. "Why?"

"Because you like them."

"What do you gain by giving me lotuses?"

"You'd be happier."

Shi Wudu stills, a shaky exhale leaving him when He Xuan shifts.

"How do you gain from... making me happy?"
He Xuan shifts so he's laying side the once god, an arm slung over his waist. "Rationally speaking, I don't."

"Then why-"

"But." He Xuan stops him. "If you're happy, you might smile more."

Shi Wudu turns his face away. "Is this how you plan to do it?"

"Do what...?"
"Make me love you." Shi Wudu murmurs. "Is this how you plan to make me love you?"

The hand on his waist twitches. "Wudu-ge..."

"Forget it." He turns on his side. "I'm just tired."

He Xuan draws closer, seeking. "Wait, Wudu-"

"He Sheng." The once god is stern. "I'm /tired/."
The calamity falls silent. He doesn't move, other than lifting his hand from Shi Wudu's waist.

"If you leave," the water master hisses. "I will never let you back into my bed."

He Xuan stills, then lays back into the bed. "Do you want me to hold you...?"

Yes. Gods yes.

The sound that leaves the ghost king is, if Shi Wudu had to describe it, a wounded thing. Like his words cut him.

He Xuan doesn't leave, settling back into the bed. Shi Wudu can feel him staring. He waits- prays- He Xuan will roll into him, pull him close despite his words.
Even if it would only be to get a reaction out of him. Even if it would be for his own satisfaction in knowing he can do something no one else can now. Shi Wudu doesn't /care/.

He knows he should. He knows this is his karma coming back to bite him, but he's selfish.
He shouldn't want this. He shouldn't want more than his due.

How low can he sink before he learns? How far does he have to drown in his mistakes before he stops making them?

He turns his face into the pillow, squeezing his arm in a desperate attempt to stop-

His shoulders rise at the address.

"You're shaking, Wudu-ge. What's wrong?"

His throat aches and his eyes burn, but he shakes his head. He /can't/. It's not /right/.

He Xuan will just /leave/ him in the end anyway. There's no point in giving in.

Arms snake around him.
"Wudu-ge..." He Xuan murmurs, "Breathe."

He shudders on the exhale, hiding his face from the ghost. "Stop..."


"You were right, this was a bad idea-"

"Stop." He Xuan's voice holds a command in it, and it's /so/ easy to give into it. To turn to him when pulled. "Breathe."
He sinks into the bed, his eyes fluttering shut when the ghost presses their foreheads together.

"Count to ten with me."

Shi Wudu can't /help it/. He counts, barely a whisper, but when he reaches ten-

It's so /hard/ to stop.

When he reaches ten, He Xuan kisses his brow.
"Good." The ghost murmurs into his skin. "Better?"


"Do you want me to let go?"

His breaths quicken, his hand finding purchase in soft silk.

"Shh, I won't let you go." He Xuan kisses his cheek. "I'll stay right here."

It's so hard to not drown in this, to let /go/.
If only this could last forever. If only He Xuan could mean it.

Shi Wudu curls into the ghost's chest. "Don't let me go."

"I won't." He feels it rumble through He Xuan's chest.

And, damningly, Shi Wudu feels /warm/.

Come morning, this will be over, and the dream will end.
Shi Wudu will wake, and when he does he'll pretend to be asleep for a while longer, just to prolong the inevitable.

Come morning, He Xuan will get up, and he'll be cold again.

Shi Wudu silently prays that morning never comes, if only so he can stay here and just /be/.
If only to stay in the circle of He Xuan's arms for eternity, safe in the lie that this is real. That He Xuan cares about him enough to hold him, to help him dry his tears and press kisses to his face tenderly.

Like this, he can pretend He Xuan loves him.
Shi Wudu's brows knit together from the light dancing across his face.

He doesn't remember falling asleep.

A hand brushes his bangs aside, a soothing touch that draws a small hum out of him.

"We're going to have to get up soon..." It's said so softly, a gentle coaxing.
"Mn..." Shi Wudu stretches his arms, only to then reestablish his hold on his pillow. "No..."

Then his pillow chuckles. He feels the sound as it rumbles out into the air. "I don't think our guests will take kindly to finding us like this, my little tyrant."

Guests? What guests?
His mind catches up with reality moments later.

He Xuan blinks when Shi Wudu suddenly rises, looking down at him with wide eyes.

"How late is it?"

"Well into the morning, why- Woah!"

Shi Wudu chooses to ignore how he woke with He Xuan half under him, their legs entangled.
He doesn't necessarily /forget/ He Xuan is in the room as he pulls fresh robes to wear, but rather he elects to prioritize preparing to be seen by others.

He Xuan has seen him naked and flushed with need several times. Watching him dress is nothing compared to that.
"What are you doing just laying there?" Shi Wudu chides, shedding his night wear to slip into fresh inner robes. "Go change!"

He Xuan sits up slowly, looking at where Shi Wudu had just been. "Right..."

When the ghost moves to leave, he stops beside Shi Wudu and draw his focus.
"Is the reason why there was a lotus pond in your palace because you liked them, or where they always there?"

Shi Wudu isn't sure why He Xuan would remember such a thing. He only ever saw it once when Shi Qingxuan dragged him along to find the elder brother.

"I liked them."
He Xuan waits, his gaze searching.

"I liked them, He Sheng. That's the reason. They were a gift."


"Shi Qingxuan told me it was from you, actually."

Likely in an effort to get his approval for his rather curt friend. Shi Wudu had /loved/ that pond, and he wondered.
He Xuan ducks his head, chuckling. "Of course he did..."


When the ghost lifts his head, he's smiling. "It was Shi Qingxuan's idea. I only helped."

Yet, he gave all the credit away, claiming none of it.

"He wanted me to approve of you."

"No, Wudu-ge." He Xuan hums.
"He saw the way I would follow you with my eyes."

Shi Wudu shouldn't find a thrill in the way his stomach swoops. He shouldn't be pleased He Xuan watched him, even then.

"He was trying to help." The ghost presses a kiss to Shi Wudu's brow. "Finish getting dressed. I'll wait."
The once god watches him leave, his thoughts at a standstill.

Then he shakes his head and turned back to his clothes, moving to grab the next layer.

His hand doesn't land on /just/ silk, however. Shi Wudu lets out a small breath, carefully opening the fan.

"Shui" stares back.
He Xuan is waiting just outside the room, as he promised. His robes are fresh, if the lack of stains is anything to go by, and he's perfectly kept. He glances to Shi Wudu's waist, then smiles.

"Shall we go greet our guests?"

He nods, letting He Xuan take his hand.
They walk like this, a gentle touch of palm against palm.

Shi Wudu can hear those who've come to Black Water Manor long before they enter the main hall. His gut twists uncomfortably for it.

"We'll find him, Shi Qingxuan."

Fuck. Of course. It just /had/ to be them.
"Find who?" Shi Wudu says, chin raised, as the calamity leads him into the room with a neutral expression.



"Didi, Ming Guang." The water master levels his gaze with the third and final guest, his expression darkening. "Ling Wen."

"Shi Wudu."
He takes his hand back from He Xuan, who simply stands at his shoulder and watches. The once god lets his lip curl.

He's pissed. "Was my request not clear?"

"It was." Ling Wen seems unmoved.

"Then /why/ are we having this 'discussion'?"

"Ge," Shi Qingxuan stumbles forward.
"Qingxuan, stay out of it." Shi Wudu levels a stern glare at his brother.

"Ge, they're here because I asked them to help me."

"What for?"

"To come and save you!"

"I'm /fine/, as you can well see." Shi Wudu huffs. "I told you it would be!"

"Ge, he murdered you!"
He Xuan twitches, but he doesn't move.

"Yes, he did." Shi Wudu shrugs, as if talking about the weather. "He's /also/ the reason why I'm even here right now."

Pei Ming, who has been far too quiet, turns his attention to the calamity. "You brought him back, after you killed him?"
"I did." He Xuan meets the martial god's gaze, unflinchingly.

"Pei-" Shi Wudu starts.

"You had no right." The general snarls. "You got your revenge. What more could you possibly want from him?"

He Xuan chuckles darkly, shaking his head. "That's my business."


Shi Wudu finally moves from He Xuan's side, grabbing the general by his jaw and wrenching his head around to look at him.

"You fight him here, and you will die. Do you understand that?" Shi Wudu doesn't bother waiting for his answer. "I am here of my own choice. Go /home/."
"Shui-ge, he'll hurt you-"

"And I'll deserve it."

The general still, eyes wide.

"I'll deserve it," Shi Wudu lets him go, stepping back. "and it's only right it's him."

He Xuan's eyes are pained, but he is otherwise a blank slate.

"I hurt him first." Shi Wudu turns to him.
"What are you-"

"I took a mother and a father from him." the once god holds He Xuan's gaze. "A little sister he adored."

Pei Ming sets a hand on Shi Wudu's shoulder- He Xuan's focus shifts to glare- but the water master tugs his arm free.

"I took a fiancée from him, too."

He Xuan snarls, "Do not call him that."

"He Sheng."

The ghost falls silent, his anger burning in his eyes.

"I know their names, Pei." Shi Wudu watches how the ghost stills, his breath catching. "I know who killed him."

Shi Qingxuan shakes his head. "Ge-"

"I did."
"You didn't-"

"I had every chance to stop. I could have found another way, and I didn't." Shi Wudu turns away from He Xuan before the ghost can look at him. Before he can see the pain there. "I didn't know who they were before. He brought me back to make me understand."

"I took his future to give it to Shi Qingxuan because I couldn't stand the thought of him dying. My /only/ regret-"

Shi Wudu blinks when a hand covers his lips, trapping the words there. He Xuan pulls the water master back with an arm around his waist. "Enough."
"Get your hands off him!"

Shi Wudu doesn't fight as he's drawn further and further away from his friends and brother, hating how easy it is for him to just /let/ He Xuan drag him into his chest.

He Xuan's breath fans over his ear, and it takes great restraint to not gasp.
"You have a choice." He Xuan murmurs, his hair a curtain. "You can return to your room and wait for me, or..."

He doesn't say anything more, but the implication hangs in the air.

When He Xuan lets him go, Shi Wudu turns to look at him in bewilderment.

"Make your choice..."
Shi Wudu turns his head a fraction, not daring to look away from the calamity. "Wait outside."


"Do as I say. I need to speak with him. Alone."

It's Ling Wen who takes them away, knowing she's already pissed off the water master as it stands.
Wisely, she makes sure no one else can incur his ire.


"You don't want to be here." He Xuan says simply.

"If I told you I don't want to be alive, would you let me die?"

The ghost's eyes fall shut. "...That I can't give you."

Shi Wudu's heart /aches/. "Why."
He Xuan doesn't answer, instead giving the water master a pained look.

"What do you gain from letting me go?"


"Then why do it?"

"Because!" He Xuan grabs Shi Wudu by the shoulders. "Because I can't stand it when you look like that! When you look at them and say no!
"You aren't even saying it for yourself!" He Xuan's grip is bruising. Shi Wudu doesn't make a sound. "You do it because you think it's the only way to keep them safe from me! You want /them/! It's always been them! I /hate/ it!"

"He Sheng..."

The ghost lets go of him, weary.
"You were right, Shi Wudu. I got what I wanted."

The once god stills, his heart in his throat.

"You know what I went through. So go."

"He Sheng-"

"Get. /Out/!"

Shi Wudu recoils, eyes wide. "You can't be serious..."

"Ling Wen will have her scrolls returned unharmed."

/So I can leave you./

No, this isn't how it ends.

"If you're really going to let me go, then you'll give me back my soul."

He Xuan chuckles mirthlessly. "Of course..."

Shi Wudu feels the moment his heart begins to weep. The ghost lifts one hand, and the once god turns away.
He marches out of the manor, not stopping when He Xuan calls to him. He grabs Shi Qingxuan's good arm and marches towards the lake.

His heart screams.

There, floating on the surface, is a single lotus.

Shi Wudu pulls his brother through the lake, refusing to look back.
His friends are quick to follow, and once they're on the other side Shi Wudu doesn't look at them. He lets go of Shi Qingxuan, staring off into the middle distance.

Then they're pulling him through a familiar door.

Of /course/ Xie Lian would help, and by proxy Hua Cheng.
He glances about, seeing palaces and officials go about their day.

Now, they're staring at him.

Well, at least she didn't tell all of the heavens. He turns to find Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. One looking uneasy and the other unbothered.

"I'm surprised he let you leave."
"You're not the only one." Shi Wudu mutters.

He earns a chuckle from Hua Cheng. "What are you planning on doing now?"

"And why does Crimson Rain Sought Flower give a shit?" The once god snaps, glaring at the ghost.

The calamity hums. "I don't."

"Then don't ask."
A hand settles on his shoulder- large and heavy- and Shi Wudu smacks it away. "Don't."

"Shui-ge..." Pei Ming murmurs.

Gods, no. Don't. Don't sound like that.

"Where will I be staying?" Shi Wudu refuses to look at the general, turning to Ling Wen instead.

"This way."
How blissfully simple it would be to step into this palace and pretend that he's simply returning to his post as the water master.

He follows as Ling Wen leads him through the palace, sparing a glance here and there.

It'd be so easy to just forget. To let it all go.
He slows to a standstill.

It'd make all that comes next so fucking easy. If only he could /just/ let. Go.

/You aren't even saying it for yourself!/

But he's a selfish man.

His footsteps resume, and he rips his gaze away.

/I liked them, He Sheng. That's the reason./
There's no lotus pond, just a rock garden.

Good, Shi Wudu thinks. I don't deserve one.

Once he rejoins Ling Wen, he sends them away with a wave of his hand.

("I can learn the grounds on my own.")

He just needs to be alone, to give himself time to /think/.

He's so cold.
He can wrap himself in a dozen robes, can bury himself under a hundred blankets, sit beside a roaring fire, and he'd still be cold.

He hates it.

He finds his new bedroom. Hates how it's almost exactly how he arranged his bedroom before.

A vase shatters against the wall.
He hates it.

Everything on the dresser is shoved away into empty drawers.

He hates it.

The sheets are pulled until they're no longer tucked, then cast across the mattress carelessly.

He /hates/ it.

The wardrobe is full of shades of blue and white, the doors left open.
Shi Wudu sets his fan down on the nightstand, then walks to the dresser again.

He's tired. He's so fucking tired.

He drops into the chair there, staring at the man in the mirror.

He doesn't speak, just stares at the braid that now rests on his shoulder. It's messy from sleep.
He gently sets a hand over it, his lips twisting with his frustration.

He doesn't undo it, he doesn't dare, but he does wish it could be done again.

Heavens, how selfish is he?

"He doesn't /want/ you, Shi Wudu." He finally mutters. "Get yourself together and get /over/ it."
It's early afternoon when he crawls into bed, burying into the sheets to hide from the world.

He doesn't respond to the knock at the door, not the gentle tones trying to coax him out.

He just shuts his eyes and /wishes/ he was somewhere else.

The sheets are cold.
He curls further into himself, clinging to the robes he didn't bother taking off.

Because they came from him.


His skin is flushed, sweat running down the arc of his spine. His fingers curl into soft locks, and lips suck bruises into his throat.

"More... I need more..."
He's answered with a hungry growl, the sound making his stomach swoop pleasantly before the satisfying sensation of being worked open on fingers fades.

"You best be about to fuck me properly."

The answering chuckle is accompanied with a kiss to his chest. "You want more."
He's arranged with ease, cool hands dragging him into place before he's being guided to sit.

The sensation of his rim stretching to accommodate rips a moan out of him. His thighs tremble, but he's certain they're no longer supporting him.

The grip on his ass will leave marks.
"That's it, beautiful, let me hear you."

He shudders, clawing at the man beneath him. "Say that again..."


He's been sinking down onto his partner's cock steadily, and it feels /so good/. He-

"Fuck, you're big..."

"Yet you take me so well."

He feels /good/.
It's not long before he's allowed a moment to adjust, shaking from the feeling of being filled so completely. The pressure is enough to make his head spin, and when he involuntarily clenches around the cock he can only gasp.

"Fuck, when you do that I-"

"Yes, please!"
It's so much. The tongue that toys with his chest, the hands that knead his ass as he's dragged along the current of pleasure, the groans of satisfaction as he rocks back to chase the tides of arousal.

"Good boy, fuck yourself for me. Show me how you want it."
It's not enough. The building need in his belly, the craving to chase the high, the desire for bliss in a moment of hedonistic need.

"C-Can't... need-"

"Need what?"

The hips he's been sinking back against rock up into him, ripping a whimper from his lips. "Need you..."
"Say it..." The words are growled into his ear, "Tell me what you want, beautiful."

"I want..." Shi Wudu bites his lip, trying to focus despite the steady push and pull of the cock rocking into him. "I want you to..."

"Go on."

"Fuck me..."

"Who do you want to fuck you, hm?"
"Don't... don't play dumb." He moans. "It doesn't suit you..."

A gasp is ripped from him when he's lifted up to his knees. He can feel the cock's head pulling at his rim, threatening to be pulled out and leave him /empty/.

"No no no!" Shi Wudu tries to rock back with a sob.
The hands on his as stop him, keeping him aloft while he's shallowly fucked, the constant drag of his body being forced to stretch to accommodate for the flared head threatening to slip out of him.

"Say it, beautiful. Who do you want to fuck you?"

"Fuck me, please, He Sheng!"
"Good boy."

He's not given a chance to delight in the praise. Not when the hands holding him up release and his legs give out.

He falls back onto the bed with a silent moan, hips lovingly flush with He Xuan's as the ghost grinds into him.

"You're doing so well, gorgeous."
He Xuan looms over him now, grinning down at him like he's going to devour him whole.

Shi Wudu wants him to. It feels so /good/.

"I'm going to make you scream, Wudu-ge." He Xuan purrs. "And if you come, I won't stop."

His tongue is heavy in his mouth, so he just nods.
He Xuan rewards him with a shallow thrust, the both of them reveling in the pleasure.

"I'll keep fucking you until I'm done." The ghost growls when Shi Wudu tightens around him, "and I don't plan to stop until I've made a mess of you."

A whine rips out of his throat then.
That seems to do the trick, because his next breath is punched out of him with the force used to drive into him.

It feels so /good/.

He blinks up at He Xuan, reaching to tug at his hair. The ghost grins, capturing his lips only to lick into his mouth.

"He Sheng... 'M gonna..."
"Go on..." He Xuan groans into his lips, "Come for me."

It's so easy to fall into the current of his commands, to let himself be swallowed by tide of pleasure.

Now, it crashes through him like a tidal wave. It makes stars burst in his eyes, makes him go still.

"He Sheng..."
But the pleasure doesn't end. He Xuan doesn't stop. His hips continue to rock into him, and wring more desire from him.

His body is lax, easy to move as he pleases, and Shi Wudu can only moan mindlessly when his legs are hooked over He Xuan's shoulders.

"I warned you."

He did.
That didn't prepare him for what follows.

Shi Wudu can only writhe as he's brought back to that brink again and again. He Xuan leaves him no room to recover, whispering into his ear how pretty he is like this, taking a cock and coming all over himself.

"My little slut..."
Shi Wudu moans into him, the sound swallowed by the man pressing him into the mattress.

"He Sheng, I lo-"

A sharp knock brings Shi Wudu to wakefulness, and with a sigh he draws himself up.

"Who is it?"

"Shui-ge, It's me."

"What do you want Pei?"

"You haven't eaten..."
The thought of food makes his gut churn. He turns away from the door, getting out of bed to wash his face and deal with the arousal hanging between his legs. "Not hungry."

The door opens, and he hear footsteps approaching.

"Pei, I told you! I'm not-"
Shi Wudu's words die on his tongue when he turns around.

"He Sheng..."

"Hello, Shi Wudu..."

He flinches at the address, turning away. "What are you doing here?"

"You left before I could return something of yours."

His soul.

"Keep it."


"Better with you than me."
"Why is that?"

Because if I had it, I would shatter it. I would break it to tiny pieces just to escape this torment. Because I'm selfish and if I can't live with you, I'd rather die without you.

"What happened to letting things not make sense?"

"This needs to make sense..."
"It doesn't." Shi Wudu sighs. "It doesn't /need/ to make sense. Just keep the damn thing."

He Xuan doesn't speak for a long moment, then his voice is louder- closer. "Why won't you look at me...?"

"Maybe because I'm pissed at you."

"If you were angry, you'd be shoving me."
"Well, I'm also tired. I just woke up and I was having a lovely dream-"

"A lovely dream indeed." He Xuan breathes against his ear, a hands settling on his hips. "What were you dreaming about?"

Shi Wudu turns his head away, aware that it'll do little to stop He Xuan.
When he's denied an answer, the ghost sighs.

"You weren't happy there, Shi Wudu..."

"Since when did you care about my happiness?" He bites back, his heart an open wound.

"When I learned you like to be held at night."

He refuses to react, keeping his face turned away.
"When you told me you don't have a favorite color."

Shi Wudu bites his lip when the hands on his hips become arms around his waist.

"When you told me your favorite flower is the lotus. When you laughed because I was asking childish questions..."

It's so easy to sink into him.
"When you told me you thought I was good for Shi Qingxuan once... When you told me he had loved me, and you looked at me like you did once too."

He has to stop this. They can't keep doing this. Running away only to crawl right back. It needs to end.

"When you smiled..."
"What would Miao'er say if she saw this?"

The words are cutting, but they're delivered quietly. A whisper that doesn't want to be heard.

He Xuan stills. "I don't know."

"You love her, even though she's gone-"

"I loved her, yes." He Xuan corrects, "And she would forgive me."
"You don't know that-"

"I know that she would have wanted me to be happy."

"Happy?" Shi Wudu laughs, pushing out of the ghost's hold. "Happy?! You would /never/ be happy with me!"

He Xuan says nothing, letting him drift away like water through his fingers.
"You have made that /abundantly/ clear!" Shi Wudu refuses to let the oncoming tears fall, even as his eyes burn. "You said so all those days ago in Paradise Manor! When you told me that you would make me love you, only to /leave/!"

"Shi Wudu..."

"No! You don't /get/ to speak."
He holds up a hand, fury and anguish clashing within him like stormy seas to a cliff. "You don't get to send me /away/, only to come after me and talk to me like that! You don't get to make me think that you might /actually/ care, only to push me away and claim it's affection!
"I would sooner enter a loveless marriage than continue to let you /torment/ me this way! I am /tired/, He Sheng. I'm so tired. You wanted me to understand what you went through? You want me to love someone and know what it's like to lose them? Well congratulations. I know now!
"I know what it's like to look at someone and /want/ them so much it /aches/. I know what it's like to want them to look at you, and to want you just as much." Shi Wudu digs his hands into his hair, pulling swaths of it free of the braid. "I know now! It hurts, so fucking much!"
"Shi Wudu-"

"Stop /calling/ me that!" He screams, feeling the first tear race down his cheek. "That should /never/ come out of you mouth again you asshole!"

He Xuan's lips twist.

"You haven't called me that in so long, and every time you do it's like I'm dead all over again."
The once god tips his head back, a sob threatening to leave him. "You got what you wanted, He Sheng. I was /wrong/."


"I thought it was impossible, but I was /wrong/. So so perfectly wrong."

"What are you saying?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He sighs. "I love you, He Sheng."

"Don't make me say it again." Shi Wudu sobs. "You already won. I'm /ruined/!"

He Xuan stares are him, the emotions in his eyes too hard to name.

"Say it, He sheng. Say what I know you've been waiting to say all this time! Tell me you don't love me and go awa-"
Shi Wudu cannot help the whimper that's ripped out of him when teeth nip at his lips, a hungry mouth swallowing the noise with a growl.

"You love me..." He Xuan breathes into the space between them. "You love me..."

"He Sheng..."

"You love me." He grins. "You love me."

"Say it again... please..." He Xuan askes between desperate kisses, stealing Shi Wudu's breath until he's light headed and floaty.

"I won't say it..."

"/Please/, Wudu-ge," the ghost pleads, "Whatever you want it's yours, just say it again."

He doesn't /mean/ it.
Shi Wudu turns his face, only for He Xuan to kiss his cheek, catching tears on his lips.

"Please, Wudu-ge, my tyrant, whatever you want-"

"What's the point!" He sobs. "You don't-"

"I do." The ghost draws him back, capturing his lips for another kiss. "I think I always have."
Shi Wudu makes a small noise when he's kissed again, the hands cradling his face begin to undo the his braid, fingers curling into the strands at the his nape. "He Sheng-"

"I think I've loved you right from the start..." He Xuan groans, "Even when I thought I hated you..."
"He Sheng, this has to stop..."

"It doesn't. It doesn't have to stop. I /love/ you."

"You're just saying that to hurt me..."


"Go home, He Sheng..."

"If you love me, tell me to stay." He Xuan murmurs. "Take it back, and tell me to stay with you. Ask me to hold you..."
"He Sheng-"

"You said you love me," He sounds so broken, his eyes desperately searching for the truth in the water master's. "If that's true, don't send me away... I'm /begging/ you. Let me stay."

Shi Wudu brings a hand to the arm holding him. "What's your favorite flower...?"
It takes him a moment, but He Xuan lets out a small breathless laugh as he captures Shi Wudu into another kiss. "Water lilies... My favorite is water lilies..."

Shi Wudu huffs. "Of course you'd like a flower that could kill you."

He Xuan chuckles. "You like one you can eat."
"That isn't why I like them, He Sheng."

"I don't like water lilies for their toxicity either, but here we are, my tyrant." He smiling, warm and fond. He keeps leaving kisses on Shi Wudu's face, stealing his breath when he captures his lips.

"Mm... Ma- ah! Let me talk!"
"I'd rather kiss you..."

"What if I have something important to say?"

"Mm, you can say it after." He Xuan grins, stealing another. "I'll listen, I promise..."

"You have something of mine, He Sheng."

The ghost pauses, then smiles. "I do indeed."

Suspiciously, he lets go.
He Xuan tucks his hands behind his back, stealing another kiss from Shi Wudu with a grin. "Give me your hand?"


"My tyrant, let me have some fun with returning what belongs to you."

With a roll of his eyes, he lifts his right hand. "Here."

"The other one..."
"You didn't specify before."

"A mistake that won't happen again, my tyrant." He Xuan chuckles.

Relenting, Shi Wudu shakes his head and sighs. "Brat."

"And yet," He Xuan hums, stealing his full attention with a soft kiss. "You love me."

"I've been told in ill advised."
"Oh? Why's that?"

"I've been told you like to make the one you love need you and then leave them."

He Xuan hums, drawing away to lift Shi Wudu's hand and kiss his knuckles. "I'm working on that."

That's when he notices. Resting on his hand is a ring.
It's a gold band with a single sapphire, and two black accent stones. It's beautiful.

He knows, instantly, that the sapphire hold his soul.


"Do you like it...?"

The once gods smiles, a breathless laugh leaving him. "He Sheng, don't ask if you know the answer."
He Xuan grins. "Now, not matter what, I'll be with you."

"I'd much prefer it if I could hold you."

"You have me to hold now."

"But I won't forever." Shi Wudu sighs. "You will have to go."

"I could steal you away..."

"Mm, tempting."


"They would hunt us down."
"We could run..." He Xuan murmurs. "We could go somewhere far away."

"And leave Shi Qingxuan?" Shi Wudu shakes his head. "I can't do that, He Sheng, and you know it."

"It was worth the try."


"Ah ah, /your/ brat."

"Still a brat."

"Yes, but I'm /your/ brat."
"Fine. /My/ brat." Shi Wudu huffs, a smile creeping on his face. "Now, how is /my brat/ going to make up for waking me up hm? I was enjoying my dream you know."

He Xuan grins. "You never did tell me what kind of dream it was..."

"Why don't you guess?"

The ghost hums.
"Were you dreaming about me?"

Shi Wudu lets his hands wander, hums when he does something particularly enjoyable. He sighs happily when it gets the ghost to do it again.

"Was it, my tyrant?" He Xuan purrs, lips against the water master's throat. "Did I pleasure you?"
Shi Wudu gasps when the ghost runs a hand between his legs, feeling for him under the layers.

"You didn't even change..."

"Why would I?" Shi Wudu moans. "These are the only ones from you..."

The sound that rumbles out of He Xuan makes the once god's knees go weak. "Bed, now."
He stumbles back, not wanting to go too far from He Xuan's touch, and chuckles at the haste with which he's stripped.

"You too, He Sheng. I want to see you."

"Then see me," He Xuan grins, sucking a mark under Shi Wudu's jaw. "You can strip me, my tyrant."
He takes his time peeling He Xuan out of his layers. relishing in how the impatience of the ghost turns into him sinking his teeth into his shoulder.

"You weren't like this..."

"In your dream?"


"Shit, I want to be fucking you so much right now."

He Xuan grunts, putting his mouth to better use than complaining. Shi Wudu smiles in victory as he peels another layer off him, smug when the ghost shoves it the rest of the way off.

The next layer is the same, accompanied by the calamity's groan as fingers drag up his spine.
"Wudu-ge, please, take them off so I can /fuck you/."

"Why such a rush?" the once god murmurs into his ear, scraping his nails along the ghost's scalp. "I'm not allowed to enjoy what's /mine/?"

"/Fuck/, say that again, please..."

"You're mine, He Sheng. Now say it to me..."
"I'm yours," He Xuan pants, helping Shi Wudu get his final layer off. "I'm yours, I've always been yours..."

"Good." He's dizzy from the way the calamity shudders from that alone. "Come fuck me, He sheng. I'm yours..."

The ghost descends upon him like a man starved, moaning.
The hands that touch him are reverent. They hold him, but it lacks the force that was once there. He Xuan's mouth, however, is a different story.

He licks, sucks, /bites/ marks into Shi Wudu's skin like he wants them to stay there forever. As if he'll disperse if they don't.
He takes his time working the water master open. He's gentle, and the contrast of his loving hands and hungry lips leaves Shi Wudu's head spinning. His belly swoops pleasantly whenever there's a a brief break of control and He Xuan's grip tightens suddenly.

"He Sheng..."

"Did I ask you to be gentle?"

He freeze, then- as if the flood gates have given way- He Xuan holds him with the strength to bruise. "They'll see..."

"Let them." Shi Wudu moans. "Let them see the marks you left on me..."

"If you keep talking like that, I won't be able to..."
"To what?" The once god grins knowingly. "To stop yourself?"

"My tyrant..." He Xuan groans, eyes dark and hungry. "I'm serious..."

"So am I." He counters. "/Fuck me/, He Sheng. If don't, I'll find someone who wi-"

The ghost snarls, his hand wrapping around Shi Wudu's throat.
It's dizzying how just a little pressure to his pulse can be, but his cock aches.

"No one gets to touch you, my little tyrant. I'm yours, but you're /mine/ too."

He makes a sound, and placating the calamity enough to earn him a kiss. One that leaves him gasping when they part.
"You want them to see what I do to you?" He Xuan groans. "I'll give them something to see."

Shi Wudu can't think, lost as he's kissed within an inch of his life and opened up by fingers that fuck into him roughly- all while He Xuan's hand doesn't leave his pulse.

He's going to-
The hand on his throat is gone, but He Xuan doesn't stop kissing him. Shi Wudu sobs into his mouth when he feels the vice grip on his cock, stealing from him /another/ orgasm.

"You... ngh! You really... don't want me to come..."

"You'll come when I /fuck you/."

"Then do it!"
"We'll get there." He Xuan purrs. "I can't take you without the proper due diligence... Wouldn't want you to get /hurt/."

Shi Wudu jolts when long fingers press into him, finding that place within that sends tremors through his body. "There...! Do that again, fuck, /please/!"
When He Xuan fucks his fingers in again, Shi Wudu claws at his back as he moans. The ghost swallows the sound, as he always has, licking into his open mouth with renewed interest.

He's certain tears are running down his cheeks by the time He Xuan deems him ready for a third.
The stretch is /good/. The little breaths He Xuan makes are intoxicating, all of them against Shi Wudu's lips.

"You're doing so well, my tyrant..." He Xuan sounds as gone as Shi Wudu /feels/. "Just breathe... I'll handle everything..."

He makes a small sound he hopes is a yes.
It's not much longer before He Xuan is kissing him soothingly as he draws his fingers out, the oil smearing across Shi Wudu's ass in an arc leading up his back.

"I'm gonna move you, my tyrant, then I'll fill you up- nice and full."


"Good boy, come here."
Shi Wudu puts up no resistance when he's lifted from the bed and maneuvered so he's straddling He Xuan- who is smugly reclined into the pillows.

"This is much better, don't you think?"

"You just... You just want to see me ride you..."

"That's part of it." The ghost hums.
He Xuan sits up, pulling Shi Wudu onto his knees so he can- if his hazy mind is correct- stroke more oil over himself to make things go smoothly.

He Xuan has the once god about to sink down when there's a knock at the door.

Shi Wudu's mind sharpens, aware of his situation.
He Xuan doesn't let him rise or pull away, holding him still over his cock.

He Xuan lifts his chin, nodding to the door in silence.

This cheeky brat!

"Who is it?" Fuck he sounds breathless.

His thoughts stop there when he feels himself being lowered onto He Xuan's cock.
“What are you doing!?” He hisses quietly.

He Xuan sinks back into pillows.

“Ge?” Oh for fucks sake. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Shi Wudu gnaws him lip when a moan threatens to leave him. “What do you need?”

“Have you eaten yet?”

He Xuan grins when he drags him down.
He prays the gasp he barely stifles isn’t heard by his little brother.

He Xuan doesn’t care, rocking up into him lazily.

It takes all of Shi Wudu’s focus not to moan aloud.

“Does that sound okay?”

Oh fuck. From the look in He Xuan’s eyes, he’s screwed in more ways than one.
“Didi,” Shi Wudu licks his lips, glaring at the ghost beneath him. “I’m rather tired.”

He Xuan raises a brow, giving him a once over.

“I think I’m going to sleep a while.” He’s going to tear his lip in two at this rate. “How about breakfast tomorrow morning?”
“Ge, are you sure you’re okay?”

Shi Wudu is going to strangle the next person to ask him that, mark his words. “Qingxuan.”

“Okay okay! I’ll… let you be… just, if you need anything-“

“You’ll be the first know.”

He Xuan doesn’t appear to agree with that sentiment, not at all.
The moment Shi Qingxuan’s shuffling footsteps begin to fade, the calamity lifts the once god off him only so he can drag him back down just as easily.

“He’ll be first…? Would you send your precious didi to fetch me when you need to pleasured, my tyrant?”

“He Sheng! Mngh, you-“
“You already want to wear my marks, why not have me paraded around to come satisfy you?”

“You- ah! You know why- fuck do that again…”

“My beloved tyrant, whatever do you mean?” He grins when the water master arches his back from the thrust given to him. “Care to elaborate?”
Shi Wudu knows what he’s doing. The ghost is trying to bait him into admitting to some fantasy-

“He Sheng!”

“Yes, my tyrant?”

He tries to focus, he really does, but He Xuan decides to take the next step.


“You’ve been denied so many times now, let’s fix that, hm?”
He can only gasp and shudder when He Xuan begins to stroke him. His hips stutter- unable to decide to buck forward or rock back.

He Xuan, however, takes the choice from him. His hips piston Hindi the once god sharply, while his fist works over the proof of Shi Wudu’s arousal.
“He Sheng- I’m-“

“That’s it… come for me…”

It’s better when it real. The imagination can only go so far, and this is better than any dream.

He Xuan takes one look at Shi Wudu- his mouth hanging open and eyes rolling back into his head- and tumbles over the edge right after.
When they both come down, they’re laying chest chest, breathless pants escaping them.

“You owe me a bath.”


“A chaste one.”

He Xuan grunts, “fine.”

Shi Wudu doesn’t let him go right away, however. He sinks into the embrace because-

“You’re warm…”
He Xuan stills. “Am I? I didn’t realize-“

Shi Wudu shakes his head. “Not like that.”

“Is this another thing that doesn’t have to make sense?”

“It does. You’re just not thinking about correctly.”

“How does that make sense?” He chuckles. “I’m warm but not warm. Explain that.”
Shi Wudu adjusts so his cheek rests on his hands. “You’re a smart boy, He Sheng. You tell me.”

The calamity grins. “Careful. It won’t be long before I can go again-“

“I’m counting on it.”

He Xuan’s next exhale shudders, his eyes blown dark. “My needy tyrant…”
Shi Wudu doesn’t get the chance to say something more.

“Shui-ge, are you awake?”

Heavens, he’s going to kill someone. He Xuan seems just as inclined. “What is it, Pei?”

“May I come in…? It’s… I’d rather speak to you directly.”

He Xuan silently seethes, glaring at the door.
Shi Wudu puts a hand over the ghost’s mouth, turning his head to the door. “Why? Did something happen?”

“No, I just…”

Shi Wudu gasps when his ghost king rolls his hips into him, a promise and a threat.

“Are you alright?!”

“I’m /fine/! Don’t you dare open that door!”

“Ming Guang, if you open that fucking door, I will not responsible for what violence follows.”

“Shui-ge, I just want to talk-“

Shi Wudu does mean to cut him off, but He Xuan doesn’t give him a choice. He bucks his hips with enough force to shake the bed.

“Shui-ge, are you…?”
The once god claws at He Xuan’s chest. “Impatient…!”

The answer he gets in response is him being propped up so he’s sitting once more, and He Xuan-

He looks so furiously jealous.

“I was- mngh! Talking, you bra-ha mngh… brat!”

“We can talk tomorrow… have fun in there.”
He Xuan grins.

Oh. Fuck.

He waves a hand, then pulls Shi Wudu’s from his lips. “You can talk, Wudu-ge… don’t mind me.”

“You-!” His moan cuts him off, and his eyes flutter shut.

“Shui-ge, who the hell is that in there with you?!” Pei Ming sounds angry. Worried, but angry.
He Xuan doesn’t give him time to speak, fucking punched out little gasps from him with a grin.

“Come on, Wudu-ge… who’s in here with you? Who’s fucking you /so/ good, hmm?”

Shi Wudu can hear Pei Ming trying the door, but can’t recall having locked it. The door doesn’t open.
“Open this door!”

“C’mon Wudu-ge… tell him who’s fucking you so good it’s hard to even /think/.”

“Shi Wudu, open this fucking door or I’ll break it down!”

“Oh? Did you hear that, beautiful? He’ll break the door down and get to see you all fucked out on my cock…”
He can't form words, his head swimming with the pleasure of being made to take He Xuan's desire. Every single possessive inch of it.

The door rattles on it's hinges.

"Oh, he's gonna see Wudu-ge... He's gonna see you taking me so well, so pretty sitting up there for me."
"Get away from him!" Pei Ming is shouting. he should make him stop but-

"Do you want that, beautiful?" He Xuan purrs. "Do you want me to stop and let you walk away? I'll do it if you ask me nicely..."

He shakes his head, finger nails dragging down the calamity's chest.
The door rattles again.

"Say it, beautiful. Let him hear you say it."

Shi Wudu should care more about the noise Pei is making trying to break into his room, but his thoughts keep circling back to the ebb and flow of the tidal wave in his belly, a familiar feeling to him now.
His nails continue to scrap across He Xuan's chest, red trails left in the wake of them that He Xuan seems pleased to have.

He's so close, he wants to say as such, but he Xuan doesn't stop his assault and speaking is just /so hard/.

There's a bang- the door hitting the wall.
It's too late. Like the tide rolling in, Shi Wudu's back arcs with his release. The tidal wave of pleasure crashes through him, accompanied by the feeling of He Xuan coming within him, and the once god lips fall open around the silent moan. He can hear the ghost groan, satisfied.
He's ripped back to reality by a hand- far too warm to be He Xuan's- drags him away from the ghost. The calamity snarls, but one glance to the water master and he's gone- just a puff of dark smoke that escapes out the door.

Pei Ming sheds his outer most robe, draping around him.
"I'll kill that ghost myself if it's the last thing I do-"

Shi Wudu glares at the empty bed, furious that He Xuan didn't even bother to take him away to care for him after thoroughly ruining him.

"Lets get you cleaned up... and somewhere safer-"

"Let go of me."

"... What-"
"I said. Let go of me." Shi Wudu levels his glare at the general before him. "You will /fix/ my door and /leave/."

Pei Ming's expression is complex. "Why was he here, Shi Wudu."

"That is /my/ business."

"He killed you!"

"And I killed him first!"

"So he gets to fuck you?"
"It's not your concern who I let into my bed, Pei!"

"It is when it's the goddamn psycho who murdered you then maimed your brother!"

Shi Wudu's blood runs cold. "What...?"

"You didn't know?" There's shock, and then comes the pity. "Shui-ge, you didn't really think...?"
His stomach churns uneasily- god he's going to be sick.

Shi Wudu pulls away from Pei Ming's touch, shaking. "You're lying to me."

"Why would Shi Qingxuan maim himself? It doesn't make any sense-"

"You're lying! He wouldn't!"

"Shui-ge, he tormented you both... /hunted/ you..."
Shi Wudu shakes his head, stumbling back further as his friend tries to placate and draw him back into the circle of his arms.

"He Sheng wouldn't! I'm the one he wanted!"

"He wanted to hurt the /both/ of you... why else would he make Shi Qingxuan watch...?"

"He wouldn't..."
When he feels the heat of a hand again, Shi Wudu smack it away.

"Don't touch me!" He screams. "Don't you fucking touch me!"

"Shui-ge, I only want to help-"

"You should have just left well enough /alone/!"

"And let a monster hurt you?"

"He was man before he was a ghost-"
"Well he's not that man anymore, is he?" Pei Ming roars. "He has tormented you for who knows /how/ long, and he's lied to you from the /start/!"

Shi Wudu shakes his head, turning away. "You don't /understand/-"

"Whatever you're feeling for him, it's built on /lies/, Shui-ge!"
He wants to scream. He wants to rip bookshelves off the wall and through things. He wants to tear things a part and scream and cry and /storm/.

He wants to let go, to sink into a nothingness and not /care/ any more. He wants to go back to when the only thing that mattered was-
"He's just trying to hurt you, Shui-ge..."



"Leave." Shi Wudu turns, the storm that wells in his body so familiar and safe. "Leave! Get the fuck out!"

"I'm trying to protect you-"

"I never /asked/ to be protected!"
The water master shoves the general away from him. "I don't need you to protect me! I don't need you to coddle me just because I'm not a god anymore! I don't /need/ you!"

Pei Ming's eyes flicker with emotion, then he shutters it off. The perfect general. "Shui-ge."

"Go away!"
"Your door is broken. I'll have it fixed, but in the mean time you need to sleep somewhere else."

"If this is your way of getting me to crawl into you bed, it's sorely lacking!"

The god doesn't flinch, sighing. "I was going to suggest staying with your brother."
"Get out." He snarls. "Don't you dare look back."

Pei Ming turns, marching to the door. He keeps his back turned, letting Shi Wudu shed the robe Pei had given him.

He's so angry. Angry at everyone, everything.

Still, the first robe he pulls on is a black with gold embroidery.
The next is a rich blue, dark and fathomless.

/It's the color I see when I look at you./

He drapes one last robe over his shoulders. This one is a lighter shade, more a dark gray than black, and it's riddled with gold embroidery, patterns of roiling seas.

All /his/.
When he reaches the door, he tosses Pei Ming's robe over his head and slips passed him.

He aches, body worn and used so pleasantly, but he feels so fucking cold too. He keeps a hold on the robes, ignoring the general's silent disapproval.

Shi Wudu can make he own mistakes.
He's not a child, he doesn't need coddling. He's made so many mistakes already, and one of them lead to the creation of-

Of his greatest enemy, and greatest desire.

He covers the ring with his hand, feeling the gemstones in their settings. He wants so desperately to not doubt.
To not fear and wonder and question.

/I think I've loved you right from the start.../

He doesn't want question the intentions behind those eyes that looked at him like he hung the stars in the sky.

/Even when I thought I hated you.../

But he fooled everyone once before.
He was so sure, so /certain/, that He Xuan wasn't lying to him this time. That /this time/ he was real.

That is wasn't a lie, that he was truly in love with him.

He Xuan is clever. He can make you think of him one way, even if he is entirely another. It's too late for Shi Wudu.
He's sunken into it so easily now. Been drawn in by every complex twist and turn of his tumultuous heart. He has drowned in the abyss of He Xuan's self, been submerged too long in the darkness.

He doesn't want to come up for air, to open his eyes to the light. He'd rather die.
Pei Ming leads him wordlessly to Shi Qingxuan's room, but Shi Wudu says nothing when the general tells Shi Qingxuan that his brother wasn't alone when he went to check on him.

"He was attacked-"

"I'd hardly call what happened him 'attacking' me."


The water master brushes past Pei Ming. "Forget it."

He can't make out the quiet mutters between his brother and his friend as he moves deeper into the room. He says nothing when the door closes, tossing an extra pillow onto the bed and contemplating grabbing another blanket.
He hears his brother shuffle across the room to join him.

"Did he do that to you?"

"You mean Min- ah... He Xuan...?"

Even now, he still struggles to say his name. He had fit into their lives to /easily/.

"Did he hurt you, didi. I need you to tell me."

If you don't, I...
Shi Qingxuan is quiet, staring at his brother in contemplation.

If you don't, I wont be strong enough to stay away from him.

"Ge, what happened tonight...?"

Shi Wudu can't look at his little brother. Can't meet those eyes that will look at him and /see/.

"Ge, I won't be mad."
"You can be mad, Didi." He closes his eyes, sitting down on the bed tilting his head back. "I'd rather you be mad than..."

"Then quietly understanding?"


"Why do you think I'm disappointed?"

He shakes his head. "Tell me if he hurt, Didi. I need to know."
"Ge. I won't tell you how I got this way if you don't tell me what happened tonight."

"I'm the older one here, Qingxuan."

"I'm also not the one in trouble this time, now am I?"

Shi Wudu chuckles, finally turning to look at his brother. "No, I suppose you aren't..."
Shi Qingxuan's expression is soft, gentle as the moonlight filters in through the window. His night robes are loose, and his shoes are tucked elsewhere for later. Soft brown locks fall down his back- rough from lack of proper care- but still long.

"Ge, You can tell me."
He isn't sure how Shi Qingxuan will react, but now- he hopes- his brother will at least listen.

"Didi... I..." It's so /hard/. "I love him."

His brother is silent, waiting.

"He was with me when you came to check on me tonight..."

"Pei said he attacked you."

Shi Qingxuan doesn't press. He just waits, granting his brother a respite by looking away.

"No, he... He wasn't /attacking/ me." Shi Wudu can't exactly say what He Xuan was doing to him to his /little brother/ though. That'd be awkward. "He... He came to return something to me."
"What did he return?"

"Shui," he hummed. "My soul."

Shi Qingxuan straightens, turning back to him. "Your /what/?"

"My soul, Didi." Shi Wudu doesn't /dare/ show the ring, but his thumb glides over the stone again. "He took it in the beginning, but now..."

"Do you think..."
"That it was a ploy?" Shi Wudu shrugs. "I don't know. But it's real."

Shi Qingxuan falls quiet again, then sets a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Ge... talk to me... why do you say you love him?"

"I..." Shi Wudu sighs, turning away. "I just do. He... Not /all/ of it was a lie.
"He may have lied about his name and being an official but... but he /flinched/ when I yelled at him." He turns back to his little brother, setting a hand on his cheek. "When I yelled at him about /you/."

That's thing about He Xuan. He doesn't give you clear cues, but his eyes?
His eyes say a thousand words, and often times they're /true/. When Shi Wudu had torn into He Xuan, /screamed/ at him about hurting Shi Qingxuan he was angry. Angry and /hurt/.

Shi Wudu had simply been too angry and hurt himself to realize it then.

"He was your friend, Didi."
Shi Qingxuan frowns. "That didn't stop him..."

"People are complicated, Qingxuan." Shi Wudu smiles gently, pushing his little brother's bangs aside gently. "He was hurting /so much/. I took many things from him, including the love of his life and the future they wanted to build.
If you had lost me for no good reason, wouldn't you want justice too?"

"His justice came at the cost of so much else though, Ge."

"Didi, people who hurt here," Shi Wudu sets a hand on his brother's chest meaningfully, "they make bad decisions. That hurt can be fear, or rage.
It can be jealousy. Grief. Whatever it is, that pain makes it /so hard/ to do the /right/ thing."

Shi Qingxuan takes Shi Wudu's hand in his, tears threatening to fall.

"I would know. I've hurt so many people simply because I couldn't live with the thought of you coming to harm.
The mere idea that you could be hurt, it /terrified/ me." The once god smiles woefully. "Now look at me. Look at us. What good did my decisions bring? It hurt /you/ the way it hurt /him/."

"But I didn't..."

"Because you are /better/ than me, Didi."

"I don't believe that."
"It's true. You didn't give into your pain and your fear. You begged him, in my final moments, to show mercy. You asked him to spare the man who took away everything he loved in his life... so that you could take my place. You did it because you love me, I know that, I do.
"But, Didi, that makes you better than I /ever/ could be."

"I don't believe that."

"You don't have to. Doesn't change the truth."

"You have a second chance. You're trying to /fix things/ you said so yourself!"

"Do you know why?"

The silence says it all.

"For you. Always."
"That's why I chose to try and fix things. To right what wrongs I could." Shi Wudu sighs, pulling away to smooth a hand over the golden seas sewn into gray fabric. "I can't go back into the past, Didi. I can't give him back his family or his fiancée. But I can know their names."
Shi Qingxuan frowns, silently prompting more.

"I can know he loved them. I can know that they lived and they breathed, and they /loved/. I can know that I killed them."


"Didi, when I swapped your fate for his, I stained my hands with their blood, and my soul the sin."
"You were trying to /protect me/, how does that-"

"Because I didn't /look/ for another alternative, Didi." Shi Wudu meets Shi Qingxuan's eyes. "I didn't /try/. I took the cowards way out, and I played with forces I should not have."


"It is his right to take my life."
Shi Qingxuan glowers.

"But he gave it back to me, Qingxuan. He gave it /back/." He smiles. "Yes, he was still angry, but he was hurting. He still is."

"That doesn't excuse him for how he's treated you."

"No, it doesn't, but it is a reason."

The wind master is quiet, thinking.
"Ge... You wanted to know what happened to me, right? After... everything."

Shi Wudu tenses, then nods. "I need to know if he hurt you."

"He... He taunted me. He refused to kill me. A mercy to some, but... I /wanted/ to die by then Ge. I would have gone willingly."

"He scared me. You were gone, and I was scared. Then... then everything else came crashing down. I... I met some beggars and we helped deal with the end of well... /everything/, but I... I'm /mortal/ now. I don't have any special candies for spiritual power anymore either."
Shi Wudu frowns, but he listens.

"As for my arm and leg, I..." Shi Qingxuan sighed. "Everyone has their own story. Most of the heavily capital think Mi- ah.... He Xuan... did it."


"I... I got into a fight. One I, evidently, didn't win."

"Then why haven't you...?"
"Ge, I haven't cultivated /ever/. I wouldn't even know where to /start/. " Shi Qingxuan shrugs. "I wasn't formally taught like you, and my ascension was by preordained due to having my fate switched. That wasn't my choice. All I've ever been allowed to choose is who I love..."
Shi Wudu looks away, heart in his throat.

"Ge, I love you. I know that you were just trying to protect me, and I know it blew up in our faces, but I'm /happy/. Yes, I'm poor and I can't walk right or use my arm very well, but I /chose/ this life. It's /mine/, Ge."

"I... I see."
"And, for the record, if you love him then... I'll /try/ to understand. I'm still /furious/ that he killed you, and if he /ever/ breaks your heart, Ge, I'm going to straight for his dick."

Shi Wudu bursts into a fit of laughter, tears springing to his eyes.

"Just sayin'."
"Didi," Shi Wudu can't quite quell his snickers to be stern, "You're not going to do that."

"Oh I absolutely will. You shed a single tear of heartbreak, and he can say goodbye to his dangly bits."

"Shi Qingxuan!" Shi Wudu roars, another laugh threatening to leave him.
The wind master smiles, his expression softening. It's not until the water master reigns in his chuckles and composes himself does Shi Qingxuan speak again. "I really missed you, Ge."

"Oh, Didi..." Shi Wudu gently pulls his brother in close, holding him tight. "I'm here now."
They sink into the comfort of the bed like that, holding each other tight until sleep comes for them.

Shi Wudu resists though. He fights the tendrils of that temporary oblivion to run his finger's through Shi Qingxuan's hair like he used to when they were little.
It's not long before he feels fingers in his own hair, and someone sitting down at the edge of the bed.

"You took a while." Shi Wudu whispers.

"I had to be sure he was asleep... I didn't want to interrupt."

"You heard?"

"That Shi Qingxuan will target my dick if I hurt you?"
He Xuan is grinning, he must be. "Yes. And the rest, too."

"Was it you then? Who maimed him?"

"No." He Xuan combs his fingers through Shi Wudu's locks, carefully pulling at tangles until they give harmlessly. "But I assure you, Wudu-ge, they won't be hurting anyone again."
"Did you...?"

"It... I didn't know until after they had died, but the one who hurt Shi Qingxuan is gone."

"What... What killed them?"

"Their own hubris."

"Less philosophy, please."

He Xuan hums. "They were running from someone, got pulled into my waters. Then drowned."
Shi Wudu nods slowly.

"Ironically, I highly doubt he prayed at one of your temples, my tyrant."

"Oh hush you."


The water master turns his head, lifting a hand to reach for He Xuan's cheek. The ghost catches his hand, then leans into his palm willingly.

"I'm sorry."
"What for?"

"Leaving like that. I didn't even get to clean you up."

"You are /very/ fortunate Qingxuan is sleeping right now, you brat."

He Xuan smiles, kissing Shi Wudu's palm with such /care/ it's hard to imagine it could be fake. "Next time, I won't leave you."

The ghost's fond expression turns sour with worry. "What's wrong?"

How is he supposed to brooch this topic? How is he supposed to explain the complicated feelings in his chest?

"I... He Sheng..."

"Wudu-ge, tell me. Tell me so I can fix it." The calamity whispers, distraught.
"I'm worried, He Sheng..."


"About this... About whether it's real."

The ghost lets out a soundless breath, the agony in eyes so palpable it makes his hands shake. "Of course... Of course, I understand."

"He Sheng, I don't say that to hurt you-"

"I know, my tyrant."
"I just... this began with you /wanting/ me to love you so you could..."

"Yes, it did, but I don't want that anymore. Otherwise I wouldn't have betted my entire existence on this."


He Xuan chuckles softly, kissing the once god's knuckles with reverence. "The ring."
Shi Wudu's eyes widen. "They're your..."

"If that center stone breaks, then I have no reason to stay. No reason to /return/."


"No. It's as simple as that. If you're gone, then I have nothing left to stay for."

"Then who would watch over Qingxuan in my stead?"
He Xuan hums, "He's good at making friends, and besides. He has Crimson Rain Sought Flower's beloved as a friend. He'll be in good hands, even should we be gone, my tyrant."


"Wudu-ge, do you really think Hua Cheng wouldn't keep a close eye on things His Highness loves?"

"You mean he...?"

"Wherever the wind takes Shi Qingxuan, a single butterfly follows."

That makes a lot of sense. It settles his heart too, makes him smile.

"And how do you know that?"

"My tyrant, do you really think I would let him die? After getting a friend again?"
He Xuan presses a kiss to Shi Wudu's wrist, just above his steady pulse. "After realizing that I love his brother?"

"You'll have much to apologize for..."

"Mm... my debt could stand another sudden increase."

"You're /what/ now?"

He Xuan shrugs. "My debt to Hua Cheng."
The once god stares at the ghost for a long moment then he shakes his head. "You just can't seem to break that cycle, can you?"

"Is my debt to Hua Cheng a deal breaker, Wudu-ge?" He Xuan grins. "Will you leave me over it?"

"Enough dramatics," Shi Wudu rolls his eyes.
They fall into an easy silence then. Shi Qingxuan remains steadily asleep, face tucked into his brother's chest, and the water master admires the pale features of the calamity sitting at his bedside. He Xuan simply spends the time leaving little kisses all over Shi Wudu's hand.
Finally, Shi Wudu drags the ghost's attention back to him, swiping his thumb over a cool cheek. "He Sheng."


"I don't want you to leave..."

"I could be close you tomorrow if you'd like... though..."

"How would I know it's you?"

The ghost pauses, then smiles fondly.
"You would know, my tyrant. I promise."

Shi Wudu nods, then hooks his hand around the ghost's neck. "Stay with me tonight?"

"I can't do that, Wudu-ge." He Xuan chuckles. "You know that."

"At least until I fall asleep, stay."

The ghost nods, setting against Shi Wudu's back.
He doesn't risk wrapping his arm around the water master, but his hand settles on Shi Wudu's hip. His thumb moves in small motions, a rhythm that easily begins to draw the once god in.

"Good night, He Sheng..."

"Good night, my tyrant."

He feels a soft pressure on his cheek,
then nothing.


When morning comes, Shi Wudu wakes to his brother curled against him, and the presence behind him is gone. He sighs, carefully slipping out of bed to go and take a bath.

He carefully sets the robes he'd worn to bed aside, running his fingers over them again.
Briefly, he wonders if he can get them cleaned in time to wear them today. It would be nice to have something clearly belonging to the calamity on his skin.

The ring is subtle, and he adores it, but some things need a clear line drawn before others will /get it/.
The water feels good. The heat sinks into his skin and drags a sigh out of him. Once he's washed away most of the grim from who knows how long off his body, he takes to the bath and sinks into it with relish.

He may not be a god anymore, but he's always felt at home in water.
Even now, when he can't feel the call of it rising to meet his fingers, he welcomes it's embrace like an old friend.

He swirls his finger over the surface, knowing that it'll only send ripples dancing across the water, but it's comforting in it's own right.
He doesn't notice anything amiss at first, being so at ease as he is like this.

Then he feels it.

A hand sliding up his leg from his ankle, fingers digging into his flesh when it drags back down his calf. He frowns, biting back the gasp of relief.
A second joins the first, and the hands begin to work the stress out of his leg, then the other. Shi Wudu waits, sinking back to. Then those hands reach his thighs, working at the plush flesh carefully.

The water master catches his companion by the jaw, dragging him up.
He hums softly, his frown fading at the face the water reveals to him. "You're playing a dangerous game, He Sheng."

The ghost smiles. "My tyrant, I'm only tending to you."

"Then get to it."

Shi Wudu lets go, lazing against the edge of the pool. The ghost sinks below happily.
It's not long after that when those hands work up to his hips then settling between his legs.

Shi Wudu lets out a soft breath when his cock is worked to full hardness and lips kiss at the angry head. He resists to fist a hand in dark locks, his head falling back in relief.
Its a slow drag, a tongue that runs along him in a way that tears a moan from Shi Wudu's throat. It feels good, taken by the current of He Xuan's eagerness. Another kiss, this time at the base, leads to him letting out a silent gasp when his stones are sucked into that mouth.
It's good. So, /so/ good. He lets out another breath, sinking into the feeling of He Xuan mouthing at him.

The ghost makes a point, in his silent and subtle 'tending', by taking all of the once god down his throat. The action has Shi Wudu sinking his fingers in He Xuan's hair.
There's a few perks with having a ghost as a lover. One such perk is that a ghost has no need to breathe.

Another is their lack of a gag reflex.

Putting them together this way, a cock perfectly snug down an all too welcoming throat, informs him how /good/ it feels.
He Xuan doesn't pull off, he waits as Shi Wudu adjusts. Then the cheeky ghost /swallows/.

The sensation works over him, accompanied by the soft hum the ghost releases from satisfaction, and Shi Wudu gnaws his lip to not moan too loudly and disturb his brother in the other room.
It's not easy, especially when He Xuan rises off him to mouth at the flared head and sinks back down a moment later. The once god is sure his lip is going to split from how hard his teeth are buried in it.

Shi Wudu feels the wave of pleasure begin to crest, a dam about to break.
He digs his fingers into He Xuan's hair, feeling his hips buck involuntarily into his welcoming throat.

It feels /so/ good.

The ghost beneath the surface is a cheeky brat. SHi Wudu /knows/ this. That still doesn't prepare him for a finger slipping into him.

He's /so close/.
He can't decide whether to rock back into the finger working him open or the mouth between his legs, but he doesn't have to choose before long.

The dam breaks, the wave crashes through him.

He Xuan stays resolutely beneath the water, waiting for the aftershocks to fade.
There's a long moment where the only thing Shi Wudu is aware of is his own body. Time where his mind only registers the sensation of hands soothing him in the wake of his release, a series of gentle kisses the trail along his thigh to his knee, and a cheek resting against him.
He sits back against the edge of the pool, letting the ghost beneath the water settle closer.

He doesn't come back to himself until he hears his little brother in the other room.


Shi Wudu quickly hooks his legs over He Xuan's shoulders to keep him below the surface.
He's just time, because he feels He Xuan still just as Shi Qingxuan rounds the corner to peek in.

"Oh, there you are."

"Good morning, Didi. Sleep well?"

"Yes, I did. Did you?"

Shi Wudu smiles. "I did."

He Xuan shifts, a slow movement that goes unnoticed to Shi Qingxuan.
Shi Wudu, however, has to fight to keep a straight face.

Thank heavens the blush on his cheeks can be dismissed as a result of the heated water around him, and not the ghost slipping his fingers into him for another round.

"Will you be long, or could I join you?"
Shi Wudu bites back the gasp that threatens to leave him when eager fingers press into him, finding that place within him that makes stars burst in his eyes.

"Join me?" He breathes, legs tightening around He Xuan's shoulders. "Sharing a bath with your brother, Didi?"
Shi Qingxuan shrugs. "Ge, we're brothers."

It's less about the actual sharing, and far more about the ghost slipping a third finger into his ass being discovered!

"It's just," The once god stifles a moan, "We're not children anymore, Didi. It's a little odd to bathe together."
Shi Qingxuan hums, disappearing from view.

It's not clear whether that means he's agreed, or has elected to ignore Shi Wudu entirely.

The answer comes only /after/ He Xuan has managed to slip a fourth finger into him, moving at an agonizingly slow pace, as they're joined.
Shi Qingxuan is a talker. The elder of the two brother's /knows/ this. It's entirely another thing when he's being worked open as his Didi chatters away across from him.

He Xuan doesn't seem to mind the company, leisurely fucking into him as if they were still alone.
The wind master spends his time efficiently. He wasn't quite partial to the water- despite enjoying a good soak here- and tends to be quick. Shi Wudu, clearly, was banking on that.

Unfortunately, time and injury has made his brother relish in the heat for longer. Much longer.
Shi Wudu has to keep his gaze lowered, sinking into the water, to keep up this rouse that he's simply enjoying the bath.

He Xuan has shifted again, trapped as he is by Shi Wudu's legs, so he can put his mouth to use again.

Shi Qingxuan is, blissfully, unaware.
The water master is /mortified/, but his cock strains against his belly beneath the surface and his body gives way to the ghost's ministrations.

They stay like this, Shi Wudu slowly approaching that peak once again, for too long. His brother needs to /go/ before the jig is up!
He's thinking on what to say, what to /do/, when Shi Qingxuan makes a small noise of confusion at the same time as He Xuan stills suddenly.

"Ge? What's you foot doing way over here?"

Shi Wudu didn't feel a thing, but given how his Didi is moving- "I'm comfortable, that's all."
A look of disbelief, of suspicion. "If you say so..."

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

He Xuan's touch vanishes, leaving Shi Wudu left sitting in the water to make up some excuse when Shi Qingxuan's good foot brushes with his.



"If you aren't going to relax, go dry off."
The younger of the two stares, seeking something from his older brother's expression.

Shi Wudu simply relaxes, despite the coiling need pooled in his belly from (another) denied orgasm.



"That wasn't your foot before, was it?"

Shi Wudu sighs. Wonderful.
"Oh /ew/! Ge!"

Shi Wudu shuts his eyes to stop himself from rolling them back into his skull. So /dramatic/. "You were warned."

"How was that a warning?!" Shi Qingxuan shrieks, climbing out of the bath.

"Have I ever protested before?"

And well, when he thinks about it...
Shi Wudu has always been indulgent when it comes to Shi Qingxuan. Sharing a bath wasn't ever /really/ that big of a deal. It's just been so long since-

Well shit. That does point things into perspective.

"I just- while I was /right there/?!"

"Didi," Shi Wudu sighs,
"You don't think I /actually/ have that much sway over him, do you? Not to mention, by the time you were coming back, I would have still been trying to tell him to stop."


"And, quite frankly, he wouldn't have listened. This is the second time he has been stopped."

Shi Wudu gives his brother a pointed look.

"/That's/ what Pei meant when he said Ming-xiong attacked you?!"

"Yes! it was!"

"Eugh!" Shi Qingxuan begins his retreat. "Knowing makes it worse!"

"You asked!"

"Doesn't make it any better, Ge!"

Shi Wudu rolls his eyes.
"You had your suspicions that I was having sex with Pei."

"Yeah but that's /different/!"

"Different how?! It's still about /my/ sex life!"

"Suspicion and confirmation are /very/ different, Ge!"

"Oh for- Qingxuan you practically knew! It's really not that different!"

"What is gross about sex?" Shi Wudu moves to the edge of the bath, ready to leave. "Why are you so averse?!"

"The sex isn't the issue!" Shi Qinxuan screeches. "It's knowing that /you've/ been having that's gross!"

"Excuse me?"

"You're my /brother/!"

"I'm well aware!"
"Would you want to know I'm having sex?!"

Shi Wudu perches himself at the edge of the bath, head in his hand. "Have you?"


"I'm making a point!"

"Are you seriously telling me you wouldn't find it gross!?"

"Why would I? So long as you're safe and enjoying it-"

"What?!" He can't help the incredulous smile that's pulling at his lips. "What is so bad about this?"

"It's /weird/!"

"Weird /how/?"

Shi Qingxuan groans. "You're impossible!"

"/I'm/ impossible? Didi, you're the one who's only argument is 'ew, gross'."

"It is!"
Shi Wudu shakes his head, "It's not, Didi! It's weird if you tell me what you're /into/."

"Eugh! No, nuh uh! We're /so/ not having this conversation!" the wind master shuffles out of the room.

"Good! I don't need to know what gets you off!"


"If you have questions-"
"If I have questions, I'll ask Ling Wen for the relevant books!"

Shi Wudu snickers, turning back to the water to sink back down, only for his lips to be stolen by an aggressive ghost seeking to make a point.

"He She-"


"Oh /hell no/!" Shi Qingxuan roars. "I'm out!"
"You did that on purpose-"

"You're talking too much." He Xuan growls.

"You edged me, again, I think I-"

He Xuan lifts him onto the edge of the tub, swallowing his noise of surprise with a hungry kiss. "Stop. Talking."

"Make me..." Shi Wudu feels a smirk tugging at his lips.

When he's pressed down into the cool stone, he bites his lip from the look in the ghost's eyes. Looking at him like he's going to devour him whole, savor him in the only way he knows how.

Completely and utterly, gorging himself on Shi Wudu's pleasure.
He doesn't bother silencing himself when He Xuan begins to press into him, doesn't care enough to muffle the sound of relief when the ghost's cock sinks into him down to the root. He doesn't care when He Xuan sinks his teeth into his shoulder, a shock of pleasure pain.
He can't find it in himself to give a shit when it feels good. When the tidal wave begins to build once again, no longer ignored. He sinks into the current, letting He Xuan take from him as he accepts what he's given.

He Xuan's pace is brutal, merciless with each thrust.
Shi Wudu can only gasp and moan and writhe, the ghost dragging him into every buck of his hips, a wild fucking that makes the water master scrap his nails along the floor for purchase as he nearly chokes on his own pleasure.

He can /feel/ him. He's so /deep/, filling him so-
"When I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk."

He claws at He Xuan's shoulder. "Have to... have to walk- ah! Fuck!"

"You're going to ache," He Xuan growls. "You're going to remember how I'm fucking you right now whenever you move, and you're going to /love/ it."
Shi Wudu smiles, riding the high, as He Xuan sucks another bruise into his throat.

It feels good, to sink into the pleasure and never come up for air. To relish in the satisfaction of being /filled/.

The ghost bucks into him, his thrusts faltering with his growing need.
Shi Wudu moans, sinking into the pleasure with a groan.

Then he's left empty as hot stripes land on his heaving chest, painting his skin white.

The once god looks up at the ghost with vicious betrayal. "What the /fuck/, He Xuan."

"I didn't say when... just that you would."
There is much that the water master can accept, turn the other cheek and let it go.

Shi Wudu grabs the ghost by the hair, tugging him down.

This is not one of them.

"You best keep your promise, He Sheng, or I'll take what I want when I want it, how I want it."
The ghost simply smiles, letting himself be pulled and tugged at. "Is that so?"

"Do you want to know why they call me a tyrant, He Sheng?" Shi Wudu snarls, dragging him down until he's pressed against the cold stone. "I'll tell you, but you'll have to ask me nicely."
"Why's tha-"

He Xuan hisses when the water master slaps him, hard. His ears ring, rattled from the force of the blow for a man who's no longer a god. "I said /nicely/, He Sheng."

"Please tell me why you are called the water tyrant."

Shi Wudu lifts a brow, glaring down at him.

"That's a good start, He Sheng, but you can do better."

The ghost grits his teeth, but when he tries lift himself from the cold stone, Shi Wudu slaps him again, then settles his hand around the ghost's throat.

"You may not need to breathe, but this will do."
He Xuan stares at the water tyrant for a long moment, watching him look him over thoughtfully, then settle over him. He doesn't position himself to take He Xuan's cock, just settles across his lap.

"Wudu-ge, why do they call you the water tyrant?"

"That's not good enough."
He Xuan is a patient man, but this? His tyrant sitting in his lap and looking like the perfect feast? This is too much even for him.

As if sensing his annoyance, Shi Wudu's grip on his throat tightens.

"Behave, He Sheng. Do as I ask of you."

A trying request, so it seems.
"Ask me nicely, He Sheng."

"My tyrant," The ghost jolts when a hand wraps around his cock. "Please! Fuck, please tell me why you're called the water tyrant!"

"What happened to 'Wudu-ge', hmm?"

"My tyrant, please, I'm-"

"Say it."

"Wudu-ge!" He Xuan groans, nearly desperate.
"Good boy, He Sheng. Was that really so hard?"

"My tyrant-"

"Ah ah ah."

"/Wudu-ge/, please..."

The water master hums, leaning down until they're breaths mingle and lips dance over each other in a torturous promise. "Good boy."

He Xuan groans, trying to steal a kiss.
Shi Wudu doesn't let him, however. He pulls away, shifting to look at the length of the ghost beneath him.

"I wonder, do you know what it's like to be denied that peak, He Sheng? Have you ever had some bring you /so close/ only to leave you begging for them to help you over it?"
"Wudu-ge, please-"

"I want you to know what it's like." Shi Wudu purrs, a cruel gleam in his eye. "I want you to beg me for release, just so I can say /no/."


"Shhh, let me /take care of you/." He Xuan stares in horror as the water master grins down at him.
He Xuan doesn't /think/ beyond the sensation of the man above him, doesn't bother trying to escape the satisfaction oozing out of the man. He sinks into it, even when he feels a hand work him up to the brink. He can only stare, silently pleading for mercy.

But there is none.
He Xuan /sobs/ when Shi Wudu pulls away from where he aches, throbbing painfully.

He doesn't know where the ribbon came from, but as soon as his whimpers have given way it's being tied around the base of his cock, a series of loops and knots that seize him.

"That's better."
"W-Wait, please, I'll-"

"Shut. Up."

He Xuan falls quiet, biting back whimpers.

"You're going to do what I tell you to, to the letter. Do you understand?"

"/Yes/, please just take it off-"

"No. You're going to wear it until /I/ take it off you. You're not going to come."
Shi Wudu smiles, placing a gentle kiss at the corner of He Xuan's eager mouth.

"You're going to sit on this edge until I decide exactly how you're going to pleasure me, down to the last detail."

"Wudu-ge..." He Xuan whimpers.

"You'll be good for me, won't you? For your tyrant?
"You'll keep this on until I decide whether or not I'm going to fuck you or ride you, and you'll thank me at the end."

The ghost lets out a breathless sob.

"Oh, poor thing. It's not so bad. Just a little patience and you'll feel /so good/. I promise, He Sheng."
"Please, whatever you want, just-"

"What I /want/, He Sheng, is for you to writhe on this edge as you have made me writhe. I want to watch you /squirm/ with desire. I want to watch you fall apart just to finally catch the high..."


"I'll let you come. Eventually."
Shi Wudu gets off him then, admiring his work a moment before going to dry off. He Xuan lays there, bereft as he aches for release.

But Shi Wudu was clear. He comes at /his/ command. When and where and how are beyond the ghost's control. He's at the water master's mercy.
When he's beckoned, he gets to his feet and stumbles towards the man who has broken him only to remake him time and time again. He leans into the gentle touch on his cheek, pleading in silent looks for something he knows he will not recieve.

"Get on your knees, He Sheng."
It's agony, He Xuan quickly learns, to always get /so close/ only to have it ripped from you at the last possible moment. He craves his release desperately, even as he follows behind Shi Wudu in disguise quietly. No one asks, thinking he's a deputy of one of Shi Wudu's friends.
And since no one is paying attention to them, much less him, they miss the way Shi Wudu's hand is slipped beneath his robes to idly stroke him in small motions.

He always gets /so fucking close/ before Shi Wudu takes the satisfaction from him by pulling away, smiling faintly.
Breakfast was agony. To keep his cover he wasn't allowed to eat much, a simple helping he didn't even manage to finish due to how Shi Wudu toyed with his stones, a heady thing that had He Xuan desperately trying to focus on anything beyond the hand fondling him beneath the table.
The number of times he looked at the water master, only to find him in a deep conversation with another was far too many to count.

Adding onto the fact Shi Wudu never stopped touching him until he was sure He Xuan was about to come in his pants, the ghost is at his wits end.
Now, Shi Wudu has an iron grip on He Xuan's cock, something that /would/ feel good if it weren't to stop him from rutting into Shi Wudu's palm.

The water tyrant himself is holding his own in a small debate about the effects of his absence. He Xuan cannot be bothered to care.
He's hard, and Shi Wudu refuses to give him a break from this proverbial cliff. He stands as still as he can at the tyrant's side, measuring his breaths the best he can when at any moment Shi Wudu can decide to /squeeze/ him until his knees feel weak and he has to fight to stand.
Once this is done, Shi Wudu won't have any important things to do, and then- maybe, /blessedly/- Shi Wudu would take mercy on him and let him chase his release.

He Xuan refocuses on what's happening around him when the grip around his heated arousal loosens a fraction.
"If you have an issue with me associating with him, then you will speak to /me./ It's my choice. He was willing to let me go, and you'd best remember that."

"Shui-ge, just-"

"Don't you dare tell me to listen." Shi Wudu snaps. "I have done more than enough of that as of late."
Pei Ming falters for a moment, looking at the water master imploringly. "What he did was /wrong/-"

"And what I did was okay?"

"I didn't /say/ that."

"No, but you implied it. That's enough for me."

"You're putting words in my mouth-"

"You did that to yourself, Pei."
"Shui-ge, you aren't /listening/-"

"Why should I listen to you when you don't listen to /me/?" Shi Wudu counters. "You don't listen to Shi Qingxuan, either. Evidently, I see no reason to listen to you, least of all give you the time of day."

"What are you-"

"Enough, Pei."
Shi Wudu flicks his hair away from his face, annoyed. "Look, the fact of the matter is I hurt him before he ever hurt me. What becomes of the tragedy I made is between those involved. You /aren't/ involved."

"Shui-ge, I'm your friend. I care about you-"

"Not enough, it seems."
Pei Ming flinches. "Shui-ge..."

"If you cared about me, Pei, you would listen to me."

"I love you."

Shi Wudu stills.

"I only have your well being in mind." Pei Ming looks wounded, but he doesn't draw closer. "How can you just discard what we had?"

Shi Wudu reels, retreating.
"You don't love me, Pei."

"Now who's not listening?"

"You can't just claim to love me when you don't. You don't love me, Pei. If you did you wouldn't be doing this to me."

Pei Ming gives a helpless motion. "What am I doing? Looking out for you? Caring about you?"
"You're hurting me."

Pei frowns, "Shui-ge, I-"

"You're hurting me, and you don't even seem to realize it. You claim to love me, yet you weaponize it. That isn't love."

He Xuan wants more than anything to pull Shi Wudu into his embrace.

"He Sheng loves me. He'd let me /go/."
Pei Ming flinches at that, looking away. "He also hurt you, so many times."

"I hurt him too, Pei. Twice as much, and in ways that hurt more."

"Why are you forgiving him?"

"I never said I forgave him, Pei. But what's done is done. Better to move on than let it fester."
The general is glaring at the floor. "When he... it was all I could think about, Shui-ge. All I could /do/ to try and fix things."

"There's nothing to fix, Pei." Shi Wudu sighs. "I died, and things that cannot be repaired should be set aside."

"Then what of my heart?"
"Your heart isn't mine to fix, Pei." The water master shakes his head, turning away. "It never was."

"And your heart?"

"Belongs to another."


"You wouldn't understand-"

"If you do not tell me, I don't think I'll ever find it in myself to give up on you loving me."
He Xuan glances to Shi Wudu, sees the way he gaze flickers towards him, then watches as the once god turns back to his friend.

"Pei. You have been a wonderful friend for years, but that is all we have ever been. One drunken night will change that. It didn't mean anything-"
"To you, perhaps, but to me it meant everything. And when I saw that you didn't like it, I stopped. It wasn't worth it if you weren't happy."

Shi Wudu turns his head, unable to meet Pei's gaze.

"Tell me who owns your heart, Wudu-ge. Or I'll never stop trying to prove myself."
The once god finally meets the general's stare, his expression cold. "Black Water sinking Ships, otherwise known as He Xuan. Though to me, he is He Sheng. And there is /nothing/ you can do to change my mind."

Pei Ming reels, his brows knitting together. "Wha-"

"I love him, Pei.
"I love him more than I want to live. I'll love him long after I've died, and I'll love him again in my next life."

He Xuan shudders, his arousal aching where it rests- heavy between his legs and still brutally bound.

"I'll love him every life onwards." Shi Wudu smiles, soft.
"He has my heart, Pei. I think he always did. Even that day I watched him die."

"You love him, even after he hurt you? Hurt Shi Qingxuan?"

"His pain led him to violence, but so did my fear."

"He might not even mean it-"

"He does, or he wouldn't have told me his secrets."
Before Pei can ask, Shi Wudu holds up his hand, silencing him. "Don't bother asking. They are mine to keep, and I shall take them to my grave."

He Xuan wants to kiss him, for a number of reasons.

"So, speak ill of him at your own peril, Ming Guang." Shi Wudu lifts his chin.
"That is /my/ ghost king you speak of."


Shi Wudu turns to the ghost in question. "Take me /home/."

"Happily..." He Xuan breathes, pulling him close.


The moment the world returns around them, He Xuan finds himself being backed against a wall.
He stumbles, seeking when Shi Wudu leans in to captures his lips. It's wet and desperate, tongues entwined as the once god pulls at He Xuan's ties and shoves his robes off.

"You've been very patient for me..."

"Wudu-ge..." He Xuan groans, "Please, hurts-"

Shi Wudu smiles when He Xuan groans, slumping against the wall in defeat and resignation and yet be so receptive to the kisses offered to him by hungry lips.

"Anything you want, please... it hurts Wudu-ge..."


He Xuan swallows thickly, trepidation in his eyes.

"Say it with more conviction, and I might believe you."

The ghost whimpers when the once god cups him gently, carefully feeling at him through his layers of cloth. "Wudu-ge!"

"C'mon, you can do it. You became a ghost king to hunt me, you can manage this little thing."
His legs are shaking, his unnecessary breaths coming in quick little pants. His golden gaze is dark, pupils blown wide with arousal.

"Ah, there you are." Shi Wudu purrs. "Seems it's all starting to get to you. You've lost control on the skin."

"F-Fuck, Wudu-ge, I-"

The water master presses him against the wall, a maddening reassurance that he is there. A reminder that they are close, that he is at the mercy of the man who broke him only to /remake/ him.

And he's doing it again now, in the place meant to be He Xuan's domain.
Fitting that the man who can unmake him draws out his pleasure in this place born of misery and sorrow. /Remaking/ into a place of sin and desire- home of what has become of their pasts and warped with obsession and- now- love.

He Xuan wouldn't have it any other way.
To be unraveled at the hands of this man- his sole reason for existing- it's like ambrosia. Divine succor for the dying.

He Xuan /gorges/ himself in it, moans when he feels Shi Wudu's fingers circling his lips before urging them to part- only to encourage him to lick and suck.
That's to say nothing of how-

"That's it, good boy."

-How he whispers praise into the quiet, barely heard over the obscene sound of him all but /nursing/ on the once god's fingers, eager to please him in whatever way is needed of him.

"Do well, and I'll let you come."
He Xuan is a man in a torrent of another's design. A victim of a natural disaster he doesn't dare attempt to escape. A willing prisoner at the mercy of a tyrannical man drawing pleasure from him as if he were some /toy/ for his amusement.

He Xuan's eyes flutter, but don't close.
"He Sheng, look at me."

Gold meets sapphire, like the sun dancing across the vast sea.

"Do you want to be a good boy for me?"

It isn't a question. There's no doubt in his mind, hazy and swimming as he is- lost in the satisfaction Shi Wudu's approval grants him.

"Knees, now."
The fingers that had been heavy on his tongue slip free, leaving his lips wet with his own spit, a trail arcing along his chin where it begins to pool. That sapphire gaze flickers to it, dark and deep, then a smile when the ghost sinks to the floor, looking up coyly.

"Good boy."
Shi Wudu tips his head up, looking down the length of his nose at the being kneeling at his feet. "Open."

And who is He Xuan to deny the man who all but /created/ him?

It's not long before robes are shed, cast aside so heated flesh can rest on his tongue, a promise.

A need.
One the ghost king is eager to sate.

But he waits, watching as the water master keeps him here with a smirk curling at his lip. As if he's one some unnamed game. Taken a victory in a battle fought with subtly. A fight He Xuan wasn't aware he'd been fighting, and losing.
But thoughts are for those who are need them, who want to plot and scheme and connive.

He's done enough of that for one lifetime- for a dozen in truth- and he'd much rather be here.

On his knees with his beloved's cock resting on his tongue over his open mouth.

Pure /bliss/.
Shi Wudu keeps him like this, carefully rolling his hips maddeningly until the ghost king is positively /rabid/ with desire. A trail of it has begun to hit the floor, his drool only serving to make the once god above him /more/ smug.

"Do you want it, He Sheng? To taste me?"
He isn't sure /what/ leaves him, but whatever it was makes Shi Wudu grin.

A fist in his hair is his only warning before the cock on his tongue is driven down his throat all at once- forcing him to adjust.

He Xuan's mind washes away like the ocean's tides, drifting out to sea.
Lost to him in the churning waves.

Shi Wudu rolls his hips, a shallow rock into the ghost's welcoming mouth, and groans with satisfaction.

He'll find it once again, but not now. He wants to be at the mercy of this being- a primordial force that shakes him to his very core.
A man with a desire to fuck, and fulfilling it in He Xuan's throat.

Shi Wudu does not bother waiting for the ghost to indicate his readiness. He can see how lost to the current of desire he has already become, and instead the once god finds a rhythm, a brutal pace.
He can feel the way his body rests against the ghost king's face, how He Xuan swallows when he's fully sheathed within him and grinds against his lips. He relishes in how he can make the man at his feet moan when the grip in his hair tightens, a pleasure Shi Wudu revels in.
It's a dance of sorts, one of carnal desire and sin.

The water master feels the coiling heat in his belly, a pressure that's building behind the wall of Shi Wudu's restraint.

Just a little longer, just until He Xuan looks so maddeningly /desperate/, only then can he let go.
"I'm close, He Sheng..."

There. That's the look he was waiting for. An eager hope. A precursor to what will be the ultimate satisfaction.

"That's it..." Shi Wudu coos, feeling his pleasure build. "You're doing so well, letting me fuck you like this..."

He Xuan keens, hazy.

He draws back, wrapping his fist around his arousal to give himself one last stroke.

The sound that rips out of He Xuan's ruined throat is a confused and alarmed sound. Even so, the ghost quickly opens his mouth wide as- at last- Shi Wudu comes.
White streaks across the ghost kings face, falling past his lips to grant him a taste of what he'd been working for, but most importantly, Shi Wudu finds the betrayal in gold eyes so satisfying.

"You said..."

"Oh, He Sheng," the once god purrs, "Now you'll know better, hm?"
It takes a long moment as the ghost's mind returns to him. "You mean...?"

"What else?"

"Wudu-ge, my tyrant," He Xuan pleads, "I won't do it again, so /please/-"

"I want you on my bed, naked, and waiting when I arrive, He Sheng."

Shi Wudu watches the understanding dawn.
"Don't make a mess on your way there, He Sheng. I'm not your maid, and if I have to clean up after you, I will be cross."

The ghost king nods, leaning into the hand that swipes a thumb through the mess on his cheek, then eagerly sucks the mess from it like a child with candy.
He's waiting for permission to leave, and when Shi Wudu tips his head a fraction, the ghost eagerly snatches up the once god's robes and scurries off to do as he was told.

Shi Wudu grins, trailing leisurely after him.

"Don't take off the ribbon, He Sheng. I will when it's time.
"Do you understand?"

A hungry "Yes" is all he gets in return before the ghost is gone, having run to do as he was bid.

Shi Wudu is going to /thoroughly/ enjoy taking what he wants.

Upon arriving in his room, he finds the ghost laid out on his bed as he told him to be.
He Xuan is on his back, his hands fisted into the sheets to stop himself from touching himself, an endearing sight for the once god.

A quick glance tells him that He Xuan behaved, for the ribbon is still tied around his arousal.

"Such a good boy today. That does earn a reward."
A reward he says, but really it's about what /he/ wants, and He Xuan simply must accept all that he is given or suffer without.

Though, perhaps he's been well behaved enough for a show of mercy. For now, at least.

That is why the once god settles on the bed, a vial in hand.
He watches the ghost's expression, sees the hazy anticipation, and when he carefully sets himself to work it's like watching a play.

He Xuan falls apart /beautifully/, straining where he writhes. Trying to get away, but too needy to escape. It's perfect, a masterpiece of desire.
And when he finds that place deep within the ghost that makes him cry out, Shi Wudu feels /dizzy/ with power. crooking his fingers to he'll press into that little bundle of nerves again and again until He Xuan sobs, /wailing/ for release as he takes what is given so freely.
It's all Shi Wudu can do to not fuck his ghost right then and there, before he's had his fun to the fullest.

He Xuan keens, his back arcing off the bed as he tries to coax the once god deeper, to fuck him. To bind them together. Shi Wudu enjoys the sight of desperation and need.
He Xuan may be a ghost who gorges himself whenever he's able, but no one has ever seen /this/.

The heaving chest, pale skin flushed as muscle ripples from strain. A sheen of sweat from the exertion, and the arousal bound in blue silk, straining between powerful thighs.
A feast. Just for one, and Shi Wudu has no intentions of ever sharing this sight with anyone else.

He leans forward, catching the gaze of the ghost king, then kisses the flared angry head of He Xuan's cock, licking away the precum that smears across his lips like fine wine.
It must be /agony/ from the wounded sound that rips out of the ghost's throat, but Shi Wudu doesn't stop.

Slipping another finger past He Xuan's rim, the once god takes the cock into his mouth slowly, tongue swirling about the tip so he can taste the ghost's pleasure fully.
It doesn't take long. He Xuan has been close for /so long/ now. Just a few good thrust of his fingers and taking him down to the root does it.

He Xuan's moans quickly become broken sobs. Another ruined orgasm thanks to the silk still binding him, painful now as he writhes.
Shi Wudu isn't kind when he pulls off. He's quick and efficient, ripping a whimper out of his ghost king /so/ easily it's almost pitiful. Almost.

Then he settles between the ghost's thighs, sees him still trying to recover, and decides to press his cock into him anyway.
It's tight, but it feels /so good/. He doesn't wait for He Xuan to adjust, driven by a need to fuck him that his hips find rhythm before he can think to, seeking his pleasure within the ghost king beneath him.

Who sobs and tugs at the bed sheets, tears falling down his face.
He's so pretty like this, flushed with need and desperate to please- if only to be allowed his release.

Shi Wudu knows he won't last long, he's been dancing along his own need for so long now it's impossible to be sure he'd make it far. He doesn't care, hips bucking forward.
He chases his pleasure, admiring how He Xuan loses himself in the current again- driven back to the crashing waves of carnal desire. His rhythm begins to stutter too soon, but that's alright. The way his ghost king shudders with a broken sound tips him over the edge anyway.
There is power in making a man stronger than you fall apart at the seems. He Xuan /could/ take control at anytime. He could easily pin Shi Wudu down and take what he wants- needs- but he doesn't. He trembles in the aftershocks and waits, eyes glassy, for what comes next.
Shi Wudu grins, knowing that He Xuan is completely at his mercy, and how /satisfying/ that knowledge is.


He Xuan sobs as he watches the way Shi Wudu moves, how the sweat trails down the length of him. Where his flushed arousal hangs heavily, and where they're joined.
They've been like this for so long now, time seems like a distant concept. Beyond comprehension.

He's been made to come plenty in this time.

Over himself when he was practically bent in half so Shi Wudu could fuck into him deeply, or into the water master like he's doing now.
He's not sure there's anything left to give, his body spent and yet-

"C'mon, He Sheng... One more time..." Shi Wudu moans, rolling his hips back into the ghost's. "You can do it..."

-Yet he wants to. He wants to fulfill that desire for the man riding him so urgently.
He aches for an entirely different reason than before, fighting to keep up with the desires of the man on top of him, but he can feel that painful pull. A current that's building once again. He'll give into it, he always does, despite how much his body tries to protest- weary.
He sinks into the sensation, whimpering aloud as it crashes through him like a tidal wave to a cliff.

He hears Shi Wudu's pleased sigh, feels the way he stills, and He Xuan sags into the bed. His mind is a whirlpool, swept away by churning waters he can't control.
When he comes back to himself, its to Shi Wudu's tender caress on his cheek and kisses along his jaw. Whispered praise, telling him how good he was, and the pleasant feeling of still being inside Shi Wudu. There's no need or desperate thrusts, just them joined. Pleasantly whole.
They're both messes. He Xuan is covered in his own come, alongside Shi Wudu's, and with the once god laying down on his chest it only spreads it about. The contact is sticky, a view of their debauchery, and yet He Xuan can only think-

"Was I good, my tyrant?"

"Yes, He Sheng."
Shi Wudu stretches. It's a slow and lazy, like a cat about to curl back up in the sun. His eyes flutter as he sags back into the ghost's chest.

"You did wonderfully, He Sheng."

He Xuan hums, wrapping his arms around the water master's waist. "Good, I'm glad."
It's nice to be settled like this, with Shi Wudu laying against his chest. Soft and pliant, satisfied.

It's enough to make him smile, to sink into the satisfaction and revel in it for a time. Shi Wudu seems to bask in it too, sleep calling him to shut his eyes and settle.
"They're going to come looking, Wudu-ge..."

"Mm. Let them. I won't be leaving."

"And if they try to kill me to save you?"

"You'll disappear, and sweep me back like you did today."

"They won't give up, y'know."

"They will once all of the heavenly court knows I'm married."
He Xuan stills, looking at the man resting against him so calmly. "Married...?"

"You gave me a ring, He Sheng. We /just/ fucked like rabbits, and you're surprised that I want you to take responsibility and marry me?"

"I-I just-"

"Do you want to be my husband, yes or no?"
"Yes." He Xuan answers immediately. "Yes, I want to marry you be your husband. I want you to be /mine/."

Shi Wudu smiles, pressing a finger to the ghost's lips. "Then you'll marry me and we'll take responsibility for fucking each other over."

"Is that your only reason...?"
"Don't be stupid."

"Then won't you tell me, Wudu-ge?"

"Now you're fishing for it." The once god is smiling despite his chiding tone. "That wasn't subtle."

"I wasn't trying to be. I want to hear you say it again."

"Listen to you! What a needy ghost king you are."
"I am." He Xuan grins. "I am and I won't apologize for it. You'll indulge me anyway."

"Will I now?"

"You will, /Husband/."

Shi Wudu hums. "We haven't done out bows yet, He Sheng."

"I'll be calling you husband until the day I move on from this world. Now into forever."
Shi Wudu lets out a soft breath, his cheeks flushing beautifully. "Forever is a very long time, He Sheng."

"For you, it's worth it."

"You say that, and yet-"

"I'm here today because of you." He Xuan murmurs, placing a kiss on Shi Wudu's forehead. "Always because of you."
There's a long moment where the once god stares at him, his eyes wide and open. Then there's the single tear that arcs down his cheek, and He Xuan catches it on his thumb.

"What's this?" He murmurs.

"You're a good man, He Sheng." Shi Wudu smiles, another tear falling. "So good.
"I'm not sure I deserve you."

"You don't get to decide that."

"Don't I?"

"Not this time, my tyrant." He Xuan grins, rolling them over until he's laying on top of Shi Wudu. "This time, I get to decide. You decided my worth before, now it's my turn for you."
There's that laugh. The one he adores with his entire being. He relishes in the way fingers curl into his hair, pulling him up into a kiss.

"Okay. Decide my fate, He Sheng."

The ghost hums, pleased. "Happily..."

If someone told him years ago what his life would be like now, he would have ignored them for blasphemy.

But sitting here like this, reading while a ghost king naps beside him, he wouldn't have it other way.

"Mm... guests."

"Oh, was that today?"

Arms snake around his waist.

"He Sheng." He laughs, carding his hand through He Xuan's hair. "I know I promised I would be stay in bed with you today, but I /also/ promised Qingxuan we could have tea /before/ I made that promise to you."


"He Sheng..."

"My husband should stay..."
"Wouldn't you be much more entertained if you were giving Pei shit?" Shi Wudu hums. "He's supposed to be visiting today too."

He Xuan stills, then peaks up at his husband. "And you'll let me?"

"Well, your birthday /is/ coming up..."

The ghost grins. "That's a hard bargain."
Shi Wudu leans over the ghost king, setting the book he'd been reading aside, then shifts so he's straddling his husband. "If you behave, I'll reward you early."

"What kind of reward?"

When the once god raises a brow knowingly, the ghost king shivers pleasantly.

What happens after that is commonplace, a sight that happens every day.

Shi Wudu stands in place, laughing softly as he’s dressed by his eager husband. Shades of rich blue and gray, all with gold embroidery. He’s peppered with kisses, showered with affection from He Xuan.
Once he’s dressed, they switch places, and Shi Wudu pulls what he wants to see the ghost king wear. Once He Xuan is properly dressed, He Xuan knowingly takes a seat and lets the once god comb oil through his hair, then style it. When it’s Shi Wudu’s turn, He Xuan takes his time.
He’s so careful, not once tugging on his hair when he finds a knot or tangle. And only once the comb glides through his hair like fish through water does he begin to work the oils in. Shi Wudu smiles when he feels the telltale sign of braids, then they’re carefully arranged.
It’s not until he feels He Xuan pin everything into place and hum in approval does Shi Wudu open his eyes.

He’s more than a little surprised to see the jade pin in his hair, a lotus and water lily with a jade droplet dangling from a golden chain.

“What’s this..?”

“A gift.”
Shi Wudu chuckles. “I know. But why?”

“Am I not allowed to spoil my husband?”

“He Sheng.”

“Come, my tyrant. Your guests await.”

“Do you think Pei finally settled down with that woman he was smitten with..?” Shi Wudu asks as he’s guided to his feet. “He seemed ready.”
He Xuan shrugs. “Far as I can tell, he liked her. I don’t know if he loved her, though.”

“Well, that’s simply because you don’t bother to get to know him.”

“He tried to stop you during our /wedding/ just to make sure that you wanted me. I think I’m allowed to be upset.”
“Yes,” Shi Wudu agrees with a chuckle, “but I don’t think that means you can dismiss his attempts at finding love.”

“I can and I will.”

“But he’s my friend.”

“Yes, a friend of yours who wanted to sleep with /my/ husband.” He Xuan hums, kissing his beloved’s cheek once more.
Shi Wudu is rolling his eyes with a smile as they step into the main hall.

It’s been changed since their marriage. Much more like a home than a reminder of past sins.


“Qingxuan!” Shi Wudu beams, moving to hug his brother. “You look well! Come, have a seat!”
Shi Qingxuan, with some coaxing, did agree to let He Xuan help him- at his brother’s request. He moves with relative ease, his limp all but gone, as he moves to settle where he’d been guided to.


Shi Wudu turns back to his old friend, then blinks a few times. “Oh.”
"Oh?" Pei smiles, "That's it? Just 'oh'?"

"To be fair," Shi Wudu sighs, "You didn't tell me you'd be bringing a plus one."

The woman at Pei's side smiles shyly. She's pretty in a modest way, soft and delicate yet strong too. Pei has a type, clearly. "I've heard much about you."
"Good things, I hope." The water master smiles at her. "He's spoken about you a great deal too."

"Ah, Shui-ge." Pei Ming protests, his plea going unanswered.

Shi Wudu gently pulls her from the general's side. "Come make tea with me, won't you?"

"Oh! Yes, of course!"
When the pair are passing He Xuan, Shi Wudu lets himself be pulled into the ghost's embrace chuckling as he's given a long kiss. "He Sheng, we have guests."

"Mm." When He Xuan pulls away, he leaves another quick kiss on Shi Wudu's cheek.

The once god chuckles, rolling his eyes.
Shi Wudu manages to slip away, the young woman at his side, and makes his way to the kitchen.

"That was your husband, yes?"

"It was." Shi Wudu hums, a pleasant smile on his lips.

"Pei told me that you two had a difficult beginning...?"

"That's putting it mildly..."
Shi Wudu turns to her, a smile pulling at his lips. "But we've come a long way, and he makes me happy."

She beams, overjoyed at his admission. "How wonderful! You do look so happy with him."

"And what about you? Has Pei been treating you well?"

"Well..." She blushes.

"He uhm... He recently proposed, actually."

"Oh how wonderful!" The once god smiles. "I take it he's explained everything then?"

"Oh, yes! I've been made a deputy official so I can get used to things before the wedding."

"If you need help, do not hesitate to reach out."
"Oh I couldn't-"

"I insist." Shi Wudu hums. "Pei is a handful. Ling Wen and I have struggled with him for years. If you need help, contact me."

"Okay. I will."

With the tea ready, they make their way back to the main hall to the sight of another ghost king and spouse arriving.
"Sorry we're late!" Xie Lian smiles, moving to take a seat.

"You were hardly late. We've barely even gotten started."

He Xuan pulls Shi Wudu into his side again as Pei gathers his beloved into his arms. Shi Qingxuan rolls his eyes at the displays, but says nothing.
And as they're settling down to talk and mingle, Ling Wen arrives right on time, greeting her friends with a nod and a faint smile.

Shi Wudu simply enjoys the afternoon of sipping tea with his husband at his side and Shi Qingxuan laughter in the air, and the chatter of friends.
It's strange how, no matter what you do, fate plays out in unexpected ways. Shi Wudu knows. He's played with those strings, and in so doing he made the fate that he'd been trying to avoid become true.

But his story ended once, with his head on the floor.

Now, it ends again.
This time there is no blood.

"He Sheng," He whispers to his husband.

There are only tears of joy.

"I have something to tell you."

"Something wrong, Wudu-ge...?"

"No, nothing's wrong."

Joy can be made from misery. Love can be found through the pain. Shi Wudu knows.
He found love in the most unexpected of places. In the arms of the man he once called enemy.

Shi Wudu takes his husband's hand, carefully setting a vial within his palm and kissing his cheek. When He Xuan takes a look at the vial, he stills.

"This is...?"

"Yes, He Sheng."

Shi Wudu nods, "Yes."

He's pulled into a tight embrace, the ghost king's face buried against his shoulder.

"I love you..." He murmurs.

Shi Wudu smiles, resting his head against his husband's. He doesn't have to say anything, because-

"I love you, so much."
Because they've always loved each other. Before they knew that's what it was, they loved.

Like stormy seas sinking ship after ship, they /loved/.

Shi Wudu laughs when he sees their guests looking at them curiously, then turns to Shi Qingxuan.
"Didi, how do you feel about being an uncle?"

That's the funny thing about endings.

"Wait, are you serious? Heavens, of /course/!"

Where one thing ends, another begins.

Their journey together has only just begun, but that's a tale for another day.


• • •

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Feb 20, 2023
Another #TGCF AU because I can. This'll have dragons and magic and nsfw scenes so if that's not your taste, this is your warning!

Ships: Hualian, Shuangshui, SQX and (real) Ming Yi, YSH and LW

Also, there's no gods. Now, without further ado!
It had begun with little things. Magic unraveling during the casting, or magical creatures leaving the area suddenly.

Then there was the sight of the white ghost.

A dragon whose scales had lost all color, a creature neither alive nor dead. A beast in mind and body.
A dragon whose only desire is bring ruin and destruction to everyone and thing it can. To rend the fabric of nature asunder and revel in the raw magic it can then consume.

After it was sighted over what was once a grand and sprawling city, magic erupted from the very earth.
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