This is not about peace, it's about money. Not millions, billions. Let me explain...
When the coupe failed in Jan 20 2021, Russia had a problem. They already planned the invasion of Ukraine, but with Joe Biden in power - an outspoken friend of Ukraine - it would be much more difficult than with the easy to manipulate Donald Trump.
The invasion of Ukraine is about Vladimir Putin's vision to restore Russias historic importance and Power.
But for one of Russias oligarchs, Konstantin Malofeev, it was about money. He developed a plan to seize the industry of south-east Ukraine and transfer it into his own property. A multi billion dollar project.
Konstantin Malofeev is known in the US for it's connection to Jack Hanick. And for his support for Russian operatives in east Ukraine in their fight against an independent western oriented state.
The DOJ has more "information" about Malofeev, but we barely talk about his ties to the US, to polititian or "media personalities". We don't talk about his connections to Jan6 or to the Trump campaign, he is not a part of the Mueller Report.
But today we have to talk about Malofeev's connection to the #RageAgainstWar campaign.
It's about Daniel McAdams, the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute.
And it's about LaRouche, a group that took over The People's Party in 2022.
Konstantin Malofeev's activities in the US and Europe are difficult to follow, because he is operating not alone. He has several people in his close perimeter, who are working in lockstep with him to subvert western values and democracy.
This is his "gang":
Daniel McAdams has a close relationship to Charles Bausman, the chief editor of Russia Insider. He wrote a lot of article for the online magazine.
And Charles Bausman is a huge fan of Ron Paul. He encouraged his readers to donate money to Ron's film project.
But the Ron Paul Institute has connection to another member of the Malofeev gang too: Edward Lozansky.
Lozanky's friend James Jatras is even a teacher at the Institute.
Let's sum it up: There is an intensive connection between Daniel McAdams, Ron Paul and the Konstantin Malofeev gang.
And now we have to talk a group called LaRouche = Schiller Institute.
These people have connections to LaRouche: Jimmy Dore, Tara Reade, Scott Ritter, Diane Sare and Jackson Hinkle.
What is LaRouche? It's a group founded by Lyndon LaRouche 50 years ago. After his death his wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche took over the leadership of this group. They have close ties to China and Russia. Oh, and they have a special American friend too:
Roger Stone.
One of their Russian friends is Sergey Glazyev. He is on the board of Konstantin Malofeev's Katehon.
Sorry, #RageAgainstWar is not about peace, it's a Russian influence campaign to put pressure at the Democratic left and the few "moderate" Republican.
Der besagte Investor heißt Steven Lynch. Er ist auf dem internationalen Parcour kein Unbekannter, war er doch bereits 2006 gemeinsam mit seinen Partnern Richard Deitz und Bob Foresman in fragwürdige Deals rund um das Unternehmen Yukos verwickelt.
Der Zusammenhang ist spannend, ist vor allem Bob Foresman doch bereits mehrmals dadurch aufgefallen, dass er inoffizielle Kontakte zwischen Putin und amerikanischen Regierungen hergestellt hat oder versucht hat, diese herzustellen.