@AmurakaHidden ANU the CORNERSTONE of sulpher/COPPER (cypris)/impurity (kupris). It’s about the blood (Rh neg). That copper is ‘KHALKOS’ takes us in the same direction: White Mountain Arya. Mermen with bloody heels (calx). Red shoes. For 11,000 years. @ben218@FrederiqueGuth2
@AmurakaHidden@ben218@FrederiqueGuth2 So, that balloon was an albatross, right? In other words, an Alcatraz. The “watcher” in The Birdman of Alcatraz is named SHOEMAKER, warden first of LEAVENworth, then of the new penal island. Thorn in the Birdman’s heel for most of his life. B-man becomes a Shabbos goy in the end.