When we look at mass school shootings, where at least 5 people were harmed or killed, we find only a third were committed by White people since the turn of the century
Blacks accounted for 31.4%, despite only being 13% of the population
When it comes to mass public shootings since 1982, Whites account for 53% according to Statista, which still shows an underrepresentation for population size (Since 1980, Whites have fallen from 80% to 60% of the U.S. population)
Research from Radford University showed Blacks are disproportionately represented as serial killers in every decade since 1900 & since the turn of the century, they have been the majority of serial killers despite only making up 12–13% of the population
When the Jussie Smollett hate hoax originally broke, the media, politicians, and celebrities were quick to announce the United States as a White supremacist nation where it’s dangerous for Black men to walk the street
90% of media coverage in the U.S. focuses on White-on-Black violence, yet according to the National Crime Victimization Survey 2021, Black people are 35 times more likely to attack a White person than the other way around.
We also see organisations like BLM propagate the idea that Black men are disproportionately killed at the hands of White police officers, yet in between 2017–2022, 74% of all known individuals fatally shot by the police were not Black
When it comes to unarmed criminals, 6.83% of Whites are killed compared to 7.28% of Blacks, this is an insignificant difference, especially when we consider that Blacks are 2.88x more likely to be involved in violent crime
Generational trauma and Jim Crow laws cannot be used to justify these numbers
Nor can poverty as Pakistani & Bangladeshi households are below Black households regarding weekly income yet they have far lower rates of violent crime
In NYC, Latino (23%) & Asians (23%) have higher rates of poverty than Blacks (19%), yet the Black murder arrest rate was nearly 9 times higher than Asians
Research has shown that the sons of Black families from the top 1 percent had around the same chance of being incarcerated as the sons of a White family earning $36,000 per year
Many would argue this is evidence that the judiciary system is racist, yet bias often operates in the other direction. The epiphenomenon of White flight is Bronx juries, where Black criminals are acquitted for cut-&-dried cases because the jury is diverse
3/ Migrants from Muslim (and Black) nations have the highest rates of social housing, the lowest rates of employment, and generally occupy the lower end of tax contributions
1/ Anyone who claims the British 'looted' $45 trillion immediately demonstrates that they haven't even bothered to look into how the figure was calculated.
The $45tn figure was derived using a 5% compound annual interest rate up until 2016
2/ The figure comes from Marxian economist Utsa Patnaik in her 2017 essay “Revisiting the Drain"
It does not represent any actual nominal transfer from India to the UK but rather adopts a series of strange methods to arrive at such a ludicrous number
3/ The $45tn is the result of a compounded interest rate of 5%, projected to 2016.
In a later article, Mrs. Patnaik recalculated it to 2020. In this four year period, Britain had stolen an extra $19tn, bringing the figure up to $64.82 trillion!
@eyeslasho 2/ Migrants from Muslim (and Black) nations have the highest rates of social housing, the lowest rates of employment, and generally occupy the lower end of tax contributions