Dr. Reiner Fuellmich–Dr. David Martin Interview–“Fauci Created SARS in Lab”–No Novel CV–US Patents 1999–2002
US Patents Applied for as early as 1999 & Canine S Spike Gene Patent Granted in 2002
Video posted in July 2021.
WATCH: Dr. Alim:“When they tested the mRNA 'vaccine' technology they first tested in humanized mice & after 2 MONTHS 100% of the mice had died.
If you translate mice lifespan into human lifespan terms-2 mos. of mouse's life is 2 yrs. of a human’s life” rumble.com/vklm44-dr-abdu…
Cancers to SKYROCKET.
Fauci owns patent on Sars-Cov2 insert gene sequence in the Spike Protein (virus & vaccine).
Patents must be man-made.
This sequence was ADDED via G.O.F. to SARS-CoV1 via CrispR technology to make it more infectious & deadly to humans. noqreport.com/2022/03/15/bom…
The only ones who have been consistent in their stories during the last 3 years are the "conspiracy theorists".
Many of us listened to the experts who had SEEN patents, grants & research which supported the narratives at the BOTTOM.
We have not complied & we WILL not comply.
Are you new to the truth? Search interviews on RUMBLE w/ "conspiracy theorists" I list here. DON'T use Google, DON'T use Wikipedia, DON'T use YouTube as these are all captured entities & aren't even caught up with the UPDATED half-truth/lies the gov't has admitted to recently.
When the NIH, NIAID, CDC or others say "We're only finding out NOW that Covid-19 natural immunity is robust & long-lasting" they're LYING to your FACE.
This study was PUBLISHED in January 2021.
It was FUNDED by NIH, NIAID & Gates Foundation.
The study was concluded in October 2020 & accepted for publication in December 2020.
So, not only did the NIH, NIAID & Gates Foundation conduct the study but the findings were highlighted & summarized in the "NIH Research Matters" news break section of the NIH's website.
I seem to recall all these same people who FUNDED this study coming out later and saying they had no idea how long natural immunity lasted - don't you? Fauci? Bill Gates? NIAID? NIH?
Their own Dec 2020 study said it was AT LEAST 8 months.
FOIA Documents Reveal the COVID Pandemic Was a DoD Operation Dating Back to Obama
"The Pentagon controlled the COVID-19 program from the very beginning and everything we were told was political theater to cover it up right down to the FDA vaccine approval"
This was never a vaccine.
It was a Department of Defense-ordered Military Countermeasure Prototype Biowarfare Agent & not subject to "informed consent" under the PREP Act, according to Sasha Latypova, who reviewed the DoD contracts & documents obtained through FOIA requests.
My link to all my screenshots (w/ English Subtitles): bit.ly/jbukraine1
This is my created document where I screen-shotted EVERY SINGLE FREAKING SUBTITLED WORD. It's about 220 pages long of screenshots, but lets you READ what they said instead of listening to it for over an hour while reading the English Subtitles if you want.
I really felt sure it was OVER for Biden's political career when this came out, I saw it as something he could NOT escape from since it was ALL RIGHT THERE and OBVIOUS.
When it was NOT investigated, when it was CENSORED and QUASHED I realized the scheme must implicate MANY....
As of Feb 10 2023, 229.91M Americans had the C19 primary vax series & 34,385 deaths were reported in VAERS.
Harvard studies conclude only 13-30% of adverse events make it onto VAERS, suggesting that for every 10K people vaxed w/primary series, 5-11 died after a C19 vax dose.
You'd think if Covid had ACTUALLY been as deadly as we were told, we would have seen LOTS of reports of celebrities & athletes dying from COVID.
We DO see LOTS of reports of celebrities & athletes having heart attacks and suddenly dying of "unknown causes" though.
From where I sit, the Covid-19 vaccines appear far more deadly than the virus ever REALLY was. Especially since recent reports that they "overestimated" the C-19 cases & the Covid-19 deaths.
The world was sold a bill of goods, and those who got the vaccine are paying for it.🙏💔