I hope that some of these sources come to great use as we continue to follow the situation in Ukraine. I might have missed some but hopefully, this will give you a good idea of the different pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian POVs
You can access maps on the situation in Ukraine from the following sources:
BREAKING: A "unidentified flying object" has been spotted in the waters near the coastal city of Rizhao in China's Shandong Province. Authorities are preparing to shoot it down, Local maritime authorities say - Global Times
BREAKING: Ukrainian officials say that they almost never launch HIMARS rounds without detailed coordinates provided by U.S. military personnel situated elsewhere in Europe - WaPo
A senior U.S. official says that the targeting assistance served to ensure accuracy and conserve limited stores of ammunition for maximum effectiveness. The US provides coordinates and precise targeting information solely in an advisory role, the official said.
Ukrainian military personnel identify targets they want to hit, and in which location, and that information is then sent up to senior commanders, who then relay the request to U.S. partners for more accurate coordinates
WSJ: "The U.S. intelligence community has linked the Chinese spy balloon shot down to a vast surveillance program run by the PLA, and U.S. officials have begun to brief allies and partners who have been similarly targeted"
WSJ: "The chinese balloon has collected information on military assets in countries and areas of emerging strategic interest to China including Japan, India, Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines, according to several U.S. officials"
WSJ: "Officials have said these surveillance airships, operated in part by the PLA air force, have been spotted over five continents. On Monday, the Deputy Secretary of State a briefing on China’s balloon espionage for some 150 people from about 40 embassies"