[PC-1] Senior at AHS. Urges the Board to support diversity in libraries. Appalled at attempts to censor books in the library. “We the students would like the freedom to choose what we read.”
[PC-2] Wants to speak to parents, says it's our job to instill values. Says board refuses to listen to parents. Only wants pornographic books banned. Says parents must be involved. Got muted... still going for a while but I can't hear him.
[PC-3] Asks if Board saw article in Chronicle where Humble ISD middle schools ranked 2nd worst in Houston area. Says instead of discussing this, Board celebrated themselves in January. Says same thing about AHS crime issues. Says parents have found porn in schools… then muted…
[Note: I'm not keeping time myself, but it appears the posted agenda is not being followed again re: 3 minute speaking time.]
[PC-4] This speaker was generous enough to send her speaking notes to me ahead of time.
It’s time for comments from Trustees.
Holmes: Compliments Education Foundation and the work done by Community Engagement. Kudos to CTE Dept as well.
Morrison: I care about kids. Thanks the students who spoke today. Thanks the community for their input.
Scarfo: He, Morrison & Kirchhoffer were at OE & BBE reading to students. Thanks public commenters from tonight. Again mentions that speakers shouldn’t be limited to 1 minute. “I really do not like this idea of people having only 1 minute to speak. We’re not limited to 1 minute.”
Dixon: It was evident tonight that the students are why we do the things we do. Pointed out all the great things students are doing throughout the district.
Sitton pointed out this Agenda item that’s part of the Consent Agenda items tonight.
There isn't a ton of land out there, so I'm guessing it's this area?
Announced there was an Intruder Detection Audit conducted by the Texas School Safety Center and there were zero findings.
Part of annual report is going over how they decide what classrooms are double-staffed. The deck was about as blurry as possible, but hoping I can grab it. But there were several factors: homelessness, 504, economically disadvantaged, etc.
Humble ISD encourages participation by paying for it and offering it during school days.
With the same performance on the new TEA ratings, this is where Humble ISD will be:
The Board, Fagen, and the speaker have been going on for a while on the inconsistency of these TEA ratings.
“We’re not going to cash in the trust we have with our families to win the game. We’d rather be honest, straightforward partners in learning.” -Dr. Fagen
I have no reason to think this isn’t just a jacket over Scarfo’s shoulders, but I prefer to assume he’s wearing a cape.
121 minutes later, the meeting is adjourned. #SendTacos
Agenda item 7C is an updated Board Policy. The draft is included in the agenda. Specifically, it removes the President from the rotation to a straight election by the Board; however, it does still state that no officer shall serve in the same office for two consecutive terms.
(1) Refers to policy around officer rotation and policy about officer serving 2 terms in a row. Questions reasoning around re-electing Dixon. “Do you support board policy or just the ones that benefit you?” Interrupted right at 1 minute.
4C: Motion to accept the resignation of Lori Twomey, Trustee Position 6, effective October 20, 2021.
4D: Discussion and possible action regarding selecting the method for filling the vacancy at Board of Trustees Position 6.
5M: Motion to extend pay increases for certain seasonal/temporary and regular non-exempt hourly auxiliary employees previously approved at the September 14, 2021 Board Meeting through December 31, 2021.