Pelvic floor exercises aren't those called Kegel exercises?!?
Yes, can prevent or control urinary incontinence.
Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, hold the contraction for three seconds, and then relax for three seconds. Try it a few times in a row…
•Fit in a set of Kegel exercises every time you do a routine task, such as brushing your teeth.
•Do another set after you urinate, to get rid of the last few drops of urine 💧
"The all-important book of Jewish Law, the Talmud"
"Oddly, to say the least, Jewish Law does not explicitly ban sex with boys under the age of nine" ~ Haaretz Judaism & Homosexuality
You reverse a demon name to strenghten the curse/spell. Yes that is real.
Demonic names written backwards to make them more effective.
Reverse the natural order.
Pritzker Zohar V. 8 P. 296
Article on jewish magic discussing reversals…