3. 10/9/18-
Evanina, sitting alongside Chris Krebs, describes some #DisinfoGate Operation details
“DNI identified a crisis manager for elections within ODNI”
Evanina further details how intel is gathered by CIA, NSA & funneled to Chris(DHS) & FBI
1 month later, CISA is founded
4. 10/9/18-
Chris Krebs describes CISA’s soon to be “Information Operation,” which we now call #DisinfoGate
Krebs talks about a “repopulating & rebuilding style” on Facebook & Twitter platforms to manage disinformation:
“They pop up, they drive content, THEY GET BROUGHT DOWN”
A week prior to the 2020 election, Evanina goes even further, saying the ODNI has to “partner with Cable Companies, News Media, and News Print Media.”
Evanina, again, admits that ODNI partnered with “FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, TWITTER, and all the social media companies”, ahead of the 2020 Election, to counter “Disinfo”
7. Based on Evanina’s statements, it is clear ODNI led the #DisinfoGate Operation.
ODNI used CISA as its central apparatus to partner with Social Media platforms, and the rest of the Intelligence Community, to combat “Disinfo” & censor American voters
8. 1/12/23-
During a deposition re Missouri v. Biden, et al., Brian Scully of CISA testified that, since 2018, CISA had regular meetings (conference calls) between “Federal Partners” & Social Media platforms
DOJ, FBI, ODNI, DHS were Agency participants
9. Brian testified that Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, Reddit, and others participated in these monthly conference calls
10.Brian had no problem giving names of people that participated in these calls.
For example, he identified Elvis Chan (#TwitterFiles) as the main FBI agent that participated in the conference calls
11. But when asked who the ODNI participants were, Brian was instructed by his DOJ counsel NOT to identify the 3-4 individuals by name.
12. Brian confirms that prior to the 2020 Presidential Election, ODNI & CISA held weekly teleconferences to counter “election-related disinformation”
13.Was the ODNI “crisis manager for elections” (that Evanina disclosed), a participant?
Brian answers, “Yes”
14.“Since 2018 has DHS had regular meetings with Social Media platforms, ODNI and the FBI?”
Brian answers- “YES”
Brian testified that CISA held separate “coordination calls” with Facebook prior to the wider Intel Agency & Social Media Calls
ALEX STAMOS (familiar name?) was Brian’s contact at Facebook until August 2018
16. It is confirmed (Brian Scully’s deposition & William Evanina’s public admission) that since 2018, ODNI led the #DisinfoGate Operation
Since 2018, Social Media platforms hired 300+ former Intel Agents/Analysts
Is this a coincidence or also part of the #DisinfoGate Operation?
17. On May 9, 2017, Evanina spoke, alongside FBI agent Charles McGonigal (familiar name?)
Evanina spoke about recruiting employees to Intel Community. He emphatically stated, regarding hiring by the CIA, NSA & FBI:
18.Evanina claims employees hired by CIA & NSA are owned for life.
Does this apply, for instance, to former CIA Agent Aaron Berman, who manages "misinformation" at Facebook?
Does it apply to the 300+ former Intel Agents still working at Social Media?
21. #DisinfoGate- A real, documented, & vast conspiratorial effort led by Bill Evanina at NCSC (under ODNI) & other Government officials.
It includes virtually the entire Intel Community in partnership w/ Social Media platforms
22.#DIsinfoGate- Using the false narrative that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, they created CISA, an apparatus to censor free speech & socially engineer the opinions of American voters.
23.#DisinfoGate- After achieving their goal of getting Trump out of office, this Social Media/Deep State partnership is now ostensibly being used to censor & socially engineer our views on COVID, vaccines, climate, race relations, Russia/Ukraine War, etc.
1. 🧵Meta's Misinformation & Fact Checking Policy is controlled by former career CIA & USAID operatives
I’ve previously written about former CIA officer Aaron Berman, who heads Misinformation Policy at Meta. He is joined by Mike Bradow, a former USAID official, who leads Fact-Checking Policy at Meta.
Berman & Bradow didn’t join Meta to protect free speech—they joined to control content, censor speech, and amplify U.S.-backed narratives, all with the goal of manipulating elections, both domestically and abroad, notably in Brazil.
On X, @mikebradow describes himself as a “democracy champion,” while Berman has previously bragged about championing “diversity & inclusion” while at the CIA—a classic example of intelligence officials using buzzwords to mask their true objectives.
As of today, both are still at Meta, actively running these operations. So, who really controls Meta?
The rest of this thread will expose how Berman and Bradow have used Meta to interfere in elections…
2. Of all the foreign election interference by Meta, Brazil stands out the most. While the CIA operated on the ground inside Brazil, Aaron Berman & Mike Bradow played a key role in controlling content online.
They led the operation on Facebook & WhatsApp, censoring opposing narratives and amplifying U.S.-approved messaging to manipulate the outcome of the 2022 Brazilian election.
Here is a LinkedIn post by Aaron Berman detailing what his team at Facebook did to “prepare for elections in Brazil.”
3. Both Aaron Berman & Mike Bradow oversaw Meta’s extensive efforts during the 2020 U.S. election.
In his LinkedIn post, Berman describes how Facebook placed “warnings” on over 150 million pieces of content that had been “debunked” by one of Meta’s third-party fact-checkers—the very group controlled by Bradow.
1. 🧵Google & Meta function as extensions of the US Intelligence Community. With Jacqueline Lopour, Google's Head of Trust & Safety, and Aaron Berman, Meta's Head of Elections Content/Misinformation Policy, both being career CIA officers, it underscores the CIA's substantial control over online censorship.
Why is this CIA-Big Tech revolving door, where career CIA officers wield power to censor & decide what misinformation is, purposefully suppressed in the broader conversation about censorship?
Why are career CIA officers like Jacqueline Lopour & Nick Rossmann, who both have a history of spreading misinformation & promoting the RussiaGate conspiracy theory, now in senior roles in Trust & Safety at Google, deciding what is misinformation & overseeing content moderation?
The cumulative number of former Intelligence Community personnel hired by Meta & Google since 2018 is staggering. Before 2018, there were only a handful. Here are the combined hires by both companies:
State Dept-86
2. Why would Google specifically choose these six senior executives to attend an @ISF_OSAC event in DC?
Everyone in this picture, alongside former CIA Director Robert Gates, is a current senior executive at Google & a former career CIA officer, except for the attorney from Perkins Coie (2nd from the left).
3. Jacqueline Lopour spent 10 years at the CIA before joining Google in 2017. She is currently Head of Trust & Safety, where she not only determines what constitutes misinformation but also wields considerable power in content moderation on Search & YouTube.
In this interview, Lopour is promoting the RussiaGate conspiracy theory. I wonder if she believes her own propaganda.
@mikebenzcyber has disclosed, that in 2016, he was a member of the Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group.
Benz admits to being 'Frame Game', a prominent alt-right & antisemitic account on Gab from 2016-2018. Although he describes it as a “Jewish project to deradicalize the alt-right,” a thorough examination of over 200 videos suggests otherwise.
Is Mike Benz an FBI informant?
It's concerning that despite Benz's antisemitic rhetoric & Holocaust denial, influential figures continue to support him, especially after NBC's @BrandyZadrozny unveiled these revelations. In his response to the NBC story, Benz showed no remorse for his antisemitic rhetoric; instead, he expressed pride in his 'Frame Game' operation.
I hope that after reviewing this thread & the audio evidence, individuals like @elonmusk, @shellenberger, @KyleSeraphin, & @Timcast will reconsider their endorsement of Benz & publicly condemn his antisemitism.
Recently, Elon Musk declared his stance against any form of antisemitism. Does this sentiment extend to Mike Benz?
2. @mikebenzcyber’s Frame Game also had a blog on Steemit. One entry titled “A Jewish Perspective on Jewish Influence” offers interesting insights into the psychology of Mike Benz.
In the blog, Mike blames Jews for “white decline”, acknowledges reading Mein Kampf, & in section 51 he says, “Hitler actually had some decent points.”
3. @mikebenzcyber is misrepresenting his work history & even deleted his LinkedIn profile prior to joining Twitter, making it extremely difficult to validate his work experience. He worked as a corporate attorney between 2010-2017 & later tried to launch a dance company, @MyArtYourArt.
In 2019, he joined HUD in the White House. While he brags about being a “Cyber Expert” & diplomat at State Department, records indicate he joined the State Department on November 24, 2020, & left 2-3 weeks, not even staying long enough for an official profile picture.
Benz held the title of “Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Policy” at the State Department. Notably, this specific position neither existed before Benz’s appointment nor continued after his brief tenure. This is a red flag.
By the end of 2020, he moved from DC to Florida.
Currently, Benz claims to lead the Foundation for Freedom Online. However, this organization hasn't released any research since May 2023, & there's no evidence of IRS filings for this non-profit.
2. In February 2023, I flagged concerns about the ODNI's Foreign Malign Influence Center (FMIC).
FMIC is a functional clone of the now-defunct Disinformation Governance Board & was launched in September 2022 under Director Jeffrey Wichman, who is a 30-year CIA veteran.
1. 🚨Jai Retter currently serves as the Policy Lead for Violent Extremism at @YouTube
Shockingly, a tweet from Ms. Retter in 2017 openly praises Hitler & includes the use of a swastika
@elonmusk - would you categorize this as anti-semitic?
Does anyone think this tweet is appropriate or even funny?
Is this the conduct fitting for someone in her position as a content moderator at @YouTube ?
Jai Retter previously worked for @DeptofDefense & is an active member of @CFR_org & @AtlanticCouncil
After the public scrutiny generated by this revelation, it is anticipated that Retter will:
1- Make her 𝕏 account private- @jjrett 2- Block me 3- Delete the Hitler tweet- (archived- ) 4- Make her LinkedIn profile private (archived- ) 5- Continue to moderate YouTube content for 'hate speech' & ‘violent extremism’
3. Here's another post from Jai Retter (@jjrett), who claims that the spread of 'misinformation & harmful content' by anti-vaxxers is a dangerous trend
2. GEC was established in the 2017 NDAA. Its primary objective was not only to identify misinformation and disinformation targeted at the US and its allies but also to develop and distribute "fact-based" narratives to counter propaganda.
GEC was granted the authority to provide… https://t.co/g1HA40STZ6 https://t.co/VCjCYj2tYjtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
3. Aaron Berman possesses an extensive background at the CIA, spanning two decades, before joining Meta in July 2019. He built the Misinformation Policy team & wrote content policies, overseeing censorship during the 2020 US Election & COVID-19.