"Is Soros really the Puppetmaster? Or is he just a psyop, a front for British economic warfare operations? The man who created the Soros legend was Lord William Rees-Mogg"
"Tempers flared. Tongues loosened. Rhetoric was starting to get downright racial.
""Tempers flared. Tongues loosened. Rhetoric was starting to get downright racial.lo-Saxon world, there exist organizations and personalities who prefer a divided Europe."...
."“Anglo-Saxon financial institutions” are undermining Europe’s efforts to unify currencies, charged Raymond Barre, France’s former Prime Minister..
"Speaking before the European Parliament, Jacques Delors ,President of the European Commission, railed against “les Anglo-Saxons.”
Not since Napoleon’s cuirassiers charged the British lines at Waterloo had the French-speaking world exploded in such fury against perfidious Albion
"Not to worry, though.
Help was on the way.
The Soros Psyop
Into the breach stepped Roger Cohen , born and raised in England, educated at Oxford, but now writing for The New York Times.
Cohen slyly changed the subject...
"He called Willy Claes’s office and asked spokesman Ghislain D’Hoop to please identify the “Anglo-Saxon” plotters.
There were many, D’Hoop replied. But one was George Soros.
D’Hoop had stepped into the trap.
He had given Cohen what he wanted...
"In a September 23, 1993 article in The New York Times, Cohen noted wryly:
“But Mr. Soros hardly fits the traditional definition of an Anglo-Saxon. He is a Hungarian-born Jew who speaks with a noticeable accent.”
Cohen had deftly changed the subject..
"In my previous article, “How the British Invented Color Revolutions,” I explained how British psywar operatives developed bloodless coups and other behavioral technologies for manipulating foreign governments quietly and discreetly in the post-colonial era..
"When British operatives engage in covert interventions such as destabilizing regimes or undermining currencies, George Soros always seems to pop up like a jack-in-the-box, .. making provocative statements,
He is what intelligence professionals call a “noisy” operation.
"Until 1992, most people had never heard of Soros.
Then the British media named him “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England.” Soros became an overnight celebrity...
"Nearly six weeks after Black Wednesday, no one was really sure who crashed the British pound.
"The Mail had somehow gotten hold of a quarterly statement from Soros’s Quantum Fund
Soros claims he was surprised &alarmed by the press leak. But he had a strange way of showing it. Soros went straight to The Times of London & confirmed the story, bragging that it was all true.
"In a January 15, 1995 article in The New Yorker, Connie Bruck recalled the astonishment that swept the financial world at Soros’s public confession..
The man chiefly responsible for promoting Soros during this period was Lord William Rees-Mogg, a prominent journalist and member of the House of Lords.
The FT called him “one of the grandest names in British journalism.”
He was editor of The Times..then vice chairman of the BBC
"He was a friend and confidant of the Royal Family, a close friend and business associate of Lord Jacob Rothschild, and the father of British politician Jacob Rees-Mogg.
More than anyone else, Lord Rees-Mogg was responsible for weaponizing George Soros
"Descended from an ancient family of landowning gentry, Rees-Mogg knew that globalism had always been the creed of the titled classes, whose only true loyalty is toward their families. …
Rees-Mogg set forth his globalist beliefs in a series of books co-written with U.S. investment writer James Dale Davidson
In 'The Sovereign Individual' the authors prophesied that “Western nations” would soon “crack apart in the manner of the former Soviet Union ..
"The authors predicted that, “Some of these new entities, like the Knights Templar and other religious and military orders of the Middle Ages, may control considerable wealth and military power without controlling any fixed territory.”..
"As in the days of “feudalism”wrote Rees-Mogg &Davidson, “low-income persons in Western countries”would survive by attaching themselves to “wealthy households as retainers”
In other words,the lower classes would return to serfdom."
👆"This was all for the best, the authors wrote, as it would allow the “ablest people” — i.e. the “top five percent” — to live where they liked and do as they liked, free from loyalties or obligations to any particular nation or government."
"As the Soviet Union collapsed, Rees-Mogg and others of his class began openly celebrating the end of the nation-state and the rise of a new feudalism.
Restoring the feudal order is, in fact, the true and hidden goal of globalism
About that "Anglo-Saxon Plot"..
"..suspicions arose when J.P. Morgan & Co. and its offshoot Morgan Stanley were found to be complicit in breaking the pound..
"While nominally American, these banks had strong historical ties to Britain
J.P. Morgan’s core business had always been acting as a front for British investors in America. U.S. RAILROADS and other industries were largely built on British capital..
"Junius S. Morgan—J.P.’s father—started the family business in 1854, moving into the London offices of Peabody, Morgan & Co. and remaining in England for the next 23 years..
"In the run-up to Black Wednesday, J.P. Morgan & Co. aggressively shorted the British pound
Meanwhile, its sister bank Morgan Stanley provided massive loans to Soros, enabling him to do the same
Allegations of an “Anglo-Saxon plot” do not seem farfetched, in view of these facts.
"It seems likely that Soros and other foreign speculators merely provided cover for what was, in effect, a British economic warfare operation against its own central bank
Young Soros was recruited through the London School of Economics (LSE). ..
"In an earlier article “How the British Sold Globalism to America,” I explained how Britain uses “soft power” (seduction and cooptation) to build influence networks in other countries...
"Soros named his network of Open Society Foundations in honor of his LSE professor Karl Popper, whose theory of “open society” guides Soros’s activism to this day.
Popper’s 1945 masterwork, The Open Society and Its Enemies, is a philosophical defense of imperialism..
"The Fabian socialists who founded LSE believed that British expansion was the greatest civilizing force in an otherwise barbarous world..
In his book, Popper expressly defended imperial conquest as a first step in wiping out tribal and national identities, to clear the way for a “Universal Empire of Man.”..
" Popper warned that humanity can only go forward, not backward. He likened the “open society” to eating from the Tree of Knowledge. Once you have tasted the forbidden fruit, the gates of Paradise are closed..
"Popper’s ideas were not original. He was merely espousing the doctrine of liberal imperialism to which the London School of Economics was dedicated.
LSE was founded in 1895 by 4 members of the Fabian Society, including Sidney & Beatrice Webb, George Bernard Shaw & Graham Wallas
"..Webb held that the world should be divided into “administrative units” based solely on geography, “whatever the mixture of race,” as exemplified by “that great commonwealth of peoples called the British Empire” ..
"George Orwell is not known to have been a Fabian, but he shared the Fabian dream of a socialist British Empire.
In his 1941 book The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, Orwell predicted that a “specifically English Socialist movement” would arise,
which would retain many “anachronisms” from the past
These “anachronisms” would calm and reassure the English soul, even as British society was being turned inside out...
"One such “anachronism” would be the Monarchy, which Orwell thought worth preserving. Another was the Empire, which would be rebranded as “a federation of Socialist states…”
"..Rees-Mogg and his associates knew that, if enough small investors could be lured into believing the Soros legend, if enough could be manipulated into imitating Soros’s moves, buying and selling as he advised, then Soros would command the SWARM ..
"In 1995, Soros told The New Yorker, “I don’t think that you can ever overcome anti-Semitism if you behave as a tribe. … The only way you can overcome it is if you give up the tribalness.”..
This was neither the first nor the last time Soros raised eyebrows by condemning Jewish tribalism as a contributing factor to anti-Semitism. When Soros made a similar comment in 2003, he got a scolding from Elan Steinberg of the World Jewish Congress, who retorted,
“Anti-Semitism is not caused by Jews; it’s caused by anti-Semites.”
In fairness, Soros was only repeating what he had learned at the London School of Economics...
"Not everyone bought into the Soros myth.
Leon Richardson, an Australian financial columnist, accused Rees-Mogg of trying to build Soros into a Pied Piper, to lead investors astray..
"Many in the financial press murmured about the unusual degree of coordination between The Times, Soros, Goldsmith, and Rothschild ..
"Those who were watching Soros after Black Wednesday didn’t need to wait long for his next investment tip.
“Soros has turned his attention to gold,” Rees-Mogg announced on April 26, 1993.
Newmont Mining was the largest gold producer in North America. ..
Soros had just bought 10 million shares from Sir James Goldsmith and Lord Jacob Rothschild
..Some commentators noted that, while Soros was buying Newmont shares, Goldsmith and Rothschild were dumping them — hardly a clear buy signal...
"Despite all the hype, the gold bubble burst in September, sending gold prices through the floor.
Many lost their shirts.
But Goldsmith and Rothschild made a killing, selling at the peak...
"The gold scam revealed that Rees-Mogg, Soros, Goldsmith and Rothschild were bound by an intricate web of business relationships.
Goldsmith, for instance, was a director of Rothschild’s St. James Place Capital
Another St. James Place director, Nils Taube, served simultaneously as a director of Soros’s Quantum Fund
"Meanwhile, Times reporter Ivan Fallon — who helped break the story of Soros’s gold buy in the Sunday Times, ..— just happened to be Goldsmith’s biographer, author of Billionaire: The Life and Times of Sir James Goldsmith.51
It was all very cozy.
[Ivan Fallon was also co-writer on James Sherwood's memoir "Orient-Express" archive.is/CkCln
"Somewhat unusually, Soros did not rush to claim credit for the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine, but one of his colleagues, Michael McFaul, did it for him
“Did Americans meddle in the internal affairs of Ukraine? Yes,” wrote McFaul in The Washington Post of in 2004
" It is difficult to understand why McFaul would deliberately endanger Soros and a whole slew of American operatives by publicly implicating them in election meddling, unless perhaps he was trying to deflect attention from some other participants who were not American...
"One such non-American participant was the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), a UK “pro-democracy” group funded by the British Foreign Office. WFD played a crucial role in the Orange Revolution .. iri.org/news/iris-prel…
"Did McFaul put his fellow Americans at risk to provide cover for the British?
As a Rhodes Scholar and Oxford graduate, McFaul is ..exactly the sort of person whom the British Foreign Office routinely calls upon to assist in promoting “British foreign policy goals.”
"One of the so-called “American agents of influence” whom McFaul exposed in The Washington Post was Freedom House.
As revealed in my previous article, “How the British Invented Color Revolutions,” Freedom House was founded in 1941 as a British intelligence front,
whose purpose was to push for U.S. entry into World War II, and to help Britain carry out covert operations against U.S. peace activists
"In 2019, Chemonics established an office in London, United Kingdom, to increase its aid work with the UK's Department for International Development and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office"
"The Church Commissioners for England has announced the members of the Oversight Group that will advise the Board on how it establishes the new impact investment fund and grant funding programme that is being set up"..
"The Right Reverend Dr Rosemarie Mallett, Bishop of Croydon, will chair the oversight group, and Geetha Tharmaratnam, Chief Impact Investment Officer of the WHO Foundation, will be Vice-Chair" churchofengland.org/media/press-re…
Not quite on his own tho:
"Along with Youssef Nader and Julian Schillinger, Farritor successfully deciphered the four passages of text, each with 140-plus characters, from the Herculaneum scrolls"
"AI unlocks ancient text owned by Caesar's family"
Last year a breakthrough came when Dr Brent Seales and his team at the University of Kentucky used high resolution CT scans to unroll the texts, butbbc.com/news/science-e…
the black carbon ink used on the scripts was indecipherable from the papyrus itself.
Dr Seales worked with tech investors to launch the Vesuvius Challenge, a $1m (£790,000) prize for anyone that could come up with a solution."..
"Bianca's father is Elia 'Leo' Censori, 69, who served a lengthy prison term following a conviction for possession of a prohibited import of heroin and a loaded pistol."