In 2022 we saw @bathnes deliver Liveable Neighbourhoods trials, Shared Bus Borders, Bus Stop Bypasses, Light Protected Cycle Lanes, Floated Car Parking to protect cycle lanes, Bike Hangars, 20mph speed limits, Continuous Footways, and a new Walking/Cycling Bridge! Amazing! 1/n
However thanks to @WestofEnglandCA@votedannorris £540m Sustainable Transport Settlement @BATHNESHighways is going to be very busy delivering Scholar's Way, Kelston Rd Walcot St East West Link, and even giving Somer Valley some love! 3/n
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are an attempt to reverse the 1990s decision to leverage residential roads to take pressure off main through routes by keeping them permeable in response to a lack of national policy to cap car ownership and under-investing public transport. 1/n
If we do nothing, traffic levels will continue to increase and grid lock is inevitable anyway. A two way cycle track is the equivalent of adding 5 lanes of vehicle people movement capacity. LTNs play a key role in increasing the people movement capacity of your network 2/n
The sad thing is that no one opposing LTNs or main road cycle tracks is offering up any other solutions. The fundamental problem is too many cars on our roads driving too many miles. Switching to electric doesn't solve that. In fact it makes it worse. 3/n