How do you feel about your kids being infected with #airborneAIDS?
Why you applauding the people responsible, who knew and did not warn you?
Do you think that’s smart? What do you think that means for your kids lives? Why don’t you care?
What do you think will happen if you keep ignoring this?
Are you to busy? Maybe you’re to tired?
Do you think it matters how you feel? I’m asking why don’t you care?
Is it mild #airborneAIDS? Just a cold? What excuses do you have? Genuinely want to know.
How about teachers? Principals? How do you feel about your students being infected with #airborneAIDS? Nothing you can do? Oh well? You just do what you’re told?
How about social workers? Your responsibility is to protect society. How do you square knowing children are being infected with #airborneAIDS? What’s your job again? These are minors. What have you done to address this? Nothing. Why is that? You just do as you’re told?
School boards, are you enjoying knowing you are infecting children with #airborneAIDS on your premises?
Law enforcement, this what you signed up for? To ignore BSL-3s being allowed in to schools? Biological terrorism by definition. Nothing you can do about kids being infected with #airborneAIDS? Somebody else’s job is it?
Doctors, nothing at all you can do about kids being infected with #airborneAIDS in schools? Nobody you could contact regarding Biological Agent, prohibited being allowed in schools that causes disease?
It’s really hard for people to get that the “sides” work together. The high school drama is to control you. They work together. K. Stop worshipping them. You’re acting against your own survival. It’s stupid. Psych warfare takes decades to undo you do not have that kind of time
You don’t think it’s weird to worship them? Come on. Were you like this always? Is it possible something isn’t right? Can you take a step back. Think about it. You prob can’t and that’s the point
It’s ok to learn new things. It’s ok if you realize you were deceived or whatever. You do not have to be held hostage,if they made it part of your identity,you do not have to be that if you do not want.Maybe it’s scary or weird. It’s ok to change,do good things for you,others.
@CDCgov No such thing as immunity debt. Here’s your prob; you’re COVERING UP spreading/mutating an airborne BSL-3, a SARS related coronavirus, that causes immune “damage. This is also called BIOLOGICAL TERRORISM. Doing this to KIDS in SCHOOLS. Your main vector out
See? ⬇️ you’re wrong and committing crimes.
What was it oh ya 2020, “leaders”, public health all levels knew about T cell damage?