"In September 2019, members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine appointed Gerashchenko deputy head of Ukrainian secret police..
" In this position he became the right hand of gestapo boss Arsen Avakov and coordinated the legislative support of the department's work, cooperation with the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs,..
"During the lead-up preparations of the Zelensky regimes planned assault on Donbas, on July 13, 2021 Avakov resigned "at the request of President Volodymyr Zelensky " took his looted millions and fled the country. ..
The new leader of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Denis Monastyrsky, acted as an expert on the reform of the judicial and law enforcement systems recommended by a think tank, Ukrainian Institute for the Future, of which Gerashchenko was a co-founder 🤔
Anton Gerashchenko is the author and curator of the Myrotvorets kill list website, euphemistically known as the "Peacemaker hit list", which doxes supposed "enemies of the Ukraine" and targets them for assassination and reprisals
Arsen Avakov was one of the organizers of the pre-Maidan 'Euro 2012' event, authorized the formation of a paramilitary force of 12,000 men around the neo-Nazi hooligans of the "Sect 82" to defend the "revolution"...
After becoming Interior Minister, on May 5, 2014, the Azov Battalion or "Eastern Corps" formed out of Sect 82 and was officially incorporated into the Ukrainian armed services..
"In March 2015, Anton Avakov negotiated with the U.S. Pentagon for military training to be given by U.S. Special Forces to the Azov Regiment as part of Operation Fearless Guardian
"Reps. John Conyers, Jr. and Ted Yoho denounced the idea..They convinced members of Congress that the US could not train neo-Nazis without risking the consequences.
Alternatively then, some Azov units received NATO training in Canada 🤔
"Until March 2012, when it was converted into a business airport, Aurel Vlaicu International was the second airport in Romania in terms of air traffic, and Bucharest's low-cost airline hub."…
"A Haunting Coda: The 7 Days Gene Hackman’s Wife Could No Longer Care for Him"
"On Feb. 11, perhaps hours before she died, Ms. Arakawa emailed her massage therapist in the morning and then went to a grocery store in the afternoon. She was also captured on surveillance video making a brief stop at a pharmacy."..
"Ms. Arakawa stopped by a local pet food store later that afternoon and then returned to her neighborhood around 5:15 p.m., the sheriff said. She did not respond to any emails after that day."..
'Symptoms start one to eight weeks after exposure, and initially can include fatigue, fever and muscle aches, .. As the disease progresses, symptoms can include coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest as the lungs fill with fluid.'..…
In early 2011, about a decade after the Digital Entertainment Network imploded, Pierce visited the Virgin Islands to attend “Mindshift,” a conference of top scientists hosted by Epstein.
BBC : "As dawn approached on the morning of 7 October 2023, many of the partygoers at the Nova music festival near Gaza's border took illegal recreational drugs like MDMA or LSD.
Hundreds of them were high when, shortly after sunrise, Hamas gunmen attacked the site."
"Now neuroscientists working with survivors from the festival say there are early signs that MDMA - also known as ecstasy or molly - may have provided some psychological protection against trauma."…
John Brockman's brother ' Philip Brockman was fortunate to arrive at the renamed Langley Research Center in 1959 as part of the first group of newly recruited NASA employees hired to lead the effort to meet the challenge of the 1957 launch of Sputnik' ...
"His interest was in the magnetoplasmadynamics (MPD) thruster, considered up until that time to be in the realm of science fiction. The MPD played a major role in reshaping the focus of NASA’s space program, ..."🎶…