1) If you all remember the NIH emails made available via FOIA, you’d recall Dutch Virologist, Ron Fouchier, said that lab-origin was a possibility, but said we shouldn’t talk about it because it would “do unnecessary harm to science”.
2) 2/2/2020; Francis Collins, Director of NIH, said that we should not discuss the possibility of lab-leak origin, because “voices of conspiracy will quickly dominate, doing great potential harm to science”.
The @NIH wittingly hid SARS-CoV-2’s lab origins to protect “science”.
3) Despite the best efforts of Collins and Fauci to keep the lid on the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2, the public weren’t buying it.
The theory of Wuhan Lab origin began to spread.
4/16/2020, Collins asked if the NIH could “put down this destructive conspiracy”.
ie, the truth…
4) In which Fauci responded with
“I would not do anything about this right now. It’s a shiny object that will go away with time.”
Meaning Fauci thinks the masses are stupid and will quickly forget about the fact that a human-engineered pathogen just killed millions worldwide.
5) So the world’s top virologists and biologists told US gov health officials that SARS-CoV-2 likely came from a lab, but they decided to cover it up, to “protect science”.
1) Those who pay attention to the UN grasp what’s going on.
Russia and China have been accusing the US of creating bioweapons at the UN for the last year. The US simply cry “DISINFORMATION”.
After a 3 year cover up, NOW they admit C19 came from a lab, and they blame China.
2) From a pure logic standpoint; why the hell should ANYONE trust the US government or media after the last 3 years?
How many repeated instances of dishonesty and deceit do we have to witness before we stop listening to them?
What credibility does the US/West stand on?
3) I’m not saying Russia and China are saints, but they have been a hell of a lot more right about Covid than the US.
And while Russia and China have been advocating for investigations of US global biological capabilities and activity, the US have been throwing a temper tantrum.
1) The Western MSM got their talking points. “We need transparency from China”.
So we have been under biological attack from China for 3 years, and the US government response was to frantically censor those who were telling the truth, and send all your money to Ukraine?
2) So China released a biological weapon, and the first thing US government health agencies do is unscientifically conclude it was a natural spillover event, to “protect science in China”, despite the furin cleavage site and the clear indications of human-engineering?
3) So even if China are responsible, the leading cadre of the US Health agencies are colossal failures and their unscientific behavior of omitting facts resulted in millions of deaths worldwide.
No matter how you slice it, the US government failed, and there must be a reckoning.
2) If SARS-CoV-2 was made with intent by Chinese Military, that would mean that China unleashed a bioweapon on the world, we are in the middle of WW3, our government is doing absolutely nothing about it, and failed in every way to stop the spread of the Chinese bioweapon.
3) Now, all that would be plausible, if it weren’t for the fact that China and Russia have been the ones calling for transparency and investigations into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 at the UN, and it is the US who refuse to investigate.
2) Kirby just bold-faced LIED to the American People.
He said that this “research” is necessary to “prevent pandemics”.
My brother in Christ, Gain of Function research CREATED the pandemic… the research, SARS-CoV-2, IS the pandemic!
And the vaccines, they DIDNT FUCKING WORK…
3) The entire justification for Gain of Function/Directed Evolution research, is the idea that we must preemptively create cures (vaccines) for these viruses if they were to mutate naturally.
But the “vaccines” they created didn’t prevent transmission, didn’t stop the pandemic.
2) This is the death knell for the Globalists. Why?
Because the broader public are now emboldened to ask more questions:
-Who made it?
-Who “leaked” it?
-Why did the MSM/Tech lie?
-Why did the US government censor anyone who suggested this over the last 3 years?
3) The Biden admin are already trying to get in front of it.
NSA Jake Sullivan on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 today:
-“President Biden has directed, repeatedly, every element of our intelligence community to put effort and resources behind getting to the bottom of this question.”