Waters: Your own lawyer was repeating your story on national TV as late as November 2022 that you were home napping, not down at the kennels, on 6/7/21.
Griffin objects, says this violates attorney-client privilege. HBO TL⬇️
This timeline shows all actions and is backed up with witness testimony. You should definitely be referring to this as you are watching #AlexMurdaughTrail.
It’s a damn shame that #AlexMurdaugh is calling the people that took care of his family as their own liars. He’s called everyone that has given critical testimony close to him liars.
The caretaker didn’t lie & he told SLED same thing.
#AlexMurdaugh can’t remember did he check the bodies before 911 or after he called 911 and now he’s saying he must have done it after he called 911 since it took 20 seconds for him to call 911 after arriving at kennels.
Griffin says Waters violated AM’s due process rights by highlighting the defendant’s failure to come forward with exculpatory information after his arrest. Waters says this is a non-issue. He says AM waived that right when he spoke about the case. Newman agrees.
Waters does a good job here showing how it would have been impossible for random people from social media to have killed Maggie and Paul as #AlexMurdaugh proposes happened.
Waters closes out with alleging that Murdaugh has concocted this new story to fit the facts that have already been presented in this case, which shattered his original alibi.
In 2003 @VanityFair hid the truth aboub Jeffery Epstein. They had the stories from the young sisters that had been assaulted by him.
Epstein threatened the reporter and her unborn children. Then suddenly the editor changed the story taking out the girls, the magazine paid off.
Epstein lived only a mile for Mar-A-Largo, conveniently right next to @realDonaldTrump.
“ I’ve know Jeffery for 15 years, Terrific guy,” He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Source for this thread from the docuseries below⤵️