Magi. Yes, I find this very troubling. Should be about incl. but don't need to intro children to these notions. Why are we talking to children about these notions? #FVFWomensFestival
@MagiGibson@Gillian_Philip Children can grow up and play with their pals without us getting at them with all this stuff.
@MagiGibson@Gillian_Philip For one thing, I do not believe there are trans children. There are gender non-conforming children and why shouldn't they be able to play with or wear whatever they want without imposing this on them? #FVFWomensFestival
@MagiGibson@Gillian_Philip To add @marstrina there's no such thing as a "gender conforming child"! We are opposing gender on them! Boys don't LIKE trucks. We impose that on them. The whole discourse of "playing with the other toys" is incoherent and meaningless. #FVFWomensFestival
Does a vibrator count as pelvic exercise? @GussieGrips Do orgasms help your pelvic floor. THEY HELP MORE THAN YOUR PELVIC FLOOR. You need cheering up. #FVFWomensFestival
@GussieGrips No science to back it up for sure. But sports science principles? Doing something better than nothing! Do a single person study and see how you crack on #FVFWomensFestival
@GussieGrips If we want boys who grow up not to be "accidentally abusive because they go their sex-ed from porn then maybe we should be teaching them about female pleasure and vibrators. #FVFWomensFestival
Q. for @LucyHunterB are the government holding off strengthening the equality act because of S35.
I think people invest too much in the government having a strategic approach. #FVFWomensFestival
@LucyHunterB I don't think there was a great strategic plan, I don't think they want to amend the equality act. The EHRC have said where we are is fine, small numbers. #FVFWomensFestival
They came in behind scotgov to argue that GRC legal sex would superceded biological, before the Scot GRC change #FVFWomensFestival
With the conversion bill there will be casualties @MagiGibson. Have to try and get more input to it. As a former teacher and as a parent I took my duties very seriously & so did the Scot education system #FVFWomensFestival
@MagiGibson Scot Education system has slipped. You need to have a say, a full say on what happens to your child. Parents in England are taking children out of the schools they're in so the schools won't damage them #FVFWomensFestival
And @GussieGrips is now saying that we already have casualties - child detransitioners. MSPs were in tears listening to their stories.
Q. for Susan Smith @ForWomenScot. Is the press complicit? the Scotsman defamed JK Rowling. This week NS finally asked the tough questions and flip-flopped. #FVFWomensFestival
@ForWomenScot Once you get down to basics its indefensible. Some print media has been good but very little forensic examination on the TV and a lot of people get their news from TV #FVFWomensFestival
@ForWomenScot One of the things about the Tavistock was that it appeared on Newsnight, and then you see it enter into the national consciousness #FVFWomensFestival
Is repealing the GRA the only way to stop this @marstrina No. Men have been trying to simulate women for a very long time, you won't end that. #FVFWomensFestival
@marstrina To overturn a law has to sue. GRA: would be very difficult to conceive of a test case. It was brought in by a fudge. It was to prevent issues with marriage, which is technically made redundant by marriage equality but 20 years is a lot of water under the bridge #FVFWomensFestival
@marstrina Now @PankhurstEM says we absolutely must overturn the GRA. Service providers are terrified that they cannot turn away men because of the GRA. Also, it's a pointless piece of legislation because we will hit back with the Equality act etc. #FVFWomensFestival
@GussieGrips I peaked a long time ago I work in women health and I have been exposed to medical misogyny for 30 years. They've been trying to do something about it but it's been 2000 years and it takes a while #FVFWomensFestival
@GussieGrips I'd give my opinion, and they listened and nothing changed. I'd speak to MSPs, I'd speak to the HoLs but last year Shona R said no man would ever pretend to be someone else to do harm to women #FVFWomensFestival