It was a picture of eagles killed by wind turbines
Quite a metaphor
The suggestion of the bald eagle as the Cincinnati insignia was made by Major Pierre L'Enfant, a French officer who joined the American Army in 1777, served in the Corps of Engineers, and became one of the first members of the Society
The medallions at the center of the Cincinnati Eagle depict, on the obverse, Cincinnatus receiving his sword from Roman senators and, on the reverse, Cincinnatus at his plow being crowned by the figure of Pheme (a personification of fame).
The Society's colors, light blue and white, symbolize the fraternal bond between the United States and France
A unique diamond encrusted "eagle", referred to as the "Diamond Eagle", was gifted to George Washington by Admiral Comte d'Estaing , on behalf the officers of the French Navy. It was received by Washington on May 11, 1784 at the meeting of the General Society in Philadelphia.
Upon Washington's death, in 1799, it was given by his heirs to Alexander Hamilton , who succeeded Washington as President of the Society…
Upon Hamilton's death it was given to Charles Cotesworth Pinckney , who succeeded Hamilton as the Society's president. It has ever since served as the official insignia of the Society's president and is transferred when a new president takes office
In 1753, Pinckney's father moved the family to London, England, where he served as the colony's agent. Both Charles and his brother Thomas were enrolled in the Westminster School
I wonder if that's where the term "rent boy" originated?
But I only speculate..…
"The Cleveland Street scandal occurred in 1889, when a homosexual male brothel and house of assignation on Cleveland Street, London, was discovered by police. .. The government was accused of covering up the scandal ..
The police acquired testimonies that Lord Arthur Somerset, an equerry to the Prince of Wales, was a patron. Both he and the brothel keeper, Charles Hammond, managed to flee abroad before a prosecution could be brought..
On 19 August, an arrest warrant was issued in the name of George Veck, an acquaintance of Hammond's who pretended to be a clergyman. Veck had actually worked at the Telegraph Office, but had been sacked for "improper conduct" with the messenger boys ..
"On 22 August, police interviewed Somerset for a second time, after which Somerset left for Bad Homburg , where the Prince of Wales was taking his summer holiday..
On 11 September, Newlove and Veck were committed for trial. Their defence was handled by Somerset's solicitor, Arthur Newton, with Willie Mathews appearing for Newlove, and Charles Gill for Veck. Somerset paid the legal fees.
"By this time, Somerset had moved on to Hanover, to inspect some horses for the Prince of Wales, and the press was referring to "noble lords" implicated in the trial.."
"Hammond escaped to France, but the French authorities expelled him after pressure from the British. Hammond moved on to Belgium from where he emigrated to the United States. Newton, acting for Somerset, paid for Hammond's passage.
On the advice of the Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, no extradition proceedings were attempted, and the case against Hammond was quietly dropped
Somerset returned to Britain in late September to attend horse sales at Newmarket but suddenly left for Dieppe on 26 September, probably after being told by Newton that he was in danger of being arrested..
He returned again on 30 September. A few days later, his grandmother, Emily Somerset, Dowager Duchess of Beaufort, died and he attended her funeral
" The Hon. Hamilton Cuffe, Assistant Treasury Solicitor, and James Monro, Commissioner of Police, pressed for action to be taken against Somerset, but the Lord Chancellor, Lord Halsbury, blocked any prosecution..
Rumours of Somerset's involvement were circulating, and on 19 October Somerset fled back to France
The Prince of Wales wrote to Lord Salisbury, expressing satisfaction that Somerset had been allowed to leave the country and asking that if Somerset should "ever dare to show his
face in England again", he would remain unmolested by the authorities, but Lord Salisbury was also being pressured by the police to prosecute Somerset. On 12 November, a warrant for Somerset's arrest was finally issued. By this time, Somerset was already safely abroad, and the
warrant caught little public attention... Somerset settled down to live anonymously in France, at first in Paris then in Hyères on the French Riviera
Somerset lived anonymously in Paris and then in Hyères?
Uh huh...
As part of Operation Dragoon on 15 August 1944, the First Special Service Force came ashore off the coast of Hyères to take the islands of Port-Cros and Levant. The small German garrisons offered little resistance and the whole eastern part of Port-Cros was secured by 06:30.
Expand on that later👆
"The first reference to the town Hyères dates from 963. Originally a possession of the Viscount of Marseilles, it was later transferred to Charles of Anjou. Louis IX King of France (often known as "St Louis") landed at Hyères in 1254 when returning from
the crusades.
A commandry of the Knights Templar was based at the town in the 12th century, outside the town walls
After defecting from Soviet intelligence in 1937, Walter Krivitsky hid in Hyères (one of the farthest points in France from his operational base in Paris)"…
"Lupescu was raised from birth as a Catholic. She was educated at the "Diaconesele", a Bucharest boarding school run by Bavarian nuns of the Institute of Mary from Nymphenburg , and one of the best schools for girls in the country"
"During a career that spanned five decades, Gross represented such clients as writer-directors William Friedkin , Christopher McQuarrie, Nicholas Meyer and Paul Schrader; actors Richard Gere, William Petersen, Angelica Huston, Linda Evans"..…
Daily Mail
"Hollywood legend Randy Quaid claims wild theory Gene Hackman 'murdered' like Heath Ledger
"Quaid, 74, took to X on Saturday afternoon to share his wild theory on how he thinks the Oscar-winner and his wife died, calling them 'murder victims.'
"This is not the first time Quaid has brought this eerie theory to light, as he and his wife, Evi Quaid, have previously referred to the suspected 'murderers' as 'the Hollywood Star Whackers,' Vanity Fair reported in 2011."…
'Hollywood American lawyer & talent agent Irving "Swifty"Lazar appears as a character in Peter Morgan's stage play Frost/Nixon. In the play, Lazar negotiates a deal with David Frost on behalf of President Richard Nixon for Frost to interview Nixon.' Wiki
After playing Lex Luthor, nemesis of the Man of Steel, in “Superman” (1978) , Gene Hackman briefly left Hollywood. He did not make another film until “All Night Long,” a comedy co-starring Barbra Streisand, in 1981.
"She had no qualms about sleeping with clients or would-be clients — at one point, she was known as “F–ker to the Stars,” a nickname she was reportedly fine with — and insisted to female colleagues and friends that nothing was more important than securing a great husband."..
The Telegraph , 28 Feb. 2025
"Inside the ‘tormented’ final years of Hollywood recluse Gene Hackman ...
Mystery has swirled around the gruff method actor since his ‘stage exit’ in 2004 when he ditched his illustrious career for a life off-grid"..
"For years, mystery has swirled around the gruff method actor renowned for his intense performances, ferocious temper and on-set bust-ups with directors that earned him the nickname “Vesuvius”."
"By 2004, the French Connection star was a beacon of Hollywood success after starring in around 90 movies and TV shows, and earning two Academy Awards and four Golden Globes throughout his acclaimed, decades-long career."
"Symcor’s U.S. expansion started a few years ago and has produced minimal success. Its main customer is Sun Trust, which operates about 1,700 branches in the southern United States. "…
" the largest institutional stakeholders in SunTrust are bond giant BlackRock , the asset management division of State Street, T. Rowe Price Group, The Vanguard Group, and Dodge & Cox."…