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Feb 23 8 tweets 3 min read
In 2018, "Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma when jumping from aircraft: randomized controlled trial" was published in the British Medical Journal.

It sought to determine if wearing a parachute when jumping from a plane had any impact on survivability.

It did not. Image
The study was tongue in cheek to prove a point.

What is easy to miss is that the "tested population" were descending approximately 0.6 m (2 ft) from a plane traveling at 0 m/s.

Wearing a parachute turned out not to prevent any death or injury in either group. Image
The point being made is that randomized control trials have limitations: equipoise, for one, where
all groups need to have equal opportunity for good outcomes.

In this study, that means jumping 0.6 m from an immobile plane. Image
In a "real clinical trial", that could mean only enrolling patients with very mild disease, no comorbidities or very young populations.

That's not the reality of clinical practice. It's dangerous to extrapolate from these "safe" trials to real-world outcomes. Image
There's an unstated lesson that we can apply to current studies on non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent respiratory disease (masks, especially): sometimes "plausibility" take precedence over provability, especially when only limited trials are even possible. Image
N95 & KN95 have repeatedly been demonstrated to work in lab experiments, physical demos & the lived experience of BSL-3 workers.

That randomized clinical trials of mask *mandates* don't always detect benefit for a given population & given virus should be taken w a grain of salt.
Do masks work to interrupt the transmission of most respiratory viruses? I'm as confident in that fact as I am that parachutes reduce injury and death when skydiving, regardless of what the headlines say. Image
The 2018 study is here. My thanks to the authors for such a clear demonstration of an important principle of clinical research.

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Feb 23
If you had visited Texas 2 million years ago, you might have encountered Titanis walleri, the Phorusrhacid or "terror bird".

These 7 ft tall, 330 lb flightless predators could run up to 30 mph, had long talons and an axe-like beak they used to beat prey to death. A savannah or prairie scene with a large ostrich-like bird w
They hunted smaller mammals primarily, but were capable of killing even larger prey with their beaks.

The Turkey's Revenge!
Titanis walleri fossils have been found in Florida and Texas, but we don't know enough of their behavior from limited sampling. Based on bone groupings, we think they hunted in packs.

Here two Titanis attack a glyptodont, an armored mammals related to modern armadillos.
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Feb 22
Let's talk about what 'oakum' is & how it shaped society & medicine.

Oakum is from Middle English "okome", which means "off-combing". It's made by unraveling pine-tar coated nautical rope made of hemp or flax fibers.

The work was often done in jails, workhouses, sanitariums.
Oakum was the space-filler and sealant of its time, used in sealing cracks in everything from ships to log cabins to cast iron pipes.

Combined with hot tar, molten lead, or pitch, it absorbed liquids & the space-filling fibers swelled.
Making it was painful, repetitive, but pain-staking work. The raw material was cheap, the finished product sold for good profit. The work could be done by the infirm or elderly.

Bleeding fingers marked the oakum "picker".
Read 6 tweets
Feb 22
Climbing a tree to escape a bear is a plan with one really fatal flaw:
Bears ascend trees with incredible speed, owing to a number of adaptations to their musculoskeletal system that make them exceptional climbers.
Long curved claws (more curved in black bears, less so in grizzlies) & extremely powerful limb musculature allow for grip & lift climbing.

Unlike cats, with more curved claws & weak front limbs make them good at going up, but bad at going down, bears shimmy both up & down fast.
Black bears have been observed to use limb bundles to go out on branches we would judge too weak to support our weight.

Here the size & strength of the animal work to its advantage.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 2
Monozygotic ("identical") twins are NOT genetically identical, a fact that has both challenged historical twin studies on heritability of traits and also represents an opportunity for better insights.

So why aren't identical twins genetically identical?
Let's start with basics: one egg, one sperm, but at some point, the embryo splits or 'twins', and some of the embryonic cells go to each new cell mass.

Those divisions occur in cells that already differ.

Wild but true fact: Identical twins can be different genetic sexes!
Take this case where the twinning event occurred in an embryonic cluster that had a karyotype of 47,XXY (2 X, 1 Y per genome) where the X chrom was lost in one twin, and the Y chrom in the other.

Producing monozygotic 46;XX and 46;XY offspring.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 2
Not sure I can capture it in a thread, but I'm deep down the rabbit hole on the treatment of North African Jews during Nazi & Vichy administrations.

The kicker is that the US put the Vichy leaders back in power after Operation Torch drove out Axis forces in Morocco & Algeria.
Vichy leaders like François Darlan agreed to cease-fire with Allies in exchange for remaining in power. For a period of 10 months, the "statut des Juifs" disenfranchised Jewish people of Morocco & Algiers, kept open forced labor camps where slaves toiled in inhuman conditions.
An important insight into FDR was his correspondence around this issue:
1. He argued Jews didn't need voting rights because no elections were imminent.
2. He was sensitive to German beliefs that certain professions had been dominated by Jewish people; finance & education.
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Nov 20, 2022
If you're ever frustrated with an experiment, consider the example of the Queensland Pitch Drop Experiment begun in 1927, the longest running experiment... and I want to really make this land for you... STILL HAS NOT technically yielded a single direct observation as of 2022. Image
The experiment was started by Professor of Physics, Univ of Queensland, Thomas Parnell, as a demonstration that pitch remains a liquid at room temperature.

He heated the pitch, loaded it into a funnel, let it settle over 3 years, then cut the base of the funnel to let it flow. Image
There wasn't temperature control at first, and drops were falling at a rate of about 1 per 8 years. Sometime after 7th drop fell in 1988, temperature control was added, and the period of drops extended to 12-13 years.

But the researchers involved kept missing droplets falling. Image
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