A long thread showing that the fraudulently named "Rage Against the War Machine" is actually pro-war, pro-Russia, and anti-Ukraine, using videos and screenshots of the rally's speakers and related info.
Like and share to expose their heinous agenda.
Nick Brana is one of the 2 main organizers of the rally. He has a tendancy to glorify Putin and parrot anti-Ukraine propaganda.
Jackson Hinkle is the most egregious shill for Russia you can imagine. His Twitter timeline and video streams are concentrated glorification of Putin and horrendous lies demonizing Ukraine.
Garland Nixon is a rally speaker who has repeatedly been kicked off Twitter for lying about Russia's war atrocities and lying about Ukraine. I guess Elon let him back on.
Whoever this rally speaker is seems to want you to believe Putin had no choice but to order the invasion of Ukraine. The anti-war position would be: how about Putin not invade.
Hinkle had a debate about his absurd definition of anti-war. The official account for the rally was listening, so they can't feign ignorance about what sort of people are speaking at their rally.
Correction: Codepink was never a sponsor of the rally. The rally kept putting Codepink logos on various places on their website without their consent even though they told them they would not be part of the rally. Medea was speaking but dropped out.