Markets are in a weird schizophrenic moment, with a burst of euphoria in equities on the one hand (where speculators are flooding back into what worked in the bubble just as momentum factor in L/S blows up), and disinflationary collapse pricing into US rates on the other hand.
As @donnelly_brent mentioned earlier, the -50bps in late 2023 rates isn’t the beginning of a gradual cut cycle, but a probabilistic reflection of, say, a 25% chance of an aggressive -200bps response in a short period of time to a recessionary collapse.
This happens in Brazil/EM often, in the other direction. A 25bp hike a few months out in the curve is not the start of a rate hike cycle, but rather the premium being priced in that the central bank might have to +100 to prevent a crisis of confidence/accident in the currency. 4/
This week should give recessionists pause: the #bigflip Reflationary Takeoff campground has a lot of empty tents, and thus a lot of room to welcome converts from the soft and hard landing/recession camps.
Housing/auto data has inflected higher just as Walmart, Target et al are about to pivot from channel clearing to reordering, amidst a historic tight and unbalanced labor market… and now China is going run all of Asia hot in 2Q-3Q.
Good lord.
And all this with core PCE over 4%…as the Fed slows the pace, and with loosened FCI??
The Fed will likely face a credibility issue this year. After all, you can’t flip from +50 to +25 to +50 without looking like you don’t know what you’re doing. So they will chase rates.
Almost a year ago, I coined the expression that Americans are speaking Portuguese and don’t realize it yet (but think they are speaking Japanese)… 8/
You want to know why the Pain Trade = Reflationary Takeoff from here (and therefore the most likely outcome because it hurts the most speculators)??
All this makes the current precious metals selloff screwy, but in addition to that position flush, US breakevens *didn’t budge today* despite one of the hottest employment reports of recent years, rock-bottom initial claims, and big-time wage attrition in ADP.
Even crazier, you had 1yr breakevens actually drop -14bps, 2y b/e -7bps, and 5y b/e -5bps in the past week! 14/
So nominal yields exploded, but inflation expectations went down?
So the market is entirely confident that the Fed won’t fuk this up??
But the Fed is about to commit its second emerging market central bank policy mistake in >50 years, in the span of two years! (see above)
At some point inflation will likely turn higher these coming months, and investors will realize we are “positive 2nd derivative” for Growth AND Inflation…and that’s cyclical value territory…but amidst a decline in confidence in public assets and the Fed’s credibility…
A year ago I had my first twitter exchange with my friend @contrarian8888… it was on gold, and I mentioned that I just didn’t think gold was ready for primetime because a liquidation flush in equities, rates, and gold were all required (we got that in October). 17/
The thing about precious metals flushing in an upside equity & rate catharsis amidst new narrative creation is precisely what gives me confidence people will move toward it - the gut check is what’s required to set the table and slingshot the trade to new highs.
Needless to say, I think people barfing gold and especially silver here are handing out a gift. The potential for a narrative jam (elephants trying to squeeze through a very small door) is just too great later in the context of a high-volume corrective move today.
As always, none of this is meant as financial advice, and merely a reflection of how I’m thinking about the market.
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So, it pains me a little to write this because I rarely wade in political waters, but I don’t think people are looking far enough down the path. So I will go out on a limb and say the following.
When Trump got elected in 2016 and some family and friends went nuts, I attempted to assuage them with “don’t sweat Trump - worry about what comes after.”
Remember my leanings. I am Mercutio. “A plague on both your houses.”
Then Biden came in 2020 and as they rejoiced I said: “don’t cheer too loudly - you should worry about what comes after him.”
Now Trump won in a landslide and they were in shock, some are in the midst of true PTSD. And again I say: “worry about what comes after.”
Guys I am honestly having a hard time keeping up with the Max Stupid traffic so I am gonna make this an ongoing thread. Please send me your best and I will grow the list until the penny drops.
Awww how quaint this should be worth a billion easy 2/
Milton is like Kobe Jan1995. Except in 1H95 the Nikkei crashed for months, even took down Barings with Leeson. Now stocks may do the same initially (no bears, put/call crushed, etc), but they are gonna eventually rip so hard on the Milton rebuild.
Think about it - Helene/FEMA been a complete clusterfuk (we can debate whether intentionally or not elsewhere). Like Katrina for Biden/Kamala.
But Florida? This is the state thay cost Al Gore the presidency in 2000 — remember “hanging chads?”
Team Kamala will try to atone for their Helene sins in N Carolina by making it fricking RAIN in Florida (money not water) — just weeks before the election. Kamala will stand in floodwaters if she has to in order to make the point that Florida is her example for what swing states can expect.
A few real gems from the past few weeks’ oil responses.
There are many like this - flat and reasonably polite. I didn’t realize down 5-10% from basis constituted “shambles” but some people have tighter risk limits than others I supposed
Again “bust,” like “shambles,” seems somewhat strong, but one man’s correction is another man’s financial crisis.
Regardless of how all the wild speculation around the US Executive ends up in the coming days, weeks and months, the current uncertainty is growing my conviction rapidly in one way specifically:
Oil powers the machine everywhere. The economic machine. The activity machine. The war machine. The Machine. It is the substrate of power and might.
The uncertainty splintering the minds of many in the market could end in up with “oil as the next gold,” in the following way.
For almost two years we heard “but, but real rates are going up, how is gold going up??”
We now know why the divergence. Hindsight = 20/20.
Similarly, in 2024-25 the refrain could be “but, but US is flirting with recession and Asia is vulnerable — how is oil going up??”
My buddy @kevinmuir wrote one of the best things I have read all year:
Rate hikes have been net stimulative as borrowers termed out lower while higher govt rates generate income accruing to debtholders with a tendency to buy financial assets vs spend, fueling mini-bubbles. Lower rates from a slower economy will have the opposite effect on stocks.
I have said ad nauseum how we are speaking Portuguese and don’t realize it in the EM-ification of USA. A key mechanism to turning Brazil into one of the highest gini coefficients in the world is precisely an elevated nominal/inflationary feedback loop environment which, taken to BZ’s extreme, has resulted in payroll loans and consumer credit at 30% *per month* while the rich would park in BZ sovereigns earning 20% nominal/10% real and send their money to swiss mountaintops while flying private. Modern day Gilded Age robber baron shit handed down from the era of sugar plantations but without the production of Carnegie steel and Rockefeller oil — just constant gini tightening.
Because the economy became uncompetitive (protectionism, lack of education, horrendous waste and public corruption) and woefully inefficient, the feedback loop of fiscal creating money that the CB would try to stanch would further reallocate/siphon wealth in classic Austrian style from the working/poor classes to the politically well connected and rich.
This is the subtle link between Mises and Mosler and where MMT and Austrian have more in common than perhaps they would ever admit.